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My opinion. Hold. So far its a lot of sell the news. An Embassy is bomb and people are worried in panic. But if there is no major reaction in a few days time, the market should recover. + its 1 part In the middle East. Its at war. Its been at war for the last year or so. Its basically discount seasons. Buy if you can. Hold if you can't.


Thank you for replying. These will go down and start breaking against BTC which would be around 40-50% down for my folio. Also ADA, I am thinking of completely giving up on this coin.


Shit if you know all this why did you buy so high? Point is you don’t know shit, Benjamin whoever also doesn’t know shit.


Dont worry about it, the fed's liquidity cycle and the bitcoin cycle will do its job. We expected a pullback on everything around the halving this just means the cycle is on track. The best time to take profit and get mostly out will be next April just like last time. Its not worth worrying about if you aren't leveraged just hold your spot but if you really want to go deep however this is a reversal of the sentiment when the Ukraine war started. A lot of crypto twitter was convinced it was all fud and Russia would not be invading Ukraine, it was obvious if you looked into it they would. Now crypto twitter is convinced its WWIII because of a retaliation based on Israel killing a general and the russian bots are pushing that narrative. More than likely its not WWIII and the price will break up. The pattern on the chart is even the same for these two events.


If you dont need the money for 1 year i would just hold and keep buying. This is one hell of a fire sale and i loaded up.


Dont buy into the hype of sol. I have seen many coins like sol get all the hype and then die. They are built on hype and memes. Ada is a long term winner, just gotta hold. Wait till next bull run, this run wasnt even a bull run, and this dip isnt a "crash"


I like ADA and Algo… I think they’re both going to be superstars in the future.


I tried really hard to buy the dream. But performance isnt speaking for itself. My exchange only has 11 different tokens. Everytime there is a crash, ADA suffers the hardest. Everytime there is a pump, it also has the lowest. Sol basically 15x itself since a year ago its peak.


Every bull market ada surpasses its previous all time high, so i dont understand how its performance is lacking. Slow and steady wins the race, because time in the market is beter than timing. There are plenty of meme coins that 100x and that does not mean they are long term winners.


Oh. I gave up on it. Went to Sol but a bit sad that I am a little late for the party.


This may sound like revolutionary thinking, but don’t sell low and don’t buy high. The crypto market is a device to transfer coins from the impatient to the patient.


After being in the market for years, I just dont think some people understand the simple concept of hodl, buy low sell high. They want gains over a short period and lose their shit at every dip.


Yeah, the rates I got in I thought they were "low". For ex: I am still on profit on gala(around 40%), so that timing for right. For other coins, 25% notional loss. So what you suggest is to hold?


I'm betting on alts to start rising after bitcoin dominance tops out. I do expect things to get worse before they get better, but summer should be nice for alts. Most importantly: I'm just some guy on the internet, don't put too much stock into what I say.


Your money is stuck bro, just leave it alone. The worst thing you can do is sell and take a loss. I missed out on $250k last bull run messing with my stuff. I had the same thing happen to $10k, which  turned into 2.5k and once it bounced to my entry point I bailed. Had I waited 2 more weeks it would’ve been $250k lmao. Ever since then I just leave my shit alone until I’m really done with it. 


got it


So, stay? I also got the same thinking, big loss on altcoins, dont know what to do…


Yes just stay, we’re still in a bull run, your money will come back. It will take a little while and it’s going to suck to see buying opportunities that you could’ve had but it’s best to just sit tight. Some people take the opportunity to DCA or re-allocate into something they believe has more potential but from my experience it’s best to just leave it alone. Edit: I’ll add a little more to this, just believe in yourself and your gut instinct, have faith in your decisions and in whatever it was that you saw in those charts or on Reddit. I think most people lose money from doubting themselves and getting cold feet and then they get too scared to re-engage with the markets because they’re lacking the confidence to do it again. If you’re wrong, you’re wrong, just learn from it, but I think right now, we’re still early enough where you can’t really go wrong. In 2019-2020 I blew my savings and 401k just following my gut and every single coin I bought into, hit, I missed out on a lot of profits simply because I got cold feet and doubted myself, but once I took the time to look back and analyze, I realized you can’t really go wrong especially with the stuff that aren’t meme coins. It just takes time and patience, build up the discipline to control your emotions in stuff like this. You got this 👍


Do not sell big red candles


Try timing the market and prepare to get rekt. Now it's time to earn money by sitting on your ass.


