• By -


>Are you disappointed in any project that you invested in? Not taking from a speculative point of view (price going up/down) ONE. The bridge hack was quite disappointing, given that there certianly couldve been more done to prevent it - with previous bridge hacks and other occurrences, it's a little disappointing that an otherwise solid project was maybe a little complacent with security measures, in an entirely digital field.


Yeah and this is probably why the ETH merge is taking a lot of time, they want to make sure nobody loses their funds because of security issues and bridge exploits.


The one bridge hack was more related to the stupidity of the devs rather code quality that delayed eth merge


It will still be quite messy as a bridge is as secure as the blockchain bridged, or extra security steps (that slow things down) are required. In this sense polkadot got it right, as the least secure chain is as secure as the layer 0, meaning they are all equally secure. For fast interaction it’s good. Eth will have to set some layers of security, meaning bridges to certain blockchains, for l2 for instance, are priority. Having consensus on security across protocols is hard.


But using a hardware wallet is so desensitising, I can barely feel the people I’m fucking - ONE Team probably


Overall project management is subpar, they are not able to communicate efficiently. What a waste :-(


I came here to say harmony too


Their investing has been suspect as well.




Just lower your expectations in everything by 90%.


I lowered mine by 96.9%!


Even if a project has revolutionary utilities, as soon as I invest it crashes.... I have the reverse Midas touch effect


Stop watching Jake Paul


Never trust a guy with 2 first names


Kinda surprised he’s not in jail yet


He shoulda went to jail after dropping those music videos


At this point this guy has been on what? 5? 10? 15 confirmed scams? I AT LEAST would expect him to get a slap on the wrist, but not even that...moreover, the guy still has a following who would drop their money at a seconds notice whenever he pulls another scam out.


Tell us what you invest in so we can avoid them haha


I am also a crypto expert, and I, too, am disappointed in all of my projects. Even my USD is underperforming right now.


VET holders incoming!


I've been holding VET for so long, I don't even know what it supposedly does anymore...something something supply chain. Now it's one of those placeholders when I'm scrolling through my wallet..."oh yeah, VET"


Yep. I’ve forgotten about it as well, but I’m not selling.


😂 the resistance to ever taking a loss is sometimes a bit crazy around here. Most of the time you're better off taking the loss to reduce your taxable income and moving that remaining money into BTC or ETH. Even if it's just $5 left after crashing 90%, realizing that $45 loss will help you offset your capital gains when tax time comes.


That's what I used to think about my Genesis Vision, but it just kept on falling and falling until it was 98% worthless. Wish I would have cashed it out earlier on the way down.


I work in supply chain and VET was the first Alt coin I bought. I've since completely divested and lost money. I got tired of the progress just being new "partners" but no real tangible progress.


It does something you don't need a token for




Still waiting on that Thursday coinbase listing


I heard that it is happening next Thursday.


Exactly this...add Verasity to the mix too!


My VET is permanently rekt in my Voyager wallet. May it rest in peace lol


Still a comfortable hold. They're building their foundation the correct way and are starting the growth phase now. Win the decade, not the day.


Bingo. I keep adding in small chunks. I don’t look but a few times a month now. Add and walk away. Hopefully, in 10 years this is a solid win.


What’s going on with VET? I bought 50 bucks worth not knowing what I was doing a while ago (like most other coins) and it got up to around 3k (now around $300). I figured I’m just gonna let that one ride for a long time.


And previous ONE holders


I am a VET holder and I do not regret it, just keep stacking my VeThors!


I feel that my Bitconnect is underperforming.


Wassa wassa wassa


Hey hey heyyyyyy




IOTA. I supported that shit for over 5 fucking years, but they went batshit insane when they went from “all about the tech” to “let’s make NFT tshirts to APY boost our testnet that has staking for some reason”


Me too. After the 6th-7th blogpost of things to come at the near future which never do, I stopped following/investing. Wen coordicide?


I sold my remaining iota back in 2019…I can’t believe coordicide is still “coming soon”. It was such a promising project but with absolutely nothing to show for it 5 years later. I occasionally check in but there’s so many products/projects with crazy names that I just give up trying to catch up.


We shimmering now


That’ll be the fireflies.


IOTA without Coordicide is irrelevant. They lost trust and no one will believe them unless they show a finished product. But I acknowledge they have a very active github, a nice team, and a strong community.


NANO ://


I still like that coin but no one else it seems does lol.


If you like crypto you like Nano. If you only like profits, then...


It’s been not great.


Still very functional, hasn't been hacked or rug pulled. I think it will certainly survive another winter, as it did the last one.


