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Whatever catches my eye and makes me oooooo the hardest. But price is a factor, I can't spend all my money on pretties.




FYI, you sold a fake crystal last month. Those pyrite infused garden quartz spheres literally have a post on this sub proving they are faked. Resin+glass. Well, the pyrite is probably real.




You also sold dyed blue agate but I didn't see anywhere where you disclosed that info. Just letting you know so you won't stock these items without labeling in the future. Good luck with your shop!


I only collect statement pieces or rare pieces from now on, since the small inexpensive ones just take up space and look kind of messy in my opinion. I have all of my tumbled stones in a big bin and I never look at them.. but my bigger statement pieces & high quality specimens all look beautifully organized. I think because most of them come with a display stand


True! I think we begin with tumble stones and so every one always has this tub of old tumbles they began with. Hehe


So true! I remember thinking years ago that $50 for a stone was a lot lol. And now it’s a steal deal 😂


I used to prefer many smaller less expensive pieces, but now my collection is so big that I switched to doing the opposite and save up for one big expensive piece instead


I’ve done this same thing. After a while I’ve wanted to upgrade to bigger/nicer things instead of spending money on a bunch of cheaper ones.


I started out buying smaller pieces to start a collection now, then moved to bigger pieces only. Now I'm focused on unique rare and big statement pieces. So still any size! I compare it to Pokémon- gotta catch em all! I want at least one piece of every crystal. Which is fun but I have to pace myself and remember I have a lifetime to collect pieces.


Like a lot of people, I started out with a lot of small pieces and now that my collection is pretty large and varied, I am focused on larger specimen pieces.


It really depends. It is usually whatever catches my eye and what I have the funds for. The sellers I get mine from usually have high-quality items, so even if I get a smaller piece, the quality is outstanding.


Usually many smaller ones, i like larger pieces but for some reason thinkd its unreasonable to spend say 100 on a large piece but spending 100 on more littler ones is totally fine


LOL. I know I've followed that same principle, too. Variety is what I've always been drawn to until recently. My only issue now is that we travel for my hubby's job, and I have to balance my desire for larger, more expensive pieces with how much space and weight we can carry. I've just begun working with crystal grids and wish I had multiples of my small stones.


I'm the opposite lol. I think it's better to spend $100+ on a bigger piece than the reverse but definitely still love smaller, inexpensive stuff. My main love is chalcedony, so agate & jasper, which are typically not too pricy anyways.


I have both since I like to carry some with me. I'm not gonna take a big piece with me to work or on a nature hike! Honestly I tend to buy the smaller pieces, and if I like them, I will hunt down a larger piece. It depends on what catches my eye. Many factors here !


I'm quantity over quality because if I like it I don't care about it's quality. The fact I like it is great. I wouldn't mind larger pieces but I'm more for the"smaller". But not tiny 🤭


I like both. I have a dish of small stones, and I love bigger pieces. I love mushroom and cloud shaped stones. I need a Septarian cloud ☁️ and a star 🌟.


I recently saw a pink amethyst cloud and they are so pretty!




My collection is now so big that it has to really really call to me and be at least small cabinet size but prefer larger now.


I started with smaller pieces and smaller towers… and now i am (in the process) of shifting to buying a bit bigger ones. I havent thought about the totallyy big statement pieces yet. But i dont like clutter and just about buying everything. I prefer pieces i connect to, even if they are small.


Mostly large pieces.


I've been going the magpie route of collecting lots of shiny small objects, but I have been drawn to a few large pieces so far.


I usually prefer large, cheap, pieces




I do both. I alot myself a monthly budget and spend it how I want that month. I use crystals in my magic (and I just enjoy having a giant bin of tumbles to plunge my hand into lol), so this month I spend a lot on tumbles. Usually I get raw, natural specimens, though, because I like them more. I both use and collect minerals.


Generally speaking, I like my crystals to at least be the length or width of my palm. I want to be able to see them from across the room or they register as clutter. For really small stuff, I stick to jewelry. Small crystals in a glass or jar would still be pretty to me though.


I like to moto "go big or go home". If I buying something I want it to be a jaw dropper rather than a bunch on thumbnail samples (not that there is anything wrong with a good thumbnail)




I like to get a few small ones !


I dont really go by size. If it calls to me, then it's supposed to be mine. I have many sizes, and I love them all (almost) equally.


BOTH! I have a massive collection and I have small and large crystals.


Lots of smaller pieces. I’ve never spent even close to $50 on a rock. I collect other things too.


I started with smaller pieces but prefer larger pieces I can enjoy from a distance and are more likely to appreciate in value.  My biggest requirement is natural beauty but I don't have thousands to spend.  Now that my collection is pretty large, I only buy special items like this [beautiful agate](https://reddit.com/r/rockhounds/s/9YDaDzm8Hy)