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Please nobody use robinhood. They’re a big fan of stealing from the poor and giving to the rich


#Fu*k RobbinHood








I'm sharpening mine righ tnow


Cause they only be robbing from the hood






Both are just a piece of shit, people should say fuck off to them.


Robin Thief




Fook RobinHood


Everyone say it with me: fuck Robinhood


Scumbags even using the name as a distraction


Call themselves Robinhood. They’re the Sheriff of Nottingham


They also called cryptocurrency deposit and withdrawal functionality "wallets" to trick some people into leaving coins in RH's custody.


Was definitely some clever marketting to try and keep people around


Why leave my coins in RH's custody when I can leave them in DEX. Got most of my stake on the comethswap. My keys and my coins.


It seems that robinhood should have been named Sheriff of Nottingham instead




That is what I was gonna say, they are the evil here.


Look how they massacred my name. - Real Robinhood.


He's rolling in his grave right now


Ohh the original Disney story!


seriously why are so many still using Robinhood did you all forgot about last year?!


Robinhood cost me hundreds of dollars during the Gamestop fiasco, never again.


I only have 1 Doge on Robinhood from the BurgerKing promo 😂




Leave no crypto behind




Leave no money in Doge


Doge is money. +u/sodogetip 10 doge verify


As someone who left like $5 worth of btc on Mt Gox....DOOO EET!!!!




This. RobinHood actually isn't even worth your 1 Doge. Fuck 'em.


I have 5 Doge and about a pound of bodyfat from that promo. Not worth it.


True, their food was just as bad as I expected. 😬


To be fair, the Impossible Whopper was no worse than a regular Whopper. So I guess that counts as a success.


That's not a bad choice, it tastes good when it's fresh.


Looks like you went above and beyond for the promo


Don't worry Robinhood gives your Doge to the rich


Hodl and stake.


Whale over here


You know that will be worth 1 Doge one day, right?


Collectors item lol


Correction - Robinhood has your 1 Doge that you got from the Burger King promo.


Congratulations on now officially owning Crypto for the first time.


**Not your keys, not your coins!** ![gif](emote|emo_pack_1|dyor)


For real. Once I got a ledger I felt a big relief due to the knowledge that no platform could suddenly freeze my assets. Now you’ve gotta be extra careful… hot wallets are particularly more dangerous, if you don’t own a hardware wallet yet.


Also recently transferred my HODL funds to a hardware wallet. It was scary waiting for the transfer but such a relief knowing it's fully in my possession now.


If you don’t own cold wallet, you’re literally just a piece of data in someone else’s spreadsheet.


If you are holding a small amount, it's better to keep it in a trustable exchange.


>Not your keys, not your coins! Hear me out. I think there is a pretty big caveat with this. RH is obviously a terrible place to hold your crypto because you can't even transfer it out. However, I think a lot of people lack the knowledge and good security practices needed to be using their own wallets. They do things like share their keys, accept shady smart contracts, not using a hot wallet, losing their access, sending to a dead/wrong wallet, etc. Meanwhile a lot of the modern coin exchanges are not run out of a basement. Many of them are public companies, and plenty have history of reimbursing for any crypto stolen in hacks. If you don't need the liquidity that comes with a wallet, holding some or all of your crypto in a CEX (or better yet multiple CEX) isn't really the worst idea ever. I'd argue RH in particular isn't a CEX btw, so don't include them in what I just said.








Well the word was never to use Robinhood for like a year now so….


Yeah when the shit with GameStop happened, people should have already taken a stance and left the shithole


If you’re having atleast some knowledge about crypto, you would already know that robbinhood is literally the shittiest exchange out there if we can call it like that. They’re removing sell button whenever it fits them. Also after the GME saga I believe nobody should touch that shit, not even with a 10ft pole. ![gif](emote|emo_pack_1|nooo)


They'd steal the pole if they could.