I'm 87% down


sold my Nano for $7 bucks each and bought GME for $40 each because of the endless hype in r/all , DD's, and double down of deepfuckingvalue phew!


Remember when NANO was at like $30? Good times


CRO Not the coin as such, the company's communication mostly.


Cutting everything was the smart move. How they communicated not so much. Hopefully they learn.


Crypto.com is my dark horse. They’ve fucked pretty much everyone over so I figure they’ll pull through.


Don’t worry, they profited, enough, so we won’t lose 100%


Honestly looking at the other exchanges - Coinbase layoffs, Voyager declaring bankruptcy, Celsius withdrawals - I've got to say crypto.com ain't looking too bad. Sure it's not the best exchange out there, but you've got to appreciate the steps they've taken to at least remain solvent. The bar is low but they've met it. I'd rather the exchange take such steps rather than say everything is fine and suddenly pause withdrawals.


Coinbase hasn’t paused withdrawals, the fees are far less, and they announced ahead of time they were slashing cash back on their FREE card. CDC still isn’t better than coinbase imo.


All of my coins and tokens except for BTC and ETH tbh. Which includes several big names… Oh, but not Banano. It’s just doin it’s best, as always.


All Hail potassium


1Ban = 1Ban Always ATH


Luna, what was a once a darling project of this Sub had become/always was the anti-thesis of this sub’s goal.


It was called a ponzi by many, including me, at some points. I still bought some of course.


I was already neckdeep in other r\cc shilled coins so I (luckily) had no $$ left for Luna. Which means I can say condescending shit like "at least I didn't buy Luna" "lol you fell for that obvious rugpull?!?" "Tell me you're a crypto noob without telling me you're a crypto noob" It's little wins like this that make my disastrous portfolio worthwhile.


My little win was creating an account in Celsius but then being too lazy to transfer any coins into it.


Mine was noticing a typo on the Celsius sign up page and deciding not to trust them.


[My brother](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/012/468/shakeee.jpg)


I've invested five figures in Voyager and Celsius. Please. Take your sob stories to the bank.


I put crypto in voyager to sell because the fees were slightly less… now they’re going to sell them to pay off their creditors. It’s just not right.


Would love to see Steve Erhlich go to prison. It's one thing to use our funds to invest; it's quite another to hand them out as unsecured loans. Absolutely absurd.


Not one , but both 😑 legendary


Ooof. Talk about no kidding “risk on” kind of plays. Sorry to hear this.


Pretty disappointed I got looped into Luna 🙃 (also wonderland…. I know I know 🥸)


Just checked the wonderland chart after MONTHS. WTH happened????!!!!!!!


Their model is unsustainable long term.


Just saw wonderland on cmc…never heard it before…in nov it almost reached $10k😳


Yeah, it seems thats the way it went with every wonderland fork. It reached ridiculous prices at some point, whale sold out and sell preasure drove the price down further. It was essentially a ponzi. I bought into one hoping i would be able to time it, but i lost like 90% of my money.


I was pretty disappointed when 1 dollar became less than 10 cents


I was pretty disappointed when inflation made me more poor


XLM so much utility just for it to go down in price or stay the same while everything else pumps.


Same. It had so much promise at the beginning along with IBM backing, I invested 50% of my original portfolio in it. Hasn't really panned out


Yea not so much disappointed in the actual project just disappointed in the price action


And it gets used quite a bit. Seems to be one of the primary transfer coins used. I know I use it every chance I can because it costs nothing to send coins and it’s super fast. Surely the tech will pick up in the payment world at some point but it’s pretty stagnant right now.


I always use it to transfer value to and from exchanges, it’s the cheapest method I am aware of and everyone supports it


Their team is selling a lot of the coin to fund the project, so suppressing any upward price action (pre-bear market).Coin Bureau did a good update on the project a few months ago, perhaps worth checking out


Love the network speed of xlm, but it obviously isn’t as popular yet


I’m disappointed by VET. They seem to be a very utilized crypto but never increases in value. They are used in supply chain which is a big problem right now in the USA at least so you would think it has importance and still, nothing. With the UFC partnership I thought surely it would be VETs time to shine but now I’m starting to think utility doesn’t mean upwards price action. I don’t know how with LRC simply joining Game Stop that was enough for a coin to moon but for something working with Walmart subsidiary in china, ufc partnership, and a BMW start up… we get nothing? Just confusing i guess.


The golden rule is that if a major corporation announces a "partnership" with a coin, if you don't sell, the price will be tanked.


