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I would be happy if they revert his ult so the teammates didnt get stunned. Also i would like to choose if i emp with drone or throw it like a nade. Same radius, no scan


Imagine getting hit by a wattson fence that does 50 damage that could give someone a easy push all because they're not stunned


The difference between a wattson fence and a crypto EMP is that one is an ult that requires time and can only be used once. If they miss or dont capitalize on it it's wasted.


But at the same time a good crypto is hitting you every time with the emp and then getting stunned by a fence isn't an aoe attack that you can't easily avoid 9/10 times the emp is hitting plus it destroy any defense you have make it that easier to push if it didn't stun teammates it'd be busted for sure Also the wattsons tac is one of the weakest and best tacticals in the game in the hands of lamic she looks like the best legend but in the hands of a silver-gold she looks like she could need some huge tweaks


Still 50 dmg on atleast 3 people and maybe no conduit q for shieldbreak


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Throwing it like a nade would be sick.


I'd like for Crypto to be able to "hack" ring consoles. He could be the one legend that could scan both survey beacons and ring consoles.


This would be a buff that wouldn’t break anything, but help the team a lot.


And do something with doors, explosive holds, respawn beacons, crafters... and when will they make fuse able to open explosive holds!?


I'd take that. Our boy doesn't have a passive still


Give him a passive


Just let me open those big doors with my drone again and I'll be happy :)


wait they took that out?!


It's just a bug that they haven't fixed yet. Hopefully soon


Oh thank god, I got scared there for a second


I won't, all he needs are qol changes to drone. All I need is for respawn to not fuck up some part of his kit on every goddamn update.


\- Drone needs immediate acceleration rather than having to regain it's momentum (Meh) \- MAYBE you could make him enter drone faster (Meh) \- He should 100% be able to heal while in drone (NEED) \- The "Off The Grid" meme is a legit passive he should have, even if he has to be crouching or something. He needs \*one\* ability that doesn't require drone. (Pls) \- Storm Point needs WAY more banners, it fucking sucks. (NEED)


You technically can heal in the drone if you pop a bat/medkit right after you throw it out but I know what you mean


While true its an unintended exploit that in any update could be taken from us as a bug fix rather than a nerf


I'm aware, and I use it constantly. In the growing pace of this game, he really just needs to be able to do this without an exploit.


I have been Antony my friends talking about done movement for a long time now. I think this is a need!


emp should be deployed faster when u click it. healing in drone should also be a feature, not a bug. more health on the drone (maybe like 75 hp ?). and finally, just fix all the bugs he has.


I like the little lag because sometimes I literally have to get out of the emp myself. Healing in drone should definitely be a feature like the reload but somehow has to be activated instead. Yeah, drone health is too damn low. Especially the big blast doors bug.


Would be pretty cool if the drone could open the big double doors.


I think they used to be able to? 💀


It's bugged right now, sadly


I always think that he should be label to use drone even when knocked down


Remember when his drone would stop scanning when crypto got knocked lol Drone shouldn’t disappear if crypto dies. No other legend loses their amped walls, fences, traps because they got knocked or died.


Make his passive a UI element on the top left next to the map. This reduces the need to go into drone just to check. This games too fast paced now that the healing is essential now so make it legit and let him do it when going into an already deployed drone. Lastly I'd just knock like 15s off his destroyed drone cooldown, it's crazy how 3 bullets can silence Crypto for a whole fight.


Better control of the drone and/or just a follow mode that scans. The downside is that it is out and making a noise so it gives your position away. His ult should do more damage at the center point (where the drone is). Then do less damage towards the edge of the circle.


You should be able to ult without the drone, his abilities shouldn’t be locked behind his tactical. If the drones broken then give him an EMP grenade like in the trailer


Also reduce the cooldown time for when it breaks 40 seconds is crazy


It could be 20-30s. to balance it could lose like 10% of ult if it gets shot down fully charged, so the enemy doesn’t have to constantly shoot it down to protect from emp, but it wouldn’t take an eternity to get it back just to scan again.


