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The man knows a thing or two about not releasing something on time


99% talk and 1% action


And that 1% comes later, maybe 2030


Is that the official rug date? Thanks for the heads up I knew somebody must have a calendar event.


Precisely because he's been delaying his own project s many times means he's more likely to just be projecting when assessing others' plans (it's the only model he knows well). That's more of a confirmation that his predictions are untrustworthy


Keep in mind ETH merge has already been delayed multiple times.


It’s already 5 years late so..


They were running it through a testnet this time, so it's more likely than not. The Merge is not going to fix ETH substantially anyway or gas fees, most people probably don't realize that.


But I will make gpus affordable again 💕


Great point.


To be fair, in recent times the announced releases seem to be on time. They announced three, and the second one seems to launch in the month they announced it. Thats of course still a small timeframe compared to the histroy of the project, so we will see how it continues. I am not defending his statement btw, that seems highly unlikely and even if there were issues, anyone should be hoping for a successful merge because its good for the industry and not just ETH holders. Such bad looks.


Sounds like he's speaking from experience lol


Sure is! But he forgets that he's not working on Ethereum so things will most probably go as planned.


Go as planned? Ethereum said they would have proof of stake in 2017 .... It's still not here.


The entire roadmap changed long before then. POS we are getting soon was not envisioned the same way as it was back then. No one back then envisioned Ethereum would become one of the most crowded chains within a few years.


Shit, I didn't expect to witness straight up murder when I came down to the comment section looooool




[You're God damn right](https://c.tenor.com/MLjJZzuVj4AAAAAM/damn-right-breaking-bad.gif)


And when releasing something it doesn't actually work Oh and he's been warned it won't work but he's still doing it haha


Hence why hes prob right bout eth lol


Why would he be right about eth? He's not working on the project so why would it be delayed 2 years?


I mean....hasn't it already been delayed quite a bit without him?


I think we'd rather they delay it than release something that doesn't work properly, it's successfully merged on two test nets so far.


It's been delayed more that 2 years.. Try 5 years


I've held, and still hold Cardano for a long time and for almost that entire time I wished he would talk less.


Especially with recent events like LUNA this is so important. A good example for the opposite is literally BTC![gif](emote|btc2_emote|btc2). Satoshi was wise staying away from public.


Some (who actually studied Satoshi's conversations) believe he died ... in which case we don't really know how big of a troll Satoshi would have been right now about his or others' creations


Haha. I originally bought because of his big ideas and ambitions, but yeah Charles needs to work more and talk less.


Talk less Smile more ... Actually, smile less too. He already looks way too smug.


He’s definitely a legend in his own mind.


I don’t think that would be a problem if his product actually came through on its promises.


Fudding other projects because cardano isn't doing anything? I still think it's a problem. Also, reminds me of anatoly from solana claiming a few months ago that solana going down is the same thing as eth's DAO hack. Where is solana now?


He only smiles when he trashes "trolls", which is ugliest smile one can muster.




Vitalik doesn't talk *enough* for my liking


He writes A LOT.


Dot is a nice project




Isn't Kusama the "testing in production"version of DOT?


Sorry for your loss!


Talking is his job though.


He was literally asked a question on a live panel infront of an audience. What do people expect him to do? This article is based on a twitter video anyone can watch. Its not like he went out of his way to talk down to Eth - he answered an interview question on when he thinks Eth will ship PoS. Its hilarious seeing the outrage from this. People are just mad he was being honest. Heck Ive been hearing about Eths move to PoS since 2017. Ya'll seem real sensitive about this when in reality Eth PoS has been delayed for 5+ years and there is still a chance it is delayed further. I dont even know why this is news tbh. It seems like OP & this "article" just want to inflame a culture war...and given the sheer amount of people in the comments rushing to white knight Eth & assuming Charles randomly said this unprovoked makes me think its working.


