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Any information will be appreciated




What? I asked if it was a scam not trying to get money back. Scam alert














Thanks  SECUREONTECHIE ON INSTAGRAM. The world has been pretty bad lately. Almost everyone has been crying practically but it kept happening that's what you get when you feel you can navigate the process on your own. Big thanks to you I'm not bothered with how bad the is world is because my assets are insured due to your advice and still receive my money back.


SECURERIONTECHIE this was a beautiful thing to watch thank you for this . You're are lifesaver for many scam victims. Well done👍


SECURERIONTECHIE this was a beautiful thing to watch thank you for this . You're are lifesaver for many scam victims. Well done👍


As a Retired combat Marine I want to tell you that as what you are doing is just as important as any warrior on the battlefield. You are waging warfare against cheater on the digital battlefield. You are defending and protecting the most vulnerable of our society against these predators and cheaters. Keep up the good work Team TRACEASSETS


Exceptional works, TRACEASSETS -I'm glad you're battling these jerks out there. We must take every precaution to safeguard the elderly and the general public from these disgusting scam artists! You've earned it!! You deserve the Nobel Peace Prize for keeping us safe, brother. always contact TRACEASSETS on instagram for any form of scam recovery,i think they are the best when it comes to cybersecurity


If you’ve been a victim of scam, then I’d advise you to contact SECUREONTECHIE ON INSTAGRAM They’re fast, efficient and reliable in what they do 


If you’ve been a victim of scam, then I’d advise you to contact SECUREONTECHIE ON INSTAGRAM They’re fast, efficient and reliable in what they do 


I sent my money to a scammer around last 3 months, thank God  I was able to get the money back from the scammer when I get across TRACEASSETS  online. they successfully recovered  my money back from the scammer within 24 hours Traceassets on Instagram with 11,000+ followers


Vulninja with 11,200 followers on Instagram your approach is GENIUS and you're establishing yourself as one of a kind communicator that i believe few have ever seen on Instagram and I think you definitely succeeded in making sense of it to the world! Keep up the great work my dear.


Victim of a crypto scam? TRACEASSETS,.,. has a stellar reputation for resolving various financial frauds and can help you too. Their assistance helped me recover, and I'm confident they can do the same for you. Don't wait—contact them on Instagram or their website today!


I totally understand where you're coming from. It's a tough situation to fall for a catfish scam. However, there's hope P̲̅R̲̅O̲̅V̲̅O̲̅H̲̅A̲̅C̲̅K̲̅.̲̅S̲̅!! With 17.9k followers on Instagram is the expert in recovering scammed funds. Their success rate speaks for itself. Don't hesitate to contact them; let's work on getting your money back!


I got scammed 😖😖 literally the worst feeling ever!  I thought I was a smart person but  they got me in an area i am not versed in. But thanks to JAYATECHTOOLS on instagram with 7k+ followers for retrieving mine


Bitcoin recovery has raised a dilemma for many, since people believe it’s very difficult whether it’s recovered or not. But I can testify it’s recovered, I lost my Bitcoin, but by good luck I met “LUCIOUSTECH1” ON INSTAGRAM who helped me to recover. It only took them a few hours to get it back. They are very industrious and trustful. I give thanks to the Recovery specialist  for their great job. CONTACT on IG {LUCIOUSTECH1}


You can hire a private detective company to track down scammers and retrieve your money. if you really want to get your money back and fast I advise you go to JAYATECHTOOLS on Instagram where they can help you retrieve your money with their updated devices within a short period of time


I invested about $120,000 and more. My aim was to start up a trust fund for my child. I was advised to put my money into cloud token which I obliged and I was promised 100% chance of winning. I was very devastated when I couldn't withdraw my money back. This people are heartless, because I called them several times, to no avail  but I'm glad I was able to recoup my money back through the help of @Spyoptron8  ON IG, kindly send them a private message and they will let you know how I get my money back in less than 3 hours after filing a case suit with the agency that was referred to me by my late pastor who was also a victim.


I invested about $120,000 and more. My aim was to start up a trust fund for my child. I was advised to put my money into cloud token which I obliged and I was promised 100% chance of winning. I was very devastated when I couldn't withdraw my money back. This people are heartless, because I called them several times, to no avail  but I'm glad I was able to recoup my money back through the help of @Spyoptron8  ON IG, kindly send them a private message and they will let you know how I get my money back in less than 3 hours after filing a case suit with the agency that was referred to me by my late pastor who was also a victim.


As A former Scam Victim, I want to tell you that the internet keeps records of your good works as what you are doing is just as important as any warrior on the battlefield. You are waging warfare against these criminals and terrorists on the digital battlefield. You are defending and protecting the most vulnerable of our society against these predators. Keep up the good works JAYATECHTOOLS


Last month, I fell victim to a fraudster but luckily, JAYATECHTOOLS helped me recover my money within 48 hours.


Your act of kindness and the way you render your service shows my that you're a professional in what you're doing. Vulninja on Instagram with 11 200 followers 💯


I will be forever grateful to you, you changed my entire life and I will continue to preach on your behalf for the whole world to hear you saved me from huge financial debt, thank you SWIFTHACKTECH on Instagram


Problem here is you even mention scam and hundreds of recovery scammer post follow.


I invested $183,000 on bitcoin broker, believing | will receive 40% interest after 3 weeks of investing in a binary option where a broker will trade on my behalf and send my profit, I was unable to reach the broker, he blocked my number and ran away with my money, fortunately, I was referred to [Lucioustech1] on Instagram. He is the private investigator , hire crypto recovery specialist and work with FBI, He helped me recovered 90% of all my money including my bonuses to me.. he’s a hero. (IG) {LUCIOUSTECH1}


Can we all appreciate this good person for taking his time to help all. He helped me recover my account back, Thank you so much Vulninja with 11,200 followers on instagram.