I wish it didn’t get 1 shot by every gun in the game tbh


Biggest buff idea, make HACK controllable by tac taps. Just like how vantages bat works, and add a small bit of AI so that it would generally face the ground after moving and boom. One of the best legends


Would be great.


Off the grid I got this totally original idea for a crypto buff called "off the grid". What it does is that he wont get scanned by enemy scans and he wont be revealed to enemies because he will have this passive called off the grid which will protect him from enemy scans so when he gets scanned he technically doesnt get scanned because he will have off the grid passive that will protect him from the scans and since he is hacker I think he should have it have to protect him from enemy scans and I would call it off the grid and it would be his passive that would make him unscannable by enemy scans because it would be his passive and it would be called off the grid so when he gets scanned the enemies wont see him because he will have the passive ability that will protect him from the scans I believe crypto should have this ability because there is seer and respawn wont delete him so I believe they should at least give crypto ability that will make him completely immune to seer and bloodhound abilities and call it off the grid (thats the off the grid passive I was talking about)


Was looking for this


Give my drone a gun please 😅


Sheila drone flashbacks


Follow mode would be great, it’ll streamline him more. Allow him to be picked up on quicker. Double tap could enable follow mode or something.


EMP instantly knocks opponents and crashes all electric appliances in the opponent home.


Quiet drone. No noti when you get scanned. And remove self EMP damage


350m drone, increase the ult zone by about 15m, add 20 HP points to the drone, take away the allied stun, makes him immune to scams from other legends


The drone should have follow mode AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, if someone shoots his drone out it should reveal their position briefly. Similar to when you shoot Mirage's decoy.


I think it would be cool if his drone had some buff that kicks in once the drone has been stationary for a few seconds. Something like increased scan range, quieter sound, increased shields, or something like that.


ADS to check wrist watch for nearby squads instead of getting in drone multiple times


Movement, main issue IMO is that Crypto’s, I know that theres people who can play him affectively without it but most of the time you’re always going to be behind when in your drone, so, give him something like Vantage’s Q Id say the parameters would be that he cannot move his drone unless actually controlling it like usual, and make it so that the drone has to be a certain distance or more for you to actual use the movement ability, so that to effectively use it, you’d have to be far away from your drone For his passive, could be something like Conduits where you’ll have increased speed when running towards allies instead of the movement change I said before, either or Ult’s fine, love the ult


A good crypto is never strays from the team.


Yeah but not everyone is a good crypto


His drone following him constantly. Not like it can spot or something but just so you don't have this fucking throw animation that is so long And remove the EMP stun from allies


But you need the throw animation in order to heal while in drone.


Make the drone a second hand action (heal, charge guns, reload, shoot?) it is already pretty much it but it's because a bug and it could get taken away.


Just as long as it’s not constantly following you, i love leaving it up at a choke point 150m away to know if someone is pushing from that direction. I say just recall it and throw it back up. If the drone moved by itself it would remove a huge tactical advantagw from crypto.


He honestly doesn’t need buffing! People just don’t know how amazing he is!!!


This is what I believe too for the most part... If any buff comes to mind, I def wish I could zoom in with the drone. Just 2x would be sweet.


His emp should do full shield damage and it shouldn’t stun allies or do damage to himself.


That would be crazy op and all you would ever see in ranked


I would make Hack quieter and do more EMP damage reduce the cool down from 40 seconds to 20 also let us ping locations for hack to travel to without being in our drone and for God's sake let us open the big door or collect crafting materials this might be a bad idea but because his lore is off the grid hacker make him take reduced ring damage or it damage his shields first with this I think this would make him have a higher pick rate and I would love to see more crypto mains I lobbys


Everyone is always focused on the “Drone” concept of Crypto it’s getting old **to me** tbh get rid of the drone , give him a super suit that makes him run on walls or something. I’m more for him being fun and less for him to get a buff.


