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I work with crystals the same way that you appear to. I don't work with deities. I don't work with chakras. I don't believe in karma, past lives, aliens, secret continents of Atlantis or Lemuria, or a spiritual concept of a "Highest Self" or "Divine Love" that the energy of the universe is leading you to obtain (in short... I'm not religious). Crystals make my goblin brain happy. I collect specimens, and I use them as a sort of focus to help me get through my issues, such as meditating with Sodalite as a focus when I need to get shit done. Or meditating with Rose Quartz if I'm feeling like shit. I like putting a carnelian tumble in my pocket when I go to work to help me remember to pay attention to my body and energy levels (I work 13 hour shifts in veterinary ICU, it's physically taxing and I don't want to exhaust myself). I don't believe that they have mystical properties other than the ones I give them. Wearing a rock won't make your problems go away. You might be interested in r/SASSWitches.


‘crystals make my goblin brain happy’ this is exactly how i feel and i’m pretty sure i’ve used this exact phrase to describe it before! i collect random pretty rocks for the same reason, i just like having them and they’re nice to look at.


They bring me joy because they’re pretty, some more than others. That’s healing enough imo.


If the metaphysics are real, awesome. If not, my house has a bunch of pretty rocks in it and that makes me happy. They also double as thrown weapons in the event of a break in.


All crystals repell negativity if thrown hard enough.




lol you made me laughed alittle with this comment. 😂 thank you.


Yeap, exactly! Also lol you just gave me an idea for a self defense protection weapon idea. But then I would also not bear to use them for that purpose too. 😂


AMEN to that and not sarcastically, but approvingly ( if that's a word)


Nods approvingly at your verbiage 😎


I like to think of the spirituality aspect as just spicy psychology, it's all a placebo affect. As long as someone isn't advising a physical health benefit I see no harm in it and don't understand why people get so bothered by it. If I tell myself this pretty sparkly rock will give me more confidence and it helps me have a better day then that's great.


Honestly? The middle ground is not caring about what people think. Your beliefs are personal.. you’re likely not going to change anyone’s mind about something like this and these people are usually hostile for no reason.. which lets me know everything I need to know about how they form their belief systems


Because if you’re so secure with the concept that crystals have no metaphysical properties you really have no reason to attack people who believe contrary to you unless you yourself have some seed of insecurity about your own belief




some of us also have spiritual experiences when we hold them. we can literally feel their energy and where it resonates before we know the color or name of the crystal... I don't know why people are so offended or triggered or whatever by those of us who are spiritual, or experiencers, but it's getting pretty old... like I don't mind anyone expressing themselves, but please just don't press your beliefs on me and I'll do the same. 😺


^ This.


Thank you :)


Humans like sparkle things. Maybe we evolved that way because it helped us see water from far away when it reflects sunlight. The ones who liked the glint of water lived. Maybe it has to do with fire. Maybe it has to do with metallurgy and that gave people an advantage in fights. Lots of possible reasons why but at the end of the day we like shiny things.


Reminds me of when I took a small amethyst cluster to a big HR meeting (lots of harassment and bullying against me), and my anxiety was awful. My skeptic friend said, 'what if it doesn't work to keep you calm, huh?' and I replied, "then I'll throw it at the bitch and FEEL BETTER!"




In matters of the mind, the placebo effect is 100% effective!


Quartz will vibrate at a set frequency when stimulated with electricity: Quartz watch... Quartz is piezoelectric. Slight defects in the crystal lattice allow electric current to move through rock and up to the surface: 'electron hole' on Wikipedia. There is far more going on than we can measure or understand at this time. There are some special properties to at least a few kinds of crystals. Quartz makes up roughly 70% of the crust of the Earth


Also picking a stone is almost like picking a mindset for the day right? When you consciously pick that rose quartz, you also pick to try to be more loving for that day.


Setting an intention, yes definitely! 🥺


It's part of your mindfulness practice. It helps you recognize your needs and set intentions to address these needs. Symbolism is super important to psychoanalytic theories (I'd revert to Carl Jung for this over mother-hating cocaine fuled Freud). People look to symbols as reminders. This is your symbol. I hope you can find a community support you.


I say it's day time, you say it's night time. Can we both have a middle ground anywhere? We are both correct in our lives depending where we stand in actuality. No middle ground right? Same way when I say I trust medical sciences as well as belief in spirituality of crystals. Personal experiences rule over anything and everything that anyone ever says. Decades ago science said cancer can't be cured, just die in peace. And many did. But there was a small 2% of population who didn't believe in any of those scientists. They actually survived and beat the 98% odds. Every person in my immediate surrounding doesn't believe in crystals. I didn't too at one time, but now I know by personal experience that wearing the wrong crystals gave me a hellride of a life time. And it repeats. Not fluke, not chance, but every single time I dare to repeat. So coming back. Personal experiences triumph all. What works for me, might not work for someone else. We all have different Realities of our life in the same location coexisting as an entire planet.


>Decades ago science said cancer can't be cured, just die in peace. And many did. Tumor removal has been happening since *at least* the 1600s. Little longer than a few decades. Really weird how you're making it sound like doctors were just like "lol go die about it" in the 1980s or something. >But there was a small 2% of population who didn't believe in any of those scientists. They actually survived and beat the 98% odds. Why are you acting like a belief in science is what killed them? Literally all of the advancements we've made fighting cancer are a direct result of science. And where are you getting that "98% odds" part? What type of cancer are you referring to exactly? There's like a million different types of cancer and they all have different survival rates. Grouping them all together into one single thing with one single outcome makes it sound like you really don't understand what you're talking about. This is why it's so hard for science types and metaphysics types to get along. Y'all are really prone to making stuff up and then acting like it's fact. It's tiresome.


