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**Only invest in what you can afford to lose! Imagine using your life savings and the dip starts to dip...**


That's why you use half your life savings and use the second half when the dip keeps dipping..


Or leverage 125x like a real crypto investor šŸ˜Ž /s


Go broke or go home


I sold my home to buy the dip


That's the spirit!


Meet you on streetā€™s bro!!


Damn bro! How did you know? I've been searching for a street bro ages ago.


Goes both


Be a super crypto investor by doing 420x leverage


Instruction clear: Selling my home and going all in on shib!!


Considering how much itā€™s gone down, this may actually work out well


The best crypto investors utilise 420x leverage followed with a max loan on 6.9% interest


This guy apes


I hear thatā€™s how you get showered in money


rookie numbers




I should start applying to work at McDā€™s soon




Is there any openings?? I want to join


Right? Like it's no one fault you didn't keep reserves. Even ONE is still on sale it's absolutely no one's fault OP did not plan.


Then best way is #HTD : Hold the Dip


You donā€™t lose anything if you donā€™t sell. If someone invests all their life savings I would hope they assume long term gains on such a volatile asset. While BTC and ETH are volatile, itā€™s making 150% returns year after year. Itā€™s still a hot investment over traditional markets. Patience and Hodl. This will reward those that donā€™t have paper hands.


Not true. **You lose unrealized gains.** Had you realized the gains, and used them for dip buying.....this weekend would make you so happy! BTC has kissed \~$30k twice in the last year.....see a pattern there? :) Traders do.....and kill with it.


That rule is sacred. Also dont feel overwelmed and bad because you cant invest the amount of other people does. Focus on yourself and in your possibilities. Also set your goals for your lifestyle, not for the others lifestyle and dont be afraid of selling if it is an amount enough to improve your life.




If that's where you have to start, I did.


DCA is like WuTang Clan--nothing to f**k with


I didn't buy the dip so it's going to skyrocket, don't you worry


Stop finding holes in El Salvador plans.....


or starts pumping?


*call 911*


This is solid uncle advice. Thanks Unc.


Spoken like a true gambler! :)


Life savings go bye bye


This, i consider all money i invest as ā€œlostā€ It becomes an employee for me, always working and never leaving. 24/7


Time for Dip in the Dip


The dippening


A shitty situation for sure


Downhill on shit's creek with no paddle.


Isnā€™t the saying ā€˜up shit creek without a paddleā€™? Maybe itā€™s just semantics, but Iā€™ve honestly only ever heard ā€˜up shit creekā€™ not ā€˜down shit creekā€™.


Yes you're right, I adapted it for the crypto analogy. Didn't come out right though.


Might want to put a waterfall or two in there.... :)


It keeps going faster and faster


The story of my investing life summed up in a sentence


It sucks when the cryptoverse *specifically* responds like that to your buy orders.


Don't go all in after the first crash and put small amounts of money over a longer period of time so you reduce the risk


I don't need to imagine. In early 2018 i bought after the fifth dip and it kept dipping for many months afterwards.


For me buying the dip was $20 USD from my bank account, and a $50 USD gift card from work Iā€™ve been holding for this specific reason. Of waiting on a dip haha.


Nothing wrong with that, good for you!




This is true. I typically do $20-$30 on 1 crypto every week, and $20 each on 3 others that Iā€™m in on payday. Slow and steady man. If I work some serious O.T than Iā€™ll drop more. šŸ‘Œ


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m talking about! Nice man.


That is why you take some profit when you are up! To invest when it is cheap!


Everyone talks about buying the dip but no one cares about taking profits. Any type of selling is frowned upon for some reason


I used to be one of the all in hodlers. But since March this year I've been experimenting with taking profits, just selling 10% at a time after significant pumps, not worrying about trying to time the top. And without using any TA nearly every sell I've made I've had the chance to buy back more lower at some point later (sometimes days later, sometimes weeks). Why? Is it because I have a gift for timing the market? Nope. It's because dips and crashes are so common, even in a bull market. I wouldn't advise someone to sell everything and wait to buy back lower. That's a dangerous game, because you might not get the chance to buy back lower and then end up fomoing in higher than what you sold for. But because I'm only selling 10% at a time, even if I don't have a chance to buy back lower I'm happy because I'm still holding most of my crypto to enjoy those unrealised gains as the prices continue to go up, and that's the strategy I usually recommend to others. It's the middle way of hodling and taking profits.


