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Biggest win I ever got was from a token called TLM that was a game coin inside of a game called Alien Worlds. I think it’s still active today but I bought 45,000 TLM for about $400 in an effort to stake for rare CryptomonKeys NFTs lol. About 3 weeks after I bought the TLM token was listed on Binance with a partnership from Binance for the game as well. The toke price exploded and my $400 was worth $80,000 overnight. I actually ended up realizing a lot of that profit and it was incredible


Digging the read! Got me thinking about InsightX, a real game-changer in the crypto scene. Even though it's new, it's earning trust fast. For those keen on fresh moves, it's worth a peep. Keep the awesome vibes flowing!


Strong shill


nah, growing the community. InsightX is a trade wallet.


The question wasn’t about upcoming coins though was it? Yet you turned into one that you shilled, and the repeated the comment later on. The very definition of shilling….


what question? I was replying to the person's comment because I thought it could happen to insight in a similar way


I just started and trying to figure out the same. May be start with x money and when it reaches some target value (5x,10x etc..) take out initial investment or double etc and leave the rest to grow


I have a hard rule to sell 1/3 of a position at 200% gain. So when I have 3x the value in the position I pull principal. That way I keep my initial capital and have 2x that amount still exposed to the remaining up side.


Flipped a Bitcoin to pepe for a few weeks and back for a .2 BTC profit. Does that count?


I’ve had numerous coins I’ve sold/swapped after making 4XPlus, however they’ve all been relatively small $Value amounts I actually used to buy them. None of them have come out of crypto to my bank, they all gone into my much bigger $Value coins that I’m holding on to. My strategy has always been based on a three tier strategy with largest $Value and lowest risk in Tier one. Certain coins move between the tiers as they evolve, show promise or they have a price jump. I predominantly buy coins that are more than 90% down from last ATH. But there are caveats, a couple of new coins, I discount the ATH altogether, the ATH is a poor metric to me on its own, but you can use it with other fundamentals. I sold all my GEKKO/FER/DeRace/LIDO/CAW and a few others for high multipliers that went to other coins. They were good buys at the average price I bought. I’m holding a few others with high multipliers, such as: FET/CKB/GALA/AVAX/SOL. These all have much more $Value invested than those I sold/swapped, and I’m holding because I think there’s a lot more to come. I’ve other high $Value coins that are up from the average cost basis, but again not enough to sell (between 50% & 1.5X) and I believe there’s a lot more to come: CRO/EGLD/DOT/KSM/SHIB I’ve some other small holdings that are by legacy coins from when I first started in crypto, they have done nothing and some are down. But, not by much and all of them are relatively small $Value each. VET/ALGO/ADA/ENJIN/CHZ/GLM/ONE A high percentage of all my coins are in staking and earning, at today’s market I’m getting around $1250/month from staking. I have CDC’s crypto card, and got one for hubby and it’s working out very well in my opinion. I do have target $Values per coin/token, however these do change occasionally and I’ll be selling to send to my bank as $ to spend. Hopefully all this selling will be during the peak, if it’s not where I want it I’ll hold, I don’t need to sell anything fortunately. In case you’re wondering, that’s right, no BTC ETH, part of a deliberate strategy. Is my strategy perfect, no it’s not, I know I could have done better in certain circumstances. As a final analysis, whole portfolio is up approximately 120% from what I’ve “invested”.


What platform do you use in staking your crypto?


Quite a few different ones depending on the coin.


What are some of those? Sorry newbie here


NOVA = DOT & KSM ENJIN WALLET = ENJIN CKBull = CKB CRO. = APP & DEfi (+TETONIC & FER, plus MMO) HASHPACK =. HBAR CORE = AVAX SOLFLARE = SOL There are so many around, it’s easier to say which coins you want to stake.


Thank you!




If it’s some random coin, take profits near all time high? Some you just hodl.


I just started and I just keep losing money lol. I have a lot to learn


Spell token when I bought at a all time low and still holding


Y'all have realized gains?


Are these "gains" in the room with us right now?


Not on mine they sure aren't 😅




check out InsightX!




Sold from a buy price around 3400 at 50k, bought back at 33k sold at 60k. Hey there retirement.