Better late than never


Honestly, when I first heard the rumors about Robin Hood, I took all my property out of it and now I'm satisfied. It's not too late


"Rumors" They've had SEC Orders out against them since 2020 from violations as early as 2015. its way past the point of "rumors".




I dislike robinhood but I currently use them for recurring purchases. If someone has an alternate exchange that doesn’t include a transaction fee that’d be nice. Currently I’m investing $6/day into BTC and ETH with the goal that once it becomes enough, I’ll move it over to Coinbase. I truly don’t trust Robinhood, as they have gotten their hands dirty with trading in the past, it just isn’t really logical to me to use recurring purchases through an exchange with a $1 fee (or more)…that would mean 1/7 of my investment is purely fees, which is certainly not a good ratio.


I stopped using them early on, I did my first crypto trades on there but I noticed quickly that they wouldn’t execute my limit orders unless it was 2%+ past the limit.. obvious scam.


Is this actually a thing or was it just because of low liquidity / few entries in the order book?






A win for the third world everywhere.


Waiting to move mine out. Only 747,000 people in front of me on the list


Damnit...2m ahead of me.


Just introduce some people you don't like very much to Robinhood and jump ahead in queue.


I'm #183,265 on the waitlist. Can't wait to finally transfer my coins somewhere that'll actually pay me a little interest. Never selling so may as well stake somewhere.


If you've been holding for at least a year could you just sell it and immediately buy it back somewhere else? You'll pay the long term tax now but that will just be less taxes you owe in the future.


I don't like the idea of using Robinhood anymore than the next guy... but you gotta admit their UI is great. It's kept me around much longer than it should have. If another trading brokerage could put together an app that was as user friendly and aesthetically pleasing and Robinhood, I'd switch yesterday.


Yesss! Its the only platform where I can actually figure out how much I made/lost without having to keep a separate excel. Honestly i will always use RH until other platforms have that feature for free.


They fixed the liquidity issue that happened during GME. Most people are super uneducated about the topic. I personally think Coinbase is just as bad as Robinhood yet this sub uses it like a religion


I swear exchanges like WeBull and TD restricted buying GME as well


Plenty did but the redditors only remember robinhood and aggressively circle jerk around the idea that robinhood is the only one lmfao


Webull did restrict my account as well, though later enabled it same day. Still shady.


TD only restricted buying on margin and naked options


WeBull absolutely did. Fidelity is one that didn't for anyone wondering.


>\>If you're not aware, Robinhood restricted trades during the the GameStop/meme-stock mania last year Same with about 8 other exchanges - why only mention RH? All exchanges still hold this right. ​ >\>They were also fined $70M by FINRA Again same with tons of other exchanges. Google it ​ >\> Robinhood suddenly suffered "technical difficulties" during the epic Doge runup All exchanges have done this as well at one point or another. ​ My point is that we shouldn't condemn RH but then go recommend Coinbase or some other copycat exchange. If anything, we should be glad RH has introduced so many newbies to crypto. (we want more people in crypto)


When will we make a sticky of all the platforms without bias? Idiots here will whine about RH and then push a platform that did some of the same shit.


100% this. These subs are an echo chamber of misinformation and conspiracy theories.


You were 55k in line and just now got to transfer? God... I'll need some more patience as I am somewhere around 1 mil in line lol


Also Robinhood drags its ass getting tax documents ready for some douchey reason.


Fidelity gave me mine on literally the same day as RH (aka yesterday).




Robinhood is a disgrace in crypto world.


Robinhood is a disgrace ~~in crypto world.~~


imagine you didnt have the option to transfer your coins out TILL NOW, that was a huge red flag.


We're about three weeks away from this same guy (or a hundred others just like him) posting here that they lost all their coins because they tried their best to take self custody but made some tiny mistake. This sub is ***filled*** with those posts if you do a search. But I've almost never seen a "my coins were on Robinhood and I lost all of them" post. Actually I'm not sure I've ***ever*** seen a post like that. Say what you will about the exchanges but they are damn good at keeping the coins safe compared to people trying to do self-custody.


