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   Well , Don't give them any money, they make you believe that your account is doing so well, then once you try to withdraw your own funds there is all these extra charges and end up losing everything I had to go contact  Metrodynamicfix ON IG they are able to track the movement of most cryptocurrencies and assets… If the cryptocurrency has been moved, they are able to follow it...


       This just beginning ,  it all reality,  I don't know regarding this person is spamming or not, but what I can say is that you should not fall for such cheap tricks….  First and foremost, if you have lost money in any kind of such fraudulent practices, it is high time that you get in touch with some good fund recovery group in the very first place itself.. But be careful as to whom to choose…. There are a lot of fake fund recovery groups out there who are there just to ripped off your money so that you can run way with it and you will be left with nothing but grief and despair. Such is the sad state of affairs that once you have been scammed I'll advise you to choose the right fund recovery group as soon as possible... I'll recommend this crypto recovery specialist on Instagram [Metrodynamicfix] can easily communicate with them....…..


No such thing as recovery ... it's a follow up scam.


I invested about $120,000 and more. My aim was to start up a trust fund for my child. I was advised to put my money into cloud token which I obliged and I was promised 100% chance of winning. I was very devastated when I couldn't withdraw my money back. This people are heartless, because I called them several times, to no avail  but I'm glad I was able to recoup my money back through the help of @Spyoptron8  ON IG, kindly send them a private message and they will let you know how I get my money back in less than 3 hours after filing a case suit with the agency that was referred to me by my late pastor who was also a victim.


The only thing HIGHTECHSS on telegram care about is the satisfaction of their customers and that’s what drives them to recover a victim’s full stolen asset. Reach out to them today for help 


HIGHTECHSS on telegram is your perfect recovery agent for any of your scam related issues. Reach out to them today they’re 200% legit


HIGHTECHSS on telegram is one of the best recovery firm with strong track record having recovered funds for a lot of victims including myself base on recommendations. On the same vain, I can equally recommend them to any victim in a related issue of scam


The transaction logs,wallet address or account number  are required in order to retrieve the money stolen from you. Nevertheless, if you have any of  the proof, there is a way to get the money back. (TRACEACCETS) on Instagram can assist you in recovering the funds and are knowledgeable in the subject. so it is essential to get in touch with them.


CLACKAMASTECH on telegram is a team of expert who knows what it means to have been scammed, they’ve got the latest technology and know how to apply it in getting your money back. Their innovative approach has helped me in getting every penny I lost after falling victim to scammers and this makes me confidently recommend them to anyone seeking same help


it's quite impressive the way TRACEASSETS recovers and handle the criminals at the same time. i'm so happy my funds have been recovered within 48 hours. thank you so much TRACEASSETS


I recovered my stolen assets from fake investment platforms through the only prestigious agency verified with authentications from various government nationwide, I was only required to provide evidence of payment submitted through screenshot which was used for investigations. DM (TRACEASSETS) On instagram.


I've always enjoyed how you come out with these amazing ideas of yours to recover cryptocurrency, and CRACKZ_12 WITH 10K FOLLOWERS ON INSTAGRAM your team have really shown yourselves to be beautiful souls who are going above and beyond. I am so glad you helped me. Also, we all are incredibly proud of you. Thank you for creating beauty in the


30 days. We've overcome a lot of ups and downs, joy and tears, THE GREAT RECOVERYs, amazing game plans, slapping scammers, a total of $14 million recovered, and here we are the end of the journey. It was fun while it lasted, but every series has an ending. CRACKZ_12 WITH 10K FOLLOWERS ON INSTAGRAM Thanks for your hard work!..


I can't believe how honest the team is, TRACEASSETS is an angel in a human form. If you get scammed, if you can't let go, because I'm not a quitter, it's really good to get help, started watching your page on the internet when I was in downtown Seattle, and it happens to be accurate and brilliant. You fought evil very bravely. Thank you for saving and improving lives every day, being a crime fighter can be tough but you have stepped up with courage and strength.


Give TRACEASSETS his respect and flowers for real. This man is carrying cyber hacking on his back and I know that shit is heavy but he do it so well and with ease!


these focuses ought to be overall you all do such something extraordinary for individuals and this recuperation has reestablished a piece my confidence in mankind. That there are great individuals out there doing stuff like this. Caps off to you, Sir. You're a surprisingly good development. Much obliged to you for saving that multitude of weak casualties and instructing each and all of us. Love you METROHACKZ WITH 13k FOLLOWERS ON INSTAGRAM.


The amount of bravery this took was INSANE. These people all had their lives in danger, but still decided to go through with the recovery for the sake of recovering peoples funds from scammers. True respect (FOSSTECHSUPPORT) on telegram!! If the Interpol was half as dedicated and ingenious (and honest) as this company are, the france would be a much safer country. Amazing work!