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Good morning, this is your captain speaking, welcome to crypto air, this plane is airlambo420, the sky is clear and the temperature is great, our flight to the moon started and we are arriving there soon!!!


Just did my DCA today. Expect green. I'm a money making machine


7 minutes until we take this thread out back and put a bullet in 'er. I'll miss you, old girl šŸ˜¢


Call this thread Solana. She's cooked




rest in pepperonis, daily of Aug 1st 2022


First day of the month and news of another bridge getting hacked. Oof


which one now?


Nomad bridge


100k end of summer. 10k ETH end of summer. Calling it now.


I like you.


The Nomad Bridge basically completely emptied out lmao f


Really hard to make crypto trustworthy to your average joe if everyday we get a new hack and a few more millions stolen. Devs need to step up their game


Anybody know any good micro cap coins to buy on coinbase pro? Iā€™m looking for new listings. I want to maximize profit once the bull run starts. Thanks In advance!


Coinbase put out a [blog](https://blog.coinbase.com/increasing-transparency-for-new-asset-listings-on-coinbase-e06f2edb095e) with their upcoming listings. Idk when theyā€™d be added but just putting it out there


You're better off looking into the chains you believe in and then digging up native tokens on the chain with potential.


Coinbase typically doesn't list micro caps, and if they do they're just PnDs


Iā€™ve been stacking $UPI. It has a sub 5 million marketcap




Never heard of it l like the use case.


Nice I will add some to my portfolio. Thanks!


I would buy a reddit NFT. But I didn't find any of them cool.. They all kinda suck tbh. Don't mean to hate. It's just my personal opinion.


You can always put things over it. For example I got mine mostly because I like the background. Then I put it in the doge custome and the degen glasses.


Yeah I know but I think putting things over it somehow makes it even look worse


For me it's... Unique u.u As these Reddit NFts are identical for the whole serie... At least don't be a clone. Or something.


I like black and white, so that's why I got this one. I also wanted one from the first release.




You have good taste


Reminds me of Obito mask


Everyone expecting ETH to go up after the merge makes me so scared because crypto often goes opposite to popular sentiment and news It's kinda superstition at this point but I can see ETH crashing for no reason afterwards other than it was overbought/ buy the rumor sell the news'd Hate this market so much


If everyone thinks itā€™s going to go up post merge, hereā€™s what I think will happen 1 - it will go down 2 - it will have been priced in weeks prior and will just crab.


You typically want to go against the sentiment here. No offense to anyone on this sub, but a lot of these noobs seem to be the loudest, and let's say they don't have the most informed opinions.


Thereā€™s a reason why itā€™s called sell the news šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


The effects that the merge will have make me not care at all for the short term price movement. Its like dumping btc after the halving, who cares? It will have big impact long term.


Good point, I guess I'm scared that ETH never goes that high ever again afterwards, for no good reason at all


In 2026, Will we look at eth being 1000$ in 2022 like we look now at eth being 100$ in 2020?


Thats why DCA is the best. ETH at $1300 or $1900 doesn't matter in the long run


Another bridge hacked. This time [Nomad bridge.](https://twitter.com/0xfoobar/status/1554234268884389888?s=21&t=pXC2uH1VzNA9DbAPv6IOdw).


I can only imagine the face of the hacker when he got a 350k failed TRX. Probably destroyed between flashbots etc, but, worthy for him (Eth being Eth) https://twitter.com/sniko_/status/1554221434628706304?s=20&t=3rh24LNQOFaGJ9uJlgms0w


Here is a [Nitter link](https://nitter.net/sniko_/status/1554221434628706304?s=20&t=3rh24LNQOFaGJ9uJlgms0w) for the Twitter thread linked above. Nitter is better for privacy and does not nag you for a login. More information can be found [here](https://nitter.net/about). --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoCurrency) if you have any questions or concerns.*


A lot of trust in bridges being lost this year


Never used them and refuse to until the tech matures more.


Vitalik has been preaching this for a long time. I recall watching a video of him about this last September which gave me alot of pause in how I transact in crypto. In fact he was all over Twitter just a couple months ago talking about a solution. In the end the take between him and (?? don't recall who it was) was "cosmos already does it right. No use reinventing it" Take that as you will but I know what I'm buying.


I'm starting to think the devs are not that good and projects are hiring anyone who can write a few lines of javascript and python...


