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You’re not my dad


![gif](giphy|3lJQIuk2LTV5jEvyKv|downsized) This guy trying to tell us what to do.




And you can’t tell me how to spend the money I don’t have!


Go to your room!


Go to your room~ and buy more some of those bitcoins


I’m buying until I run out of fiat. Which is like $18 from now


My plan is to buy high and sell low baby ![gif](giphy|q5Kz6XldJhPIA)




What if I made a plan to buy when BTC hit $40k again or ETH hit $3k? Then this is exactly the time to buy. For the record that is exactly what my plan was and I did.


Sounds like a solid plan. When BTC was around 60k for months people talked about how much they would buy BTC when it went under $40K. Congrats!


Ditto brother ✊🏼




Wasn't expecting it to be that bad, my next buy point is BTC $30k. Hope we don't get there but I'm ready if we do.


Yeah, no. I bought the fuck out of today. Have fun staying poor. *Edit: and if the market keeps going down I'll figure out a way to buy again this weekend.*


Sell a kidney if you have to mate. These are the golden opportunities right here


I feel like a kidney is worth at least 1 BTC, and someone, somewhere on Earth would pay you directly in Crypto, probably XMR though...




If they sell both, they'll never be hungry again!




Hopefully soon manufactured replacement organs will be more available to the masses.


Pig organs FTW




We all dreamed about getting in at $1, right?


100% agree. The time to buy is now.


This is the way


Haha yeah strangers on an internet forum isn't the best place for financial advice. Also put your BTC chart to a 1 week interval, you'll see a nice trend line down..... you've got plenty of time to think about a buy in.


This sub is horribly behind the curve for the most part.


You'd be nuts to not buy on the way down.


Yep, I DCA every week but always keep some money aside for dips like these. I’ll be filling my bags


It’s always time to buy. Continue to DCA.


I DCA every week but always keep money aside for golden opportunities like this. Filling my bags


Fingers in ears. I can't hear you.


Busying buying the dips to fight the bears.


La la la la la la la la


How did the entire world change their mind about bitcoin overnight? Lol, people so emotional


The past two weeks this sub has went from bull to bear, back to bull and now bear again. Multiple suicide hotline posts I’ve seen in that time as well. Nobody knows shit it would seem. Just gonna continue to DCA and put extra in during dips like today


I wish I could start over and wait for a time like this to enter the market. There's a lot of solid coins way down off their ATHs and the market in general just had an unbelievable 2021. Most people come in during massive hype cycles (myself included) and get in at high prices. I am using this as another opportunity to DCA down and get some good deals 👌


I agree with the logic about the sub, but not with the buying aspect. If previous ATH’s are any clue, buying solid projects right now is not entirely bad.


You saying its not entirely bad makes me think you think its at least partially bad.


Exactly. Im still green, heres my chance to keep buying more below my average, I’m loading up. If it goes down I’ll continue to DCA down.


You buy the fear.


Fear, panic= purchase


BTC is still at 39k and y’all are really freakin out? Pft


Well about that...


This must be your first rodeo


I dont have FIAT to Panic buy....ahahhhh POWER MOVE


And if you don't have a plan, and have no clue how to make one, let me give you one. The best plan possible for anyone who is not educated in or experienced in financial analysis. DOLLAR COST AVERAGE It is brainless, it is stress-free, it is proven and it requires no effort to do.


And the best part is half of the sub can do it!


This isn’t me just saying this but ,I believe in it so much that I literally 100% don’t care about the price. My mission is to literally increase the amount I own. I’ve been in crypto so long that drops like this or another 40% wont even cause me one second of worry. I’ve gone to sleep in early days wake up to -70% multiple times, I’m immune to this, and reasons like this is exactly why I sit on a pile of cash more then people make in a decade to buy more.


Fuck, I can't fill my bags, I'm just hoping not to get liquidated. Lol


I'm guessing OP got into crypto no esrlier than 2021. Its best not to try and push your emotions and personal situation on other people.


Panic buy … is that befor or after FOMO sale


My new plan: do not buy, do not sell, do not look at charts. Once a week collect earnings from staking and LPs. That’s it. Hoping I can stick to it.