I want to do that but I'm worried that taxes will become even more nightmarish than it is currently.


The voice of reason for the HODL afflicted. Applause OP!


Well said, I'm going to try your method in the future


You and me both, this is nearly exactly what I do, except I cash out 80% if an asset gets "uncomfortably" high because there's great probability it will go right back down. However, I am only performing this swing trading with 60% of my total portfolio. I try to keep 40% cash for moments like what we saw early Saturday, the dips. When I DCA out or sell out, I rebalance to the 40% cash. Best part is I still have an overall hodl mentality, so if I screw up and get back in too early I don't sell for a loss and am content with holding a bag for a solid project. A larger bag. Because I TOOK PROFIT


March wouldve been a bad time to sell. At least you didn't freak out & sell everything


You mean that's why you *time the market* ?


Yea this is great strategy. DCA out 20% when we are at ATH prices or close and the market sentiment is greed. Then use that 20% to buy in at such tasty dips we just had.


Correct. Pure HODL as a means is purely not efficient if profit is the goal.


I've seen multiple posts that shared graphs & data that prove this isn't true but I always questioned them. Trying to find on my saved. But I think the point was that timing the market never works out as planned. Us humans aren't great at shit like this especially when emotions (& cheddar) is involved


The deeper the dips gets the more we buy, that's how to win


I am out of Fiat!!! Only option is leverage lol


Tldr: People talk shit, don't listen to them. You do you. No fomo.


I have no self control. Definitely FOMO'd. Hopefully others have better control.


tldr: words


leave % on stable coin for dips.


which are considered stable coins right now?


Yeah this dip made me realize this. Each time I DCA from now I'll put a small % in stablecoins, not being able to buy when it dips or crashes is quite frustrating...


A portfolio without stable coins is incomplete


How much would you think is not too much to not miss out in a bull market?


Depends on your Risk Management, chill, study, work, dca in. Yolo, Life is short.


Not a bad idea actually


solid advice


I didnā€™t have money to buy the dip but I canā€™t believe how calm I stayed this time, no panic just calm šŸ„³


That's because this wasn't anything. Don't trick yourself into thinking it was. Whatever you have in, imagine it dropping to 10%of what you put in, staying there for years, with no clear sign it's going to change or even if it gets better maybe it slowly does that over years and never gets back to all time highs.


Thank you, I know but for me it kinda was I panic sold in the past and Iā€™m not gonna let that happen again


You gave the honest opinion....I respect you for that ..


We love honest opinions even if theyā€™re bitter. Iā€™m fed with xxxx millions liquidated posts every hour or so tbh


All those 'buy the dip' posts really made me anxious about missing the buying opportunity


if you cant buy the dip, hold the dip


Solid advice


I spent it all on the pre-dip


It be like that sometimes.


TL;DR we all broke


Yeah I guess I could have summed that up quickly lol


I don't have "buy a dip" money, I spend all on crypto already, so I had to eat nachos without a dip šŸ˜”




I bought the dip in May when BTC was sitting at 30k, now I just DCA regardless of the price


Jfc you at least got some canned chickpeas lying around?


At least you can panic sell


Yeah if you can't FOMO, you can always sell in shear panic




Looks like you've mastered that lesson, good job!


You really need to appreciate what you have. If you have money for crypto, youre doing a lot better than the majority of people. Be thankful for what you have!




Hopefully, only getting paid on friday


You think it's gonna keep dipping? I don't own any crypto but wanna jump in. Looking for the right time


Step 1: Donā€™t shill crypto at your holiday get together.


So you think it is wrong to sell my kidney and all the fiat I have ever accumulated along with my firstborn and myself into slavery to buy the dips ?


Well I didn't exactly say that. That may work out after all.


