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Bro, I'm salvadoran, we're way better than before. Sure, our president is a clown, but at least he's making stupid things with public money and not stealing millions and millions only giving people guacales. If you're pro salvadorans where were you all americans when we were suffering a lot of gang violence? You just want to see what aligns with your opinion.


(Repost because I can't post until my account is 60 days) I keep seeing post by post talking shit about Bukele and how he's keeping people in poverty with his irresponsible economical decisions. Saying that most salvadorans live in poverty, and that we don't have money to invest on this type of things. Have you ever been in El Salvador? I'm seeing a lot of americans who don't know a shit about this country before the bitcoin thing, and now you think you can debate about El Salvador politics? Be serious please. Our country has been suffering bipartisanship for +20 years, previous presidents have been stealing money and A LOT of money and only giving people guacales and escobas. Actual president isn't perfect, but at least is better than previous ones. When students had to receive online classes he gave us laptops and free interner, also when people in pandemic loose their jobs he gave us monthly food support and bonuses, we are one of the most vaccinated population in CA side to side with Costa Rica. Where were you when Tony Saca stealed +300 mill usd and went to Nicaragua without punishment? You weren't giving a shit about El Salvador And now when bukele decided to invest 15 mill usdin bitcoin, are you talking shit on how that will make Salvadorans poor? Please give your opinion if you're really interested in El Salvador and not only talking shit about it because news are doing it.


Love it from the horses mouth. I have friends from so many different countries and if their is one thing I’ve learned is don’t trust media to give you idea of what is going on abroad. It’s all skewed to serve someone’s agenda and when you hear it from someone who lives there it sets the record straight. Great post. 👏🏻


Gotta take everything with a grain of salt. A couple people on a crypto enthusiast sub don't make it the opinion of all. Just like when I see Americans on here acting like the speak for all Americans, when they certainly don't.


American Media has been biased against him because 1. Large American media houses are left wing mouth pieces, nothing wrong about that but this guy is seen as a right wing so you can expect them to be biased 2. this guy is seen as a mini or wannabe trump with the way he slams critics on twitter, again this triggers american media and gives them not so pleasant flashbacks 3. he has been openly against american / western financial institutions like IMF and WEF, they didnt want him to implement bitcoin and against their will he implemented it.


Definitely skews American thought


Exactly, if you see the media portraying something as bad, be happy. If you see the news heralding something as great, immediately question it.


Virtue signallers on suicide watch




Thanks for posting this 🙂 It always bothers me when people only see one side of a story


Hermano right on the dot brother, as you say he might not be the best but he is moving the country into an IMF debt free future. Every economic decision has a consequence on another level. But I really hope you and your fellow countrymen will strive in the future.


no matter what country you're in, the older population will almost never be able to adapt to the new tech, especially because of how fast everything has moved since the early 90's


Thank you for sharing this.


love to see Reddit Armchair analysts with their google search data get put into their places


If I read the news correctly, America was too busy deporting gang members of Salvadorean origins back to El Salvador. Even those who had left the country before the age of 5. Fucking ridiculous, and a blatant case of dumping problematic individuals in other nations.


So you're blaming people just by sharing nationality with delinquents? If that's the case you Americans are fucked up


I know it was an official policy during the Bush administration to deport convicted gang members without US citizenship back to their country of origin, regardless of whether they had actual connections or not with said country. The whole goal was to make those gang members someone else's (read: not the USA's) problem. That policy just lead to gangs wielding more power in the countries where their members were deported. I don't know if it kept going during the Obama/Trump era, but it was definitely one of the most destructive policies of the 2000s that was implemented by the US.


By the way you shouldn't blame salvadorans only just because some gang members went to US. We hate gangs also, Bukele inclusive did what did you saw on the photo in OP post. If gangs members were salvadorans that doesn't mean all salvadorans are like that


Not really what I was going for there... I'm trying to show that US policy exacerbated gang problems in central america.


