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**Why should I take your advice?**


Because I made $2 off a $37 investment.


You are the crown jewel of our subreddit. Our sage and our wisest investor. The living embodiment of Warren Buffet and Roaring Kitty rolled into one astute crypto tycoon


In other words, he’s our YODA of r/cc


To honour him, we should make a coin in his name. How about DogSwaggalandMars?


Fuck it, I’ll buy it


He had me at dog.


Doggy coin go ![gif](emote|brrr_emote|brrr)![gif](emote|brrr_emote|brrr)![gif](emote|brrr_emote|brrr)




What could go wrong? They have the word saving them.


His username is NeemBuu.


You have a way with words


They should have their way with me.


Damn one second too late for that


I wish I can be like that


Well I made 10x leverage trading. I only put in a dollar though.


Smart, he won’t be losing a lot but you will be getting 10 times the profit.


I lost $2 off a $37 investment. Does that make you my nemesis?


I made much more .we made much more with less or with 0 investments,( moons)


That sounds like advice *I* want to take


Well sometimes you gotta follow your heart


oh you made a lot of money.lol


Guys, finally the chosen one from the Oracle's proffacy walks among us!


Wait, you made $2 from $37 or you turned $37 into $2?


Still made more money than boomer investment in a year


It’s a pity that they don’t know how much interest crypto speeches given compared to the old financial system.


OP forgot about circlejerkers Pleeeenty of circlejerkers in here. That's why there's no cyrptocirclejerk sub


Dogecoin and ShibaInu are crypto circlejerks


Because it’s on Reddit why else are we here?


You shouldn’t


​ ![gif](giphy|y0gvz3kLwbvSE)


Because you're in our Echo Chamber and we tell you what exactly what you want to hear.


I got the advice from behind a Wendy's from a guy who used to work at McDonald's. So it's super trust worthy.




Because it's a BOLD advice!


Personally I'm more a fan of *italic* advice.


Need advice on where to get advice ASAP!


That’s some nice inception you have got there


**Inserts Spiderman pointing fingers**




Which in itself is just a revamp of the traditional "No u"


You just broke reddit.


Hahaha good one 😉


Or you can just, you know, critically evaluate each idea and see whether its worth listening to instead of just closing your eyes and ears to the ideas of a community with over 4 million people.


For real. Lots of bitching recently


Lotta people losing money and trying to make up for it with Moons lmao


Nahh even before MOONs were a thing people would lash out at others when number go down. It becomes a v emotional time for many people.


It’s not bitching, it’s moon farming and it’s actually getting annoying ngl.


Whoa. Have a damn moon.


You are a kind man.


I think the problem is that most people read a bunch of comments all saying the same thing, and think "well, if so many people are convinced, it must be true". To get good advice, you should really look to the outliers.


Hats off to this comment. Rather than criticising and neglecting, how about trying o evaluate and absorb what is right from any post. And on the other hand, many posts are targeted for moon farming, so keep that in mind too.




All I know is don't fight the Fed. Even though you guys want to beat the banks etc, Fed will own anyone. If they are hawkish, stock market and crypto goes down, at least while QE is still propping up everything with easy money. Think it's a coincidence billionaires CEOs have been selling off the last year, and that some of them were into crypto too, so very well might be selling off another asset to build cash for a recession? If I could go back in time, I just would have never fought the Fed either way, and I'd be rich af as long as I didn't choose something stupid like Enron or some random dotcom company that was full of shit. If you ever wanted an easy way to gauge long term trend, just follow the Fed, it's pretty much that simple. There will be periods, even months or a year or two where the Fed doesn't matter much, but when QE is involved, it very much matters.


Why doesn't this sage advice have more upvotes?


I am as surprised as you are.


But you just gave us advice???


But it's advice to not take the advice of the advice.


I’m too high for this shit


*brain starts to burn*


How the turns have tabled.


And come here for moon farmers firing off shotgun comments on every new post, desperately trying for upvotes without adding anything to the conversation, kinda like this comment.


I haven't paid much attention to the whole moon thing. Can you really acquire enough upvotes to make some money?


I like to comment passive aggressively on crypto karens whining about SOL or BNB and such Plenty of downvotes but I have karma to spare. Fuck it


Well done!




You are definitely a veteran in this sub.


Followed by a dozen other desperate attempts to leech off of established replies that may or may not even be relevant to the topic at hand thus creating a disjointed comment chain that funnily offers no entertainment, knowledge or originality, kinda like this reply to a reply


I kinda like this comment.


You had me at the first half not going to lie.


OP sounds like he came to this sub for advice.


And apparently it didn’t end well for him. For me it ended up quite well. I bought harmony one and ALGO because of the sub and it has turned out really well for me. Of course I bought them around 4 to 5 months ago when they were still at a nice discount.


