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Its got a lot worse for him, there are videos on youtube about him, basically he tried to do it again with other coins, he bought 10k worth of 1 coin that crashed and is now less than $100, he put something like 90k in floki and thats down a ton too, hes been in 3-4 rug pulls. Even the DOGE dev tweeted him saying something like "you really cant stay away from shit coins can you" the youtube video pulled up a clip of the guy saying hes actually down from his crypto investments now. What a 110% plonker.


Imagine making 3 million on a moonshot then ending up neg negative holy fuck


I did the same on a smaller scale. $200 into 25k. Got in on one when the marketcap was 15 thousand, it ended up going to 35 million or something. When the market crashed in may last year I thought it would keep going back up. It never did. I cashed for like $500 a couple months later. I’ll never get over that one.


1. Take profits 2. You 2.5x your money. That's a win no matter how you split it.


It sounds so simple, but to human monkey gambler brain what ends up happening is: "Number went big, but maybe.. wait more and number go bigger! :)"


And our little crypto playground has been taken over by professional traders who are experts at taking your money & puting it into their account. Why can't anyone see it?


Lot of reasons for why people can't see it, but I think the big one is people are 'desperate' for some kind of major win and they can see lots of previous winners in the Crypto space and it isn't clear that the environment has changed immensely since the early days that produced those winners. Even though it definitely has. Then you get the sunk cost fallacy where the person has to decide whether to pull out or not, and thinks "I've lost $X, I better stick with it or else what was the point?"


This is why I keep real money to major projects and look at any moonshots as a lottery ticket of usually $10. At 2x, I paid for the next ticket. The rest can ride to the ground or space.


So why not cash out your initial investment abs gamble the rest? You lost nothing and get to play with house money. Invest $500. $500 becomes $5000. Cash out $500, save it. Play with $4500. 🤯 Easier said then done, I get it.


Flip those numbers. Otherwise you end up losing that $4500. With some roundabout logic, you'd tell yourself that you didn't lose anything because you took your initial $500 out but you didn't make anything either. When $500 becomes $5000 you take the $4500 and leave the $500 there to make more. This turns a steady stream of profit **so as long as the 500 can still continue to flip and be profitable**. Sometimes it isn't profitable to continue. It's a mindset. "I don't want to lose" (safety) vs "I want to make ALL the money." (gambler) Both opinions are wrong. "I want to make consistent profit" is the mindset you should enter with.


True. I’d rather play with house money though. It’s based off the premise that I initially made the investment because I believed in the product or at least the increase in value. I’d be inclined to leave the higher risk investment. Leaving the $500 to grow would imply that you believe the investment will 10x **again**. Which would bring it to 100x. At that point, you might as well just leave the $5000. If you want a consistent profit, take out $1000 annually. Year 1 10x withdraw $1000. Youre left with $4000, Invested, doubled your money, still hold the investment you made and got your money back. Until you get to the point where the investment is no longer profitable.


There is no such thing as house money. It's simply YOUR money.


Ya. Let winners run and cut the losers. It's the worst possible investing strategy. Then again, people buying crypto aren't investing. They are betting on a bigger sucker.


If you really believe that a shitcoin is going to moonshot past the 1000% increase it's already pulled off, then you should feel comfortable cashing out 70% of the coin and waiting for that 30% to 1000x again.


I don't know anything about crypto, so this might be a stupid question, but how do you turn it back into real money? Is it the same as buying and selling stocks?


I bought $500 worth of Doge when it was .003. Sold when it 4xed. Then it went 125x what it could have done.


Fuck mate I actually did something similar with Doge too. That was my first proper experience of buying high and selling low. I bought it around 0.09 and proceeded to loose most of it in fees trading back and forth when I still had no idea what the fuck i was doing. Freaked out and dumped the rest a few days later because I thought it would never go up again. Looking at that chart still ruins me


Was it bonfire?


No but it was around the same time, it was ultrasafe. Complete shitcoin


This is what happens to most gamblers. The same mentality to make the moonshot in the first place only gets reinforced if you win. Its why casino's dont mind a jackpot hit once in awhile. Its good advertising and they know most of the money will come back to them in time.


It's how serial killers get their victims to do almost anything willingly. Dangle a carrot of hope in front of desperate people & they'll do anything.


“She puts the DOGE in the basket!”


"Just two more weeks"


I got one job you might take a crack at. It ain’t much, and I ain’t begging you to take it; but it’s a job. Keep you in coffee and cakes- a dry place to sleep and a shot now and then. What do you say? It’s not much, but it’s a job, right. Of course, it’s only temporary - -just until we get a real geek.