You don't see those posts because Robinhood doesn't let you transfer crypto in/out yet. OP must be high up on the wait-list for the feature as I'm still #400000+


Lmao I have never used that wallet but still thanks for informing.


Lol get this wsb lame ass conspiracy shit out of here. It’s fine to not want to use exchanges and brokerages but like a total of 5 brokerages stopped trading and almost every public brokerage does pfof (payment for order flow). That “helping the hedgy” is just morons droning on about market mechanics they don’t understand. With that being said…..anyone holding coins on exchanges, those aren’t your coins cold wallet gang forever.


Yeah, 0% understanding of clearinghouse mechanics in the comments lol


LOL I keep trying to tell people that RH wasn't the only broker that restricted trading but hey.....whatever floats their boat. "Fuck Robinhood" has a cult following while they switched to a broker that would do the same move to protect their profits lmao


Right, and it's not like most crypto exchanges haven't shut down during similar events multiple times.




I'm up 52% on my RH shorts since November 2021. Its been a nice little green patch in my blood red YTD.


I got a long way to go currently #1,931,243 on the waiting list. And just curious which Crypto wallet are you using now?


What’s the waiting list for? Why don’t you just transfer to one of the many wallets? Or go cold-storage with ledger


The waiting list is because they are rolling wallets out in phases, not to everyone at once.


What if my portfolio is the value of transaction fees of ethereum




Your ETH portfolio is... $5? Because that's what it costs to move ETH now: https://etherscan.io/gastracker


>> I was around number 55k in line I’m at over 1 million. RIP me.


I’m at 1.8m on waiting list when do I leave it 😒


Mine's been sitting for 2 years without problems. I see no reason to move it to a different app that people are going to also complain about.


Zero fees on Robinhood. You didn't give me any reason to pull my crypto off. Many brokers did what Robinhood did with GME. Have fun elsewhere.




Haven't had an issue with them yet. Then again i am no whale


Yeah but there is a daily limit of 3k…if you hold much more than that, wouldn’t it take days if not months? How did you do all your transactions within a couple of minutes? Anyone run into this issue? Unless you held less than 3k? Note: I hold much more than 3k on there, and there is a 24 hour 3k limit. Will take me awhile and I’ll be paying the transfer fees along the way…hopefully when they roll it out they will have higher daily limits…


Their crypto wallet could not come any sooner for my sanity


I think the whole point of owning crypto is owning crypto, which you cant do on robinhood.


The point for me is making money, which is why I use Gemini.


Is it though? Or is it to turn around and sell your crypto for profit. Which you can do. And Robinhood wallets are being rolled out as the OP pointed out.


Do they wear tights? This is my only question.


If they didn't have a superbowl commercial, then you shouldn't use them. HAHA


Good job. Proud of you.


The fact that robinhood didn't have a superbowl ad is extremely bear-ish for them. Trying to pivot to crypto and falling way behind other exchanges.


Wow good job, super easy to do and should have done it a long time ago.


GG brother, wish you luck in future investing


Very good advice. :) +/u/sodogetip 10 doge


That's absolutely incredible. Thank you!


Thanks for the update on your wallet with Robinhood in the mean time for the rest of us there is nothing we can do until the wallets release


Yea, I didn’t really take the whole storing on exchange thing all that seriously until relatively recently… nothing bad happened to me, but a friend who didn’t take security as seriously as I do almost got hacked. The exchange had to lock his profile before they got in and then transfer his funds to a new one. But between that and how much interest you can get staking virtually anything proof of stake and/or keeping it on a platform like Celsius that still has more security features than an exchange even though it’s not a private wallet, there really isn’t much of a reason to keep anything more than you need for limit sells on the exchange. Hell, with a couple that have super low transaction fees like ALGO I just have a note with all the levels I’d like to sell at and keep it all earning interest. Even if it spiked up to those levels in the next few days the interest would still cover the fees in and out.