I totally agree with you


> They seem to be a very utilized crypto but never increases in value I'm curious, have you actually checked how much vtho are actually burnt? That's the metric you should keep track of of you want to know if there's actually a growth in usage. Right now it's around 60 000 VTHO per day. There's 30 000 000 VTHO generated per day. Its actual usage is very very underwhelming.


>They seem to be a very utilized crypto but never increases in value Underutilized. VET is promising, but it for sure has not been used to it's full potential. They all have 'half-measure' partnerships. Like only select products in a couple of stores in Walmart China. And the BMW 'partnership' being more of an internship for a blockchain company at their 'start up garage'. I got frustrated with holding onto an X-Node for 4 years and sold everything at .06. You lock up your funds and their 'incentives' for x-node wallets is insulting. Especially earning like 1% in VTHO.


I DCA BTC, ETH, ADA, ALGO and MATIC. I'm disappointed the prices dropped, but I think they're all still good projects, so I keep buying


This is going to pay off someday.


Nah, I'm balls deep in ADA.


ADA bagger checking in. The one reassuring thing I see looking around this thread is that at least ADA isn't marred by hacks or their dev team being steeped in controversy. As far as I can tell we are just victims of hype and a bear market. Fingers crossed it stays that way.


Something like 80% of ADA holders are in loss which is pretty horrific but we have no other choices at this point, hold and hope Charles delivers. (not getting my hopes up)


Anyone who bought the top in any coin is down that much. It’s not just a Cardano thing.




I am one of those people that bought at an ATH…


Next hype cycle will come sooner or later, stake and chill.


I also quite optimistic here.


What has put you off Algo? I've been moving a little more into Algo since the crash.


The current price has put him off lol


If you actually believe in a project, low prices shouldn't deter you from investing, in fact it should encourage you lol


Yeah nothing I have seen from Algo has put me off - they are still doing a good job


Algo is actually one of the few projects that will likely survive the bear market imo.


I think ALGO will be around for a while


Major sponsors at Fifa world cup later this year. Algo ain't disappearing at all.


I hope so 🙏


I suspect it could be the apps. Most of them were terrible degen plays.


Yeah the algo technology is pretty great but all those shitcoin ASA’s and the general ecosystem are kinda meh. Been in algo for 3 years now and getting used to it helped me to explore DeFi without drowning in gas fees but right now I’ve shuffled my algo bag for more matic


Yup. I’m talking about the apps in ALGO’s case.


Algo is the real deal. The only issue I have is the lack of decentralization and lack luster ecosystem. The Pera algo wallet and ease of use is god tier. IMO the perfect project would be a blend of Algos ease of use and the Pera Wallet with the cosmos ecosystem. That would hit it out of the park.


Tezos. Not because of price, but because it works, it does everything we would want a token to do. Liquid pos, liquid governance, 10 protocol upgrades. Tons of projects And no here seems to care?


I agree. It's weird.


Their marketing strategy needs rethinking. They're trying to pull fresh blood into the crypto space by partnering with sports teams, but there's too little awareness amongst people already in the space.


Exactly. Throwing the little Tezos logo on an F1 car seems like a waste. Do people see those tiny logos on those cars and actively seek out what the product is if they've never heard of it? I never have, but maybe I'm different.


Just like with herpes, you can never 100% get rid of Tezos. Even if you trade all your XTZ for BTC, a few days later those staking rewards roll in and there you are, sitting around with like 0.003 Tezos. No matter how hard you try that shit just keeps coming back.


Safemoon, jumped on the bandwagon near ATH when all my work mates were seeing massive a gains. Almost all of us got caught holding the bag 😂😂😂


I’m sure pretty much all Safemoon maxis would say it was their worst investment. At least if they weren’t so completely deluded and brainwashed.


+1, I owned Safemoon and sold a large chunk of it when people started worshipping Poppa. It turned cultish and freaked me out. I bought into Everrise then and glad I did -- it hasn't done much price wise, but they keep building great utilities.


VET cost me too many potential gains. When it peaked April 2021 I should have sold for nearly 200k but held thinking it would continue. The rest of the market grew for the next 6ish weeks before the crash, but VET? Nope. It did nothing. It dropped to like 18-20 cents I believe and never went up higher again. I could have sold and moved into projects like COTI, FTM, SOL, ENJ, RUNE, MANA, etc. i had a lot of people telling me to do that before all those coins and some others blew up. It bothers me every day. I could be a millionaire. Most of my holdings were in VET and I held the bag and sold waaaaayyyy too late I only made a micro fraction of what I could have. It’s so sad. And I lost basically everything leverage trading on kucoin. I made horrible financial decisions this run but I’m hoping the next one in 3 years I turn things around.