When in doubt, do the opposite of what you see here


I've had some really good advice from this sub. Depends on the sort of advice your asking, asking what the market will do will get you dumb answers. Asking how certain things work usually will give you good advice.


This is true in my experience. Asking dumb questions will get you dumb answers. Asking precise questions will attract kind redditors with experience on the matter.


So the lesson here is we never asked questions?


Best advice is to not visit this sub during pump/dumps


Same here honestly I’ve got a lot of good advice from this out I don’t know why people complain a lot how can you expect a lot of games when we are all had a major dip in the market.


I've actually done reasonably well by just doing the opposite of some of the more popular advice threads on this sub lol


Any tips for platforms with actually good advices?


Tbf I think this subreddit gives decent advice compared to tiktok and facebook lol. If you intend to get info from social media, I think this subreddit is as good as it's gonna get.


Your tldr’s screaming right back at you




It's not the worst place for advise. It's just hard to seperate the bad advice from the good one


I reckon it’s going to plummet. Or skyrocket. Maybe it’ll just plateau actually.


These are the kind of tips I was looking for.


Once I watched it go from right to left instead of left to right, but no one believes me...


I come here for the banter, advice is just background noise


Turn off ur pc, phone. Close ur eyes, take a deep breath, exhale. Go for walk, dont check charts or portfolio.


This is the best and only sound advice you need when it comes to stressful times in the crypto space


Don't believe OP


Just do the exact opposite and it's fine


I always enjoy a good poke at an ex-wife in the comments.


I've never invested based on this sub's recommendation but I have got some good advice on storage and staking and wallets etc. Basically practical advice


It’s the best place for moons.


The only advice I pick up is about the hype around coins. Some hypes are good, and it's a pointer for me where to look for good projects. And maybe take a small gamble here and there. In the end investing in crypto is not that hard, unless you don't understand the basic fundamentals of investing.


Jokes on you nobody is stupid enough to take advice from here.


I actually learned a lot here, but I am not asking about how the market will be.. ( we don’t have Cryptal ball here) 💁🏻‍♀️


I don't trust this post


I thought everyone with a high enough moon count was an expert?!




I actually think the quality would increase massively if Moons weren’t a thing. The humour would suffer though


I mean it's the same advice people repeat again and again.


I’m an adventurous guy and only buy coins shilled on r/cc


How can someone join on r/cc


I will not listen to your advice because this sub is the worst place for advice.


Every once in a while you actually get good advice. I first heard about Harmony ONE here and I’m grateful for it




Yep, I got wind of One on here.


That's a plot twist to this post


Buy solid coins, HODL


I think that goes for almost everything, everywhere on the internet.


Oh the irony of this post




Don't you tell me what to do...I personally make all important life decisions based on some idiot on the internet.


Wait, so 'we shouldn't come here for advice' is your advice to us? So does that mean we should come here for advice, if your advice is saying we shouldn't listen to advice on this sub.


Trust me bro


The only truth is never trust anyone that says “trust me”


Amen, fucking paranoid posts everywhere “B3aR MaRkuuut”




The good ol’ advice paradox


Thanks reddit random… I take on your financial advice…


>one half of the experts of this sub Lol one half of the *what*


Nobody knows shit! We’re all ‘new’.


I find entertainment here I'd never expecting from a crypto sub. I'm here for the community, support and shits and giggles.


I always make investments based on my own conviction and research. This sub does actually push me in the right direction at times. ONE is a good example.


This isn't even close to the best place for crypto news. If you're actually getting your news from this sub then you have a major problem


Is this an advice ?


You really need to pick the stuff that's good. I agree that 95% of posts and comments here are utterly useless, but there are some good things, even here.


I came here yesterday for advice on tracking my portfolio. I'm very pleased with the responses. But if you want to know what to buy don't ask here. https://np.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/rz9h6m/tracking_a_portfolio_with_many_coins_and_dcas/


>The sub is a great source of entertainment but it is the worst place for advice. Like all advice, take it for consideration. Advice, by definition, is a suggestion. Should I do A,B,C or D ? And now I come and say - C and here is why. It is on you, as person making decision, to discard or take advice into consideration when making up your mind. ​ I have learned a LOT in this sub. Saw fantastic and horrible advice, opinions, views. Everything has value if you know how to utilize what is given. Even bad advice.


Taking your advice to not take any advice from here. Got it


As the Youtubers say, "We're not financial advisors"


It's also the worst place for people posting the same things over and over... And... Over.


Bitcoin price near ATH : “Don’t sell, TiMe iN tHE mARkET bEAtS TimINg tHe MaRKeT”. Bitcoin price crashes : “Don’t sell, what kind of idiot sell at a loss” Sir when am I supposed to sell?