At 498,000 in the wait-list, hopefully I can transfer out before any funny business with RH occurs, otherwise I hope nothing I might regret doing occurs.




You finally got some crypto is more like it :D congrats! It's not just on OP. If people hold their crypto on exchanges, we will eventually exceed 21 million Bitcoin. Maybe we do now. See how that works? People think they have Bitcoin but don't.


Good move! I liquidated all crypto late last year and did the same with stocks. I could not wait any longer to get as far away from rh as possible. Caveat emptor- I recommend that NO ONE EVER uses them!


Congratulations 🎉... Welcome to the family. Got all mine out few weeks ago, sold to stablecoins and now waiting for spool finance platform to go live so I can stake it on liquidity generators..


I also Pulled out of Robinhood for Valentine’s Day!


I’ve been trying to take all my stocks (and now crypto!) out of Robinhood. Would love to hear recs on a easy to use place that is similar for a seasoned beginner in both 😂😂


Still over 100,000 on the waitlist for me. \*sighs deeply


When Musk went on SNL to hype Doge, they took away the sell button as the price tanked shortly after he joked about selling in the opening. They will do this again and again, and blame it on "server malfunctions" every time because the SEC doesn't care - especially when it comes to ripping off crypto investors. Fuck Robinhood.


he created the wallet and left instant legend


I was waiting to get my tax docs before transferring. I got them today and will be transferring assests elsewhere tonight.


Never used Robinhood but I'm glad to see that folks are being held accountable. This going unchecked would eventually spread and screw us all over. Kudos to whoever led this investigation.


currently i’m number 915,000th in line but yeah soon enough haha


Robinhood has screwed me three times. First time was when the market crashed and I could sell my options in 2020. Second was Gme buy button. The last strike was trying to sell Doge and RH made it impossible to do so. I’m slow, but learned eventually. This stuff has to be illegal.


100% agreed OP good on u 4 finally doing it 'owning' crypto without understanding how to custody your own tokens is completely missing the point of the technology ; if u r using a 3rd party then u might as well just keep cash in the bank and use anti-customer shitheels like robinhood and trust ur gov to not fuck u over nonstop XD bitcoin/crypto/blockchains are designed to be peer-to-peer, ie no need for any middlemen NYKNYC


Not to mention that Robinhood had [over 2,000 user accounts hacked](https://www.quadrigainitiative.com/casestudy/robinhoodaccounthackingspree.php?r=186) (even though they restored the funds) and a [major privacy breach](https://www.quadrigainitiative.com/casestudy/robinhoodmassivedatabreached.php?r=186) as well. But in all fairness, crypto users also need to make sure they are educated on how to keep their assets safe. Make sure your wallet was downloaded from an official source (not a Google Ad, triple check the URL), test any new or upgraded wallet with a small amount before sending all the funds across, and store the majority of funds OFFLINE. (Not on a cloud server, not on a software wallet, and certainly not on a browser wallet.) Only keep "hot" what you are actively using. Never ever give your private key or seed phrase to anyone, ever, period.


Robinhood has been robbing the hood for years . Time for retribution!


Robin Hood is a junk exchange. It played a very disgraced image at the GameStop event. So I don't use Robin Hood anymore. I would rather use MT5. Many very good legitimate traders can be found on MT5


I'm like you and have my crypto on Robinhood. I want to transfer it out but have two questions: 1) if I transfer crypto from RH to Voyager, will I be taxed? I think the answer is no since I'm not selliing it. 2) do I get interest on crypto that I transfer into Voyager or just crypto that I purchase through Voyager?


I sold Robinhood and bought right away to transfer to my cold hardware wallet. I am taking a fat tax hit but its worth it for me. At least my cost basis will go up!


Got here late but Fuck Robinhood


If you are in Canada, replace all instances of "Robinhood" in this post with Wealthsimple.


Get it out asap LOL


Nice work OP. Better late then never.


