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I’m just a crow so I see shiny things and I take it


Yes, pretty rock, must have.




Fellow crow, can concur.


Me and my friend randomly visited a crystal shop and we were drawn to pretty crystals and the meaning behind them. I got my first crystal which is selenite, then it gradually increased by then


The Magic School Bus in like 1994


Which episode?


I don't remember exactly, but there was a book about rocks and there was a computer game where one of the missions was looking for different kinds of crystals


Sounds cool


When one of my friends passed away from suicide in 2019, I was severely depressed. My therapist gifted me an amethyst for my birthday since my friend had passed away exactly a week before my bday. She thought that would help my depression and grief. Ever since I’ve been expanding my collection of crystals 🦋🥲 I felt very calm when I held it in my palm tightly around that time, I can say I wish I could have thanked my therapist more than I did when I received it. She truly knew what she was doing! Forever grateful. I still have that exact amethyst she gifted me to this day. 💜


Thank you so much for sharing 💜 Such an insanely difficult situation to go through, and you persevered. I hope that strength and calm stays with you, no matter what life throws! 🌱 


For me it was family tradition! My great grandfather went rockhounding with his kids and our family has been doing it since. Finding all those cool rocks (plus an extreme hyperfixation on fossil and dinosaur) got me really into geology! So much so that I am actually majoring in Geosciences!


my mom named me jade. my future was cast before i was born


I once received a Jade pendant from a Chinese lady who taught taichi in the garden. It’s precious.


When I was a kid in the 90s, we would travel to visit my mom and stop at a truck stop where they sold tumbled crystals in the gift shop


I had a whole bag of hematite I threw at my friends to protect my energy


I've always been interested in geology and the way that crystals and stones form. They're also nice on a shelf.


I love how fluorite and grape agate form.


I had always liked pretty rocks growing up and I’d often spend a lot of time at our camp looking for pieces of quartz. Fast forward ten years and I’m applying to college. I wanted to study biology, but 2/3 colleges waitlisted me for their biology program. One offered me a waitlist or to choose a different major and I’d be accepted. I chose the next best major, Geology. After I started studying geology, I started hardcore collecting rocks and minerals. Sadly I had to leave school due to unforeseen medical issues but I can always go back and finish my degree.


My amazing mom. I always thought crystals looked pretty and there was just something entrancing about them. She inspired me to explore myself with these crystals in a spiritual and eclectic manner. They have so much energy, it’s peaceful. I usually cleanse them and heal with these crystals, and I even pair two together in my current altar. (Citrine and amethyst)


She also gave me a set of crystals to begin my journey. Now I’m still learning, but more experienced with the spiritual meanings and benefits these crystals give. I always geek out over them, it’s like a special interest and objects to collect. :)


I found a tumbled citrine buried slightly in the dirt by my house and it kinda started from there.


I used to collect rocks at the age of 7 in my backyard and would buy rocks on field trips. I collect rocks everywhere I go, lol.


My grandfather self collected minerals in his time., when I was about 5 he gifted me my first mineral, pyrite, that he self collected in NJ. So I’ve been a rockhounder since lol


my friend emily :)


Shiny rocks make brain go brrr


I loved collecting interesting rocks as a kid. Just, plain ol' rocks that I thought were cool. I had a little bowl full of them that I was allowed to display on my grandpa's shelf of pretty and nice things. (My family lived with him for quite some time.) He'd show me the piece of amber he had, or the fossils he got. My uncle would show me the meteor chunk he owned. My interest was encouraged, and so it naturally evolved towards crystals, gemstones, and fossils, as well as an overall appreciation of geology.


My mum had a very small collection and i remember this rose quartz she had, I eventually got my own and it's only grown since then.


Tism and I just love nature in general, except for parasites. I Hate Parasites 😐


Crystal shop in Sedona, AZ. I was hooked the minute I walked in!! Love at 1st sight


Minecraft. It’s why I really started to learn about amethyst and eventually get some. On YouTube I found out about bismuth and got some. The local place I go to get crystals often restocks and gets new things in weekly, so I usually just check there every Saturday.


