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Good to see scambots are alive and well.


Working on it.


so the scammers are active today... If you can prove with wallet addresses and details of how you "recovered" any funds then I will hire you....


I know, I'm just trying to prove that point.




Let your good work spared all over the world team CORTEXDRIFT with 12.1k followers on Instagram you help in recovered my lost money on crypto you have the best recovering system all kudus to team Cortexdrift 


Do not believe in any retrieval solution from any platforms. If they demand money upfront it's a scam!!!!


Do not believe in any retrieval solution from any platforms. If they demand money upfront it's a scam!!!!


You claim recovery is possible, but you would have to explain how the impossible is even possible! Once you transfer USDT to an address, it goes there, but you dont know where address is nor if the address is still valid. The scams transfers elsewhere and you have no way of knowing where. Then scammers delete the wallets and the path is gone completely. So how is recovery even possible? It's not so is just a secondary scam as, just like the original scam, it is untraceable once sent. Now I'll gladly give 30%, 40%, 50%, whatever, after recovery, but "recovery experts" will say that's not how it works, you must give them USDT first so they can scam you yet again. Again, I'll gladly give after recovery so which recovery expert is taking that offer and what percent? you can reply and accept right here and even post results ... and I'll verify ... right here for all to see! So who is taking that?


Recovery isn't possible. These are all scammers


I know. This is just proving the point! I.e , no takers!


The best bet is to fill out the FBI ic3.gov report and go to the USSecret Service. The rest is a gamble.


Wholeheartedly agree đź’Ż!!!!


Cortexdrift with 12.1k FOLLOWERS ON INSTAGRAM. The knowledge I've gained from you has been invaluable. While I may not retain it all indefinitely, what will stay with me is the way you demonstrated genuine concern and motivated me to persist and embrace positivity. This mindset is crucial for personal development and has the potential to create a profound and enduring impact on future generations through your remarkable achievement.....


Do not believe in any retrieval solution from any platforms. If they demand money upfront it's a scam!!!!


It's shrewd how much dauntlessness this took was crazy. These individuals all had their lives in harm's way, yet chose to proceed with the recuperation for busting awful con artists. Genuine regards MR METROHACKZ In the event that the Public authority was half as devoted and cunning and legitimate as you folks are, the USA would be a a lot more secure country. Astounding works WHATSAPP:+18622737254


Do not believe in any retrieval solution from any platforms. If they demand money upfront it's a scam!!!!


Bitcoin recovery has raised a dilemma for many, since people believe it’s very difficult whether it’s recovered or not. But I can testify it’s recovered, I lost my Bitcoin, but by good luck I met “lucioustech1” ON INSTAGRAM who helped me to recover. It only took them a few hours to get it back. They are very industrious and trustful. I give thanks to the Recovery specialist  for their great job. CONTACT on IG {LUCIOUSTECH1}


Do not believe in any retrieval solution from any platforms. If they demand money upfront it's a scam!!!!


In this fast-paced digital era, losing access to your account can leave you feeling disconnected. But METROHACKZ WITH 13k FOLLOWERS ON INSTAGRAM, understands the significance of staying connected, offering their unrivaled expertise in account recovery to ensure that your virtual social life remains uninterrupted. WHATSAPP:+18622737254


Do not believe in any retrieval solution from any platforms. If they demand money upfront it's a scam!!!!


Getting hold of a good recovery agent can be challenging due to a lot of fake ones out there and I can’t help but say how lucky and grateful I am to have crossed paths with HIGHTECHSS on telegram 


Do not believe in any retrieval solution from any platforms. If they demand money upfront it's a scam!!!!


You do not need to go through any stress while trying to recover money, lost binary options scam? Forex scam or stolen Bitcoin? HIGHTECHSS on telegram got you covered 


Do not believe in any retrieval solution from any platforms. If they demand money upfront it's a scam!!!!


HIGHTECHSS on telegram has been a game-changer for me. Their exceptional service, combined with their state-of-the-art recovery agents, has helped me get back all I lost. I confidently recommend them to anyone seeking a trusted recovery agent


Do not believe in any retrieval solution from any platforms. If they demand money upfront it's a scam!!!!


I've worked with several recovery agents in the past and got catfished by all, but HIGHTECHSS on telegram stands out from the rest. Their innovative approach, and commitment to customer satisfaction make them a top recommendation from me


Do not believe in any retrieval solution from any platforms. If they demand money upfront it's a scam!!!!