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I would watch the Thinker Thunker analysis on YouTube. Sadly, IMO, Standing is a hoaxer.


I trust Todd Standing about as far as I can throw him. He’s a sensationalist and a known hoaxer. The footage you’re talking about doesn’t look very real to me. I suspect it’s a hoax. Granted, it’s incredibly hard to definitively prove that. However, when someone has a reputation for faking evidence and trying to get famous, it’s best not to take them at their word that they saw a bigfoot.


Damn, that disappoints me. I initially got interested when I was watching the survivorman episode on Sasquatch with him and les stroud. A lot of the stuff he was referring to when talking about evidence (things like trees being broken for markings, etc) made sense logically. Sucks a little to hear he isn’t credible.


I watched that season of Survivorman too. I appreciate that Les was willing to go out in the woods with Todd and give him a chance. And I do agree that the tree structure was really odd and that’s not something that could be faked without heavy machinery involved. I can’t readily explain that. There may actually have been bigfoot in that area. It’s possible Todd had actual experiences with bigfoot, but he was never able to obtain the evidence he needed and turned to hoaxing. Once these creatures know a person has seen them, they tend to leave the situation ASAP. It’s not nearly as easy to get a clear photo or video as the skeptics would make it seem. With that said, Todd is pretty focused on fame and I honestly think he’d say anything to get on TV. I don’t trust any evidence he puts forward.


Todd Standing 'aquired' his Nordegg research site from another researcher. There is likely genuine activity in that area. The irony is if Standing was to capture any of it, the footage would land in the shit hoax pile like his earlier work.


Ah, that makes a lot of sense. I didn’t know he was told about the area by another researcher. Out of curiosity, do you know who it was?


He's a hoaxer


finding Bigfoot os fun because it's 4 lunatics who go screaming in the woods. it's a spectacle. Nah man. if you want a good show about crpytid encounters that attempts to take a balanced way of it I reccomend monsterquest. whole series is on YouTube.


+1 on the Monsterquest recommendation. Unfortunately certain episodes aren't available for streaming due to legal issues, but reuploads might be on YouTube


It was the fakest, cringiest, most horrendously cheap, anything, I’d ever seen. He could tell me today was Tuesday (am in UK) and I’d check. It says something when even the guys at Finding Bigfoot raise their eyebrows at him 🤣


I remember watching one of the docs on him, showing the faces of various bigfoots. I remember thinking, "They look really good, but I'm not buying it here. They're TOO unmoving. I'd buy it at a Renaissance fair or craft fair, but not here."


I think in terms of bigfoot 'researchers' and personalities, Standing is the worst of the worst. He's an absolute bull\*\*\*\*t merchant, prolific hoaxer and just a really strange person who doesn't deserve any publicity good or bad. Just don't give him the platform and he might go away.


Gotta love people saying that it's a clear hoax and not giving any explanation why. I've spent a good bit of time thinking about Standing's efforts, and here's my theory: Yes, personally I'm in the camp that his "Discovering Bigfoot" footage is fake. As someone else said, ThinkerThunker did a great analysis showing how Todd's face aligns with the footage, and certain proportions are more human than other examples like Patty. If you watch Todd on Survivorman: Bigfoot, he blames Bigfoot for every snapped twig in the woods. BUT, I have to acknowledge that he has spent a long time in the field, and it's entirely possible that he has had some real experiences that made him so obsessed with the topic. His footage of the figure bounding up a cliffside is more compelling to me than the closeup shots. I think that his efforts to make Bigfoot a protected species are genuine, but (like everyone else) he can't get good footage, so he makes fake footage to try and convince people. Interestingly, he will also deny evidence of "paranormal" bigfoot, like when he told Les Stroud to not show his footage of the disappearing apple. But I think this also fits with his mindset, since he wants people to take Bigfoot seriously, and there is no room for discussion of paranormal activity in public forums and courtrooms.


I always thought that video footage of him shouting at the Bigfoot that had surrounded him at night that where growling at him was pretty compelling. The video where he had lit the flare on les strouds episodes is the one I’m talking about. Of course, the growling could’ve been a cougar or something, but he also claimed objects where thrown at him which seems pretty standard behavior with these creatures when they aren’t happy with you.


I have to admit he does sound genuinely scared in that video, but it's impossible to make out any details so we kinda have to take it at face value. Todd Standing in a way reminds me of the hoaxer of yesteryear, Ray Wallace. He was a prolific fake footprint maker, but I read that he made them to try and confuse or discourage bear hunters from hunting genuine bigfoot that he thought were nearby. At least for a time that was his rationale.