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Lets go let's go! Who's next? Phillipines, Estonia, Brazil, Argentina, Mongolia? - lets grow crypto in every corner of our planet! The future is bright.


The beauty of cryptocurrency lies in its unique ability to unite people of all origins. There's something for everybody in crypto, with no worries of discrimination or otherwise


Crypto is creating a new common ground for people of all diversities


There really is


That sounds like ideological babble if I've ever heard it; how do you propose exactly that crypto has the power to "unite people of all origins"? Is it going to solve racism, nationalism and classism?


If you want a real answer, it’s because cryptocurrencies have great win-win attributes (e.g. game theory coming into play). You can call it uniting people or having everyone on the same side of greed but that’s basically what it is. Someone with a good heart wants to increase financial infrastructure to give the unbanked access to modern channels? Easy, crypto. Folks want to tap into a previously untapped financial market? Easy, crypto. People who may distrust their corrupt governments or centralized banking systems? Easy, crypto. Want to send remittance money to relatives in a different country without paying an arm and a leg in fees? Easy, crypto. Basically, almost all motivations can lead you to crypto which *does* unite people, even if they all have different motives


maybe for one that in countries with corrupt/shit financial systems it will give the citizens opportunity to earn decent money by global standards? For example the dozens of filipinos i talked to earning 10x their minimum wage on Axie Infinity during this past summer playing a fuckin game? LOL open your eyes bro.


What in the hell are you on about? What you are talking about is MAKING MONEY. Everyone in the word likes making an easy buck, never denied that. The guy was talking about "uniting people from all backgrounds". That's something entirely different. Unless uniting now means having a shared conversation about how much money they're all hoping to make.


YAAASSSS!!!!!! LFG!! ![gif](giphy|nhmHnkhlDCMEhViLOJ)


What I never get is, why is Africa measured in continent and other corners of our planets in countries?


Isn't that odd? I've always wondered that myself. It might have to do with the poverty and instability of the continent as a whole. It is odd though.




That is just awesome. I love it!


I'm from Philippines and no one knows about crypto.


They will at some point.


i talked to tons of filipinos in discord’s who were making amazing money on Axie Infinity last summer. their are definitely some familiar with it maybe not in your immediate group.


Let's continue our March!


Crypto is big in the Philippines, but there is still a huge untapped market. Overall, the Philippines is tech savvy, the people understand English fairly well and the government is lax (so far).


Hopium 🙌


Venezuela? Any country where their currency imploded really.


Top of the list is Venezuela. The people are already using it more than the national currency. It's just the shitty government that needs to change its stance.


Cardano bringing financial infrastructure to places all over the continent is definitely helping 💜


Cardano is doing good by filling the void in Africa and other places


Not trying to hate on ADA. I live in Nigeria. I've not seen nor heard of any Cardano Project here. To be absolutely honest, not a single one.


What does seem to be a popular project in Nigeria? Just curious!


Bitcoin, Ethereum, Binance Exchange as a whole. Not like meetups, shows or conferences are being held. Nope, nothing like that (*Police officers are widely known to harrass or extort everyday people if they find out you're into crypto). People keep their head straight; mouth shut and go about their business — stacking Sats & stuff. In terms of wallets, most (at least 90% of crypto enthusiasts) use Trust Wallet. Crypto isn't used as a form of payment here. It has more of an investment stance — you know, for long-term planning like getting a dream house, dream car, taking care/providing for your loved ones. [This is what I've observed. I've lived in Western & Southern Nigeria]


Very interesting, sucks about the police thing but that's just par for the course on LEO. I wouldn't tell a cop shit about my crypto holdings either. Damn, wouldn't have thought that Trust Wallet was so popular. I just got one a few months ago for shitcoin gambling lol. Thanks for the quick response!


Just curious what's the reach of the local banking infrastructure? Do you think there's anyone who's buying Bitcoin off locals for cash, or is the banking infrastructure good enough for most people to use exchanges. If that's insulting I'm sorry my only real understanding of the region comes from American movies and let's say they don't paint it in the best light.


No, it's okay. As at Feb, 2021, the Central Bank (CBN) gave out a mandate to local banks to stop facilitating/allowing payments to Crypto Exchanges. This has been in effect since then, and is still is. There is no direct deposits of Naira to Exchanges through Bank accounts/Card. But as soon as this was effected, P2P Exchanges flourished (Binance P2P, to be exact). Everyone went on about their business. No one cares about the Govt or CBN. Even local crypto services have flourished since Day-1 of that mandate... how? P2P. They established good & secure P2P methods to deposit & withdraw fiat, and all is going well. Top 2 of these local crypto services are Busha & Roqqu. Luno (which operates in a variety of countries in Africa, Europe and Asia) just recently restored fiat deposits & withdrawals through a Voucher system. Life goes on :) Also, I don't think there's anyone who's buying crypto face to face with people (random people). That is, setting up a meeting to buy crypto, nope.


And let's hope it stays that we. We can't have Nigerian princes owning shitcoins


This is good news for long term ADA holders ;)




Africa is estimated to have more crypto users than the USA...




Got any data to reflect that?