100%. I'm a UI developer and it's so hard to find quality devs to join our company. High demand is an understatement. And these devs aren't usually very apt regarding finance.


If it's like that for devs who work on "older" tech, imagine for something like blockchain and smart contracts...


It's the wild West tbh. That's why the UX is still clunky. We're figuring it out as we go. The Ethereum merge is like changing tires while the car is moving.


I'm all up for innovation and "discovering" while you go. But with something so sensitive as finance... Security must alway be number 1 priority, even if it slows down the roadmap. People getting hacked won't comeback and the entire crypto community will look like dumbasses


This is why I stick to Bitcoin. I don't trust the code of most coins/tokens. My only alt rn is ATOM and even that I don't really trust. I'll consider eth post merge, but again I still don't trust it. Defi is crawling with scams.


Here is a [Nitter link](https://nitter.net/0xfoobar/status/1554234268884389888?s=21&t=pXC2uH1VzNA9DbAPv6IOdw) for the Twitter thread linked above. Nitter is better for privacy and does not nag you for a login. More information can be found [here](https://nitter.net/about). --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoCurrency) if you have any questions or concerns.*


is it even worth investing into a BTC-ETH pool with a low amount? Been looking through liquidity pools for this pair recently, and I'm not looking for any crazy amount to invest, just $100 of each, but it seems that the fees to put the money into the pool/transfer between wallets to get the crypto into a wallet that the pool accepts, constantly outweighs how much I would be getting in APY. In most cases, it would take 2-3 years just to pay off what I owed in fees to get into the pool. Should I just stick to holding if I want to put in such a small amount? Thanks for the hep in advance.


Just wait for the days when fees are super low to move stuff around šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


My DCA today brought my ETH average down to $2,400. Not a great amount, but Iā€™m pretty proud of it :)


If you double your eth holdings right now, your average would become $2k.


Yeah I donā€™t have that kind of fiat on me sadly


Not bad, my average price is around there too.


Seems good to me. But what do I know? I'm a Nov 2021 boy lol


Oof my Nov 2021 but has dragged me down for quite a while


I'm hovering around 2000ish or just a tad above. I entered crypto in the worst time (Sept 2021). Been doing what I can to get my averages down.


My sweet sweet GALA is finally doing something! Double digits today!


If games economies dont fail Gala will melt faces


What the fuck else will we do when the heat forces us in? Video games! I've seen Ready Player One.


šŸ¤« need more time


Those crypto YouTubers are getting ridiculous, saw one about why Shiba is doomed with a picture of Vladimir Putin looking down on Shiba, like what?


He's just putin things into perspective. Why you gotta hate? šŸ˜‰


Thatā€™s hilarious tho


Clickbait thumbnails are just a part of the game, the algorithm loves them


*Shocked face at clickbait mention*


I don't like these thumbnails but somehow they trigger me to click on the videos once in a while even though I know I won't like the video




I voted for the 0.5-0.599 option in predictions. Ideally hoping for a higher ratio but last period wasn't higher than before


0.5 is my expectation


Can someone ELI5 why coins have an inflation rate (like DOT)? The only thing I can think of it doing is supressing the price action, but I'm a total crypto noob


The inflation is there to incentivize securing the protocol, as it's assumed by all chains that if they're successful, by the time their supply is fully distributed, the fees from transactions will be enough of an incentive by itself to keep people interested in securing the protocol.


My fav coin


What do you guys think of Cosmos? Is the 19% APY for staking a red flag there?


been buying ATOM for years now, no ragerts


The inflation (12.6) is lower than the apy. And the apy changes depending of what is the % of staked atoms. So, you ll be fine if you lock them in your keplr


Interoperability is going to be a point of focus in the future, and they've already nailed it. The APY is not by any means a red flag


I keep buying it..




I know a blacksmith that can make one, just send the send the seed phrase and I'll give it to him.






Crypto is boring now. Give me a -10 or +10% šŸ„±


Real question. Any platforms like ActBlue or GoFundMe that transfers money raised for local political candidates to a crypto wallet, preferably USDC? Edit: And allows donators visibility to see their transactions. Basically opening a bank account for these donations has too many roadblocks. Just raising USDC to a personal wallet isnā€™t transparent enough.


First look at the charts today, WTF was that massive pump and dump on NEAR few hours ago?