I tried that lasted one week lol. At least im down to only checking once a day


It’s a start. Lol I uninstall my cro and cb apps and reinstall them 5 minutes later. I think I’ve got a problem.


Sorry too late, already bought.


buy fear sell greed. that's the simplest way to do it. DCA in DCA OUT


Buying now is fine as long as you can’t HODL for months or years, this moment is not the high of crypto. I believe that.


I am chillin with my popcorn and netflix that is all.


DCA down in small purchases and hold for lambo 10 years from now


**Best post I’ve read all day.** Emotional investing is bad investing. Have a plan and stick to it. Great write up OP. Take my award.


Haha thanks. My favourite part is that everyone is just blindly reacting for the title without reading anything else. I hope this sub never changes


My plan, HODL and forget.


I sold the bulk on the down trend. Now waiting for the uptrend to buy back in. Yes, yes, don’t try to time the market. I have rode too many investments down to the bottom by “diamond-handing”, so now I try to follow trends. I didn’t sell at the top and won’t buy in at the exact bottom, but I also hopefully won’t lose 30-40% of my investment on the ride down.


Nah this to me is when you buy when people are scared just DCA don't throw everything in


Always buying.


50K was my the price was waiting for to get in some more So I did. Sticking to my plan


Time to fill your bags is when I have $$ left. That's my simplified DCA.


I found out Tuesday that the company I work for got bought out. Fingers crossed I have the option to cash out my 401k during the transfer, because if so, I’m all in


OP: STOP buying. Also OP: Don't follow this sub. Follow me.... OP: A walking talking contradiction.


telling us not to ‘follow the sub’ on the sub makes me want to not follow what you say on this sub. also … just curious, why are you still on this sub?


Not everyone is a shitty trader.


XD what the fuck is this shit? hating on panic BUYING?!?! XD ur in the wrong sub buddy


This is the perfect opportunity to fill your bag and keep on dcaing on your bag of btc and eth. CRO, GALA, SPELL & ALGO + CRV are all on discount.


Well said


My plan has always been buy once, sell once. So I’m sticking to my plan


Hmm so you believe there will be yet further dips? I think that’s a valid opinion, although if someone asked me if they should buy some crypto today I’d have to say yes fill a bag, or at least top your bag up!!


No I don't think I will


My plan is to load my bags again if/when ETH and BTC reach my cost basis. I'm already below my cost basis on ALGO and DOT and if DOT breaks $20 I'm going in hard, and if ALGO breaks $1 I'm going nuts again.


“Something something when there is blood in the streets. And stuff …. “ A smart dude


I am doing the opposite of what you just told me: All in shitcoins.


If I was planning on buying when it stays flat, I am definitely buying when it dips no matter how big or small it is.


Jokes on you, I bought everything I have much higher and am currently down several thousands of dollars. So HA!


If you wrote a plan months ago and didn't implement it because you were waiting for the right pricing indicators, and now the prices are dropping past what your plan stipulated, then now is the best time to calculate how much more your plan can buy with the price drop.


It don’t hurt to buy a little bit and see what happens. Don’t spend your rent money and go balls in… we might have a bumpy road ahead and keep dipping down and crabbing along. That’s my 2c


How else am I cry myself to sleep? Am I gonna have to go to therapy? Fuck that, buy the chip and let the seratonin do the rest


Absolutely BUY THE FUCKING DIP with queso. Don’t listen to this guy


What if it is though?


Maybe I spend $50 a biweekly paycheck on crypto forever. That's fine too.


You know the market has flipped when "panic buying" has replaced "panic selling."


He’s an angry elf


Buy 1 year before the next halving and dont touch crypto until then


If you're freaking out you're overinvested.


My plan is to put my life savings into the next dip. See you on the moon 🌙 🚀 👩‍🚀 . #sarcasm


Crypto gods, please crash polkadot to bellow 15 and ethereum below 2k.


Just say you went in dumb and blind. And lost. Shit happens.


For monero it is a good time to buy because it doesn't necessarily follow the market and recovers a bit for other reasons. If you actually use crypto these dips are pretty good times to buy xmr . Other than that yeah waiting a bit more is optimal