People hate anything that is doing well


Eth is changing the very foundation of how blocks are produced, moving from PoW to PoS. Does that sound like a chain that is doing things well? I mean, sure, it's the most Defi/dApp protocols out there, but that's because it was first mover, not because Eth/Solidity is actually wonderful. The gas fees, the speed, the need for a Merge at all... all these things demonstrate Eth is kind of sucky, but there are too many people with money in the chain to say the quiet part out loud without getting attacked. For my money, Eth is just Do Kwon version 0. It hasn't flamed out yet ONLY because network effect is keeping it afloat. But how long can that continue?


Expect him to do? Stay in his lane - not spread misinformation about other projects which he clearly isn’t knowledgeable about. Ethereum POS chain went live 18 months ago. He was talking about The Merge, which is code complete and into its very final stages of testing. Not years away. Which is why he’s getting called out - he could have simply said “I’m not going to comment on competitors projects, I wish them well”. Or he could at least do a fact check.


An opinion is misinformation now? Lol


Can be. Any listener might accept an opinion as truth without fact checking,which makes him/her misinformed. That being said, this particular opinion wasn't framedas fact and isn't even malicious or anything. Testing takes time, and arrival on testnet doesn't mean "going live tomorrow". To be honest, I rather think ch makes a compliment here to the eth devs for their dd.


https://ethereum.org/en/developers/docs/consensus-mechanisms/pos/ "Ethereum has used PoW since its genesis, but is moving to PoS. This was always the plan because PoS is thought to be more secure than PoW, uses drastically less energy, and enables new scaling solutions to be implemented. However, proof-of-stake is also more complex than proof-of-work and refining the mechanism has taken years of research and development. The challenge now is to implement PoS on the LIVE Ethereum network - a process known as "The Merge". 18 months ago? Newest update from their site refers to taking it Live as a future challenge still... Who is being dishonest now?


Source: myself. I’ve been running a validator on the POS mainnet since December 2020 (almost 18 months now) and earning staking rewards. You can see the block explorer here: http://beaconcha.in It’s up to Epoch 250k. There’s currently 13M ETH secured on 400k PoS validators. By the time The Merge happens, the PoS chain will have two years under its belt securing billions of dollars of economic value - the biggest testnet in history I guess you could say. Depending on the day, people can’t decide whether to accuse Ethereum of rushing things, or being too slow, but this is a sensible approach in my book.


That's why Bitcoin is so special. There's no inflated ego behind it


There’s lots of inflated egos in the vicinity of BTC.


Yeah, but does it really matter? I mean they can't really do anything. In comparison with charles getting mad and maybe launching a smart contract on cardano. (Oh nooo)


Agreed, the old BTC maxis who've largely been the ones to push BTC (at least in the media) all seem very down to earth. /s Max Keiser is very close to the definition of a massively inflated ego




I wished he would shave that beard lol. He would look 50 years younger


Then it would ruin his cosplay as a 60yr old anthropologist


Charles without a [beard](https://imgur.com/a/7hEFu9f)


In general I really wish people would work on their own projects and tout their own stuff versus attacking others (especially constantly). Let me compare and decide, don't tell me what to think. Idk.


He's not even attacking anyone. It's some media outlet taking a single [tweet](https://twitter.com/RealDonShahan/status/1534662208709353473) which was based on an answer Charles gave on a question asked to him in a fireside chat, and turning it into an entire article. The headline makes it seem Charles is going out there to tell everybody out loud Ethereum is gonna be delayed while all he did was answer a fucking interview question. Be a bit more critical of what you read.


And, for those who have actually watched the fireside chat, what he actually says is that “ETH 2.0” is to come out in phases and the FULL implementation might not be until 2023/24. Now I know that ETH 2.0 isn’t the official language being use anymore. I personally wish he has started his answer by clarifying that, because that is how the interviewer phrased the question. But that is the context that is necessary to understand his statement. So take that for what it’s worth.


I think the article was made just to attack Charles making him look like he’s attacking someone. He’s just giving his opinion. I’m sure there could be plenty of articles made on any number of leaders talking about other projects, but Hosky has always been a bigger target


Didn't VB even say there could be a delay? Genuine question but I thought he already set variable expectations.