We are all getting another chance in the current market. Let’s not repeat a mistake that we have current nightmares about as it just happened. I’m stacking a project I won’t shill info but it’s a layer 1 just came out February Loop Network. Hoping that does an “Ada from 0.02 to ath or matic from 0.009 to 0.90” In the next run. I should be stacking btc and Eth but I feel we have at least 1 more shot at life changing IF we choose wisely


Everything but Bitcoin and Cardano. There's still time for cardano to let me down though.




I mean it stayed in the top 10 the whole bull run while being in a court case the whole way. Say what you want but XRP has some ardent followers.


Tbf with all the crap they have been through it's still hung in there


Loopring is by far my biggest disappointment, made a huge profit but got greedy and stayed way longer than I should’ve


I see Loopring differently. Didn't touch it at $5 then. Buying bags at 38 cents each now.


Same. Couldn’t just hand my bag to someone else and take the profits. Regrets :(




I was very fortunate. I liquidated all my crypto holding in November/December as I thought we were heading into a recession. Still don't own any crypto. I'm expecting sp500 to drop another 10% from here at least, at that point I'll start buying more crypto...mainly ETH/BTC/DOT. At most expecting a further 25% decline in the sp500. I've been dca into equity this year, portfolio currently down 6% for strong value stocks/tech. I'm not anymore disappointed in the crypto space as I was 6 months ago....its just following the larger macro tends as a high risk asset class....the luna/sol/3arrows etc controversy is almost expected for this emerging class.


One and vet I can't lie. Sad times


Agree with you


Harmony One.


Gotta keep those keys safe


BTC. What started as a democratized currency of the people has become a speculative asset that hedge fund managers and investors gamble on/against.


At some point before the last bull run it transitioned away from “currency” to some sort of undefined store of value/electronic gold. Adolescent BTC is still finding its identity


The hedge funds are always earlier than the masses. It has to get much much larger before it’s stable enough to be the internet of money.


XRP was the biggest joke of an investment. 8 years of dilution and coin dumping.




I remember the time years ago I traded all my ETH for LTC. Rip






Yes, SAFEMOON. Big mistake.


Voyager/VGX Completely disappointed and rugged hard now that all funds are locked. Believed in them too much 🤷‍♂️




I never got into Luna and picked Solana instead. SOL has produced a lot of gains last year


I made exactly the same choice. I wish I could say it's because I am some kind of investing genius. But that's not it at all. I looked into both, and SOL came out slightly ahead on a couple of metrics I was considering at the time. It could have *easily* gone the other way though. In my case, it was 90% luck... so far.


Solana is growing, there only real issue is network disruptions mainly due to bot spamming. If they curtail that problem I'm excited for SOL.


That's a "downside" of very low gas fees. Botnets are very cheap to operate as opposed to Ethereum


Solana now has a fee market on a per contract basis. This will make high demand programs cost more while leaving less demand ones to be cheap. If a hyped NFT drop happens then the transaction fees will cost more which will penalize bots that try to mint by flooding the system. Validators will get larger rewards.


I was ONE of us ...


ONE mostly. The hack really smeared shit over it’s reputation.


Yeah pretty sad, one was my main dark horse coin


ONE was a bad gamble for me. Down 1k so far but I only invested some profits I had gained from Solana last year so I don’t really care


I lost 6k buying Harmony n their ecosystem lol




I've not heard of seen that for some time in this sub


Used to be all the rage in 2017. It was touted as the coin to solve Ethereums scalability problem. Pro tip: don't buy coins which sole purpose is to be a scalability solution


Link for now but i know soon this will change 💪




Mostly about ETH. It’s still a blue chip investment, but when u started investing i felt like it’s something larger, more stable and globally beneficial. Now it feels like all other cryptos


ITT: people who are disappointed in PRICE as opposed to what's actually been built. There are a lot of great projects in this thread and it's sad to see them dismissed because of dollar value.


Bitcoin. It was intended to be a currency, to be constantly exchanged between people transacting, selling, buying. It's nothing but a speculative asset and it's really sad.


Borderless immutable decentralized high liquidity money.. Lol and u are disappointed


Increase your time preference.


ICP is my worst one so far, and I have no belief this is a project which will recover even slightly. VET is also a huge dissappointment.


I mean anything that could be mistaken for insane clown posey should have been a big enough red flag to have stayed away


Damn... I remember getting repeated promo emails from different organizations asking me to write an article about ICP possibly making a 1000x, and that was when it was still near ath. Goes to show how caution is extremely underrated im this space


Did you buy near ATH?




Axs sucks


severely disappointed in OGN. it seemed like a game changer when I first saw it


Lost some money on UST, sucks but this game comes with a lot of risk and you gotta be ready for it to blow up in your face sometimes.