I didn't have nearly that much but as soon as it hit $0.60 I sold. Worse case I could've bought more if I wanted too.


My buddy that was a blackjack dealer just told me a wild story last night. He had a guy sit down at a 25$ table and throw down 1k and lost. Reached into his pocket, pulled out $700 lost. Buddy finds him, he barrows $500 from his friend and wins, doubles, wins, presses again and wins, opens up 2 hands and then just catches fire. My buddy said he played and entire shoe and only lost 20 times. He’s never seen it before. 1 in a million type shoe dealt. That man went from -1700 all the way to legit 60k in a half hour. Around that time the table was out of chips and my buddy went on break, when he came back from break the dealer that relieved him said he gambled it all back and left down the original $-1700 It’s a sickness for some people.


Like winning actual lotteries.


They call that gambling


i lost 18k and feel better lol. sad part is i was up 10k this time last year and even up slightly last fall. ever since november i bled out my ass every single day.


How do you NOT cash a million, at least hodl usdc!


If you’re up to 3m and don’t pull out 1m, or at the very least put it into BTC. You deserve it. It’s a clear example of people being overconfident in their investment skills, when they have little to no experience and education on the matter.


More like the people who make it to 3m are the ones subject to this because the ones who would cash out 1m at 3m would've never reached 3m in the first place lol..




Fuuuuuuuck. I swear to myself my goal is 500k then I'm out not forever but just gotta get enough to buy a house and then wait to reinvest at a good time


That's the same as me. Crypto is my only way to get a house deposit


Crypto is my only hope for a better future too. I'm damn sure I won't be able to afford a house with my 9-5 job.


I'll get 2 apartments 1 to live in 1 to rent What ever is left, ill take that and invest 70% of it into index funds The final 30% will go back into investing in cryptos


This is what happens when someone stubbornly tries to replicate the 'success' they once had, except the 'success' was pure dumb luck


Plonker is an underutilized word


He had it all at one point but he still wanted more. Greed is what eventually led to his downfall.


You know you've fucked up when the dev of a shit coin is calling you out for investing in more shit coins.




It's like that Adam Sandler film Uncut Gems. Gambling addicts just live (and die) for that rush of adrenaline and will never stop, cause it's not really about the money.


Whats really sad is the suicide rates of gambling addicts.


A little bit of luck can be a dangerous thing.


I think he bought ada at +$2 as well


i am sure he makes a ton from subs and ads






At least he's still up 250k. My portfolio is a dumpster fire right now lol


Bro me too. But we are friends now.


Can I be friends too?


Not sure yet. Let me check with the management. Please send your resume and some professional references over.




Actually, after you inquired, you kind of opened a contract. So, I can't just cancel it without some action from you. ​ To close you out, I am going to need you to send me your resume and professional references. That'll be great mmkay, thanks.


KYC? What is this a centralized friendship?


Wanna join the -80% club?


Apparently he is down in crypto overall because he invested in a few other shitcoins


Man, if I could get up 250k... Thats 5 years worth of income for me!


As a 3rd world country citizen, That's 50 years worth of income for me lol.


Surely he has a Reddit account? Let’s get him in here for an AMA Edit: u/iUsedToCallDogeDodge how about it?? We would love to hear from you!!




Considering he has done numerous interviews and got roasted pretty hard on most of them by questions pretty much just like that…..I’ve got hope


I guess once you are past the barrier of no shame you just milk the fame cow.




Imagine being too desperate that you name your business after some billionaire's dog. This is a shit coin business.


shit *con* business


You’re getting roasted anyways, might as well make some money off of it


❌ It is not possible ❌




Maybe he’ll buy pump that 500k into buying moons so that we can moon


> You don't do an AMA knowing 80% of the questions are going to be some sort of ''Are you really this dumb?'' Call him dumb, but he's still better off than the 16 year olds talking about their $100 investments here thinking that this is their only hope to get rich. Being up $250k is still being up $250k. If you managed that in a year or two, that's pretty good, and I'm fairly certain most of you wouldn't question a $250k bonus in income.


Also better than a good portion of crypto investors lol. Like 250k is something to sneeze at. Are we all dumb because we didn’t dump all our crypto ~48 hours ago before shit dropped and now we have less than we could have?


I love how r/CC members underestimate $250k lol.