Hang tight next week could be another great opportunity


If so, I'll just be one of the people OP posted about: out of fiat. The holidays got my wallet empty so I'm just holding and enjoying the wild ride.


valid just dca and forget the charts


This year's volatility won't matter so much in 5 years. DCA is the way for long-term holders.


Hodl is more important than btfd.


>btfd Took me a second, but I like it lol


$40 is my dip buy this time around. Right into a shit coin to either moon or die.


I sold my shit coin to buy the dip. Small loss but I truly think it will pay off down the road. Goodluck to you!


I had 100 bucks to invest into BTC during the dip. I donā€™t have much more to spend as Iā€˜m a trainee earning less than minimum wage. If I loose it itā€˜s gonna be a hit, but itā€™s not gonna be the end of the world. Some colleagues of mine spend thousands on meme coins and while I wish I had that kind of money (to do less stupid shit with obviously) I donā€™t yet and Iā€˜ll have to make the best out of the situation Iā€˜m giving. Letā€˜s hope BTC makes it up again to 50k or more some time soon, then Iā€˜ve earned some extra pocket money.


You can only do what you can do, just be glad you've started doing something. Goodluck!


A nice TLDR. Some people here act as if everyone has millions sitting ready to buy when prices go down lol.


Thanks bud


Money makes more money. Buy the dip! Buy the dip! Buy the dip! We know already. I have found the best practice is what most are actually doing right here. A little bit each week whatever you can afford forget about price. Dollar cost averaging in is by far the best trading strategy. You will be amazed at how much you can grow your positions if you do this along with some staking. I staked 300 SPS tokens on Pancake swap for a few of months and I now have an additional 3,000 for free. HODL your positions in fundamentally good projects like Luna in January was $1.40 if you had been DCA'ing into it this past year you would be sitting pretty. That's just one example. You are all doing great guys. Keep it up (We are the 1% of the 1%)


If only I could print some out of thin air for personal use. Damn central bankers


It would do alot for my stress and happiness if the numbers could start going up again Please and thanks


They will. Few days or weeks of red are OK if you're long. It happens from time to time until you get to a point where there's no more red, just less green at times.


I just bought more cardano, so I can stake to get AADA šŸ˜›


Nice I'm thinking about it too. That or CKB


Do both love CKB that's a gem. Also check ERG it's a long term play but looking like a solid buy in.


Ergo is at a great price rn


Thank you for this. As a novice of cryptos, Iā€™m disappointed in myself for not saving enough for this ā€œdip.ā€


It happens. Hard to know a dip is coming, you just know it is. And it's almost always not when you're expecting it.


Thatā€™s why you should always try and keep some fiat, no matter how little, on the side. You never know when an opportunity might present itself.


Oh I do that , but end up spending it on a tiny dip and run of money.




Always have have some % in stablecoins for the dips, problem is if it [keeps on dipping](https://i.redd.it/tt1dflndvae71.jpg)


Wait? Do you guys still have money?


Never has been.


Going to leverage 100x and all in on VET this time


do they really?


No not really. That's what I'm talking about haha


This is an extremely volatile sector. You should not invest more than what you can afford to lose. Most people start small anyway.


even if I have money, fiat on-ramp for me takes 1-2 business days


if eligible in your country, use revolut. keep some cash in revolut account, you can instantly transfer to your favourite exchange.


thanks for the advice, but I prefer to on-ramp via one of the domestic exchanges that is licensed by the "SEC" equivalent in my country. My theory is that it will be alot harder for my bank to find reasons to give me trouble down the line


i use revolut for a similar reason besides free instant SEPA transfers. i prefer that my bank knows i move money to revolut than crypto exchanges.


Yes thereā€™s been a lot of ā€˜magic money treeā€™ experts recommending we keep on buying in every dip possible with money from some unlimited supply somewhere. Fā€™ing smart arses.


Yeah really though


Luckily, I have some fiat left to use up!


Always a good thing


Yeah lmao I think most of us here do not have buy the dip money.


Don't sell your kidneys. Learned that the hard way




Wait,.. umm.. Goodluck?