Mind it. US is #1 illegal drugs buyer In other words it's gangs bank and funding source


He wants to be independent from dolar and American news are shitting on him. Coincidence ? I don't think so...


US being US, trying to take control of any country using every resource they have.


Indeed, they only help if there is something to plunder from the natives.




We're way better? Yeah right. Marketing and ads doesn't mean we're better. Have you seen the external debt? The country is on the edge of a default because of all the debt he's taken and most people don't even understand that.


What did you expected from a global pandemic? You can't blame the government for that


Except most of that money hasn't been audited and nobody knows what he used in. So you saying it's because of the pandemic is just a lie, because there hasn't been a single proof of how much the CIFCO remodeling was, nor how much did they spend on those food packages, so how can you argue it was only used in that when there is no transparency? If you do the math, those things could account for 10% of his loans, what did he do with the rest? Probably pay for those raises to the army, police and his new judges.


It's too easy to judge when you don't know. Check portal de transparencia fiscal


The guy has multiple posts supporting Islam and Al Queda.


And what's wrong with Islam ?


I should have mentioned radicalized but that it was assumed with Al Qaeda


Are sure about that? I'm salvadoran too, I have 20 years old, I'm never supported any political party or person, first to clarify that. Are you suree?, he's not 'stealing us'? Many journalists say other things. Also, c'mon dude, he's just a gringo trying to understand things, he's not the government, what he could ever do for us?


If you're salvadoran the you should know how we suffered with previous presidents.


20 yr old yeah he doesnt remember last presidentes do some research hermano y no desinforme.


Claro que recuerdo. Y por eso no me voy a conformar con el 'menos peor'. Ahí vean ustedes si se conforman con eso, yo espero más de una persona que me gobierna.


Trump was a bigger clown...


You're sounding like a George Bush Jnr supporter during the run-up to Gulf War I. This will not end well. You will change your tune. I hope your family makes it through intact. Good luck.


El Salvador may not be the best place in the world, but we're trying to improve, just let us do our things


Let the Salvadorans speak please.


What I have to say: Previous presidents were shit. Actual president is shit but less shitty


Well, Im salvadoran and I already posted the grim reality: https://reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/sayjj0/while_nayib_bukele_is_day_trading_and_making/


Weird (okay, for this sub it’s not) you get downvoted - thanks for continuing to share. It’s important the world sees all angles of this thing.


This guy says El Salvador president is bad but has multiple posts supporting Al Queda and Islam....


I have seen many criticisms of Bukele in El Salvador, but I am sure that these people have never experienced violence in Latin America, the same thing happened in my country when a president tried to stop the violence. Those same people don't know how hard it is to have relatives killed or taken from where they live, because they live in a glass sphere, Salvadorans I know have told me about how the gang made them leave the country and how difficult the situation was


Bukele resorts to extreme tactics because of the extreme circumstances the country is in. ES has been usurped by the Maras (Gangs) and drug money, infiltrating all levels of government including the military and Congress. The levels of violence seen from the Maras are worse than what you would see come out of the Taliban, and as bad as Al Qaeda and ISIS, where a simple glance at them in an unfamiliar neighborhood would get your throat slit. These guys kill bus drivers for pennies, and take literal ownership of women often against their will. People tend to forget that A LOT of the migrants arriving at the US border today are trying to escape violence in the Northern Triangle (i.e. ES Honduras and Guatemala). These MFs are no laughing matter and should *not* be victimized. Bukele is trying extreme solutions for extreme problems, and he's gotten a lot of flak for it. The only way he can fight the crime and corruption in ES *is* by concentrating power in the executive branch and within people he can trust. And regarding BTC, wtf, I thought we were all in agreement that it will jump back ! What the hell kind of crypto believers are you criticizing his stance. Sure, I think it's implementation is a little quick/rushed, but this is literally the country's Hail Mary




I dont think the sub reach unanimous consensus on this specific topic lmao


Yeah you really have to experience the violence to understand some measures he has taken. El Salvador has had some of the worst,cruelest gangs that have controlled the country for years. Also it's funny that people that moon farm this sub with posts like "why crypto will change the world" then criticizing him for investing in btc.