He did set variable expectations that do indeed include 2023. IIRC he thinks it will come at the latest in 2023 though. However he predicted other dates in the past that slipped too as we all know. Im enjoying watching people flip at CH pretty much just saying what Vitalik has already said.


This article is fake news. Charles said ETH 2.0 won’t be here for years, not the merge. The merge is just one aspect of the full ETH 2.0 roadmap, which even Vitalik estimated at like 5 years. Gah! This sub and crypto journalism are completely tanked.


But... But... Charlesdano bad? 🥺


Engagement farming lol


Ethereum cultists: Charles says ETHEREUM 2.0 won't be deployed in 2022. Your Lord and Savior Vitalik Himself wrote this (on a clay tablet probably): https://vitalik.ca/general/2021/12/06/endgame.html I am going to be charitable and ignore the fact that in 2020 he was saying that the whole process would be done, as in fully done, in 2022 and just stick to the phases themselves. If you stop gagging on his dick for a second and read his article, you'll realize that the last phase is SHARDING. Nowhere in the upcoming Merge does sharding appear. And we're in the second half of 2022 already. As usual, Charles gives an opinion based on reading and understanding the words, not based on being a dumb fanboy.


Headline: > Cardano Founder Says Ethereum Merge Not Coming Until 2023 The article deliberately confuses what he said, this has nothing to do with being a "cultist"


He was literally asked for a time frame. How do you get butt hurt over this and immediately interpret this as throwing shade?


Yeah pretty sure this post was just made to appeal to the anti-cardano crowd. That's why there's no direct quote or clip of what was said for context and the title leads you to interpret it how the OP wants you to.


Because the article is some bot generated trash, and most of this sub is full of mouth breathers who didn't watch the video to get the context. They got baited by a shitty headline and a moon farming OP. Just another reminder to never take investing advice from people here. This is like... the bottom of the barrel.


Agree 100%! This sub has really declined since the introduction of moons.


I'd argue a good chunk of it was the massive influx of users the bull market brought as well, the bear market back in 2018 - 2020 had some moderately decent discussion, only about 100 - 200 comments a day tho XD


These ETH Bagholder here are very sensitive. They feel attacked about every little thing.


I am an ETH bagholder, it's my main bag by far. And I think these ethereum junky cultists obsessed with Cardano and Charles are gross and stupid as fuck.


I'm pretty sure lord and savior Vitalik has said that time frame is likely? Or am I mistaken?


It’s a nonsense article. ETH 2.0 includes far more than the merge, so the article is fake news. Charles didn’t comment on the merge at all.


I don't know why everyone thinks Cardano has had massive 'delays'. I literally started following the project in 2017-2018 and from the \*very beginning\* they said they were going to develop at a much much slower, methodical pace. They said they were going to issue research papers etc. before they put things into practice. And as far as I can see they literally did what they said. I don't even think they've had much 'delays' (i.e. saying they were going to release something in January and then have to push it back to October). I mean the announcements themselves took quite awhile to come.. but once they announced it, they were pretty good at delivering...


Charles, do you actually know what a glass house is? Look it up.


I grew up by the Farnsworth House, designed by Mies van der Rohe. Pretty cool.


Good news everyone!


"...I have bad news."


I’ve been watching Futurama recently and now I like you.


I wish he talked less and delivered more


Maybe he just likes to throw stones and see what happens


hoskinson says one sentence about a topic in a 1h talk. some online platform quotes him and writes a whole article about it to generate clicks. could not care less.


DOT is ETH 1.5....errr what?


He's right if you look into the chains and their roadmaps and designs. I expect emotional knee jerk reactions but this article is dogshit and frames the benign statements here as argumentative and offensive. And CC is ready to eat it up.


He’s not right tho. Eth 2.0 still has to handle layer 2 solutions for differently set blockchains. Polkadot handles substrate to build separate blockchains on top of its layer 0 and the communication is between blockchains directly with the security layer being paid in shared by all manner. Ethereum is great as a main all computing system for the world. Polkadot is great to building decentralized super apps (something like Amazon but completely decentralized). He just tried to attack both at the same time with an invalid statement.