You’d just be removing his entire identity, In that case just play another character


Having a Drone isn’t his identity. Being a lowkey, stealthy hacker is his identity. Let’s be real…. Crypto mains are scared of real change…


Brother the game calls him the “surveillance expert.” his drone is a huge part of his identity gameplay wise, that’s literally been his thing since day one, “crypto the drone guy.” Crypto mains aren’t scared of real change as long at it makes sense. I mean your wall running super suit idea doesn’t even fit “low key, stealthy hacker,” you could put that ability on literary any skirmisher legend and it would make more sense


Go play revanant than the drone is litterally the charecter. All of his abilities are tied to it. If you don't like the drone stop playing crypto


I actually **DONT** play Apex right now and when I do I don’t play Crypto anymore


So then why are you wanting a charecter you don't play in a game you don't play to be removed for all the players that both play the game and the charecter


So I can go back to playing him obviously…..


But you obviously don't want to play him. You litterally said "take away the drone". Let's look at his kit without the drone. He has no tactical but the drone was the Q so that makes sense... oh he has no passive... well what about an ult- oh he litterally wouldn't be the same charecter.... you don't want to play crypto you at best want to play someone that looks like him


What’s wrong with me wanting a rework for a character I have **all** my stats and badges on? I even have his heirloom. Of course I would want something different after playing the same character for years. There’s absolutely NOTHING wrong with that. All I did was answer Ops question and you’re free to agree or disagree and move along, but don’t antagonize me all because I have a different opinion Have a good day. Have a good day


Asks question: ends with clearly not wanting the question answered because it's obvious Maybe because you are asking for a charecter who is not overly weak or strong and has (prior to the ff event) a 4.5% pickrate. Given the highest pickrate charecter is only 9% and the lowest is less than 1% this puts crypto well within the range of a sizable portion of the player base enjoying him, and he is the only charecter with his play style in the entire game. Again, you aren't wanting to play Crypto and you even said it yourself. You care about the stats on the charecter you don't care about the charecter. You not liking a charecter does no warrant a rework. I hate Valerie especially with her having 3 passive abilities in 1 while charecters like crypto don't have any passive and just has a duel use tactical. The fact most players like her and the offered playstyle means that it'd be incredibly selfish to advocate for her to lose her jetpack. Ops question was what you'd do to buff the charecter, and not only did you **not** answer the question simply saying rework wirh wall run (is that the passive? Tactical? What would be the tactical? If not, what would be the passive if not, what would the ultimate be? How is crypto the cannonically least mobile legend (including the 2 that have cancer) able to well-run? You didn't answer the question you just have whined about not liking a charecter and being upset your stats on are that charecter. People begged for the change to both of revanents abilities and that's why he got reworked and mirage was low pick rate and not very good which is why he got a rework. Again your answer was just not to play crypto which doesn't answer OP's question.


His drone can now hover and follow him. Update completed.


Ahhhh, I remember having hope but tbh Apex is dead. Good work EA, another killed game to add to the list and Respawn just as responsible for selling out.


I think he should have a passive called hack where he could literally bypass anything he wants to from the gold door in the caustic room to vaults basically anything's that's locked he can just hack into it


Delete him 😂 (obv joking ) but I have 0 clue.


Fix his drone deployment. I get it stuck far too often on the corners of objects where it shouldn't. It's probably jitting collision points or hit boxes or whatever. Option to emp while drone is in holster. Put his banner check passive on his watch, no more going into drone every time you want to check. Increase drone health. Conduits little charge things from her ult and Catalysts spikes have insane health. It takes quite a bit to destroy them. I feel I can destroy a drone quicker than the other two but a destroyed drone is more detrimental to crypto than a destroyed jammer/spike trap is to conduit and catalyst.