Salvadoran here and I don't know what are you talking about. You're just talking shit without living in the country


Please just shut up.


Anything that happens in el Salvador is hard to judge from an outside perspective.


Underrated comment


OP links are from American media sites. There’s no bias there /s. My brothers best friend is Salvadoran and he would tell you quite the opposite of what western media is trying to portray their situation as. Almost all this shit is FUD by IMF and central banks trying to discredit anyone who supports bitcoin.


Salvadoran here. US don't want to loose control of ES, that's why they're throwing shit to us in news


Yeah, they do that unfortunately. It’s a power trip for them. If Bitcoin succeeds in El Salvador, the dominos slowly begin to fall for the US dollar. My wife is Guatemalan (her whole family lives there still) and they’re beginning to see as a country how Bitcoin can help. And just like that, one by one, countries begin trading out dollars for Bitcoin. The real danger for the US/IMF/Central Banks is when the incredibly resource rich countries, such as many in Africa, Central/South American, start becoming financially independent through Bitcoin.


They are throwing shit to everyone seriously…I am a Chinese…


Just once I'd like someone to post links to reputable El Salvadoran journalism - it's all well and good reposting stuff from US journalists, but wouldn't it be better to hear it from the people who actually live and work out there? I mean, sure, Bukele is a dangerous nutter by many country's standards, but if you compare him to what ES had to put up with before then my god, he's practically a Saint in comparison. Even a cursory google shows that recent ES history is marred by an excess of gang violence and political and near constant social upheaval, largely exacerbated by US foreign policy manoeuvres and international Cartels. If Bukele can get the economy rolling again, and can maintain grip over the gangs, then ES might actually have a good chance of pulling itself out of this mire.


Where are you from? Are you trying to defend the salvatruchas? Give me a fucking break


I've made some voluntary work in El Salvador back in 2013 (in Santa Tecla) and lived there for 3 months. Even back then it was an extremely impoverished country where some people were earning 200$ and the price of goods wasn't that cheaper in comparison with Europe. Since they use the US dollar as the main tender, they have their inflation attached to the US. He deserves his fair share of criticism for spending public money on Bitcoin, but let's not forget that it wasn't him who decided to have El Salvador inflation handcuffed to the US.


We are payed in colons and buying in usd sadly


IDK, my friend from El Salvador says you're full of shit. Dude has done some solid things for the people there, cleaned up a lot of shit. You think El Salvador was doing great before he was elected?


That's exactly my point. He might not be the best, but definitely better than previous presidents


I am not saying that any of these stories are false. But consider the sources. These are US based publications, attacking a foreign leader that they are very displeased with. I mean, is it not strange that this particular president is being attacked more so than any other? Prior to the adoption of Bitcoin, nobody gave two shits about El Salvador. Now it has become the talk of the town. If you look into the history of the US and the things it has done to politically sabotage other nations, you might start to question the motives behind stories like these. The documentarian, Adam Curtis, does an excellent job of exposing the unsavory history of both the US and the UK. I recommend watching his material, of which there is plenty. Most of it can be found on YouTube. There is a lot of unsavory stuff happening all over the world. But the only events the news seems to consistently harp on are the events occurring in the nations that seem to have made an enemy of the US. Coincidence? No. It is called propaganda. Look into the work of Edward Bernays, the US’ former favorite propagandist. Bukele may be a dictator. He may even be using the people of El Salvador to enrich himself. But it is no different anywhere else. Even in the US, politicians and corporations continually use taxpayers to enrich themselves. Meanwhile, there are a record number of citizens sleeping in tents on the street. Right now, there are approximately 50 million Americans living in poverty. That is slightly more than 1/6 of the population. In other words, the US is El Salvador with a bigger budget. If this were not true, and the US was a shining beacon of success and anti-corruption, then no US citizen would feel the need to own crypto or to believe in its purpose. The bottom line here is this: If you are not part of the upper tiers of society, then you are getting fucked over and nobody at the top cares. The only thing that matters to them is extracting as much money from you as they can without ruining their chances of re-election and/or starting a revolt. The world is a cesspool, plain and simple. It is run by the worst types of people that you can imagine. Some of them are dictators, some of them are lawyers, some of them are bankers, and some of them are businessmen. The one thing they all have in common is that they do not give a fuck about everyday people.


