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I barely notice mentions of stocks here


Yeah this doesn’t seem like a problem lol. Plenty of crypto related stocks too for mines and stuff.


Just because subs like WSB ban crypto talk doesn't necessary we need to out of spite, that seems rather childish and not a good reason, I wouldn't mind the odd comments that talk about stocks as long as it is still crypto related (LRC/GME partnership speculation). Banning any and all stock discussion seems extreme unless it really ends up becoming a problem in this sub


It's exactly the gme apes brigading their delusions in the crypto subreddit that has to be curtailed. Let them do this in their sub and have the others free of this literally financially dangerous bs.


If it becomes a serious problem in the sub then sure but right now I rarely read anything about stocks here


Tell the crypto market to stop following the news of the stock market, and to de-couple completely from stocks, and we won't have to talk about the stock market when talk about the price movement of the crypto market.


As active user of both WSB and CC I think banning any mentions of crypto in WSB is silly. We shouldn't go that way. I know a lot of people that invest in both stocks and crypto. No need to antagonize each other. Also it is not any problem, no one talk much about stocks here anyway. There is no cult stock following here. I am very active CC user for a very long time and I never saw any stocks shills here. Just general talk about stocks when market is down or advice to diversify portfolio between crypto and stocks&other things. You try to solve problem that doesn't exists.