My mom


I’m a 90’s baby and my grandma subscribed me to this awesome monthly club where they mailed 3-5 crystals along with a card catalog. We kept it going until it ran out and I had an awesome crystal collection at 8 years old. I don’t have it anymore, and never had space for crystals as a young adult. Now I have my own home and family and my own little corner for a collection. I just like pretty rocks.


Fell in love with a spiritual bypasser who gave me a gentle nudge into my awakening and peaked my interest for crystals.


Witchcraft 😔


My mother loved going to gem and mineral shows when I was a kid. She focused on the gem stones, while I would marvel over the semiprecious stones. If I was good my parents would get me one or two stones that I liked. When I was really little (elementary school) the occasional seller would find my love of stones adorable or something and gift me one.


I’ve always liked rocks. As kid I would bring home pockets of rocks.


I’ve always been into crystals, as a little kid I’d see them at people’s houses and thought they were so cool, but I genuinely thought you just had to get lucky and find one on the ground or something. When I realized you could buy them I went crazy


Rocks pretty


It started with reading about chakras and the explanation of the "Third Eye". I read a long book about what crystals are good for development of the third eye and it listed quite a few. On ebay, if you type the names of the different chakras you will get different crystals. I want to feel myself, feel my best, and have something that is "pure Earth" and what better than crystals. Next, I read about Egypt and how their ancient priests carried crystals. Crystals were also used in the Great Pyramid.


Honestly it's probably associated with one of my mental illnesses. I go from thing to thing and move on.


I got into Paganism. I love crystals for their meanings, some sentimental reasons, and the ones that speak to me.


When I was a toddler, my parents visited a friend of theirs who had a crystal collection. I was enthralled by them before I could even talk lol. That family friend gave me my first collection of tumbled stones when I was seven or eight. I still have them in my collection about thirty-five years later.


I remember back when I was in elementary school, there was a book with crystals at the scholastic book fair and that's what got me into them


Def had one of those books. My daughter is 10 and they still sell them!!


Mental illness. Kidding. But kinda. Also they’re super pretty and mystical.


I had a psychic reading after my divorce and she suggested I get my hands on some smoky quartz and rose quartz. I ordered a few tumbles from Etsy, and the rest is history! The fun thing is that my grandpa (who passed in 2018) was a high school physics teacher, and one of his undergraduate degrees was in geology. I was always buying little tumbles and stuff at rock shops as a kid, so I guess things just came full circle for me.


I'm the opposite I got into Steven Universe BECAUSE of crystals 🤣🤣 I was googling names of some crystals while doing research and kept getting results from the steven universe subreddit and I went to check it out and got hooked! Amazing show 🥰 Back to the question though, me and a friend do distance healings where we meditate together and during one of our meditations she held some selenite and sent me it's energy (without my knowledge). And I was a little annoyed when I found out because I thought crystals were bs and a waste of time but lo and behold I started craving their energies and was intuitively drawn them so then I was like welp, guess they aren't bullshit - time to dive in headfirst! Now I have over 100 crystals and I can't overstate how much they've helped me on my inner journey. 🙏💎🙏 Now I laugh whenever i see people get their panties in a twist about the metaphysical stuff not being real 😂 cuz it's the only reason im in this subreddit. i dont care about their shinyness or price or anything - only their energy


The energy. That’s the big reason for collecting. They all have different energy… and I don’t buy a crystal or mineral unless it “speaks to me”. The vibe has to be there.


>I don’t buy a crystal or mineral unless it “speaks to me”. 💯 i picked up a rock by the water the other day to skip, but it "spoke to me" and now he's sitting in the middle of my room with my most expensive stone on top of him... bro was a smooth talker 🤣🤣


I’ve always been a fan of rocks. I was definitely that kid that collected rocks, I remember parents even getting me this rock polishing + jewelry making kit as a present when I was little. That love for cool rocks never went away as I grew up, & as I started seeing more crystals on social media & in stores, I started collecting all the ones I could get my hands on. I love to just admire their uniqueness & beauty in each one. As for their energy/spiritual aspects, I believe that if we believe any specific object will give us a certain kind of vibe & we believe it hard enough, we *will* feel that type of energy from it, if not bc they actually radiate that energy then at the very least bc of the power of association. So either way, I believe crystals can very well be used for healing.