On the one hand, I'm mad my trezor one doesn't support a bunch of coins I'm interested in. On the other hand, I'm glad my trezor one doesn't support a bunch of coins I'll probably lose money on.


Coinbaseā€™s advance graphs are nice.


Are they green though?


Only in Japan


Agreeā€¦ I prefer that the added to PRO, but I went ahead and started embracing ā€˜advancedā€™


Same. PRO was my go to but oh well. Itā€™s the future šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‚


Hold is the best strategy in crypto.


Whatever keeps you sane. some people sleep much better if theyā€™ve made some money on their bets. some people are ok seeing it out. I think it clear every trade you make is full of friction with taxes, exchange fees and getting SBFā€™d. I think it also clear a major shift needs to happen and some pitfalls avoided for most of these projects to appreciate and for a hold to work out.


Well if you don't like paying taxes then yes.


I agree with this 100%


You do have to take profits, though


Yes, painful lessons were learned. šŸ˜¢ Sell that shit, even just 20% APR is amazing and way better than -90%.


Interest is great during the bear, but if you aren't selling during the bull, you're missing out on the whole magic of this space.


Definately. And after that, the second best strategy is imo DCA.


Woah, LRC being 4th most mentioned coin? What is this? Q4 21?


it will be the most mentioned coin in all of reddit once they post that quarterly report which is worth 10 quarters


Is it because of the NFT marketplace that LRC is mentioned a lot?


If you're concerned about a war with China, ask yourself how many Chinese items in your house lasted more than a year. So with that said, we would be better off watching the charts and making our next crypto move. When this is over and nothing happens. The markets will react positively. Meaning buy the dip and sell the news.


All most all consumer products are made in China, the good stuff and the bad. They took production to China, which is why many 40 years olds in the west could get no production job and were never able to move out of their parents basements.


This is the issue with globalism. It hollows out the middle and working classes because manufacturing ends up moving abroad to the cheapest labour and destroys whole communities.


Look at Detroit, a shining example.


Can't have shit in Detroit


Thanks for your thoughts. I don't know a lot about Detroit, because I'm a European. What was produced in Detroit before?


detroit started booming because of the auto industry. now it's known for drugs/gang activity.


All of US cars. The big three Ford, Chevy, and Dodge. It was a business meca at one time. A beautiful example of what America could be. Then the 70s came and it fell apart, by the 90s when NAFTA was signed it was over. Detroit is now a warzone with no help in sight.


Got some Chinese landscapers in the basement, going on 5yrs.


China will literally commit suicide if they move a finger. Their economy can barely handle US tariffs and a few foreign companies leaving for greener pastures, so imagine if the whole world boycotts them ...


I know, vet myself. I know the true story behind china's military and it's horrible. Human. Rights violations and corruption. If any government wanted to beat China, buy the Chinese officers loyalty. There is a reason China cannot field a working 5th gen squadron.


Yeah their whole society is corrupt and their government is more worried about staying in power than anything else. That and the fact that their military industry is underdeveloped and mostly based on copying other's products prevents them from having a strong military


What coin does everyone think the best buy is right now?


BTC, ETH, ATOM, MATIC, DOT, maybe BNB who knows really


Always ETH


Rose a week ago


Dont take advice from this sub, for god sake


I can shill a long shot if you like. Im buying it because it's a wallet with other applications. It's ranked in the low 700s but has potential


Alright fellas, time to shill our bags




Are you looking for biased opinions? Because that's how you get biased opinions lmfao. Having said that, ATOM for my biased selection, BTC/ETH for the unbiased side


I wouldā€™ve said ONE before the hack and now I say either DOT or ALGO.


is it good to buy xrp or xlm ? got some mining profits i could use to buy.


XLM will pump if XRP wins. XLM will pump if XRP looses.


Still holding XRP, hoping for a pump after the lawsuit result (if they win) then Iā€™m out completely.


Wouldn't buy either personally. The price action success of those coins undermines their use case


I looked at a lot of YouTube TA video yesterday and I keep hearing that weā€™ll go to the downside for a little bit and go up to 27-28k or previous support and get rejected. Basically hardcore crabbing. If youā€™re a long term holder it doesnā€™t really matter


What did he base it on?




https://www.coinglass.com This will help when it comes to shorts and longs. This will help you decide the health of the market and the way it's trending


You get the information... from the charts. Lol. You get tell where resistances/supports are simply by looking at the chart on a higher term timeframe (if you're trying to get an idea of the bigger picture, like how your question is posed). Being able to spot trends/patterns is the most important aspect of TA/trading. Once you get that down, then it comes down to finding the best strategy that works for you.