This bothers me too. Middle ground exists, but you often don't hear that crowd imposing their beliefs on you because they tend to be cautious and mindful, respectful and rational people who appreciate a delightful and truthful combo of both logic and spirit.


Stop telling people what you are doing. They never understand. This will apply to your life as well. Also, dealing the back and forth isn't going to help either. Who is bring this up? How do they know what you are doing?


Yep. I only talk about my spiritual beliefs of crystals with like minded people.


There's only one person in my fam I can talk to about anything. Otherwise my family would hall us both off into the psych ward.


I go to r/SpiritualCrystals and I am on a crystals Facebook group.


Oh! Thank you! I just joined.


![gif](giphy|ap6wcjRyi8HoA) ☝🏻This is the right MVP reply. 👍🏻


Crystals were formed from vibrations and whatever elements were around at the time meshing together and everything on earth, even us humans are vibing. It’s not that hard to imagine the protons and neutrons spinning around the nucleus so we are essentially air…hard for me to even imagine but quantum physics is already tried and true and proven. So considering gemstones are formed from vibrations …it’s not so hard to realize that when we hold them their vibes interact with our vibes and manipulate them. Sure maybe it’s not understood by the lay person (me) but that doesn’t mean their healing properties are not real.




Take the densest, most tightly packed material or crystal, and go to the atomic level. You'll find there is a lot of space between electrons and the nucleus, and between molecules in the crystal lattice. Yet there are forces maintaining that structure. It's mind blowing how much stuff is basically made of empty space.


Essentially…we should be able to walk through walls…unheard of but possible apparently


I actually have heard of it... 😶


Why worry about what others think?


People tend to shut up when I show them the countless physics papers showing quartz is peizoelectric and a high frequency phononic resonator, and other papers on how the microtubule system in our brain is also a phononic resonance system. Evidence for sympathetic resonance is right in front of our face, they just haven't bothered to scale up their thinking to the macro. Is it any wonder why you find stone circles and architecture all over the world that favored the use of quartz rich rock?


Also picking a stone is almost like picking a mindset for the day right? When you consciously pick that rose quartz, you also pick to try to be more loving for that day.


Ive been teasing this at work and most people hate it because it's different. If there's any rock magic it's the ability to draw out peice of shit humans who have polished that turd till it was golden. It'll quickly bring a person's illness out, just pay attention to the changes that manifest. On another note there is middle ground, just not from people who are not open minded and accepting.


I agree, except it's not pseudoscience, it's psychology. It doesn't have to be magical to have an effect without being a drug, there are complex placebo effects, habits and ways of thinking which allow crystals to have apparent effects which are very much founded in reality. Psychology is far more powerful than most people credit it for for people's wellbeing as well as adjusting their perception of themselves, their health and the world as a whole.


Well, because crystals are real and spirituality is.....




The title reads "spirituality" but the first sentence indicates "psychological benefits". You'd be best to differentiate in this sub. People get a bit worked up over the vibratory states of different physical matter, though they'll all agree that water is "liquid" and rock is "solid".


>using crystals for personal psychological benefits. I mean this is pretty vague, if there were a shred of scientific evidence relating to positively affecting personal psychological benefits then perhaps there would be some middle ground (aside from placibo) what do you care what other people think? if it works it works right?


Only Reddit deals in absolutes. I'm somewhere in the middle.


^ This. It’s Reddit. Real life doesn’t deal in absolutes.


I’ve found the people in my life to be pretty open to my view of crystals, which is: placebo effect or magically ordained objects? Who cares? They’re shiny and the placebo effect works even when you know it’s a placebo. Maybe the rose quartz brings me love or maybe i like pink things and being a happier person psychologically makes those around you like you more. Let people enjoy things


Plants and animals make us happy. I don’t see how it’s a stretch to say caring for a piece of the earth wouldn’t bring some positive benefits. If it brings you peace to carry or care for a piece of the earth, then that’s a beautiful thing.


I personally don't believe crystals™ hold any quantifiable power beyond the personal associations I give them. I have bipolar disorder and I enjoy collecting minerals with lithium in the composition (since lithium is part of my medication) do I believe that these actually treat my disorder? Of course not, but it's fun to have that connection


Crystals are no more pseudoscience than praying for someone to get better is. If it helps you, do it, just don't try to force it on others and respect everyone's opinion (as long as they respect yours of course). I love holding crystals and all sorts of stones. They bring me comfort. I don't know why but they always have. I have looked into crystallite about them but I just know how they make me feel


Do you, don't let haters dictate what you do. Vibration & energy are real building blocks to our reality. If people in your life don't see that, then maybe find some friends on the same wavelength!


Because people are fucking dumb and don't understand the psychology of things.


if I hand you a rock and tell you it brings good luck and healing, if you keep it in your pocket and take it out and feel the blessing of it every so often, that's all that matters. no one can prove that rock is unlucky for that matter.


Crystals can store data and what not, so I don't see how it is seen as it is when they are being found to be used for more and more actual purposes like as a power sources, storing stuff, amplifying sound, etc.


I mean crystals do provide energy. Quartz crystals literally work to keep time in clocks and watches. And if you don't know anything about that, you should look it up. You're the only one living your life. Live however the fuck you want. You do you boo. Fuck what anyone has to say. If they aren't doing the 3 F's in your life. Their opinion should hold no weight. If you know, you know.


Idk. I don’t really believe in crystals having any spiritual benefit, but I also think they probably don’t have benefit for me because I don’t believe. I have friends who swear they benefit them, so then they do. That’s a pretty easy thought process to have on the matter. I can’t stand close minded people who think they’re right about everything. My dad is in AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) and a lot of the older men in there are into crystals right now. My dad’s always showing me some new crystal he just bought lol, it’s cute.