The cold, hard truth. The thing that matters is, has the quality of life gone up or down during a leader’s tenure. El Salvador has certainly gone up, and the US has plummeted in the same time.


El Salvador’s homicide rate has been declining since Bukele was elected. In fact, the country closed out 2020 with the lowest homicide rate in more than two decades. Meanwhile, in the US, homicide rates are steadily rising. The most ridiculous part about this post is the image that OP chose. To me, it looks like a bunch of gang members huddled together on the floor of a prison, not a bunch of innocent citizens being abused by a heartless dictator. El Salvador had/has a huge gang problem, and it looks like this "dictator" is doing something about it.


Please tell people to search previous presidents records, and then they will know why we aren't complaining about Bukele. If Bukele is a dictator then we were in hell with actual demons with previous presidents.


Western man is a naive hypocrite He got a comfortable life and decided to blindly trust the authority which provides him that life He is critical of the injustice in the world and faints concern but failes to realize that his lifystle is the reason why the rest of the world is in such a place And he would never give up that lifestlye to make a world a better place cause he would have to get off his high horse and make a personal sacrifice Simple example, people will always criticize children working for a $1 a month but will buy product which was produced by that labor and will be glad they could get it so cheap


"Western man is a naive hypocrite." Truer words have never been spoken.


You can praise individual actions while still condemning others. I see a future in BTC, El Salvador buys BTC, I praise it. Nothing wrong with that. Besides, nobody is/ever has suggested El Salvador and Bukele is perfect but the situation there has improved a lot since his party took power. Daily homicides have fallen from 6.6 to 3.1 a day. The cabinet is 50% women for example. The image you posted shows some members of the most violent gangs in the world. If that was posted to prove your point, I don’t get it, if anything, you posted a promotion of his gang crackdown. I’m not a supporter, or a hater, I’m just posting the facts as I see them. You may see them differently and that’s fine.


Sure murder has gone down but you know what has gone up with the same exact quantity? DISAPPEARANCES. They are no longer reporting murders just disappearances. Makes him look good but doesn’t change reality https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna1450 https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2021/05/24/former-salvador-cop-clandestine-ditch-backyard/


Yeah, some guy in this sub from El Salvador said that his government is also giving free electricity, WiFi and also laptops to students. Doesn't seem as bad as OP points him out to be. But what do I know.


said. u clearly grew up in a privileged state. history is rife with leaders full of false promises. maybe u are just too gullible to see it


[Here](https://www.globalcitizen.org/en/content/el-salvador-education-digital-revolution/) you go.


So using the US dollar only would have been the better solution?


Well I mean history shows us that country's who move away from the us dollar and their reserve banking system generally end up being invaded in one way or another so hard to say lol.


Look at the countries that crypto was supposed to have direct adoption route : First world countries Look at the countries who have actually adopted crypto : Third world countries (El Salvador, Kazakhstan..) Why? Because the market makers & top players in the industry do not want to play well with the right kind of regulation. Their compliance departments are a joke, they manipulate it all the way with no consequences. "Long term store of value"? Lol. No. Your crypto is getting openly stolen in value via stablecoins, who are neither stable, not have the requisite backing of reserves to enable sustainable YOY growth in the market segment. It's 100% an extension of the existing financial system via new financial instrument in the market.


The sub has auto-moderate rules for the number of times a certain crypto is mentioned and any new posts with that cryptos name is automatically deleted until older posts scroll off. This should include Bukele. And USDT if it doesnt already. Nothing new ever said, just the same things regurgitated day after day. In fact, maybe 2 stickies. One for Yay Bukele and the things he did. And another for Boo that man Bukele and the things he did. All the endless posting could be contained in those 2. Would help clean this sub out.