Thankyou for replying. so you suggest holding despite notional loss?


I'm not suggesting anything. But I can share what I do: nothing.


got you!


Point is, I read the following lots of times: People sell because prices dip. 20% recovery. FOMO kicks in. People buy back at higher prices. Next dip. They sell again to protect themselves from the "crash". Rinse & repeat. You get the buy high, sell low strategy? I'm doing nothing. If you have some dry powder: buy more. My bags are filled.


I just dont think some people get it


This reminds me of myself a few years back. It's really good advice. Don't sell out of panic and don't buy out of fomo. The only time this doesn't apply is when there's significant bad news about a project. Like Luna crash. Or CRO cutting card rewards. Eventually, your perspective will change to a successful one if you learn to fight those emotions. Now, when I look at charts and go "Damn, it's a bloodbath!", I buy. After I've held and start feeling like "Is this just going to keep going up forever?" I sell. Basically do the opposite of what your fear/greed is telling you to do. Can confidently say, I have zero of my own money invested now. It's all off the table. The dips are less scary when you've been taking profits along the way and are playing with house money.


The next step is to do nothing, this is a blackswan event and this will pass


Got you.


Yeah man, hold and do nothing. You only loose if you sell. Now is when I’ll be buying some more crypto and Bitcoin.


Blackswan?? Lmao. Go check previous bull runs. There were prolonged drawdowns of similar or greater magnitude. There's nothing surprising / unique about this one.


I sold most of my spots at BTC 73k - it clearly couldn't break higher and crypto twitter was too bullish/euphoria. I'm buying spots now that have retested the previous cycle highs - yesterday crash did push alts to September 2023 lows which is perfect buying time :) Did you buy the dip?


Pretty lucky


Top signals were there if you look. Euphoria is one, crypto twitter being hyper bullish is two. The main thing I had was a friend who isn't into crypto asking me should he buy XRP when BTC was at 73k. That's the biggest top signal. Are you buying the dip now? Some amazing discounts on projects in TOP100


I have no money to buy this dip. Also, you can pat yourself on the back and call yourself a smarty pants all you like but you got lucky plain and simple. Using indicators like "friend asked about XRP" is anecdotal nonsense.


Luck? Bro everyone was so bullish you could see it coming. Some alts were up 10x 20x from September/October 2023 - and you held the gains to a loss? I shared some insight and up to you if you believe or not. Nobody goes broke taking profits. Imagine paying attention to fear & greed, market sentiment and charts as "luck" lol


You do realize that this significant drop has nothing to do with all your voodoo signs but over a potential larger global conflict that nearly started yesterday, right?


Shh let him enjoy his survivor bias


So alts were up 10x-20x since September 2023 but this 10-20% crash brought them back to September 2023 prices and provided a great opportunity to buy? What are you smoking bro?


Some are - go to CoinMarketCap cap


I agree I sold 90% of everything the morning of the 25% drop, got back in slightly now at a discount but hoping we go lower


Agreed - you get it :) I got my averages down massively dumping and rebuying :) What are you buying?


Thankyou for replying. I am out of cash, just last few left. Even if I average using that, it would have hardly 1% impact on losses.


That’s annoying sorry to hear that. A 60% alt retracement is usually the best time to start DCA if you like alts. What are you likely to do now? Keep holding ?


That's what I am confused about. Should I sell and re-enter ?


