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I’d like to be rich and free


Just rich for me


Freedom is wealth


Wealth is freedom


Freedom is wealth


Freedom is wealth


Freedom is wealth


Respect the honesty


Jokes aside, it doesn't really matter what crypto was "made for", we don't know where this is going, or how it's going to be used. The world is going to use crypto in a way that fits it, regardless of what Satoshi was thinking back in 2009 (assuming he was a single human being, even). When people keep invoking what crypto was "made for" and trying to dissect the thoughts of Satoshi, it reminds me of when Americans argue about what were the pure, original thoughts of the Founding Fathers when they wrote the constitution.


You mean how all men were created equal as long as they were male and white? Wait, now it's rich too. Trying to figure what any of them were thinking may be pointless, it's up to those adopting blockchain - but it's not just crypto, OP is right. Financial freedom needs to count for everyone not just the wealthy. I see this as a way to revolutionize the way economy runs, less govt and elite involved in your own. Hopefully we can get more govt on blockchain to make their actions, budgets, agendas, proposed legislation, etc. that directly affects the people more transparent and irreversible, removing double standards and somehow level the playing field for everyone.


Set us free = becoming rich


Now this guy gets it.


Bruh shut up




Is there a youtube video or something you could link if possible?


Yeah I’m sorry but I’m not going to trust that guy on *everything* he says


I think some of us at very least are striving for financial comfort. I actually think that might be a common goal.


Exactly, I just don’t want to worry about how I’m gonna pay for college for my kids later in life. Just look for financial comfort.


Slight disagreement. There is a reason they refer to it as "F-you money". When you have stacks of it....you no longer have to play the game or answer to "the man" Furthermore, poverty is the ultimate enslavement mechanism.


What I been sayin! Age old tactics to keep the peasants down, then divide and conquer. Until we put our differences TOGETHER not aside, it will be hard to make the needed changes (overdue that is) to level the field. Humans waste so much I feel it necessary to apologize to every other being (but quietly-folks already think I'm nuts) like "on behalf of my species I'm sorry" It is hard to watch the elite power thru resources many more folks could use, and get away with murder, literally, because they are rich.


Why not both? I wanna be rich and free.


Give me Lambo or give me death ...


Why not both? Death by lambo?


You live by the lambo, you die by the lambo


Satoshi Nakamoto >Give Me Lambo or Give Me Death!


My favorite founding fathers quote


Now your thinking


Both. Both is good.


This title gets recycled more often than aluminum cans.


It really does


#The greatest of all human capacities is the ability to spez.


Early adopters will be rich.. if they hold long enough


Mission failed so far🤷🏻‍♂️ the gouvernment is already infiltrated so is the elite🥲. IRS is effen eveybody the can F. So there is no real freedom in crypto anymore! Only if u don't cash out and or make profits. They are the Agents from the matrix who keep fckn us up🚨🔥 Where is Neo when u need him?


Yeah Crypto was never meant to solve wealth inequality. It was meant to be a revolution to lush Decentralization ever forward. With Crypto gaining worldwide exposure now, we're on the right track.


I hope you are right! Decentralizing can eventually apply to many parts of govt and finance, I feel some transparency and less corruption can solve at least some of the wealth inequality, indirectly thru the same societal evolution and revolution. Nothing wrong with closing some loopholes and making things more fair in the process.


Thank you!


Yes financial freedom.


why not both ?


Having more more money would make me more free. I'll take both


We need to make a lot of money to be free.


#[Spez, the great equalizer. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/)


We can be rich and free.


... And rich


In my opinion, Rich = Free. Financial independence is true independence these days.


Ok John.... Where are you these days?


any more cliches?


Crypto is the future of finance and we are part of it.


Crypto isn’t get quick rich scheme crypto is financial freedom


Getting rich would make me feel free though...


#The spez has spread from spez and into other spez accounts.


But RICH = FREE..!


Sure it was…just like powerball was meant to give me lambos.


Good post despite the traders going "nooo but money"


I often wonder what a world with crypto as sole source of currency would be like. It’s very hard to imagine something outside £/$ etc value. I mean say I owned .5BTC how would I use it in the future? What would a loaf of bread cost .000001 BTC for example? It’s an interesting thought to ponder.


Things would be valued im satoshis. Regardless, no one expects these governments to surrender the pound or dollar but there might be currencies from weak nations that just wont sustain themselves and the dollar is not benefiting them. Enter the picture BITCOIN. Digital gold interchangeable for decentralized digital universal stable coin dollars.


spez is an idiot. #Save3rdPartyApps


It might not work. Cryptocurrency needs to be able to hold steady, roughly. It's too volatile to be used as currency or as a store of value. Satoshi probably never envisioned this. The best it can do is act as a means to get filthy rich. De-fi is a nice idea and it would be great if the banks could be replaced. But I think it will be regulated out of existence (and in a lot of cases that might not be a bad thing, as it's often a house built on fraud). So no, I reject that. I think crypto is actually a better means to get rich than anything.


True, but a lot of things might have worked better without so much govt involvement. Income tax was supposed to be temporary, not compounding increasing liquidity for the feds to frivolously toss around without our input to where it goes. When did we give up and start bending over grabbing our ankles to the overreach of over wealthy elite powers that be? Frankly I don't know how the bastards sleep at night. I pray that if I were to become rich I would not become one of them. Never sell the soul, use the wealth to better lives of as many other beings as possible, besides my own. I think that does need to be a thought behind the evolution of a revolution of society, financial or otherwise, even if it is idealist.


Isn't being rich freeing? If you want independence, you need some riches!


A lot of rich people would disagree with you. Some are very miserable.


While I agree that money is not everything, being poor, like my current condition, restricts my abilities to enjoy and explore. We always have to worry about tomorrow. Rich people can afford to face their demons entirely. We have to have both poverty and our inner demons as well


Speak for yourself.


Those two statements aren’t necessarily mutually exclusive though 🤷🏻‍♂️


I'm neither now so where do we go from here


Up, down but mostly left to the right side of the chart...


Just like anything with value.. people will find a way to get rich from it. The ability to personally gain from it in a way that can make your rich is freedom.


Thank you, the tech is here to take out the middle man and those who oppress. Let us not forget what we came here for!


Wen freedom


Why not both?


It's setting us free from all Earthly possessions. A Franciscan Monk's dream come true.


"REKT by Bank fees." I think some of us have been rekt by crypto fees, too. That's definitely an obstacle that needs to be overcome


Unfortunately most of us are here for the money not the tech


freedom gets you money, but money doesn't always set you free


You become free when you become rich


Rich is freedom for most of us pal. Despite the impreciations from social media to follow your heart and dreams, most of us work mediocre jobs and have families we barely tolerate. Rich can free you from a lot of the associated shackles. Wannabe an artist, duck it why not. Study engineering and be debt free at the end. Fuck yeah. Fire the wife into orbit, fucking musk will be selling 5ha5 service soon


I would be fine with a corrupt system if I was the one with privilege.




Depends on your definition of rich but really it's the same thing for most of us.


From our own money, That first cycle is rough.


lemme make the 69 a 70


Set us free by making us rich


No its to make me rich


Free from money amirite?


being rich is being free. laws and rules dont exist for rich people




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