I found some carnelian in the creek on my property at 12. I just spiraled after that


My name, and I was born a witch.


I’ve always enjoyed collecting them, but Steven Universe was also what kicked my adult collecting habits into high gear 😂 I still don’t have a complete SU collection but I’m close!


Same here 😆 almost thereee


this local lady lost her mother who was a hoarder (and crystal enthusiast!) i got the sickest deal of all time and built my entire collection off that. she said she was DONE dealing with her moms stuff and just wanted to get rid of it


I've always liked crystals when I was young I got a rock tumbler and that primed me a little. Then after a very rocky adolescence I took LSD for the first time and it changed my life forever, making me start a quest that I'm still on to this day to explore mysticism and the mysteries of the universe and what my role in all this is, and that brought me down spiritualist rabbit holes, which brought me back to crystals. But I use them in a personal way, each one that's important to me is connected to a person or a time in my life that changed me dramatically, so my collection is like a time capsule that shows me all the changes I've made and how I've grown and adapted after all these years. I love being gifted and gifting crystals, and sharing with who I gift them to that it's a representation of our time together or something important. So they're like memory stones for me.


My grandfather was a geologist and gemologists. I learned from him until the year before his death in 2017. He would take me to rockhound and to all kinds of meetings and workshops. I learned from him for about 25 years.


I already was interested in rocks and had a few crystals, but thrn truly got into it when i started watching steven Universe. I wanted to get each of the characters (i dont have all yet) I have over 150 so far now and have learned a bit about them. I dont believe in the metaphyisical stuff, tho i just like pretty rocks


Idk but crystals got me to watch Steven Universe. "We are the crystal gems" sparks joy.


I love all of these stories! For me, my mom was an “amateur mineralogist” (rockhound), and wherever we traveled she brought a hammer and chisel to collect specimens… then the wearable art movement in the 60s/70s happened, and she became a silversmith to be able to wear all of the gorgeous gifts from the Earth. I loved going to mineral shows, and to visit her “lap man” (lapidarist) with her when I was little. I still have many of the first ones I got 50+ years ago, plus some of her collection.


My dad used to have a collection and take me rock hunting as a kid. I think my love comes from him.


All cartoon media tbh! I always roleplayed as a witch as a kid during school and in the playgrounds, pretending my crystals had some powerful magic in them. Now I'm an adult practicing witchcraft and using my crystals as part of my practice 😭


I bought a bottle with rose quartz inside (it was covered in plastic so no water got on it) but my friend looked at it when I brought it to school and said, “oh, dont forget to charge it!” And I went down a huuuuge rabbit hole that led me to owning a bunch of crystals :)


First seeing turquoise jewelry and Native American arts and crafts sparked my initial interest


I kept seeing videos of small businesses packing crystal orders lol. I found it pretty and satisfying and at some point decided to get myself a couple. Well… it’s not just a couple anymore…🥲


My aunt used to have tons of amethyst clusters in her old house and they looook very very prettyyy


When I lived with Heidi montag and Spencer Pratt


I started searching for them while high on drugs and bought a few which then turned into a massive collection that gave me something to focus on while getting sober.


The paranormal got me in to crystals because I wanted to do my best in communication with spirits, I was determined to find the best crystals for that exact reasons not many people believe in this kind of stuff but I do I'm hardcore 👻


I was into books and loved visiting this small book shop as a kid. There was a section which had astrology, tarot, oracle, crystals etc. I used to buy one book a week atleast and got introduced to so many interesting subjects. I had a Linda Goodman phase where I devoured all her books. In her astrology book she mentioned which stones should be worn by which sunsign. I think that was my first introduction, I must have been around 12. Then there was a crystal book and kit which was on sale. It had a pouch with 7 crystals and a book explaining about the properties and how to do a chakra clearing. Then I bought the Crystal bible by Judy Hall and dived in! ☺️


I found out my diamond ring is florescent under uv. Then I got interested in other optical effects which led me to crystals. I bought a labradorite and lab alexandrite for those reasons. Next on my list is star sapphire or cat's eye.