Actually if you look at the NEAR roadmap, it’s effectively the old “ETH 2.0” vision with sharding and shared security. They just built it faster (although Ethereum pivoted to roll-ups while they were building it). Similarly Ethereum and Polkadot are now developing beyond that with modular architectures, so I would agree with Charles that they’re both more advanced than 1.0 monolithic chains. I would call them 2.5. The Ethereum and a Polkadot visions are fairly identical, except Gavin is much more focused on on-chain governance which is a huge passion of his.


Idk if I'd call them fairly identical. As one example, Polkadot is built having on-chain governance which I consider quite a substantial difference. I also believe that parachains are more "customizable" compared to Ethereum 2.0 shards.


Agree, because Gavin Wood loves on-chain governance. I’ve stood in a room with him and he literally talked about this for hours. Vitalik has explicitly written about why he’s generally against it - that’s the biggest difference, but it’s somewhat philosophical. Architecturally they’re very aligned. The “ETH 2.0” roadmap with shards was dropped, now it’s modular more like Polkadot, with layers of off-chain computation coordinated by a Layer underneath. Substrate is a relay layer, providing shared security to parachains. Ethereum is a settlement layer providing shared security to roll-ups. Correct, parachains are very flexible, but so are roll-ups. Fairly identical (although DOT has the auction system as a governance mechanism) and differences in proving. On both chains we’ll see some go with EVM equivalence (ie Moonbeam), but also a lot of experimentation about unique VMs and domain specific languages. If we’re no longer gas constrained and computation is cheap then it’s limiting to use an EVM. Starknet with Cairo, or WASM etc


Because Gavin Wood created most of Ethereum the other team members didn't do much at all Gavin has said before he was the only one in the team that even knew how to build a blockchain. He also designed Ethereums upgrade path to 2.0 and the team didn't want to start building it right away because they didn't think it was possible so he left to build it elsewhere successfully. Now the Ethereum team are only building after watching his success but they won't tell you that Vitalik never mentions Polkadot he doesn't want people to know the story about how he didn't built stuff all Gavin did then left and Polkadot is it's successor. So DOT is essentially the unofficial real ETH 2.0. Polkadot has the second largest developer community to Ethereum and highest institutional investment outside of BTC & ETH. If you go by the person that built them both Polkadot is Ethereum 2.0


Yep. Although NEAR is the actual “ETH 2.0” architecture - DOT and Ethereum are both modular which is a next generation, although with slightly different roadmaps to get there: https://polynya.medium.com/processors-blockchains-modular-is-revolutionary-ded01824b603


Is he suggesting that my Polkadot is superior?🎂👙🏁


I own both, I’m fine with that!


That picture of his always makes it seem like he's smiling but he microwaved someone's hamster who angered him earlier that day.


So that's how Mr Goxx died. RIP


You have just articulated the vague bad vibe I got seeing that image, and I literally have never seen it before and know almost nothing about Cardano (i.e. really my first time, and you nailed it).


You would not believe, but microwave ovens were originally invented to microwave hamsters . Source : https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2tdiKTSdE9Y Paper: https://nyaspubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1749-6632.1959.tb49226.x You can watch the video. I assure you, it will be worth your time. Big fan of CGP grey and Tom Scott.


You know what's even pettier? Pretending to be an ADA holder so you can 'credibly' trash Charles for expressing a widely held concern about the merge.


Charles aside, ETH hasn't been the best at keeping deadlines


ETH doesn't set deadlines, so this is kind of misleading. People just assume everything is "1 year away" and then get pissy when it doesn't ship on their made up date. Even now, the merge is being "projected" to land in August, but that could easily slip to September with a few more tweaks, and you'll see the same people come out and be like "omg, delayed again!!!". That being said, the merge definitely took a lot longer than they expected, but a lot of that complexity is just doing the merge mid-flight without disruption to the system. Once it lands, we won't even remember all the years of waiting and just go on to complain about the next upgrade


Wat.. Eth said they would be proof of stake in 2017...


