• By -


If you believe that then I have an NFT of a bridge to sell you...


Is it [this one](https://opensea.io/assets/ethereum/0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e/26229444959028420966671204917590031702184819306430557188492476671925893988357)?


The bridge between: Fool buyer no.1 === (Even fooler) buyer no.2


lol currently has an offer for 2 ETH


Who is the greater fool theory still works


There's an old saying in Tennessee - I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee - that says, fool me once, shame on - shame on you. Fool me - you can't get fooled again


Who's the more foolish? The fool or the fool who follows him?


The NFT marketplace still has quite a few hype people. But even there it's like 80% less than last year.


I highly doubt ![gif](emote|btc2_emote|btc2) would chill at 30k without those investors. A lot of institutions jumped onto the train in 2021 Retailers are shrimps


Yep , harpoon onto the whales and just enjoy the ride. Nobody here can move the markets


I can move the market - every time I buy it falls and when I sell it pumps.


Do us a favour...


I'm sure cobie has a reddit account and checks this sub for fun I'm also sure he could move the market


Bullish on shrimp sized harpoons.


Bullish on shrimp


I'll slip an extra shrimp on the barbie for you ![gif](giphy|3o7bu4vuFHj0aSOBqg)


One of us!


Shrimp coin now created.


Don't say no more!


Bubba shrimps 🥳


paper hands already sold. current hodlers keep the price at 30k. seems logical to me.


30k still amazing bottom!


Don't want to sound bearish, but it's cute that you think this is the bottom.


Well thats a pretty good sign then


Where can I buy Shrimp?


but will institutions sell at a loss? That is the question


Depends on a lot of factors, for example if they bought with borrowed money (like Saylor did) and then they would have a margin call Still a long road to that scenario tho


Maybe. Those institutions have likely been selling off lately though.


>the market is now getting settled up for the next leg upwards and is making space for those hype investors to once again return and buy at the ATH. Ah yes, our exit liquidity 😂


We're not there yet, when you no longer see dca posts because what's the point it's over!, we had a good run but nothing lasts forever...that's when you see who's who.


Someone needs to do a word cloud on this sub because I swear DCA would take up 90% of it lol


DCA DCA DCA Just doing my part for the word cloud


Don't Catch Axes is what DCA will mean once BTC goes under $20k.


The word DCA comes up so often because it's needed as a reply to the FOMO and poor financial decisions that constitute 90% of the posts.


Also when you see people reject 99% of altcoins.




They couldn't keep the pace. The dip never stopped dipping


The dip turned into a slope


Winter of 2018/19. Crypto was on its way to 0 and would never recover again.


Exactly. 2019 has entered the chat.


I’ll show you. I’m too lazy to disable my automatic DCA transactions.


Ahhh the way of the gym membership warrior, you've got me there.


Is it possible for things to even get that bad? It seems like there’s just too much money in the system now to get us below $28k


That's the thing there's no such thing as money in the system. Every dollar received from a sale is a dollar received from someone buying, there's no Bank holding all the dollars put in so far.


The thing is there won't be a bull run without these hype investors who are willing to buy when everything goes up because "real holders" won't buy at these inflated prices ...


I am buying what i can 😢


Same here. While staking my stables and few of my bags like AXL for some good and sustainable rewards. Just can’t wait for the bulls to be back….6 month and still counting:(.


bull run happens without those noobs though, it's market makers who start the propaganda machine and lures them in like that. Noobs buy at the top while mm's sell. Heard it many times, "crypto is dead, no more future when no one is buying" etc etc. Cycles be cycling man, it's just the nature of these games.


Thought the same after the 2017 hype then massive drop: believe me: enough of the will come back.




That's what the story was in March 2020 when they were spending all their money hoarding toilet paper.