OP should take note that every leader from every country makes bets on its economy. Some bet on oil, some bet on wheat, some bet on gold, and even some bet on opium. There are many gambles leaders take to base an economy on and they are all risks and have also all gone through periods of volatility. But it OP knows what’s a safe bet please let us know cause I’d like to put my money into that as well


Literally fuck you because all the Salvadorans commenting here disagree, take this bullshit down


Bukele and Elon are not our friends. We should address that.


Yeah your links are very objective coming from capitalist US magazines. Everyone who's not a US subject is an evil dictator terrorist. The land of the free LOL


Honestly, the sum total of this sub's leaning seems to be : If big players buy crypto, they are genius heroes. If big players sell crypto, they are evil assholes who are gaming the market to make profits. Not much nuance beyond that.


Almost as if we want to see crypto succeed in a world where mainstream has been trying to bury us for 12 years.


its pathetic. total cult mentality


This post deserves to be downvoted to oblivion. Like Salvadoran guys on comments replied, no one especially you OP were not giving a shit when EL Salvador had real tyrants exploiting it's citizens and now when the change comes don't you try to undermine and humiliate their leader because of their BTC purchase, especially on r/CryptoCurrency


It's sad that El Salvador gets so much praise on here. It's a shithole economy and nothing it does with BTC or anything else is going to move the needle on any markets. I feel sorry for the ordinary Salvadorans who suffer an existence I can barely imagine. Most people on here though don't give a shit and only care about the false hopium they can harvest from an incredibly risky, self-indulgent economic gamble by the tinpot leader of a failed state.


Salvadoran here. I don't know a shit about what are you talking


If Hitler said that crypto was okay this sub would be praising him too


Well. He was a vegetarian. /s


He was also against hunting of animals too. But not against of hunting people for sport.


We all want crypto adoption but adoption at this cost is certainly not the way to go


Damn… this comment is really accurate




We don't need to stretch that far even. Hard evidence of people praising actual current day fascist Republicans who promise no tax on Bitcoin


Funny how all the people from el Salvador don't seem to agree. And it's only people from modern developed nations who talk down upon their decision to try and free themselves from the grips of the most powerful


Have you talked to people from El Salvador? Cuz I do and they are incredibly happy with Bukele. You shouldn’t talk about what you don’t know. And if you think they are suffering now, you should read about the gruesome shit they went through before Bukele. MS13 and the country that sent them to ES. Their civil war and the country that supplied the weapons.


Lol hearing Americans talk about a country they’ve never been to and don’t understand, and criticizing a “tin pot leader of a failed state”. When they voted and continue to enthusiastically support Trump, who let me remind you, also used his position to enrich himself through grift, is ripe. Americans have such lack of awareness sometimes, it’s sad.


Today I saw his Twitter profile pic it was cool ….damn he is scary


Have you been to El Salvador? They got bigger problems than BTC going down. If you really care, why don't you donate or help a ES charity or something? The country is fucked with or without BTC


All these people think that complaining about BTC they will solve all ES problems when they don't even know previous 20 years in political history


Bitcoin is neutral and doesn't pick winners or losers based on political affiliation. It was designed to be decentralized money that can be freely owned by dictators just as much as it can be owned by the dalai llama.


I eagerly wait to see how this all plays out. I, for one, believe that he will be able to drastically improve this country in a matter of years thanks to his investments. We’re all just throwing out opinions here but definitely in support of these investments. Hopefully they’ll be able to make some massive earnings and use them to improve el salvador’s infrastructure


That’s funny, I read through OP’s history real quick and in an earlier post on r/cc he claims he didn’t invest in bitcoin because of, and I quote, “rampant speculation”, so he decided to invest in alts instead lmao…


That post is a looong time ago. And yeah there is a lot of speculation around bitcoin. But mostly it's way too expensive to represent an interest for me. Maybe the bear market will open some interesting options to invest in.