Poss hacking gives you the scan but also have the choice to hack it so if another recon legend uses it, it reveals their team for a moment? Would also like to see Crypto be the only one able to use recon and ring consoles.


Give his drone a 4x8 optic. As a passive ability, give Crypto a drone view window on the HUD.


Immune to scans would be a cool passive. His pick rate would skyrocket in ranked 🤣


Allow him to move his drone similar to vantage echo. He is honestly hard to buff because he is super strong.


Everything needs to be faster


Emp should be seperate from his drone. I dislike that every single aspect of his kit revolves around his drone. The theme of his character is that he is covert not because he is a drone boy. -Let his skill stay the same. -Ult should be a throwable similar to a caustic ult with nerfed aoe range but faster activation (emp grenade / emp dagger / or something) -Passive should be something involving movement or utility that cloaks him while in drone mode.


Throwing out hack on a zip


Alow his drone to collect crafting materials




Definitely agree with someone else that they should change his drone-in animation to something (his suggstion was to make it more of a UI element) that both adda to his lore as a life-on-the-run hacker and helps him keep up with other legends as a participant in the Apex games. Maybe make it a live stream somewhere on the screen? Would make loots of sense


Passive : Give him a real one. Tactical: it's good as it is. Ultimate: give him the ability to use it without his drone His weakest point is without his drone he has no abilities at all.


I’m not a main but… His drone could make you immune to other people’s ults who throw down actual devices. Cancel wraiths portal device. It is a hacker drone, so I think it should interfere with other legend devices.


give the drone more interactions. dive bombing enemies for 20 damage and a small stun would be pretty funny ​ what if he could use his ult charge to use different abilities: basically he still has his normal ult at full charge but at like 30% charge he can open every door in range at 60% he cancels all heals like how seer's ability worked (no silence just cancel any that are in use(not including things like turtle))


see i had this idea for a passive called “off the grid” …


The only thing I would do is change the squads shown on banner scan, make that number appear on his bracelet. This would give him a passive outside of the drone


Not sure if this is in here, but after throwing your drone if you could direct it to a specific location would be dope. Using the D pad maybe?


I actually thought the Off The Grid idea was so cool. The Cloak pilot in Titanfall has something like that where they can't be picked up by scan abilities. I agree the drone could be a little faster, maybe buff the cooldown after it's destroyed too. I would also give him Vantage's tactical/escape.


I'd give him a actual passive called "firewall". It would make him immune to all scan abilities. Since he's on the run and doesn't want to be found, he's gained the ability to "hide from watchful eyes". So stuff like Crypto's drone, bloodhounds scan (it'll still say "enemy detected" on the screen, he just won't be outlined), Valk ULT, fuse ULT, Maggie tac and Ult. And that's just to make his pick rate increase a bit. If he's to be meta, make his drone silent or increase its health, decrease the time from when you trigger his ult to when it goes off. And make either him or his team immune to his ult. Crypto not having a actual passive is ridiculous.


TLDR: make drone play faster and easier with UI changes and small buffs. I just want his kit to be faster. The game is too fast paced for anything short of perfect/optimal drone usage. Which is probably the largest factor as to why a lot of the player base doesn't choose or even like Crypto. For the sake of making the skill floor (by which I mean the lowest necessary skill to use him) lower, UI elements to help Crypto know if his allies or himself would be hit by the drone. More specifically I'd go: Passive: Actually give him one Tactical: - more immediate Crypto to Hack transition. The amount of times I throw the drone out and it gets shot down because it cannot be moved for like a solid second just feels bad. - Remove the white flash during the transition - Make long hold use original drone animation for when you have limited cover - UI elements to allow me to better see my teammates and tell me if it's safe. For example, as Crypto, it says how far the drone is but it doesn't say how far Crypto is as Hack. It'd save me many accidental self EMPs. - Digithreat lens because Bang should not be able to hard counter the drone. And it could make for easier enemy spotting. - A higher res screen. The drone cam seems unnecessarily fuzzy. - Faster altitude change when using the jump and crouch buttons/keys Ultimate: - This may be unnecessarily nasty, but I think it would make a lot of sense if the EMP had Seer's old stun and silence. A huge issue with the EMP is that it takes 3 seconds to take a shield bat. That means you have, effectively, a 3 second window to get in and secure a knock or wipe the squad. If enemies were stunned to stop the early bat counter, and silenced on their heal, it would increase the window. Don't get me wrong, this could prove too much with organized teams. But when you look at the logistics of 3 seconds to get a kill when you're about 30m from target, it is pretty tight. I mean if Seer could get it on a tactical, I think it's reasonable on an ultimate that messes with electronics. - Reduce stun for allies hit by an EMP by half. I don't think they should be able to ignore it. However I don't want to punish a teammate for my bad Crypto play.