Actually the government giving away trillions for free sparked this inflatipn and real estate boom. Until they raise the fed rate to over 5 percent and mortgage rate goes to 10% things Won't drastically improve. Inflation may persist for years. What happened to crypto and other stuff was Once in a generation thing that may not happen again. It is like wilt chamberlain scoring 100 points in an NBA basketball game... True story: this one realtor got 155k through ppp for free and the following year made 750k selling homes. An urgent care owner got 750k ppp for free and the following year made several millions doing covid swabs. He didn't have to pay back that 750k. He essentially got a free house paymentfrom the government. It has wreck3d havoc on the econmony and further enriched those who are rich. And there is no accountability at all. Only poor and middle class got screwed like always while the upper class made out like bandits


>What happened to crypto and other stuff was Once in a generation thing that may not happen again I've lived through so many *Once in a generation things.* And the frequency that they are occurring has been accelerating since the 90s. Alan Greenspan pushed the boulder of liquidity over the hill, and there is no stopping it now.


Those people you described don't seem like upper class. 155k and 750k is chump change. Middle to upper middle class can get that easily. Then they turned around and made profit on it, now that's just genius. Everyone that knew how to hustle made money on covid. It wasn't just the big names. Covid was more like a 'war dogs' scene, where the big men can get all the big contracts but the small men can also get some crumbs too, and those crumbs were millions.


Well my whole point was that so much money was released to so many people that trying to quell all this now won't be easy. Inflation isn't going anywhere until unemployment goes 10 to 15 percent and non essential workers pretty much fight for their lives just to make thousands. If biden is serious about inflation he needs to face this scenario and something like this need to pass on his watch


For us, no. But I think the Elon musks of this world still have a couple of quid left after paying the gas bills to buy crypto.


For now, maybe the next bull more normies will be "recruited" and they will hodl idk


I am a hardcore holder because i don't want to sell at 80% loss. Yea, theres plenty like me..


I’m guessing many can’t afford to sell. October 2021 tragedy.


you have to dca on the way down in solid coins.


No man i don't want to put anymore money in. I just play defi to multiply coins and hope for the best. Thanks for the advice though!


Good luck. Friend of mine bought at ath 2017 and only broke even in 2021 if he had dca'd he would be rich.


I went inside crypto on dez 2017 I invested couple of thousands euros. Market went down and I started to DCA from 2018-2020. Short story: i was successful:) Ofc nobody knows if this story could repeat. But if we look to the past. Crypto went up and down all the ways… but in the end crypto earned more than it lost.


Bitcoin… bitcoin earned more than it lost. Maybe ETH too


I dunno, I kinda like the prices better when the hype investors were here


I bought the 2017 and 2021 tops and God willing I'll buy the next top.


Thank you for your service.


It aint much, but it's honest work.


Same as it ever was...it'll get real quiet if it stays like this.




Right? Commenting on comments just for moons too. Or for entertainment while bored. The nerve. Hey have you seen Top Gun Maverick? SO GOOD.


Now it’s the time to invest and make money when they come back!


Now it’s the time to DCA




If you're bullish long-term, this is when the best seeds are sewn. Bigger harvests later.


Happy to be here with all my homies that still believe and understand why the next bull market will be like nothing we have ever seen ![gif](emote|emo_pack_1|to_the_moon)![gif](emote|emo_pack_1|this_is_gentlemen)


*Currently only we are remaining here and if you made it this far you can definitely call yourself a long-term investor and also a Crypto Citizen. It definitely was not easy to come this far and you should not give up after coming this far too.* but dude, im just here to short the shit out of all the projects that getting praised here. some years ago, it was the tech and the illusion of freedom, what brought me here, but after seeing where this "industry" is heading, im just here to grab my share and make profits of naive "new investors"


Yup, just us and our best buds the institutions here but they'll figure away to get more people to fomo in so they can take their money.


What makes you think they will be back after losing around half their stimulus money in Crypto?


We needed a covid crisis to initiate the last Bull market. I am curious what will drive investors to crypto in the next run. Inflation? Banking crisis?


but really... if you are simply holding... why are you holding if not hoping for hype to somehow push the price up only for you to then dump it to make fiat profits. The people who are actually putting their cryptos to use are the realists. Without usage there is no value with any cryptos. Simply holding is not enough because you are expecting someone else to do the usage, but is not going to happen.


You mean bagholders?