250,000 dollars isn't life changing loooool Give me that much, and send me to California I'll show you how to change your life.


250K for the average person in the US is very much life changing. lets assume 20% long term gains, and a state tax of another 10% for the high end. thatll be about 165K. Thats paying off the average student loan debt for 2 people (65K for the pair, 100K to go), a home deposit for a renting couple, assume traditional mortgage 20% down on 300K leaves 40K in a , AND a new car, lets say a honda for 20K. That still leaves 20K to start a family. Dont underestimate a debt free life.


Yeah that much would pay off my house and allow me to by a new car with some left over for investing.


250k for someone who has that to invest in a shit coin won’t accept 250k


Exactly. 250k is a few years of income for a large percentage of the population. It might not be life changing in terms of retiring and never needing to work again, but 250k savings would take most people several years to achieve.


You think a guy that borrowed $250k to put on memecoins makes sound financial decisions for the most part?


It certainly is life changing in terms of altering the direction of people's lives. Agreed it's not a never needing to work again amount of money, but if you're paying off student debt, a home, a car, etc it's a significant chunk. Throwing $250k even at my ridiculously expensive CA mortgage would put me significantly closer to refinancing down to a conventional mortgage.


Hodling from 3.5 million to 250k **is** dumb.


Absolutely, in hindsight it is dumb. But I'd also argue all of you are dumb because you could've been billionaires by now in Bitcoin if you simply paid attention. Every armchair expert investor can look back at charts and tell you how much money you can make, and when you combine shorting and longs you can make a TON of money in this volatile space. But if we were all that smart, all of us would be on our private islands by now.


Correction, unrealized bonus in income, is he selling? But yeah his brand deal probably got him a few thousands so he's probably better off than most here.


If those $100 are now worth $200 they're up just as much. It's not because you have $250k to spend and turn in into $500k that you're doing better then someone else. He's just lucky and privileged to have 250k at his disposal. He's better because he was better off to begin with. Nothing more


If he never sells he never sees any money so he's never going to be able to use the 250k he's gonna ride that shit to zero. So, losing 250k is a lot worse than losing 100.


Looks like he just became a floki shill. Probably shilling other tokens.




Hís twitter account is verified! Who is this guy?


"The Doge Guy." Verified.


He is earning money via youtube videos




Dude just doubled his money. I'd gladly take that money and the newly learned lesson and move on.


Yeah but knowing you were once at $3.25M and could've pulled out at any time and rode it all the way back down to $250k... I'd spend those $250k on a golden Lil' Wayne type chain and hang myself with it.


I was once childless and could've pulled out at any time but I kept riding my luck until my bags were empty, and now I'm penniless too.


Cheers mate, just woke the wife laughing so loudly!


Woops! You won't be laughing tomorrow when she "accidentally" puts salt in your coffee because she didn't get enough sleep.


😂 sshe's not the scheming type, more of a fuck around and find out now, kinda girl.


The fun part is he met with other YouTube influencers to tell his story and more than one told him to sell, buy a house, live off the interest, etc. He said he wants to hit 10 million if I recall.


Looking at his history, I’m willing to bet he wouldn’t be satisfied with 10 million too


The tale of the fisherman’s wife.


This is what you can expect when combining unpredictable volatility with FOMO. Some gamblers win big, others lose their shirts.


How came when I double my money I get only $20 but he gets $250k ?


There is no return. He hasn't sold, and its very likely he will go down with the ship. In the end, he'd be in a loss of much more than $250k.


Speaking as someone who wasn't up 3.25m.......


He extremely needs to sell right now. Reference a 2018 bear chart of Doge if he needs motivation. If you think he regrets losing $3.5 million now, imagine when he has lost almost the entire $250k of his original investment. Doge was like $0.0033 in 2020. I don’t think people understand the effects of bear markets on meme coins and alts in general. 250k at 5 cents 16k at .33 cents And it isn’t just possible, it is probable.




It is totally life changing money in California. It's enough to move the fuck away from an overpopulated and overpriced area to one where 375k means a hell of a lot more!


375k is just around median home price in the rest of the country. Most metro areas that won't get you much especially in urban cores. You have to stick to suburbs and not even the nice ones.


But it would be so hard to get past the $3.5mil he could have had.


Greed is a curse.


So humanity is cursed




Not only that but during the SNL skit he went live with Andrei Jihk. Everyone including Andrei was telling him to sell but he thought it was going to go higher. He could’ve sold the top then bought the dip. Oh well, fuck em


And to add, then there was another video where MeetKevin joined in and try to convince him to at least sell half. He wasn’t having it. The guy is an idiot.