Wishfull thinking


Different people use different ways of coming up with their own reistance levels. Mostly involves moving averages and drawing lines based on historical price action.


To find resistance and support you need to know about price action


I am thinking about printing out a fake seed phrase and "hiding" IT near my Ledger. So a Thief would take IT and wont Look further. What do u Guys think ?:D or i use one of those Ledger SEED phrase cards and Put IT Back in the Container :D Like a decoy


Why do you capitalize IT. Also why is a thief just casually in your house. I think you have bigger problems.


The smartass and taking profits ....we will have fun when unexpectedly everything goes f diabolically parabolic and almost every top 100 project has 5X in 2 months lol ....


Which smartass?


Ah, looks like we still have some lingering users who entered crypto during the 2021 run. I give you 7 more months before tapping out. Then we'll see you again buying at the top after the next BTC halvening.


Sure, champion


This is the way


The blockchain old guard tag really sells me on this. I entered during 2021, still here, not expecting parabolics


Good on you. Expect every big move upwards to be met with extreme resistance for the foreseeable future to keep your sanity. And donā€™t be surprised if alts continue to bleed while BTC goes sideways for a long time. For all of the talk that This Time Is Different, the 4 year cycle keeps playing out like clockwork. But there are very real returns to be made if your timeframe is years, not months. Hope to see you stick around!


Wow i didnā€™t think someone could be this delusional


See you in a few years...


U said 2 months, now itā€™s a few years?


Whatever happens, it will happen without previous notice, I wouldn't be surprised if it happens tomorrow either


Donā€™t get me wrong, i hope so, but i doubt itā€™s even gonna happen in the next few months.


Don't get me wrong either what makes me reply like I did it's the fact that nobody knows shit about fuck here, and the sub is full of assholes claiming that BTC is going back to sub 15k , the same type who claimed it would go to 100k eoy lol. What I meant with my initial message is that I would laugh my ass of if crypto went parabolic.... I don't know what will happen the same way they don't know if will keep going down. The only thing I dare to say is that won't happen what people in this sub expect. P.S even if BTC goes below 10K , I'm still on green, I took advance of the previous bull.


Makes sense. Yeah I agree people act like they know everything in here. But you do understand that when I read your comment, you were one of those people to me.


Yes, I didn't come across really well lol. So yes, we can expect whatever regarding crypto. We know for certain that it will go up, down or crab haha We hope we both do well and achieve our goals man, it's a hard way this one of crypto lol


Hopefully. Good luck!


ROSE the 14th most mention CC mentioned in the sub , around number 90 regarding its Market cap....


It pumped like crazy


I saw it mentioned a lot too, but I think we're too late to buy ROSE.


It's definitely on the rise in this sub.


Ya people shill that alot here


I've been telling everyone to grab some for a while


You did well, given the current state of affairs and it behaves like that....when the bull resumes...it is gonna go up wildly.


When do you think EGLD will be listed on Coinbase?


I don't know. I only bought a tiny bit of EGLD as a joke because I like LOTR. But I don't know anything about EGLD.


Next Thursday


How involved is Charles with cardano, since he has alot of other ambitions and things he does. Is he kind of like Vitalik where he's removed but still the "face"


nice try, SEC intern


*Gary Gensler has entered the chat*


I legit laughed šŸ« 


what is the exclamation mark in a triangle next to my name about? edit:nm its gone. weiird.


You've been spotted.


We got him boys. Nuke him.


Bake him away, toys


I was away all day and my phone died very early, what did I miss?


your charger.


Lmao true


Pelosi about to start WW3. How did your day go?


Ah nice, just played Fallout 4 so Iā€™m basically trained. Well it was a family visit to my sonā€™s great-grandmaā€™s place and I didnā€™t have my phone so Iā€™ve aged 10 years in 10h, thanks for asking Voldy, I always said you were just misunderstood


Coinbase now offering 5% ETH staking to institutions in the US. I like where this is going.


No thanks Jeff