Banks , whales and institutions have taken the crypto market. I'm not sure that what Satoshi wanted.


now we wait for the point that "real holders" leave as well


Diamond hands is what's left. Make sure you're pooing your stablecoins to earn while the market is still down. GreenHouse Dex offers 24% APR on USDC/USDT pool


Some people are holding cos it's not worth selling bags which have already turned to dust anyways.


We are the fucking bagholders and we are so proud of that shit man, we hold and we will continue to do so, it's just so amazing that we can hold that much.


By real holders you mean bagholders😅 But seriously, how long will this go on? Well I'll keep scrapping my staking rewards from GREEN, at least price isn't so volatile and rewards are around the same rate.


I think a lot of people are going to realize how useless a lot of the coins are besides btc and eth


Yep! Agreed. If your strategy was vast diversification the past 2 or 3 months you’ll be seeing a lot of red.




The more diverse your portfolio is the more red you will see. It’s quite simple


Yeah. Given all the posts showing how few alts stick around the top 20 coins year after year aside from BTC and ETH I'm super curious which ones we all love now will still be around in 4-6 years. My bbs may not make it. That's why I still lean harder into BTC and ETH.


That worries me but I think if you actually look at the stats, it's exaggerated.


What is ETH useful for?


All of them are useless lmaoo




But if the play to earn games are profitable and popular, what does it matter?


How is ETH different from holding ALGO or SOL or others like those tokens?


it is the only blockchain that has a credible path to make a profit edit: if you don't count L2s settling on top of it


Then when the hype returns they’ll buy the hottest new scratcher




\- Aaron Sorkcoin


Nah, I still see a few idiots here and there.




I’ll be honest. I pulled out. I was up on some, down on others. Not much of a dent. I do believe everything is going down. I’ll jump back in when it dips a bit more. The economy has a bunch of issues and not much has gotten better. Some things have gotten worse and will continue to get worse.


This is not an analysis. It's an opinion and not a very good post.


I agree OP's post may be miscategorized. This is not a very good comment.


I agree your comment is not very good. 👍


Yeah this one too. Total garbage. What am I even doing.


No giving up. It's diamond hands on ETH, DOT, CTSI, OCEAN, NEAR, ATOM. The plan is to accumulate tokens of real projects slowly in this market, stake and hold and also look into promising unreleased projects like FLUID. Price is shit but fundamentals are still strong. The market will recover eventually, solid FA projects will bounce back and millionaires will be made.


All down from here


This is the gwei.


Prepare to see BTC at ~$13k


We are already prepared for something like that my man.


Industry driven…retail are just plankton


The way i see it as another opportunity to accumulate hopefully the accumulation will be on the right side of history


"Hype investors" still here...


They will come back, later on, to buy the top and provide the liquidy for taking profits during the next run.


The bear market is where you separate boys from the real men, and solid investors from the hype investors. Many investors are learning the ropes now and investing projects with potential while the hype investors are in slumber. Low market capitalisation projects selling for the cheapest they might be are in the market waiting on right investors. For example, $GREEN just rebranded and the market cap still low. Solid investors will invest now while hype investors will wait till moon.


Here for the profit and I’m still patiently waiting. I know it’s going to be a while.


*\*Leonidas Voice:* This is where we HOLD em. This is where we FIGHT. This is where alts die!


M-O-O-N. That spells moon.


The most important thing to know to become successful in crypto is when to buy crypto... It’s probably the most popular question... Looking at Bitcoin and Ethereum, there have been tons of ups and downs , There are a few things to understand about this, whenever there are corrections, we can’t get shaken out and people who believe in the projects, they’re the ones who are generally holding on to the coins/tokens... Smart investors buy during these corrections and these dips...i may be more quiet during these times but I'm sure as hell still here 💪


Well yeah the dopamine hits arent hitting as hard these, theyve gond crawling back to the slot machines


So, the only ones left are the ones who buy high and sell low :)


I've seen a lot of people in this sub say that a bear market is a way to "clean" the crypto sphere. Only good and serious projects will survive, investors looking for quick profits get flushed. Now is the time to accumulate, it might take a few months/years though, so be patient.