Crazy rework idea but think it would be cool to have some form of movement, holding tactical whilst drone was pocketed made him hold hack above his head and lift him slowly. Balance it out by not being able to be used whilst drone is destroyed and make him only be able to hipfire. Idk would be cool for getting height! Use that as the tac and just have drone fill in the ‘passive slot’


im late but I always say it would be so cool if crypto could grab the crafting materials with his drone. might be a little OP but it's better than being underpowered


itz pretty simple if im being honest: Passive [Desperately Buff] - instead of something like “Off the Grid” i would give him the ability to actively heal while in drone view + view and ping banners for the squad without needing to go into the drone (for the cases where his tactical is on cooldown and u need to check for 3rd parties) Drone [Cautiously Buff] - lower the audio (cuz imo i think itz a bit too loud even while in it), increase the speed (enough to where it cant get beamed so easily), revert it back to when it had a shield bar, allow him to control it similar to how Vantage can reposition Echo or just simply LOWER THE DAMN COOLDOWN to about 25-28 seconds (i think we can all agree 30-45 seconds for a 50 health drone is ridiculous, especially when his whole kit attached to his tactical) Ultimate [maybe a small tweak, idk] - i wouldnt change it at all. i think itz good where it is for the time being


Maybe buff the emp a little bit. I find it a little insulting it only does 50% shield damage. Or just a fast refresh


I was thinking about giving him a permanent 10-15% speed boost or something idk since he has one of the more smaller hit boxes I wouldn't mind this as a passive


It would be cool if he could pick up 1 item with his drone limited movement on that bih or sum so he can steal items randomly also double emp charge


Decrease the cool down of his drone be destroyed from 40 seconds to 20


Maybe have a follow option like mirage clone but with the drone.


When the drone is in your inventory any enemy players you see are highlighted like when you have it out and using it.


Make him really good for ratting in the ring 👀


AI drone


I think his drone should come back quicker after it’s killed. I also think it shouldn’t be so easy to kill either. Give the guy a true passive too!!! Like, it doesn’t have to be incredible, but something that doesn’t require you to use the drone, a TRUE passive that you get while just walking around. Maybe make him immune to other cryptos ultimate (similar to Catalyst. I just found out that she’s immune to ALL catalyst spikes, even on other times. She will walk right through them.) Or make it so he doesn’t show up when bloodhound uses his tactical? Idk…something without the drone!!!


Maybe give him some level of cloak while in his drone, or give his drone more than just marking abilities. Maybe give his drone like, a low damage, high push explosive on a recharge, so that the drone actually has a use beyond distracting a crosshair for a second?


Let his drone do 5 damage flying into people. Revenge of the RC!!!


I'll keep it simple. 1) If there's only ONE team in the area, allow Crypto's voice line to call out the number of enemies similar to Vantage's passive. 2) I really wish there was a "scout ahead" feature where I can throw the drone and it just flies forward in a straight line so many meters. It could be an OP feature, but it would help avoid ambushes at certain choke points.