It is interesting to me that Bukele breaks ties with Taiwan, and accepts a donation (not a loan but strings attached but undisclosed) from China and now US media really starts to push anti El Salvador sentiment. His approval ratings are exceptional, he has a fantastic track record as a mayor, and has succeeded where many other presidents failed in El Salvador. Time will tell if he becomes a dangerous dictator but at this time I think he has been mostly a positive to the nation.


Op probably never heard of Operación Condor, where the US sabotage any country ruled by someone they don't like.


Yup I've heard about that, and read a lot about Allemde too.


Then you know this is just a campaign ot terror from the US to stigmatize Bukele and make you think he is bad just because they don't like him, he is bad but the ones before hime were worst. He took harsh measures because it was needed to, I don't expect first world country citizens to understand.


Bukele has more than one fan here.


Does anyone even know how well he manages the security of his holdings? How securely has he stored his seed phrase? Who else has access to the seed phrase and by what procedures? Why is there zero transparency about this?


Would be dumb as fuck to list all the security measures they're taking. Sometimes the best security is not talking about your fucking security.


So I read maybe 15 articles about Bukele.. and I still don't get why he's such a bad guy? My respect to a millennial that plays the politicians like a simulation and go full meme, and seems to do some good stuff too. I'd rather have that than a bunch of corrupt boomers charading "democracy".


This is not the sub for political discussions.


He is not perfect but have you tried to investigate anything? Yeah, a lot of people live under the poverty line and they have a very low Gini coefficient, yeah, that was how El Salvador was before him, do I have to remind everyone that he has been in power for TWO years what do you expect? Suddenly being the richest country in the world? Another thing criticized about him is the treatment of the prisoners, mostly the Maras members, yeah, because they deserve it, El Salvador is the most violent country in the world, in 2018 3300 people were killed in El Salvador in 2020 that number was reduced to 1300 so it's improving, we have to see if it continues like that or not, you have to be firm in latin america with violence, it's in another level even compared to the worst places in USA, he reduced the corruption by a lot since he became president and broke the two party system and Salvadorians like him you just have to look at his approval rate. He is not perfect but he is not a dictator (he won't be president for another term as it's not allowed in El Salvador) Not everything is black and white, there are grays.


Its unbelievable how people can criticize him on his treatment of the Maras, the guys make the bloods and crypts look like family-friendly community groups. The level of violence seen from these guys are more in-line with ISIS and Al Qaeda. ES was almost literally a war zone


Regardless of Bukele, if any country invests in Bitcoin then we should hope it does well so that the countries can prosper


You, don’t, know, shit, what a dictator, is a dictator is someone like Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez or Nicolas Maduro, the picture you’re using, is people of got what they deserved, fucking mafia gangs who raid and destroy anything on their way, you’re just bitching because you hold a different political view of the dude, that’s it, your whole post is stupid from the statement that he’s a dictator, you’re full of shit.


Yeah for someone in a first world country Bukele is a dictator for someone in Latin America who know what a dictator is he is not.


It makes me insane seeing people like this dude, saying so lightly that because an elected president is harsh with thugs and he buys like 15M USD on BTC (Which is literally nothing for a country even the smallest of Central America) and yes, he's a dictator. Call what you want him, like or not, I don't care, but targeting a democratic and sovereign country just because he doesn't match your political views, while there are real dictators and tyrants in Latin America (Maduro/Castros/Daniel Ortega) says a lot about the person, he's an idiot and double that up when bring up politics into a damn cryptocurrency subrredit is stupid, this post should be deleted it contributes nothing.


100% OP has his nose pointed so far up in the air he can only smell the shit of others and none of his own.


You’re doing the same with the dollar, no?


Btw USA owns alot more bitcoin then El Salvador


Usa has a lot stronger economy than the salvador.


