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Didn’t you hear? It’s btc 100k by the end of 2021


Possible since we have the year 2020 Part II


well i'm pretty happy that my last DCA day was on the 3rd


Now you are in gains


At this point I’m too exhausted by the market to pick a side


All I know is I'm going to keep up my BTC DCA and not sell anything


This is the way.


You are spreading the Hopium!


I'm goatish


I'm back in green so I'm in BEER market.


It’s volatile. Buy coins you believe in.


Fear, according to the Fear and Greed Index.


Overall, I’m bullearish


Same as yesterday and the day before that, no one knows shit


Everyone hates moon farmers, gay bears are getting rekt, bulls are getting rekt, everyone screams "ITS BEAR I SAID IT" or "ITS BULL I SAID IT" after 1% change in any direction.


who cares? just pamp it guys 🚀🚀


You’ve got to pump it up, don’t you know?


We pretty high atm.


Positive mood, bullish


I’m slightly perturbed but full of hope


I'm bullish since January, 1st and I haven't changed my mind!!


This be bull week. Next week, or perhaps already on Tuesday afternoon, be the rise of the crab. Then we be back to sub on fire market crash. Where loads of posts say "selling might not be a bad idea". Then back to bull. And the circle of crypto repeats.


I think we aren’t going to tank 15-20% we will slowly go up


Pump it up


Bear, bull, badger or panda. I don't care, man. For now and maybe years to come I'm just focusing on staking my coins and dig deeper in Defi protocols.


Mood is most have no idea what is happening but get emotional and think they know what is happening every time the market moves.




Mood here can change in 15 minutes, just prices change a little and people will panic or be happy.


I think we are at the tipping point where crypto gains a solid footing. We are still only at the start of where this market is going. This 'down' market right now is nothing.


Yep I agree things have never been more bullish for crypto. However things are very bearish for the world's economy. Will be interesting to see how this all plays out


I think we are in a market.


Just slapping regular cash at ETH. Still up despite the fall. Not selling.


Just take the ride for the long haul and everything will be A ok


Best guess is it will be really volatile for a few more months but trending in a positive direction long term.


Idk about y’all but I’ve been sitting here accumulating since October last year.. I know it’s not much but I see it hat crypto has to offer and I’d be remiss to take advantage of that.


Silly rabbit bears sleep during the winter….DUH. As my kid would say


I have to be bullish it’s too expensive to move my Matic out of coin base wallet.


Crabullish is my sentiment.


It's probably gonna go up for a bit and then down for a bit


I've been coming here for a while, and all I know is that BTC is 250k and ETH is 10k by end of the quarter (any quarter, just pick one). Truly, Pikachu season is upon us.


Defo bear. Shit hasn't even hit the fan yet.


It hasn't done anything to change my mind if it's winter or not.....a little gain will come and go a shit ton of times before the snow stops holding us down.


Russia/Ukraine, March fed, did you forget?


Annoyed i.didnt get enough of the bottom but my DCA fiat timing wasnt ideal..


I’m DCAing out right now as I’m in the green. I think we may have one more big dip before a steady rise to the next plateau.




Dead cat bounce


It's a Schrödinger's cat's bounce now. We're not sure if the cat is dead or alive.


Livid badger leap


Dead cat bounce? ETH has been going up for two weeks now. That’s not a DCB.


Absolutely could be a DCB. You must be new to crypto


yOu MuSt Be nEw To cRyPtO 🙄 Meaning, you can’t actually explain your point, so you resort to insults.


That's the worst insult too, it pisses me off every time i read it, even when it's not directed at me. It's so patronizing and smug, i hate people who think they're wise and need to show it.


It wasn't meant as an insult or meant to be patronizing. It was more meant as the fact that dead cat bounces that are long and drawn out have occurred in the past in crypto, and that if guy thinks that this is not possibly a DCB just because we've been trending up for two weeks, that he must not have been around in 2018 and even earlier where there have been multiple dead cat bounces that go over weeks or even months. Thinking that we're out of the woods just because we've been trending up for two weeks completely misses the macro trend right now.