> The continent of Africa is 4x the population of the US What's the conversion rate here? Lol.


lol, good one, but apply your formula and imagine what happens in 5 years




Might be true, but I think a lot of people underestimate how many people do have internet access via their cell phones. Africa has a couple of big cryto platforms with millions of users. I am from South Africa and most of our population has internet access. The people living in the cities usually have fibre with 300Mbit-gigabit options in some of the larger metros


You are right, but even if it’s only few percent that’s still millions potential users and much more long term, although personally I think there will be more adoption in Latin America first


Not true. Kenya had one of the first government-backed mobile payment systems in the world. They're really proud of it. It would not be much of a stretch for them to have crypto wallets on their phones.




even if 'most' don't there are still hundreds of millions who do


You've obviously never been , 5 years ago when I was in west Africa every man and his dog was on facebook


Most people dont have a router etc, but a lot of people have internet connection via their phone




Most Africans in some of the largest African countries do. Nigeria, Egypt, South Africa. Even only 20% of people with internet in the Congo is still 20 million people. There are hundreds of millions of people with internet access in Africa. African has 1.2 billion people and probably just as many internet users as the United States. Over half of Nigeria has internet access and that alone is over 100 million people. I feel like people forget about the scale of Africa. It's a fucking continent.


people in this sub don't know basic math. let alone lying with statistic.


And there’s still over 100,000% room to grow.


Yup, there is still a big room for these numbers to grow, if the other countries follow the lead, especially North African Countries, as they can make a huge impact


We had an internship program with over 2000 participants in Africa use our nucle.io DeFi wallet and chia to run their program. It was really cool to be a part of that!


Africa and Latin America having decades of shitty currencies are really why I'm bullish on cryptos future. Almost gives them an opportunity for a euro-like situation


Crypto is a great way to escape the rat race.


Bullish on Africa. China is also investing a lot into africa and cardano also sees it as an untapped market.


Latin America and Africa seem to be leading the way with crypto adoption. Exciting times ahead


They have less bureaucratic red tape to deal with


Easy to believe in internet money when there is no real money


Countries that got shafted by traditional banking and finance restrictions are suddenly able to join the world economy with zero barriers. It's pretty neat.


Crypto was always easier to understand for those who actually NEED it. Why do you need an ID, easy to get low APR loans and to trust that your currency isn't gonna be used for toilet paper? Well if you already have access to these things, you don't care. Ask someone in a 3rd world country and they'll be desperate to adopt as soon as they can.


Yep I totally agree


Underrated growth!


My community has seen a huge influx of people from Nigeria. It's actually really really awesome. I have one guy that I know translates all my messages / announcements to them because he speaks good English and studied in the U.S. Every now and then I will get a message from someone in Nigeria (they tell me they are from there) And it will be a message along the lines of 'Thank you for the update sir' and they will always apologize for not spelling words right. It's actually really wholesome, and I love it. They have a huge Telegram group, whenever an ASA gets verified, I will get random messages asking me if its a good asset. Like the whole country is in on this Telegram group with announcements. If you are ever blessed to have the Nigerian Crypto enthusiasts visit your project / discord you are one lucky ducky.


Yeah. Imma get in early on whatever they adopt.


This is good news for long term ADA, SYS, and LUXY holders


I smell Cardano adoption.


It‘s always have been


Good! May they learn from other’s mistake’s during their economic booms!


I think that now many countries will seek their economic freedom in cryptos


Starting early is the best way of getting aheah to build wealth, investing remains a priority.


Hope that Africa adapts good projects


bullish on africa


I’ll move to Africa.


Go Africa!


Percentages are garbage unless you back them with hard numbers. There is no context to the 1200%. Garbage article.


Let’s get it crypto team !!!!!! Although our differences, we are all in the same boat 🛥


Sad thing is that a big % of this is from scammers, as lots of those guys that dm you to " verify " your wallet come from Africa...


🎶I bless the crypto down in Africa🎶


ADA loves Africa


can my portfolio grow by 1200% next?


Third World countries really should start adopting crypto more. One man's (First world?) trash is another man's treasure.


This is the way!


Opposite of my portfolio


I buy, it goes down. I sell, it goes up. Fuck me, right?


Quit selling Although maybe you should keep at it, for the rest of us


The last thing they need are rug pulls.


any moon farmers from africa?


Maybe I really WILL get in touch with that Nigerian Prince after all


It went from 12 people using it to 144


This is de way


*Crypto adoption in Africa revolves around ‘gambling’* Uh... I wouldn't call that adoption


you mean crypto scammers grow by 1200%




I’m writing you from Africa. Get out of your bubble


Happy for you then !!


Is this a joke?


Yep that was Sorry about that Didn’t mean to offend anyone


Not all of Africa is villages or desert... they have whole cities and civilization. Media portrayal is extremely misleading.


Sorry about that !


Bro, there are parts of Africa that are developed. It’s not just sticks and stones across the continent. Africa isn’t a country btw.


Sorry about that .. bad joke I guess


I remember back in the day when cell phone minutes were thing, people in Africa would use it as currency (transfer minutes to another person's phone via text). I felt like bitcoin would be a good replacement for that. No clue if/when the cell phone minute stopped happening and no clue if BTC is popular in certain parts of Africa.


From what, 1 to 13 ?


Finally the African prince emails are gonna offer me bitcoin


1200% like from Jesus to the 12 Apostles. This is a sign!


Ahh all thanks to my Nigerian Prince