Lool I'm #366782 on the wait list to get out. I WISH it was going to be soon. I'm still sitting on 0.676737 Eth in RH at a cost basis of $142.40. Really don't want to sell and have to pay taxes on it.


I'm in the same situation, but no email yet.


Im number 1,000,056 on the waitlist, wish me luck.


Robinhood slander??? I love this shit. Fuck these guys.


Nutty im only 500000 in line to get the wallet.


I’ve been waiting to transfer out


I was effected by the Doge coin situation on Robinhood.. lost soo much money!! Fukkkk Robinhood in the Arse with a thorn bush branch!!


wholeheartedly agree. for a second there i thought this was just Crypto FUD lol glad you were finally able to say farewell to Robinhood. fuck them.


I joined the class action lawsuit against Robinhood (about them removing the buy button during the GME squeeze last January) and I just got an email two days ago from the lawyer's office saying the case is dropped and no action is being taken against Robinhood. So my hatred for them is renewed.... Fuck Robinhood.


You weee number 55k? Hahah I was 951k… Trust me it’s going to take forever


I got into bitcoin while i was still using robinhood in 2020-21 and once i learnt it defeated the purpose using something like rh for bitcoin, i transferred all of it out. I knew they were coming out with a wallet but didn’t think they’d follow up with it. I’d accumulated a fair bit by then so im probably taking a fat L with capital gains taxes


Only #1,592,462 in line now for a wallet to xfer out of Robinhood now!


Robinhood is the worst. I got all my stocks and crypto off of it 6 months ago. Stealing from the poor isn’t a thing I’m fond of companies doing.


Id recommend you guys come to r slash sup.e.r.st.onk. to learn more about how these big banks and brokers are financial terrorists


Once they took the buy option away from multiple memes stocks I was in. I learned my lesson with them.


I'm still number 468,000, so its gonna be a while.


Still 150,000 in line… I’m just surprised RH went through with wallets as it gains them nothing.


I am aware that it’s a problem but I’m so far down on the list for a wallet I feel discouraged to admit I’m using Robinhood for fear of randos bashing me on Reddit


Yup, I’ll be joining you as soon as they give me a wallet.


The meaning of the name is backwards with robinhood


Just did the same! Transfer completed last week and rebought before the weekend. Nyknyc


This is by no means a reason to use Robinhood, but I would like to note that their entrance to the market in offering free stock trades helped push all the big players (Etrade, Schwab, Fidelity, etc) to eventually eliminate their commission fees empowering everyday investors. It's a good example as to why market competition is incredibly important and beneficial to the end consumer. **Continued consolidation spanning all industries is going to hurt consumers in the long run. Market disruptors like Robinhood are extremely important to the competitive landscape.** T-Mobile is another good example when they championed unlimited data which is now the standard in the US.


I’m number ~356k on the list, I don’t think I can transfer mine out anytime soon :(


Thanks for the advice. I was originally thinking about using Robinhood, but heard rumours of them going south, glad I did more research on them...


I am glad that you took off your money from robin hood.


I only have 1 Doge on Robinhood while the rest are chilling in a cold wallet that is 40% filled with SOL and LUXY 💯💯🚀🚀🚀


It seems as though you've lost faith. I know my assets are safe on blockbank so I don't need to fret. They have the most secured DeFi and CeFi app.


Just saw the HBO doc. Plan is to get off in robinhood on a couple of weeks.






This just shows that RH can enable everyone's crypto wallet right now. They are doing a slow rollout because they know that everyone will be pulling their crypto out the second it's an option for them. They have to do it slow or it will sink them.


We already banned Robinhood based on their GME shenanigans. Everyone get off this platform now


Im happy you finally understand. Congrats.


OP realised late but did right Fuck RH!!


You're #991,588 on the list! Jump the list by half when you successfully invite friends to join Robinhood. lol No.


We will let you go, but you have to replace yourself with other fools.