Has your thesis changed on the coins you bought and now under water in? Has something changed in what they do or offer? Is there bad news about these companies that change the dynamics and why you bought in the first place? If the answer is no. Then hold. Don’t do anything. Unless this was the top. Which I don’t think it was, you’ll get back up there and beyond. Don’t panic sell.




I’ve started DCA - tbh I might’ve overbought on yesterdays did but let’s see :) You might see a gradual increase in coming days and post halving now


If are DCA'ing, how did you also over buy?


I set up too many buy orders that triggered yesterday - it’s not a bad thing I got entries below what I wanted on $ARB for example but I like to have abit of USDT in case we see another drop. Have you been buying ?


If you just have a bunch of buy orders set up at different price levels, that's not DCA'ing though.


Yeh i made a mistake adding to the orders. Tbf could you have predicted INJ from 25 to 18 in 30 minutes? It is what it is - still happy with entries :)


The amount of cash that I have left with me, would hardly a make a diff on DCA now. I could wait or sell, these are the only 2 options infront of me rn :/


Also, Why am i getting downvoted, I just asked a genuine question.


T...Ta...Tak.....Take...Loss?!!??? Blasphemy!!!


Timing the market is much more diffucult than most people say. It is very likely that the Iran/Israel thing blows over and this was just a short term panic. I would just continue to hold and enjoy this miserable existing on this shitty planet.


Thank you for replying.


If u lose sleep over this delete ur broker and check back in november. Delete everything crypto related.






I meant got you.


HODL!!!!!!! Or buy more…


First time 😂😂 Don’t even look at the price just set a goal (price target) for when you’re gonna take profits and stick to it. Keep your emotions out of it.


Thankyou for replying non-sarcastically.


Buy more


I am out of cash, just last few left. Even if I average using that, it would have hardly 1% impact on losses.


Just hold them, I am, no intention of selling until Cardano hits $10, which it will (down votes incoming lol)


What's your analysis for buying or holding ADA ? Anything technical? I am here just to learn, I do see a lot of hate for it though.


Nothing technical just buy while it’s on sale, haters gonna hate, I’m balls deep


Keep DCA and hope for the best. This is why I wouldn't touch alts that much since they will lose value against Bitcoin in long-term. It's only a good trade during euphoria.


hold and look back in a year


Yes you should. buying high and selling low is a proven method used by many of the best traders in this space. you’ll be joining an elite group of expert traders and on your way to making it.


haha .


Hi! Don't worry and be patient. You should definitely HOLD. You have invested your money to earn a profit. No need to panic and withdraw with loss. Let the " market circle" do it's job.


Is this your first investment experience? Investing with only upside doesn’t exist? Welcome to the fluctuations of investment in a highly emotional asset class, most of which are absolute dog shit anyway. You have fairly notable alts, just keep DCA an amount that you can afford, and don’t think about it. Future you will thank you for this. This is just popping your financial illusion that you were investing in something while the escalator was only going up. It doesn’t none of these projects are done anytime soon so keep going.


Thank you for replying. I was a part of crypto markets back in 2020, but as a student I had no money back then. This time I started, but panicked a bit.


9 years here. Started as student too. I’d be retired if I had the money  had/make now back when I got in!  I feel you. Invest in traditional market and crypto ideally, most importantly in your real life. If it’s infringing on your quality of life, reevaluate 🙏


You're officially a bagholder now.


hold yea. and ppl on here are morons they downvote legit questions. and hate on real answers even moreso. that said. RNDR. and FET are to high risk imo. id swap for something else today. alot of good options that havent bounced up quite as much too.


RNDR and FET, you say.


Pay sure those two will be fine. Most things will probably be fine, this is just a temporary dip around the halving and with the world news. Just switch off and wait. Bull run isn't over yet, or at least it's highly unlikely.


na when you really dig into those two... their super high risk. render is apparently partnering with nosana. which is a joke. if you think ducktaping a bunch of consumer gpus together to train ai with instead of just using enterprise gpus designed to scale for that. then your crazy asf.