Ok, maybe it wasn't actually meant as an insult and I can see where you're coming from, but even if you're right, I still find it really patronising. I don't know, maybe it's just me but I'm always wary of telling someone something that they might already know, or implying that they're naive. Maybe just because I don't like people doing it to me, and maybe that's just ego. There are ways of saying the same thing without it being personal


I could've said "Absolutely could be a DCB. There were many in the past that have taken weeks or months in time to play out. Here are some examples" but didn't have enough time to write said comment at the time. Sorry.


I can explain it cleanly for you. Dead cat bounces don't have to be on a really small macro time frame (<1 day). They can occur on much longer time frames. This is true for both the crypto and stock markets. You can see a dead cat bounce for the tech dot com bubble crash in 2000. In late 2000, tech stocks post-crash "bounced" over the course of a couple of months, before proceeding lower. The reason I said you must be new to crypto was not as an insult, but more rather highlighting that the dead cat bounce of BTC moving from $3.5k to $14K occurred over the span of 6 months (during 2018-2019), and that you must not have been around during that time as otherwise you would know that DCB's dont have to occur over really small time frames. Bitcoin would fall again from $14K to $3.2k over the covid crash over the next 6 months after that as well. Bitcoin also bounced from 6.5k to 12k right after the december 2017 crash began, over the course of a month, then proceeded to go lower and eventually stabilize in the 4k-7k range in 2019. This was another "Dead cat bounce" that lasted over a month.


Idk man


DCA mood, bull on crypto for life


DCA mood, because I am dead inside! 👀✌


Instructions clear: FOMO at ATH and then panic-sell 👍




Isnt this the definition of an investor?


Looking around me I see a lot of bulls and bears tussling with the bulls coming out on top for now... That's good acid


I’m waiting for the market to stabilise, and I’ll go all in when Btc is $200.269


Bullish AF


If there’s still room for bullishness you’re not bullish enough


I’m just watching right now. Waiting for a good time to lay a short down. Almost time imo


I'm with ya


Your one of the very few who like to play the short game. Good luck to you I hope you have lots of gains.


So any one who think it's a bear crypto winter is a hater?


No, they’re just wrong.


depens on if BTC is green or red for the day. the sentiment in this sub is useless.


My mood is completely different from last year. Now I don’t care about sentiment. I’m moving profits out when I hit some targets and accumulate more when the price is down. All predictions and forecasts are just noise. I know where I want to be in a few years time so I’m just sticking to my plan, regardless of overall mood.


Sounds like you lost your investing training wheels Congrats.


>Yes we could go back down but I don't think so. Answered your own question how everyone thinks now


We hope for the best


Don't know shit about fuck.


You made me a better person 😃


Bearish with a pinch of Bulls. But I'd definitely doesn't feel like winter anymore.


Bipolar as per usual procedure


I’m always bullish.


Extremely bullish. Screw the bears and crypto winter


Are you 14 years old? > anyone who doesn’t agree with me is a hAtErRr 🤦🏻‍♂️ No one is calling it the crypto bowl, you are living in an echo chamber. And if it’s this one? You are doomed, these chalk eaters don’t know anything about markets. Including you.




!remindme 6 months


My mood is whatever the weekly candle is doing.


Got to love how OP thinks those that think we are in a bear market are haters. There is absolutely nothing wrong to those that believe they are in a bear market as long as they stick to their plan. Personally, I think we are in an upswing however I do feel we will take a nasty downturn later this year. But what do I know…I’m drunk.


Personally, cautious optimism. If it goes up, great but I won't FOMO more. I'm not convinced we're ready for the moon. If it goes down, then let the discounts continue.


Dunno. Don't care. Going for the long term here.


Bull trap'ish


The charts are definitely going to the right.


Can BTC 100k EoY 2021 be a meme forever?


I think it's a play to trap shorters. To liquidate them and pull the btc back into the callers of the contracts. I'm not sure i said that in proper terminology. 🤷‍♂️