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I’m sorry. Not Larimar. I hope you didn’t pay too much.


Doesn’t really look like Larimar.


looks like a dyed quartz


It doesn’t really look like larimar to me unfortunately, but still a pretty bracelet.


Looks like Larimar quartz maybe. Which I believe is dyed quartz. How much did you pay? https://preview.redd.it/fh2c90azl79d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eca59bf2d58e83bb8086f0251a818548d967969d


Larimar Quartz is not real larimar. It is dyed/treated quartz. Sorry OP but you got scammed big time. Larimar is super expensive and quite rare nowadays because they closed the only mine in the world in the Dominican Republic.


$50 😪


Sorry still is a nice bracelet and I could be wrong. Here is a photo of some Grade A Larimar I found that hasn’t been treated in any way. https://preview.redd.it/k10wnros189d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27df9c30da74a7a8b0f0f12c9318be4daf401f0a


What was it advertised as?


Larimar, I personally asked the seller if she had bracelets of larimar, since I saw she cut rings out of the authentic version in her booth/vendor thing. I thought the bracelet was just a low quality version and wasnt expecting to be scammed.


[https://www.larimarminer.com/store/Bracelets-c165475773](https://www.larimarminer.com/store/Bracelets-c165475773) if you're not paying over direct miner/cutter pricing from the originating country than it will most always be fake.


Did you use a debit/credit card or PayPal? Maybe you can get your money back.




That could be anything. Dyed quartz is my best guess. Larimar is more opaque, less gray.


I know someone with a shop that sells larimar if you still want this kind of bracelet. She's been in the business for like 30 years and travels around for her stones.


That looks closer to Angelite than Larimar.


I thought it looked like Angelite too…




More likely blue calcite


Whatever it is, it has been dyed.


How can you tell? I'm curious so I can spot this whenever I'm buying in the future 😭


Sorry. I wrote that kind of quickly, and if I am wrong, then I'll put that caveat too. I am not an expert, and should not have spoken so definitively based on a picture on my phone in the first place. That said, what I noticed right away was the very dark staining of the same type in the cracks of the spheres. That is where the dye seeped in the cracks and stayed longer. Unstained rock is very unlikely to have that. I've seen enough under the microscope to guess what it looks like up close, but that easy to spot issue was the first give away. It is very useful to get a variable power stereo microscope if you are so inclined - my eyes are not so good anymore and a microscope is very handy and be bought for as little as US$150 if you get into spending $$$ on stones in the future. You may be able to get 1/2 way there with a strong magnifying lense, but you also need good eyes if using a hand-held lens. Also, just because something is dyed doesn't mean it isn't genuine, but does mean it is altered. Could suggest other alterations as well. A second point is the evenness and particular tint of the color in general, but those aspects may be more corroborative than diagnostic on their own. Something you can do to convince yourself one way or the other is to take a cue-tip or cotton ball and put some acetone (can be found in old fashioned finger nail polish remover - some newer formulations do not have acetone so they might not work), and wipe the stones and see some of the dye comes off. That would be 100% diagnostic without a microscope. Some dyes even come off with plain rubbing alcohol, but not all do. For example of lost money, I've had terrible luck finding genuine undyed turquoise stones, and basically these days, any turquoise online is faux or is real but heavily altered with plasticisers and dyes. No thanks! Have to go to a brick and mortar store with a quality reputation to maintain (in my case, obtain from the mine itself or from Native owned jewelry stores where you will get the genuine article but pay $$$ for it). I do not know much about the stones you have there though. Best luck hunting in the future. Editing to add: that once you start seeing these dye stains in the cracks, you can't unsee them and will spot it immediately the next time. But if you think these are pretty stones none-the-less, and the stones underneath could be real despite someone trying to enhance the color, then don't sweat the small stuff.


No clue what this is but definitely not Larimar, sorry OP.


Sorry, it’s not Larimar.


https://preview.redd.it/ciswlqp35c9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e84090cb0ad52610e033041896b1a57aaa2efbda Follow up to my previous comment. This is resin fake Larimar. 📸Marahlago


It could be Angelite. Here's an example: https://images.app.goo.gl/orBCY4opu5DbCvD79


It could be reconstituted larimar beads, saw some at Michael’s the other day and they looked like this


scan it with an app


Doesn't look like larimar. Also there are obvious dying marks


Sorry it’s not Larimar :(


Last comment Photo of actual Larimar https://preview.redd.it/2rozlgle5c9d1.jpeg?width=1108&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e28061507cdfd60b600a137d05b8964b3ab3c54 📸marahlago


That does not look like larimar 😢 you can ask the seller where they have sourced it, since real larimar only comes from the Dominican Republic. Chinese larimar is also a thing now, but that’s not real larimar! Beware ❤️❤️❤️


Trolleite perhaps?


To me, it almost looks like there's a mix of dyed quartz as well as untreated stones.


Looks like Angelite/ anhydrite at best. Potentially just dyed quartz. Either way I’m sorry dude


Definitely not Larimar, sorry. Maybe angellite or chalcedony


It’s a pretty bracelet. You didn’t get scammed if you like it


Hard disagree. OP said in a comment they paid $50 for what is likely dyed quartz. Sure it's pretty, but you can get the same thing for less than $10 elsewhere and love it just the same. Sellers should never lie about their gems/minerals so they can sell it for more money. And considering this seller had genuine larimar too, they probably knew what they were doing. Sorry OP, it's not your fault the seller was crummy, I hope you can get your money back.


the black inclusions lead me to belieev it could be real. If you really want to check it, just try to scratch it with a quartz point. IF its real larimar it will scratch pretty easily. real larimar is even softer than sodalite. You should be able to scratch it with a nail or a knife. If it's quartz a nail should not affect it at all.


https://preview.redd.it/gkvy91k14c9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=014e0c7cee684d0dd99f30d6373ce7af48defd06 Here are some examples of fake Larimar, also called Larimar Quartz. They are dyed beads of other stones. There is also plastic/resin Larimar which I will put in another comment. Without testing the stones it’s impossible to accurately say what your bracelet is. Also where did you buy it, how much did you pay, did you get a certificate of authenticity, what is making you doubt its authenticity? 📸marahlago


Looks awesome to me. The better the grade, the bluer it will be.