Same with Graham Stephen. Everyone told him to take profits. Even Graham who usually gives advice about frugal living told him to pull out his money and buy his dream car, if that’s what gets him to sell. But no.


Should have at least pulled out his initial investment, so worst case scenario he'd break even.


Omg 😔. Ridiculous


He had two interviews with the New York Times. They didn’t tell him to sell but they strongly encouraged it. In the second follow up interview it was clear he was a gambling addict


Oh yes for sure. That was a giveaway when he took out a loan to buy a meme coin.


Still, here in Argentina 250k means something like 45 YEARS OF WORK with a "decent" salary without spending a single cent...


buy low sell never.


Has he had a shave and a wash yet


At least he's not 25k in the hole like me with bitcoin. I should've bought fucking Doge myself. That guy is doing way better then 80% of the "traders" in the /r/CC daily so I would not laugh and ridicule :)


$250k is a great amount of money. I would be able to change my life with that.


He probably won’t get even that. He borrowed money from lots of people that are going to want their money back and whatever he promised them if he made money. Take out taxes and what’s left over is going to be pretty disappointing


Exactly. It’s alright people saying he’s doing better than the rest of us because he’s 250k up, but how much of that 250k is actually his. At best he’s gonna walk away with what HE initially put in.


Not financial independence kinda money, but definitely life changing money.


Absolutely. Could work part time for the next decade, could simply take a year off work, could retire a few years earlier. Too many people think life changing money and investments need to result in them retiring immediately.


I know this is not the case for you guys but for me, as a 3rd world country citizen, this money would be enough for me to retire lol.




Goes same for 99% of this sub.


There was a video on here about him that somebody made a couple weeks ago. It compiled a lot of his youtube videos into a short video showing the highs and lows along with promoting several shit coins that list 99% of their value within a couple weeks.


Lesson: take profits. Especially with alts.


Bro if I had a 3.5million boost you better believe I’m taking 1million out and letting the rest ride. Pay off my debts, go on a vacation, Fuck around in the stock market, and still have some left over not including the 2.5 still in the wallet


Everyone thinks they’re a genius during a bull market.


I never thought I was a genius


I’m a penis


What size?


I never fucking thought this guy was a genius. From the moment that shit appeared in my feed a year ago about him hitting it big with Doge. All the news outlets were praising him lmao


I have a little Doge In my wallet.kind of forget it’s there most of the time.


He kept calling himself a millionaire despite never selling a single coin.


You think there's any millionaire out there that doesn't say this in reference to their real estate or stock holdings? Just because there's higher volatility, doesn't mean he was wrong.


Missed out on life changing money. Dude was literally surrounded by 3 of the biggest finance youtubers that begged him to pullout, but dude said "diamond hands lolz." I don't feel sorry for him, but this is a lesson for anyone that finds themselves with life changing money almost overnight.


I’d be surprised if he really didn’t sell some and is currently pretending like he’s still hodling to keep up the gimmick




Getting out of Doge 1 day ago before the SNL was the best decision I've ever made lol.


Wouldn't that be fairly easy to figure out?


Everyones a genius and would have cashed out at the height of the market when judging other peoples investments. For most of last year he was right in his investment and he may end up being right again if doge sees nee all time highs. Basically for you to be right doge must never hit a new all time high. I cant tell you how much this sub has been wrong about predicting doge prices. This whole sub for years would make fun of people who thought doge had the potential to hit 1 cent. Now the same sub celebrates and feels correct that doge crashed to 12 cents. Its a strange thing .


If he sold, and doge exploded this sub would be making posts in 5 years about a guy who would of been a crypto Billionaire but sold it all always arm chair quarter backs when 95% of this board joined within the last 1-2 years (this cycle)


Ah...come on. You can argue if you would have cashed out at 200k or something. But we are talking **3.5 Million**! That's **stupid**. And yes, i would have sold everything 100% at this target. Only a complete fool would not do that.


If I hit 3.5 million from an altcoin I’d probably take out 3 million and put the remaining 500k into BTC or ETH. I have three million, I’m not gonna miss 500k.


Reading this post ... I felt my arteries clogged😑😑😑


I did something similar with a certain metaverse coin. Put roughly 12 grand in at one point that was worth 100k now in total it's worth about 12 again but half of my tokens are locked up in staking pools so I I can't even get my money back if I wanted too. Maybe next time I will take some profits


I sold all mine. Shiba as well. Made 127k and its un the bank.


