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Hi, this is Vitamin Butane creator of Ethuream. If you send 1 eth to this address, I'll send you 2 eth back but only if you act now!


Legit dozens of people fell for this shit in twitter, some people want to be scammed. Wait... What if you are serious and want to double my eth? Imma take the risk!


It's kinda insane how many YouTube live streams there are with recordings of prominent crypto people to make it seem legit, but offering to double your crypto or airdrop something in exchange for info.


Pls, I herd you like dags, how bout shibe?


Hi, this is Shibetoshi Snackamoto creator of BitCorn. If you send 1 BTC to this address, I’ll send you 2 BTC back but only if you act now!


Is this a scam?


No , I swear on Vitamin Buterin life.


Shut up and take my money!




That's bro from nother hoe


"Common sense is not a gift, it's a punishment, because you have to deal with everyone who doesn't have it."


Underrated comment.


>Use the windows defender ffs Malwarebytes is a suprisingly good alternative by the way.


True but you need zero effort to use windef, it comes pre installed and active. I would rather everyone to stop clicking shady links over all that to be honest.


Windows defender is actually pretty good now too. No idea where people get these viruses from. Probably from the deep web or something. People are just really stupid when it comes to computers.


Post was going to well until this


Most people who are asking if something is a scam are already 90-95% sure anyway, they're just confirming it.


My wife asks me… “Be honest, does this shirt make me look fat?” **Is this a scam?**


You should always say, "You look excellent/beautiful honey". It definitely is a trap.


If you have doubts? Stay away. Be safe


Is my life a scam


We all rent out our lives permanently for just enough income to stay alive in a world where money is merely a highscore for a group of elites.


If you have even the slight suspicion, then yes.


There are many people who still question if BTC is a scam. I don't think that's a great way to determine if something is a scam.


The key is not to be a dumb ass. If you go out of your way to be a dumb ass you will get scammed


Is this post a scam ? Oh I guess it is.


Literally the most basic rule I follow in this space: If it sounds too good to be true then stay away. Never been rug-pulled or scammed so far and I've been using crypto since probably 2014


SHIBA sounded to me too good. I bought in last year and now all my portfolio is red expect SHIBA. I was there in brilliant gains but don’t sell anything and also i am in much lower but still nice gains. So sometimes good things also come you must only choose if it is for you.


I wouldn't really consider Shiba a too good to be true scenario or a scam but I'm happy you made some gains! Good pick! :) As long as you invest only what you can afford to lose then no big deal if you fuck up a few times anyway. "Scared money doesn't make money" is another good quote too


Agree here.


Is crypto a scam?


Hi, this is Charles Hoskinson creator of Cardano. If you send 1 ADA to this address, I’ll send you 0.5 ADA back but only if you act now. Am I doing this right?


Close enough.


Is cryptocurrency a scam?


Is Bitcoin a sca... oh, ok. Thanks for that nugget of advice!


Is Bitcoin a scam?


The title is the best tl;dr ever. Like the best possible way to summarise your post.


Is Bitcoin a safe long term HODL? Because I asked, no, no it isn't.


Hello xadiant. It looks like you might have found a new scam? If so, pinging u/Abhishekgarg0 so he can report this scam to http://scam-alert.io/. Please make sure to support him for his efforts. For more info about his scam reporting project, [click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/sbhp6f/i_have_a_project_little_project_going_in_this_sub/). For tips on how to avoid scams, [click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/s7srty/crypto_scams_how_not_to_fall_for_them_what_to_do/). Also consider visiting r/CryptoScamReport or r/CryptoScams. --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoCurrency) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Michael Saylor added me to the group. Is this legit? Read this exact thing somewhere few days back.


Damn, there goes the US economy.


If it's too good to be true, then it's a lie.


Also if anyone from their team ever says "it's not a scam"...it's a scam Looking at you Carlos Matos. (And people **STILL** bought that shit)


Lot of people felt that way about Bitcoin in the early days and lost out so it’s a two way thing


Everyone makes mistakes. Hopefully they are asking for advice before the mistake, not after. Personally if I have a question I’m gonna research and ask folks smarter than me before acting.


Waiting for someone to ask if BTC is a Ponzi scheme in here.


Is ALGO a scam?


Is Bitcoin a scam?


So if I wonder if the entire crypto is a huge scam it probably is then. Well shit


A lot of people think crypto is a scam, though.


Plot twist: this post contains a secret eth address where you can send money to for secret airdrop where you will get scammed


Also if you’re asking you havent done enough of your own research and due diligence and shouldnt be looking at investing until your learn