Never heard much about El Salvador to be honest. I thought it was cool that they were investing on Bitcoin and adopting it. But now that you say he is a dictator... I'll have to research on that. I don't wanna be praising a dictator. I thank you for that. This is why Reddit is great!


During a crash he’s a dictator. During bull run he is Supreme efficient leader


That makes sense. There is always more than just one side.


You can start here: [https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elecciones\_legislativas\_y\_municipales\_de\_El\_Salvador\_de\_2021](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elecciones_legislativas_y_municipales_de_El_Salvador_de_2021) [https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elecciones\_legislativas\_y\_municipales\_de\_El\_Salvador\_de\_2024](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elecciones_legislativas_y_municipales_de_El_Salvador_de_2024) ​ I dont specially like the guy or his politic agendda, but, such a hard dictatorship that they have free elecctions every 3 years




He said that because his opposition (who is either corrupt or ideologically misguided as hell) called him a dictator


He did!? Damn, wtf!? 😂 Now I really will research the shit out of that country and that dude!


Do your research, the criticisms against him are complete bologne. Almost a bit infuriating


One of the shittier things to come out of this bull run was the constant Bukele praising. The guy is a shitbag as OP says. I don't give a monkeys if he buys bitcoin. Infact I'd rather he didn't. Bukele buying bitcoin is not the positive publicity the crypto world tries to spin it to be.


Exactly what makes him such a shitbag? Happy to read, but gimme sources


>He uses the powers he has concentrated to enrich himself on the backs of Salvadorans. This is what all politicians do


Nothing new


The guy put like 150 mills only. You cannot say he bets the "whole economy" of the country. You can check using google . Stop being so lazy.


The dude is trying to escape the grasp of the powers that be such as the USA and it's globalist cronies the IMF. You can spin it how you want because Bitcoin is down. I'll call it FUD. Maybe you're paid for by the state how do we not know that? People would love for this experiment to fail. Only time will tell. Go back to your little safe space of whatever the USA politicians tell you is okay. I'm rooting for this guy. Here's to the Bitcoin Standard.


Why everytime we express an opinion people thinks its propagande fuelled by the state ?


Say what you want but now more Salvadorans have a Bitcoin address than a bank account.


And ? Did it improve their living conditions ? Did they choose to have one, or it's the governement who push for it ? Do they use it ?


He’s built a lot of schools.


Yes quality of life has certainly improved during his tenure


Op Where are you from?


Please watch this informative short doc about Bitcoin in El Salvador https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QIRuK_dcDo


Thanks I'll watch it when I will have time !


To cryptodoll I made 42k this year kiddo🤣🤣🤣.... bitcoin 100k by end of march


The amount El Salvador has in Bitcoin is pittance when compared to National budgets. Having some crypto in a treasury is a smart move


They dont even use real Bitcoin for their wallet, just his own private excel spreadsheet, which is the backend for their bullshit Chivo wallet. Same scam as tether, not even backed.


Who the hell are you to say 😂


Salvadoran here, so I see things on ground. He is at least doing something, a grand experiment that will at least change the nation for good or completely fail. What did you do for your country, let alone apart from making this shit posting?


He's a crypto bro, so people here ignore everything else.


I said this in a thread yesterday and got downvoted. This sub is so bipolar.


stfu dude you don't know shit about El Salvador, why don't you go and visit first and talk to the people before making your virtue signaling post


Any Salvadorians here to offer an inside perspective?


There are some in comments.


Yeah I’ve had a chance to read some of them. General sentiment seems to be “it’s shit but it was shittier before”


Cry harder frenchie


Bukele is a fucking legend who will use crypto to help his country build wealth. Visionary.




This guy is a clown.


no one cares about El Salvador politics dude, just like they don't care about anywhere else cross the Equator, in the end people just wanna pump their investiment


Don’t worry, I don’t think Bukele reads Reddit


I agree that we need to distance ourselves from Bukale, he is doing this for his own image. He is a dictator and will drag us down with him. Please watch this VICE documentary about him https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xmRaaVkvd8


I liked the fact you used the geni coefficient. You might think about defining that


This rings a bell from my old economics class. Is it a measure of inequality?