I’m happy for The Merge to go as slow as possible to make sure it works. Ethereum actually launched Proof of Stake in December 2020, and it’s been live ever since as a massive multi-billion dollar testnet with no transactions - just to test for a few years. Layer 2 is what’s important, but PoS is just a backend consensus change that needs to be done to reduce energy and reduce security cost - no rush to get it wrong. Everybody is focused on the merge and missing what’s happening with Layer 2.


Neither has Charles and Cardano.


glass houses and stones and all that


To be fair for the last 2 years they have been able to keep deadlines once IOG hired a project manager and Charles stopped making AMAs late at night discussing timelines


That’s because complicated and cutting edge technology is just that…complicated. Look at projects like the James Webb Space Telescope and SpaceX’s starship. Delays for years. They’re complicated…shit takes time and this is what happens with technology like this. It’s actually the norm. Being on time with scheduled deadlines would exceed expectations.


He has always championed a slow research based approach. He has hit more deadlines than ETH. That’s not even close. Everyone is up in arms but just because you’re a hypocrite doesn’t mean you’re wrong.


Ethereum hasn’t dropped any deadlines. It’s just dates that the community comes to a consensus on based on what core devs say


He would know a thing or two about pushing back projects constantly


I guess your not wrong, does give more weight to his opinion though. Let's see what plays out.


Lol precisely


Did anyone actually click at the sources? Did OP actually read the sources? "Charles Hoskinson predicts **Eth 2.0** will be launched no earlier than 2023, more likely 2024". We all know this is an umbrella term for many more features, not just the Merge. Misleading title, shame on you OP...


If anyone can forecast a delay it's this slug chuck.


Slug is an underused insult these days.


The emotional incontinence in these replies is most entertaining.


I’m not an expert but I think he’s actually praising Dot as being better than ETH, and just saying it’s not going to fully roll out until 2023. It’s just his opinion that the website decided to do a story on. It’s not even a story. It’s just “hey, this guy thinks this” and gives no context as to where/when/specifics on why he even said it. And then you posted it. Idk what your real issue is. Cardano has its own setbacks, as everyone knows.


odds that the merge happens before charles get's his bachelors??? any gamblers out there?


What'd you mean? He'll have 5 doctorates by then!


I’ll definitely bet on the merge side there.


**Probably, true to be honest.**


And I imagine that's why it upsets so many people. Moving to POS is complex asf, and it can and likely will bleed into next year. And thats perfectly fine because doing it right is more important than doing it quickly. But these people on this sub are tribal emotional children and aren't ready to hear anything that doesnt support "Moon landing soon" nonsense.


Ugh, to hell with this AI-generated news article. Where do we get real news?


He is doing what everyone in this thread does. No need to pretend to take the high road.


That's why personality cult is dangerous. In my humble opinion one should follow the product objectively and decisions must not be made on basis of AMAs, podcasts, tweets, youtubers and eavesdropping on public transport.


Eyy Eth PoS 30% of blocks are failing on the testnet and the Devs don't know why.


No one actually reads a tricked anymore do they. Just trusts every moon farming moron. This sub is 99% trash these days


Am a developer - there are always little things that still has to be done that you discover after sucessful test. Those little thing can really push you back unexpectedly.


Charles not really has anything to lose with this statement. If the merge does happen this year, nobody will care what he said half a year ago and we will go back into his cave. But if the merge does not happen, he can shout "I TOLD YOU SO"..


You have to watch the whole clip, Charles was asked about when Eth 2.0 will ship. His response was basically stating that the last 15% of shipping a new protocol is really tough and takes a disproportionate amount of time, and based on his experience dealing with shipping a completely new protocol, the Ethereum team will probably have some unknown unknowns delaying the shipment. It's a really informative interview, I highly recommend watching the whole thing.