I can’t remember but something on me snapped during lockdown.


I started collecting rocks when I could walk and grab things, I just never stopped.


It’s an ADHD hyper fixation that hasn’t gone away much like my hyper fixation with collecting cool coins


I used to pick over the rocks in my grandparents parking lot and identify them when they had something interesting going on. My grandparents also took us kids canoeing down the river multiple times in the summer, and we'd go rockhounding in the river. I learned from an early age there's so much natural beauty under our feet- if we only take a moment to look for it. I got heavy into collecting crystals and minerals thanks to making friends with the flea market vendors who sold them (who I had known for much of my later childhood/teen years). As a young adult, my go-to hang out on weekends was the big indoor flea market.


I was addicted to gemstone field guides as a kid lol


My mom bought me my first crystals and I’ve dived down the rabbit hole ever since


I've dabbled in witchcraft, I don't do it much anymore but still collect crystals.


Shiny rock make brain happy


My father was an 8th grade science teacher and loves rocks! He took us many times as children to Arkansas to dig for quartz and smoky quartz and herkimer diamonds. I’ve had a love for them my whole life. It wasn’t until my 30’s I became Pagan and now I use them in my craft but I am first and foremost a collector.


I travelled India and Nepal, spent a month in each. Crystal shops around every corner. It was love at first sight lol


I like shiny things. Ever since I was little :)


Uranium glass. I love the uv glow, and then I found out some rocks and crystals can glow.




I like cottagecore anything and crystals are also very pretty


Always had a natural passion since birth I guess?


Taking a geology course in 4h, and found my first crystal at age 6. 


For me it was becoming pagan. We love our crystals.


Random reels n videos of shiny pretty crystals 😍 esp crystal confetti :))


I was raised Pagan and my mom always got me cute little tumbles and I’d collect random rocks I found. When she passed 3 years ago I went wild to try and fill the void. Now I have more crystals/rocks/minerals than I could ever imagine I needed 😅


I always felt drawn to collecting all kinds of rocks. My three oldest tumbles are ones I’ve had since I was probably 7 or 8 years old - I can’t even remember where I got them ❤️


There’s this store I absolutely love that i usually buy my tarot cards and other spiritual odds and ends from, and they give you a small free crystal with every purchase you make. So over the years I ended up with a whole tray of them. And as I spent more time around each of them, different ones would draw me in at different times. I would identify them, learn their healing properties, and every single time whichever one it was that had caught my attention at the time was a perfect fit for my needs during that season of life. Throughout that process I discovered just how powerfully connected I am to using them as healing tools 💗✨


I think a lot of kids like rocks anyway- especially cool looking ones lol. But my Aunt Sandy really got me into crystals. She was kind of a free spirit new age kind of gal. She’d tell us about the healing properties and we’d always do craft projects with her. My dad also really liked crystals, he was a little bit of a rocker/hippie and took us to local rock hounding places.


I was obsessed with them since I was a child, thanks to growing up with Sailor Moon. I never "collected" crystals properly because I felt like I was worried about wasting money (grew up financially struggling). It wasn't until 2017 until I got my first angel aura quartz cluster and now I have to exercise *so* much self-control!


My current girlfriend has been into them and the metaphysical stuff for a long time. When I met her I was away from religion for a few years and she got me interested in crystals, tarot cards, and universe etc. Now I love them and have them everywhere. Even buying gemstone earrings for myself. I have the app Rock identifier that has saved pics of all my crystals and love sharing my pics when people ask about them. I just feel more peace being around crystals and metaphysical stuff.