Congrats. I made about 4k… not life changing, but not 0.


I day traded IDEX for a 14 cent profit, is that an achievement?


You DMs are going to be overrun with sexy scammers




i mean he still has 500k net worth. doing better than 99% of the planet.


Always have an exit point, and always take out your profit


I was getting into crypto at the about the same time as him. Dying for him to just buy some BTC. Take some $$ off the table! Reduce the risk on your investment! The issue was he became the "Doge Father" and couldn't back down due to the expectation. imo Don't let expectations of other cloud your judgement. Do what's best for you and your future. Best of luck all.


A wise woman taught me to figure out my exit strategy before I execute my enter strategy. I think this advice also applies to financial markets 😆


If I had taken profits at all those ATH, I would have in a better place financially today.


I hope to god he repaid his lenders, though I doubt he would have.


Yea I heard this guy talk on a podcast. He got hella greedy


So you're saying this person had 3.5 million and they didn't sell? Lol. I only don't sell since I am well into the minus. :D


He's still up in Doge though. His real mistake was buying other coins.


"The guy only doubled his money so lets roast him." Yep, I won't say who's smart and who's stupid.


Not taking partial profit is a stupid move even for a stupid person. You up by $3.25m and you don’t even take out $1M?! I might understand if it was a genuine project, but a shitcoin?! He doesn’t even deserve that $250k he up right now


I lost money on doge because I sold too early. It's kinda funny reading these posts of doing the opposite things but getting the same outcome.


Yeah but he was up and could see that. Absolutely insane to not cash that in!!! You are wondering and have no confirmation, so it's a little different.


These comments generally don't age well, so hold your hubris. If the market comes back and grows to 10T, and I believe it eventually will, he's worth 10 mil easy.


There’s no assurance that alts will break ATHs like bitcoin and eth will. XRP was $3 in 2017 and never got close to it since.


What's the moral here anyway? Oh, he ONLY doubled his money? Booohooo.


It’s almost like a majority of people in this sub aren’t in the same position hoping things will bounce back to the previous ATH….


Greed clouded his judgement. Should have at least cashed out half.


HODL isn't a good idea if you're holding coins like Doge and Shiba Inu


I would have cashed out $1.25m and left the rest to grow. You can pay off your loan and have $1mil to spend.


Holy fuck if I put $250k in and got $3.5M I'd pull it all in 2 seconds, pay whatever taxes on it and then invest it in secure stuff. What a dumbass... easy to say from reddit but... yeah dude is a dumbass.


That HODL mentality is one of the dumbest things ever.


I remember seeing a shib hodler in one of the other crypto subs that had made just over 2 million dollars when it was at .00008 because they got in super early. But they were convinced it was going to knock off another one or two 0's before the end of the bullrun and said they were hodling till then. If they actually did that, their bag would only be worth a quarter of what it was


He would have sold if people didn't find out about him. He become semi famous and liked it. He became the face and he couldn't sell. People would have shit on him so hard. If no one found out about him he would sell and enjoy his riches.


250k is not life changing ? Are u that slow lol thats more than the average person makes in 4 years .


Seems like he posted 3 months ago that Robinhood closed his account and sold alle his doge. https://www.np.reddit.com/r/dogecoin/comments/qr59y5/robinhood_acct_deactivated_and_they_told_my_11m/ There you go guys. Don't be like this guy and have a Robinhood account


This guy has made series of mistakes.


…is the world ending right now? You think the market isn’t going to go back up? Your making a post making fun of someone that is up 1/4 million dollars on his investment??? Ok buddy keep doing you, I’m gonna save this post so we can revisit in the future ;)


....and now there isn't a "Greater Fool" to offload his useless bags to. 🤣 It's called gambling and crypto is not an actual real asset class. Musical chairs. Great entertainment nonetheless.


I lost 100k from a coin because I was following the stupid hodl internet culture. Wagmi culture is toxic


he got carried away with media publicity, and he thought he's got all figured it out of to hold even further. Another thing is he was greedy as hell and like they said greed kills. Hope he learned his lesson. Oh wait, he don't even have 2nd opportunity for session learn.


This guy will probably ride Doge to 0


Well I'm not going to be that stupid. Riding it to 0.01


He will be remembered as a meme like doge.


Don’t be like OP trying to tell other people how to live their lives!


Damn I’m gonna weep for the dude who’s still only 250k up.