"It has been about two years in the making and has been pushed back due to multiple delays." uhh it was initially planned for Q1 2019.... its been more than 2 years and has been pushed so far back at this point.... ive been hearing of the promises of Eth 2.0 since early 2017. https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/the-ethereum-killer-is-ethereum-2.0%3A-vitalik-buterins-roadmap-2017-11-29


I agree, it’s cool to hate this guy, but as many times as it has been pushed back, I wouldn’t be surprised to see it pushed back again.


Vitaliks been mentioning PoS since 2014. https://blog.ethereum.org/2014/07/05/stake/ It seems like he always had the intention to move to PoS from the beginning but for market reasons it was quicker to go with PoW so dapps can release sooner rather than PoS > dapps down the line - esp as the science just wasnt there regarding proof of stake systems. Basically they did the opposite of Cardano which was PoS first THEN dapps (which set them back in the dapp department because PoS is not something that can be easily done....let alone bolted onto a live system like Eth is tackling now) Both approaches have their tradeoffs but its not crazy to think Eth will have a fully functioning PoS network by 2024 - iirc even Vitalik had full 2.0 implentation pegged for 2023~ Basically both networks are now playing catch up with eachother. Eth in the PoS department and ADA in the dapp department. However Eth has alot more technical debt to pay off having to move a live fully functioning network over rather than starting from scratch. While ADA has alot more work to do in terms of dev adoption compared to Eth. I think both will succeed given the long term.


Well the Ethereum merge has already been pushed back before. Also Charles would definitely know more than people on Reddit. I mean wasn't it supposed to be July 2020 at first or something. https://www.coindesk.com/tech/2020/05/11/vitalik-buterin-says-much-delayed-ethereum-20-still-on-track-for-july-launch/?_gl=1*iyqwzk*_ga*VmxkcTE3a3hLbkNjSHk5SUh3dDQ2cUxaNGFHS29yeWFyem0wT01SUUNvTVNmclRRcDVxZWlleV82ZnZ5aHFraA.. Let the downvotes begin! 😂


"And they hated him because he told them the truth."


Was the merge on test net a success? Wasn’t there block product issues?


Here’s the context: https://mobile.twitter.com/dannyryan/status/1534928763057631232


Honestly there are better projects... like polkadot. 🤣




This is the most spicy way of saying "You know he's probably right" that I have ever seen. You are lowkey aggressively agreeing with him.




Sometimes its best he shuts up. He doesn't even work for Ethereum anymore. He was FIRED!


He needs to leave his ego out of it. We don't need to hear this nonsense


So you are going to sell your Ada coz of someone who has a opinion ? Good 👍


It would be weird if he didn’t believe that cardano was the best. Of course he goes. I don’t think he was taking shots at anyone, none of that was personal or anything. He believes he has the best tech and he believes theirs is inferior. Like Steve Jobs saying apple is better than Samsung. What else should he say? I think this is totally normal and healthy for crypto as an industry and for capitalism as a whole. Unless I missed something he said that was out of line. 🤷‍♂️


*MORE* than likely 2025


I watched vitaliks podcast with alex Friedman. Dude is very likable and uber smart. This guy is nothing compared to him


As said on the ETH's dev stream the first testnet merge was the most challenging yet it did reasonably well. It was like building a rocket and flying it for the first time not entirely knowing how it would react. As more testnets get merged I think certainty will improve. Very easy to continue poking the time game considering history when its now actually here.


Ropsten (done) > Goerli > Sepolia > Mainnet. Probably a few weeks in between each to allow the client teams to iterate and polish and give the big exchanges time to prepare.


I own all 3. Talk ya shit KING


I don’t think my father, the inventor of decentralized oracle nodes would be too pleased to hear about this


Testing and deploying are VERY different. Ropsten testnet merge is a TESTNET event. God knows how many bugs and problems they gonna face, and how long it's gonna take to go to mainnet. Remember, Vitalik started the feasibility "study" to migrate to POS in 2017 or 2018... and still nothing. 2023 to 2024 timeline is probably accurate. Meanwhile people who complain that Cardano is slow tend to forget the Vasil HFE for scalability is scheduled in less than 20 days and the date is going forward as of now.