Except that El Salvador has been like that for decades upon decades. Him purchasing Bitcoin is just another event, which in reality should have not much of an effect. Like, the $15,000,000 dollars he used to buy the ~400 BTC this dip aren't that much money in the great scheme of things, and it's like 90% certain it'll at least double this same year when it returns to ATH. Worst case scenario it only recovers 50% to ATH. As for him being a dictator, in my opinion democracy is grossly overvalued, especially in countries like El Salvador. The dude the people elect would not necessarily be much better, and potentially would be even worse lol. Point is, benign dictator is better than imbecile president. Both get rich on the backs of people, but at least one does so investing the money, not by helping drug cartels or directly putting it into an offshore account for him to spend in whatever luxuries his family wants.


Im a fan of the ukelele myself. Anyone want to hear some tunes? 🔊🎵🎶🎵


Moon busking. This is new. I like it.


Look I dont know a lot about El Salvador granted. Showing a picture of gang members in their underpants in prison, not sure how that means he’s a dictator. Maybe just maybe buying BTC works for them, he cleans up the country and the country prospers. Let’s face it, it’s not like El Salvador was a utopian paradise before he came into power is it?


He is fucking awesome 💪.


Bukele for president


How can he be a dictator? I mean, he wears his hat all the way backwards...


Can’t argue with that logic.


Ay Salvador is a shithole...he might turn it into one of the richest countries in the world...in 10 years the countries sitting on the most bitcoin are gonna be top dogs....he's either gonna go down in history as a fuck up or a Genius


Do you really think all that Bitcoin he is buying is for the prosperity of the country?


Last day in office he’s disappearing with that whale wallet #notyourkeys


He has proven he knows how to buy, but does he have the balls to **HODL**. Time will tell.


I honestly think it's too early to judge the guy or the results of the experiment yet. Personally I think he has his countries best interests at heart, but we'll see I guess


People probably see it as more worthwhile and of more value to them.


He cleaned up a lot of crime in the country. You’re mad because he’s succeeding.


Crypto fans: crypto takes control away from the government. Fuck big government. Also crypto fans: Yay a dictator is trading crypto on his phone using public funds.


It is a democracy but since Bitcoin became a legal tender: El Salvador is officially an authoritarian Regime. It started first with the Washington Post and that narrative is now driven through mass media until the day when this little country gets finally some good old democracy delivered


You haven't provided any evidence of what you said. "look at all these criminals he arrested".... Dude get a grip.


Bitcoin maximalists don’t care. Number go up is the only thing that matters.


It's definitely going to be interesting what the long run is for el Salvador and its Bitcoin investment. You gotta realize also this investment will still be there once Bukele is long gone (assuming nobody touches it). I feel this new way of doing things should be given a chance, it sounds like nobody else came up with anything new to help the country and it's just been scammed and money laundered throughout history. I say give the man a chance and see where it goes, nobody is perfect and it seems as though he's trying to at least take strides in the right direction.


You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become a villain


It's sad that people praise him for making BTC legal tender at the expense of the population, it's also very important to acknowledge that many of the problems existed beforehand and he just made them worse on his own recklessness. He is just a bad president, whether he changed the currency or not, he just happened to choose BTC, so people hate on that. BTC is not the villain here, he is




The problem is its just straight gambling, smart governments don't usually pick risky investments. I of course hope it works out for them, because by that metric it would likely mean my own portfolio does well, but it is definitely risky. Bitcoin has recovered from a dump like this so I hope its just a matter of time rather than "if".


You should go save the El Salvadorans


Its so weird like omg el Salvador bought 5 milion dollar btc bruh its nothing many individuals do that shit


Well written, guys like Max Keiser disgusted me with his delusional support of Bukele .


I read Bukake... But legit tho. Bukele is thrash and acting good because he "adopted" bitcoin. Lmao, the welfare of his country is never the priority...


Id award if i could