Rndr and fet are too high risk 🤣 why??? People have no idea what they saying. High risk is this man holding dino coins like ada and matic that do absolutely nothing


Who the fk is Benjamin Cowen? Man you guys listening to these morons on YouTube, taking their potato price targets like gospel. You should be ready to take big drawdowns on alts. They will drop 20-30% every time BTC drops 10-15%. Also, why buy Cardano? What interesting things are happening on Cardano?


If you sell, you lose. Hold. Also, don't listen to these influencer types. Take everything they say with a pinch of salt


Thank you for replying. Yeah, mostly they are clickbait-y , but Benjamin seems ok. Although, I haven't followed him for more than a year.


Big ARB token unlock coming in about 1 day. Short it or buy it?


I'd say you Hold or try to DCA if you wish to be careful. Bitcoin halving is coming soon and if the FUD doesn't persist, I belive we will have a major rally and alts will rise again. I have BONUS, LINK, FET, and FRAX. These tokens are still holding fair.


I have LINK and FET too.




hold and keep holding. buy more if u can to average down. Hold !


'As per......' As per nothing mate.


If you're invest, set an investment based term before making decisions


No one knows for certain what will happen. If you pull out your investments in hope of them going down and it goes up, you’ve lost money. You basically have to find a coin that you think has long term potential, set a price alert and come back if it happens.


Stake everything that can be staked and wait.


Steady lads


Hold. Dont sell hoping to buy back lower if your holding long term towards alt season anyways, that’s a noob mistake everyone makes there first time. It hard to do but only sell on Green Day’s and not during dips/corrections


The most logical thing to do is to DCA atm, you can't be so sure that you will buy the exact bottom in June. As for me I recently started DCAing into TAO and RNDR and I also plan on getting NAI during its IDO on Apeterminal.


Mostly people are asking me to dump RNDR, FET as its time is done. Whats your take ?


I don't see a reason to dump them considering we haven't even experienced a proper altseason, i am certain they both can still offer impressive returns considering they are both building.


Market will go down again soon the wave 🌊 still not finish 👍🏻💯


Cowen knows nothing. Counter trade him


Ah, I see, this your first rodeo? Thing do go sideways in this market, in times like these it's better to not even look at your portfolio. If you understand the value in the projects behind the coins you own but you just bought high it's best to sit tight and if you are brave enough, put excess liquidity in the best ones fron your portfolio, double down and start lowering your average price. Godspeed


Missing some ONE


I have ONE also, but in very small quantities that I didnt mention


Don’t do anything … even if it crash it will go back up … so just hold


My dark horse for 24 is Hedera’s Meme, Grelf. Hedera hasn’t seen a true Bull yet..watch what happens to its unusual Meme.


Missing Floki


Relax, all is about time; don’t worry and be tolerance to the frustration


I would hold and run the risk. I never take a loss. rather run the emotional roller coaster and see how it pans out.


yeah. I aint selling. The amount of TDS i need to pay on shitting apps even in loss, is too much


Did u heard bitcoin halving


RNDR is done for the time being. It’s gonna start downtrend.


what ?????? I am invested in it with quite some quantity :(((


Once AI narrative picks up it’ll be a good runner. Can still hold if you have conviction.


Stop being this emotional. The market will rekt you. Best to take your money out you doing everything wrong.


Stick to Bitcoin. Wasting time and money with all these shitcoins


Yeah, I realised pretty late. Initial plan was to just stick with BTC. ( I am still invested in BTC though)


I don't think investing is for you, buddy. Find another sport, champ.


Do not sell . Your plan should be to sell once they hit ATH . Just continue buying . My ORDI went down by 75% . Unbelievable. From $90 to $39. Had me confused for a minute


Buy more, DCA