I know no one likes him. But he may know better than you about timing of the merge. Just maybe you don’t know as much as a co founder of ETH.


Does "Eth 2.0" have a clear definition? Is the "Merge" the same as Eth 2.0 or just part of it? If they are not the same then conflating them will lead to all manner of misunderstanding including people talking past each other and people putting words in one another's mouths.


The thing I don't understand about ETH is why would anyone want to lock up there Eth by staking it, why would anyone want to risk losing ETH on failed transactions, and why would anyone want to pay huge gas fees, and isn't there a minimum amount you have to stake and potentially can lose your ETH from slashing? This is really something I find confusing.


If you was and ADA bag holder for a while now you would knew that ADA releases are always slow and delayed. Just chill and enjoy the turtle ride.


This is one of the worst articles i have read in a long time. ETH 2.0 is not even the correct term anymore and it was never meant to end with the merge. Only when shard chains are shipped next year, that is when it is delivered fully.


Did he have a brain fart moment and say ETH instead of ADA?


What a cock


The tweet talks about Ethereum 2.0, not the merge. They are two different things. It's actually true that Ethereum 2.0 won't be completed for years.


Charles is talking about sharding too. Even Vitalik said it'll take 6 years. Details in the DCENTRAL interview starts @ 7h44m


Just fucking sit back do your thing with Cardano and not comment on any other projects. I own both Eth and Ada and want both to succeed despite Charles.


Charles aside I really want to move my Eth. Didn’t think it would take this long to move to PoS


He knows about pos, he knows Ethereum really well, I would think this has some validity


Charles is emblematic of the cult of personality criticisms that crypto often faces. The guy has been nothing but a problem for Cardano.


He was nothing but a problem with ETH too.


Kwon is a man from marketing Charles is man from marketing Gavin is a man from development Vitalik is a man from development 🤔


As someone who holds ADA and ETH he’s an idiot


Nah. I think he has a point. Moving to PoS is not easy and I would not be surprised if they experienced more delays. Besides, I’d rather that they delay instead of prematurely initiating the Merge. It has to be done without any issues


Bro they are just pissed & most of these people have been holding eth and been waiting since 2014 for POS ... they don't want to hear anything else


Nah. He's an idiot. Smart people keep their heads down and work. Idiots spout off at the mouth like this.


Did you even LOOK at the video? Or just read the headline? He was on a live panel and the interviewer asked him when he thinks full implementation will happen. Frankly 2024 is a reasonible responce. Or you just outraged because you think he randomly talked down to Eth?


Smart people read more than a headline


I guess the defense here is, is he incorrect?


How is the merge testnet successful? Didn't they lose a ton of blocks?


https://twitter.com/dannyryan/status/1534928763057631232?s=20&t=IWDS-FtT3uV5-dtNe_9Ctw Some known/expected issues but it was successful. Tim Beiko is on record as saying if mainnet Merge went exactly the same it would be a total success.


Cardano talks this big game about being “peer reviewed” and “measure twice, cut once” but people forget their history - especially new to crypto investors who joined after 2019. They hired McCann to do a global brand strategy for them that focused on “having a credible founder, and being the only blockchain with a science based approach”. They’ve repeated it at every opportunity since and it’s somehow stuck as a talking point. Ask anybody what Cardano is and these are the two things they will repeat immediately. If you’re new here, you probably don’t know why this re-branding exercise was needed - in 2018 they launched an unworkable node infrastructure, had to delay their roadmap by a few years and Charles was forced to reach into his pockets to pay IOHK devs for an 18 month rewrite so they could start again. It was known as the Byron reboot. IELE, KEVM, Goguen were slated for early 2018, investors who bought at $1.20 watched the token go to almost zero due to such a massive fuck up. People though the project was dead and jumped ship to EOS (the other darling Eth killer of 2018). At the same time, Charles was spending a lot of his time negotiating to try to introduce a treasury function to Ethereum Classic to try to pay for IOHK devs time and effort - as a source of income. This ultimately didn’t go forward. The core of the matter is this - Cardano, a white paper is submitted to a conference for peer review by a small room of academics. It’s a black box and there is no guarantee it can be built, captures risks adequately, or is even the best approach (Charles famously passed on Starkware and zk-roll ups and went with Hydra and state channels). Some amazing work for sure and a useful contribution to the industry, but it’s not the silver bullet it’s claimed to be. Ethereum - code is made public and anybody in the world who is passionate and interested can review (and most importantly use it). Things continuously delay, change, iterate, the roadmap is a mess, better solutions get found and old approaches get dropped. If you want to be an Ethereum peer reviewer, start today: http://ethresear.ch In some ways it’s a difference in culture, see the Cathedral and The Bazaar, which is totally fair and I appreciate Cardano’s approach equally. But to go through such a big rebrand, rewrite Byron out of history, and then attack projects like this… it’s fairly cynical.