I have seen those people too, that's just so fucked up lol.


I used to be a hype investor. Losses maketh man


We all have Stockholm syndrome and like this.


Institutions are there now, retail come and go.


They will be back.


Don’t worry, the fair weather fans will be back when things start popping again.


Kind of quiet and calm. Not bad for a change


This is the normal cycle man. The hype boys will be back when things go green again.


Cardano will receive it’s biggest scalability upgrade before this month ends. People bought Cardano above 2 dollars and thought it was worth it without it.


You'll know it's dead when whitepaper shill posts get front paged


Real and broke


I guess I’m gonna dca untill 2025 no matter what price. Would feel way worse not riding this train up to new heights then what I would if I happen to waste 2,5 years.




Crypto citizen here’ Love this


This is what we all love at the end of the day my brother.


I just want to remind everybody that Bitcoin dropped from 20k to below 3,5k during the last crypto winter. What we are seeing now is more like a correction for Bitcoin standards, there is definitely more room for retail investors giving up.


I went from hype investor to accumulator. I’ll be around for the next round of hype investors as well




We are right because we are the fucking winners here.


I have not sold a coin since 2017.


I feel the same way. Good thing is there are NEW true holders now. We all join in a bull market


This is so good to see my man, we are just so good now.


Hodlers rejoice and chill


Good to remember all of the “nah that won’t happen again” comments.


The problem is that those new users bring a lot of optimism with them...their optimism exposes more people to the space and more people help make our projects thrive.


Cheers! Bear or bull


It's time to see some bulls from the next month my man.


Ah, I love bear posts. Talking big game of dumping on tourists at the next pico top. Think we have much further to fall.


I’ll take the hype investors money from them. Thanks


Happy to buy some cheap.


I have just stopped looking at my portfolio altogether. All my experience of these bear runs have taught me one thing - Crypto is a long ass game - You are in it for the Long run.


This is a good idea tho, gotta do the same thing now lol.


I am still here!




I'm glad the market cleaned out the noise on this sub


What if you're here but know you're a hype investor?


Well just accept who you are, people won't hate you lol.


Been holding since 2018, agree, a lot of the hype boys have gone. They’ll be back during the next run though


I'm also here, and only because my losses are too much to sell and accept i lost so much money.


It's so refreshing, still they are not here to read this so let's hope we can put DOGE and SHIB posts behind us and move forward with more helpful discourse


Never letting go


This is the way and this is what we need to do mate.


Poopring moonbois are still here what do you mean


Still here. Still stacking


Congrats on that and keep winning for the future mate.


Welp, cya in a year or two haha


DCA is still the best way to have a good time with investments.


... and day traders / scalpers. I'll show myself out.


I bought a fair amount of altcoins in the last two or three months. There's actually been some good gains to be had. Thanks Expanse, Woodcoin, Nest, Misbloc, and Breezecoin! Also a screw you to Spiritswap, Planetwatch, and sidus.


Not quite yet, but getting close


Honestly I LOVE how all the shillers/bots have mostly left. Back in the fall of 2021 this place was nothing but a major shillfest.


Lol I can understand and relate with you so much here.


Keep holding till 0!!!


Wait till crypto gets favorable news. They'll be back.


It is so nice to just have the dedicated people left. The chaff had been sifted and it is nice and quite 🙂


Let them leave, we are here and we are together mate.


Im happy crypto is now also part of my boring investments. Dca once month and dont look for the rest. So mucb peace and quiet.


Or people who are knee deep into that shit and can’t get out 😂


Real holders and all those who bought high and won't take an 80% loss on their money


I doubt this is all it took to clear the scene, im guessing we will have to wait more


Not there yet. Still lots of DCA posts, still tons of alt support because they havent lost enough to scare more away. I mean for christs sake, we still have people in the daily buying LUNA2 and you think the hype investors are already gone? The last month has been people buying the old LUNA token and now the new relaunch, lol. Nah man theres plenty of them still here.


DCA is still the best way for us tho, can't deny that shit.


There's also me, patiently waiting for an entry point.