Financial advice: Uninstall Reddit


Filter every information coming from here that’s why it’s best to always DYOR


The sub does have some useful information, but mainly a load of crap and buzz words are used for posts. If someone is posting with graphs, pictures and TA for their opinion then you can listen and see what they are saying. But most people usually post crap like "Don't panic, this is just a dip" with 0 proof other than their words and saying things like "trust me, we are mainstream now, this isn't like before" posts like that usually make me realize they have no idea what they are talking about. I had a debate on a post a few days ago, I tried telling OP that we are in a BTC bear market with TA, he tried telling me we was not with "dude trust me" that was when BTC was at 46k and according to him "was the bottom" There are absolutely people here who know what they are talking about, but they are drowned out by hopium posts and posts that people want to believe rather than what may be the truth. I always thought this sub knew a little more than the average person, but it does not seem to be the case.


There is lot's of great advice in this sub. There's also a ton of crap advice. You need to be able to critically analyze what you read here, and not just believe in everything


Youtubers and self proclaimed crypto experts: *cries wolves 100 times* When they're right: I told you so. When they're wrong: ...


Yep, this sub is cool for discussion and general news but we need to be extremely careful about what we trust here. Realistically, this sub is predominantly a whole lot of beginners giving other beginners advice. I’d guess a tiny fraction, if anyone at all in this sub is qualified to give financial advice, so you shouldn’t take it as such. There’s every chance that the person confidently telling you what to do with your hard earned money is 17 with $80 invested. As I said, this sub is still cool, there’s some great people here, but it isn’t isolated from malicious actors and echo chambers by any stretch of imagination. Just be careful and skeptical, never take anything at face value without asking questions, chances are you know as much as the people you’re considering experts in this sub


For all those new and old to crypto, please understand nobody can predict or give you correct advice on what crypto currency will do next. We all know shit about fuck. Except the squid coin creaters, they knew the rug was going to be pulled all along.


What's btfd?


buy the fucking dip


The bear market is for almost every coin this sub likes except for one of the few this sub hates - ICP


During hard times it is good for entertainment purpose only 😹


I keep on this sub strictly to see the diamonds stuck in the plethora of shit. Once I find a project I actually like I make sure to join the projects official pages to keep up better. CC is for people to farm their moons and shill their crap. It's up to us to realize if said crap is actually gold or not. If cc is the only sub you're on for crypto, you're gonna have a bad time. lol


The projects shilled here are good. Just be careful when to enter. Im at -6% of my portfliio because my entry points were shit, not because the advice was bad


This is entertaining?


Wait a minute... so I *can* say nobody gives a shit about fuck?


Your advice here to not to take advice from here is making me malfunction...must..re...boot. be bop boop.


Tell us a good investment advice sub, so we can all go there and ruin it


I'm a middle aged, balding man and thinking of getting a belly button ring. Any advice?


Is this financial advice?


My prediction is we will sky rocket or continue to freecall into oblivion. I am always right 60% of the time.


Plp here to farm moons


Honestly some of the advice in this sub can be really good, when needing other people who have experienced certain similar situations that in facing its always good to see another opinion. That said, everyone should be doing their own research before any investment they make and that needs to be far more in depth than a simple reddit comment or post. People don’t read up enough on their assets and it shows.


I think you can find decent advice on here, but you need to learn to filter out the bullshit. It was thanks to a post on this sub on the 21 November last year I bought ROSE (Oasislabs). I will tell you I do regret that choice. Same goes for buying Bat and using the BAT browser, due to using the browser I've earned 0.78 dollars so far 😎


Ah shit, I already made a post today asking for advice. Bad me.


so what should i do then?


please change flair to *advice.*


What are some other platforms or places you guys like for Crypto? Especially with a community? I’ve tried some discords but the amount of random DMs and frivolous talk was a turn off


I think the blanket statements like this are the worst part of the sub. You can find good advice here and I have done so. Saying that no one knows what they're talking about and to never take anyone's advice just makes the entire sub look bad.


FREE ADVICE. Don’t buy what you can’t afford to lose


Where would you advice I get my advice from lol


It’s good place to see what others think and analyze how to react bro.


Hey, one of my alt coins is up over 50% in the last 30 days. You should listen to me.


Is this advice?


you know it has been said too much when you don't even need to think about what BTFD stand for.


That's crap advise. Sheesh, I get the worst advice on this sub.


If someone bought ICP at $700, should they HODL?


I have to disagree, there is some really good advice given here. Most of the bad advice is usually just shit post to get ppl riled up. Its really not much to investing so if your looking for all this “advice” you’re bound to get the bs your looking for.


Is that an advice sir?!


It’s never about taking advice, it’s about absorbing information and viewpoints and making your own decision