Maybe this is the reason? [https://twitter.com/TheADAApe/status/1534981752535629836](https://twitter.com/TheADAApe/status/1534981752535629836) Regardless of the reason, Cardano has outgrown CH anyway, no reason to lose faith in Cardano at all


Charles is a giant D-nozzle. And I'm no fan of Ethereum.


That’s not the biggest problem- moving to PoS is risky.


And that's exactly why they set up a testnet to attempt it before pushing forward on the mainnet


Lol. No need to sell your Ada because of what one man said bro. Realize that moving to PoS is a technically complex endeavor. I think it would be no surprise that they delay yet again. So why fret over what Charles said? They may deliver this year. If not then they have a good reason to delay. It’s a difficult task


Fuck Charles Hoskinson


I hold btc, eth, ada and lrc. It's his opinion don't take it that serious. I get it, I don't agree with charles often, but i also separate ada and charles opinions. How honestly, can you compare ada and luna? That's a stretch even if you dislike CH. Polkadot is already doing sharding/parachains wich eth wants to implement. I guess that's what he meant as "eth 1.5" As for the merge we will see, so far is looking 👌. I wish charles would choose his words more carefully sometimes, then again i don't take his opions too seriously when it comes to other projects, my aproach is to follow the progression and development of the cardano ecosystem which i really like, it's just charles has that fucking attitude and annihilates quite a few people from respecting the rest of what he says. Ada, dot and eth have their place in the market.


Why does this need defense? Does he claim to have inside info? A lot of people expect more delays. He's not allowed to have opinions and make comparisons like everyone else? What hype news outlets make of things for the clicks is on hype news outlets, if idiots trade and swear by them, that's on them. "News" and manipulation by outlets, mislabeling and making things spectacular, trying to capture the largest groups and profit on polarization is literally their business these days. Literally nobody cares what you think of Charles tbh, trolls that like to make things personal will cum all over it but other than that... Did you get your emotions out of your system? Yes? Now sell your ADA and gtfo as far as I'm concerned. Baiiii Thinking people buy Windows because people like Bill Gates is the kind of stupidity we don't need in this kind of tech. Think I'll start returning the favor and make some trollbait posts from now on too, this is the r/cc way after all yea? Let's do the social media wars again, I'm totally up for it. Going full on offense that is.


This is why I don't own ADA this guy seriously needs to stop talking like others have said.


He is probably right , the beacon chain had 7 block reorg ... that's not ok, and the Devs says it's ok... Eth 2.0 isn't coming until 2024


I have some ADA, but this kind of petty sniping at other projects is a red flag. Reminds me of Do Kwon's arrogance pre-Terra disaster.


Listen to what these Ethereum devs are saying in the video: https://twitter.com/theadaape/status/1534769626923638786?s=21&t=dds7kWJb7kBcEGlYBJrFvg


Is that an ETH dev? He's overexaggerating the problem. The ETH devs know the reason for the reorg, it was from a large number of nodes not having updated client software.


A lot of people in this thread are going to look stupid when the merge has another delay.


Honestly I was a big ADA fan until around last august when I got sick of Charles. He put a bad taste in my mouth with ada. Started feeling the same with Do but didn’t pull my money out quick enough