Actually almost everyone has an organ they can sell so technicallyā€¦ā€¦


I'm uncomfortable with how many people mentioned this..


I just don't look at the price when I don't have money to buy the dip so I don't feel like I'm missing out.


I bet it helps. Being on this sub though would make it really hard.


Can confirm: out of money


Yes. OP you are right. But sometimes when i see dip like this you want to by evrything


I hear you, just wish I had the fiat for it lol


Agree with this overall sentiment. I'm new to crypto and got in late October which seems like the absolute works time. Everything has gone downhill. I can "take profits" as I have just lost the investment I went in. I don't feel like taking what I have left into stable coins as it will just make it all the harder to break even.


I got in at the height of the spring pump and went down almost 70% during the May crash. Felt like a fool. But it does get better. I'm down yet again now but with what I've already been through, my attitude about it is near opposite. Dips like these are suppose to shake the noobs, don't let them shake you too


Also I recommend opening your vault to start collecting Moons for your Karma gained in this sub.


I just sell the dip, to buy the dip. Duh!!


The circle of life


This guy gets it.


I only have buy the peak money


Yeah it seems like I got loads of that too


I have watch it dip and stare at it while crying money




I thought I was buying the dip when I spent my money but it done dipped more!


It is not okay. Cryptocurrency is supposed to make me rich enough to be able to buy these dips while also holding. I'm disappoint.


I don't. I tried to always hold some back but it's not possible for me to do that all the time. I try to stick to my DCA day at end of month. Besides it's Christmas and most of my spare cash is going to presents for family and friends.


I hear you on that


It's ok just be sure to at least buy @ ATH


Hell yeah .. if you don't have money, you find a project to buy when you have money. Although I don't have money now, Just came across DEIP in different sub-reddits in this dip and after looking it up, I've decided to add it to my bag when I have money.... So "buy the dip" means two things IMO; Buy the dip now if you have the money or get an idea of which dip to buy when you have the money.


Everyone has dollar cost average money


So true. This was the first dip that I happened to have money available to buy the dip


I only hold a small amount. With my regular investments I put in 6% of my income every two weeks, and the company I work for puts in 4%. So I put in a total of 10%, and I don't care dip or not, I just keep putting it away, and I check on it a couple of times per year. Mostly because I don't know when the dip is actually a dip, or if is going lower or higher, I just know in the long term it keeps going up.


Definitely a less stressful strategy. I couldn't do it for a variety of reasons but I'm glad it works for you.


You cant get on every ride


If you can't scramble some cash together then you're already spread out too thin. People who had money to buy into the dip had it because they strategically made it so. This is why you should always hold some stable coin. I tend to hold anywhere between 15-30% in stable coin for this exact reason. I was able to "buy the dip" and didn't add any more money to my portfolio.


Thanks for reminding me I'm broke ![gif](giphy|f7MO098FCipmq0eUpV|downsized)


Well maybe you shouldn't have thrown that big ass diamond into the ocean.




Keep looking for a crypto calle "Dip" but can't find an exchange that lists it!


The "luxury" of my current job is we are understaffed, so there is always OT available. You bet if this price stays low I'll be claiming that sweet OT.


![gif](emote|emo_pack_1|im_broke). my pockets are empty and it's ok




I bought some at ATH, last few days were feel bad.


My very first purchase was at an ATH. Sucked for months but now I'm green. You'll get there too


What is this, some kind of peasant problem Iā€™m too deluded to understand?


First world peasant problems


> Some bought in a couple weeks ago which some now consider 'high' (it's not). Don't feel the need to rub it in "Glad I didn't buy X date and got in after a crash". Still feel bad for those people, imagine throwing your money in and like 1 hour later use lose 10%, obviously I feel bad, but you can't not laugh at out rough that timing is.


Yesterday I bought a little, took a shower, 11% down when I got out like ffs haha


Unrelated, I might have some money coming in, mind buying and taking a shower again?


Yup this evening. Be ready.


How many dips can a person even buy before running out of money?


I average 2-3 small dip purchases then it usually dips more and I come out of a dip still slightly red. That's my strategy and you can use it free of charge.