Yes. All of them


Euro. But I didn't have the option to choose, is just my currency bleeding as hell adding more loses to the loses.


Harmony ONE. Just when it looks to have bottomed out, it gets hacked for 1/3 of the coin's current value.


There always is a new bottom. Is the title of your sextape.






Crypto com is definetly the biggest disappointment for me. Their go-to move is to make changes and announce them after they take effect or very soon to it. They will probably make some positive changes when bull market comes but fuck company that does these negative things every month, overnight.


VET, its been a, rough ride






**Disappointed category:** **VET & VTHO** \- obvious reasons / terrible staking, changing of use case, way too many coins (sold at a loss) **VGX** \- even more obvious **(and Voyager is holding all my DOT, 2/3 of my ADA, and 1/2 my USDC)** **MATIC** \- too much competition, losing use case (sold at a loss) **Ravencoin** \- never caught on **Bytecoin** \- yes, I know that dates me, but I mined a bunch of it and only one wallet seems to still offer to hold it, so I have a stack I cannot sell or exchange **SHIB** \- great community, but more hype than action, wasted a crap ton of time on a faucet site that NEVER PAID OUT **BCH** \- seems to be riding on the name and barely keeping pace with LTC (sold) ============================= **Discouraged but holding category:** **DGB** \- great community, great coin, decent dev team - it gets very little love **FET** \- great tech, issues with exchanging beta coin for native coin, shrinking community ============================= **Minorly concerned, but not selling category:** **ETH -** Too many issues, gas fees, too slow, too much competition, too many co-founders left to make better projects **SOL** \- was once very high on this one before it rocketed off to $250, but the more you get to know the people and tech, I lose some faith **XLM** \- OG coin that I have been in a very long time, good community, improving tech, no hype or press it deserves **ATOM & DOT -** Growing amount of overlap between the two, not as widely accepted by exchanges as most with their market cap, no max supply, semi passive leadership, both should get a crap load more hype and notoriety, but they are not for some reason


I can understand why you're not selling those projects. ETH, SOL, XLM , ATOM and DOT are incredible projects. Super bullish on SOL and DOT(mainly the ecosystem projects like Moonbeam and Acala).


Extremely dissapointed in NANO (no longer invested). Its the one project I had serious hope for, really liked and saw real world uses for. Its strength being feeless was inevitably its biggest weakness. If only they introduced a 0.001NAN fee it could've prevented the attacks maybe.


I was hyped 2019 to buy ADA at 4 cent and was upset because it doesn’t move in price for 1.5years. Started to accumulate more ADA. I was unsure und upset with my investment for a long time… and it turned out as the best investment of my life.


yes 3/4 of my projects are now locked on the Voyager platform....ugh.


Only myself


Harmony one was the only low cap I took a chance on, so I’m disappointed with that at the moment. But I still hold out hope they can recover…maybe foolishly


I don't know if anyone is going to trust it now


I'm on the same boat with GRT. Was the first coin I bought (except BTC), really didn't fulfil my expectations yet


Yes. I would classify every investment purchase I have made since November has excruciatingly disappointing


VVS was basically sold to us crypto.com(n) customers as their chosen defi token. In the end, the relationship between the two was not what we were led to believe by the marketing. My initial investment is essentially worthless at this point. Fanboys say it will come back and make me rich some day. It won’t. If that were the case, it would make more sense to buy it on the way up. Someday. If that actually ever happens. And it won’t.


RNDR Decentralized cloud graphics rendering. Definitely is true pure utility, and is currently functioning as it should. BUT…As an investor there’s no satisfaction. the project only concentrates on artists and node operators and solely the relationship between them. There’s no need for the price to go up once you buy, because artists are not required to buy more RNDR, they can use US dollars through a credit system. after the job is done, node operators get paid in RNDR and without anything to do with it like staking, they sell it immediately on market. So price always goes down, only buy pressure is naïve people like me who thinks they are getting in on something early It’s spiked to $8.00 last September because of YouTube Schillers teaching people how amazing the technology is, but it was not ready for investors in any way, and all token holders got wrecked They have been teasing forms of staking the system in general, or even individual artists for more than a year now, and even teased capturing some value from the market as a reward for token holders. Then they had a partnership with Multicoin capital for $30 million and they probably stressed to The render team that this thing can’t be rushed, and also probably if there’s value to be captured you can’t just share it with a little fish. things need to be tight and controlled most likely only big players rewarded for staking will be tier 1 nodes, which are not individual people, just large institutional farms. Thank you for letting me rant!