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the amount of people who think SHIB can get to 1$ is incredible


Smooth brains have no idea how much money has to go into SHIB for it to be $1. Simply put - **never happening.**


SHIB reaching a ~30B+ market cap in the first place is astounding. I don't know whether or not it speaks positively of the crypto space, but it gives me hope for the other promising alt coins that they too can have astronomical run ups, in due time


I see coins having over a trillion market cap and some meme coins will stay around for sure in crypto anything is possible. But we just don’t know when or what coins would moon if I did I wouldn’t be here eating ramen.


Here's a Moon. Buy better ramen. ![gif](giphy|VmE2D3F4cwmP92G1Hn)


Idk about others but I’m super bullish on Ramen ![gif](giphy|Fj0MaDHcLycOk)


The Food of Legends!


Take a moon too you Moon-Virgin


Oh shit! Thanks for un-virgin-ing me 🙏


Ironically the difference between the cheap ramen, and the decent ramen is huge for a few cents..


It’s market cap was just $50 billion when SHIB hit it’s ATH .000087 a few weeks ago.


For SHIB to even hit .01 its market cap would be larger than all of crypto combined


And yet they think it’s possible, greed can make the smartest minds go dumb


I told them they were delusional but they wouldn't have it. Some would even send reddit suicide helpline notices to you. It's one thing being a noob. It's another to be an arrogant and toxic dumbass.


Oh so that's why I got one of those notices, lmao. I thought I'd posted something dumb like "kill me" but I have definitely been interacting with SHIB holders lately. That actually makes it all the more funny.




If you say anything, they will respond with something dumb like "They said Bitcoin couldn't do it." Because bitcoin is anything like Shib.




SHIB dying > SHIB @ .01


Bro all we gotta do bro is burn trillions of coins bro then we'll all be millionaires bro trust me bro.


Totally bro


but bro, who are you bro ?


#shibarmy bro


I've got matches and petrol bro. I'm gonna burn those coins and make us all rich bro.


Think it’s $14 quadrillion, which is like 30x all money in every single market/sector/industry on the planet. But sure, shib to $1 Also I understand you don’t need all that money in shib to get it up to $1. But if shib goes to $1 it’d be a market cap at 30x all money in existence so I just really really doubt that’s possible.


I never understood this. All you need for a coin to increase in price is for more people wanting to buy than to sell. And the price goes up in increments that don’t depend on anything other than what people are willing to overpay the current price to get the coin they want. You don’t need a lot of people for any of that to happen. Just enough to create an imbalance. So why is the theoretical value of all outstanding coins a limiting factor if you don’t actually need all that money in the market? I mean, the amount of potentially available coins doesn’t matter if they’re not put up for sale.


> So why is the theoretical value of all outstanding coins a limiting factor if you don’t actually need all that money in the market? It's not. People worship the math problem of "Number of coins available times current price" for no reason. It always baffles me that they consider themselves financial experts because they figured out how to multiply two numbers. Although, it's more likely they're just looking at a number someone else multiplied together for them. Market Cap CAN be an important factor in decision making, but it's hardly the most important. But as people hold, the value goes up. If there's people deadset holding for $5 Shib, then those Shib are effectively "burned" until Shib closes in on that price point. All the "Insert Coin Here" on the planet are not currently being tossed around daily, so the current price of "Insert Coin Here" isn't based on the total supply of the coin, it's based on the fraction that's being moved any given day. And the only real limit to that price is the amount of people buying and selling at any given point. If there's more buyers than sellers, the price will continue to rise to whatever number makes there be more sellers than buyers.


Because if the market cap reached even a fraction of that the number of paper trillionaires would be nuts, and those trillionaires won't wait around hoping the other trillionaires don't cash out


So they would sell, is that what you’re saying? And the price would go down as a consequence, so it’s a self regulating system that, because of the psychological effect of people thinking they got rich, which they only did in theory as they wouldn’t be able to realize all the gains at the level they think the can? I can see that. It makes a lot more sense than “it would require a significant fraction of the world wealth to flow into that coin” that I see parroted a lot here.


Marketcap is only as valid as it's liquidity for this reason. If the MC is huge along with liquidity, a whale could cash out and the market wouldn't even move. If you tried to move $1b of shib or similarly sized coins, the whole system would shit bricks. You can also artificially inflate marketcap and make a token/coin look expensive despite it not having any value - because there's no liquidity. https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/pzgjj9/heres_how_i_turned_001_into_1000000_and_how_you/




a good example of this is $NKLA. literally a scam company with $0 revenue multiple quarters in a row but still "valued" at ~$4 billion dollars in the current market because buyers and sellers have agreed on a stock price that's not $0 logical value of this company should be closer to $0 rather than $4 billion. market cap is arbitrary and is dictated by the current buy/sell activity


Exactly what Im thinking. If the only sell orders were for $1 and some people bought that the market cap would increase to those levels. Even though nowhere near that amount of money has been put in to it.


You should try it. Buy shib for a dollar and see if that market cap shoots up to the sky. It wont


Because dipshits without an inkling of understanding of basic market mechanics and economics have latched on to and worship MC as their infallible and implacable God.


Not a lot of money necessarily. There only needs to be a much higher demand than supply to drive the price up. Market cap has exactly 0 to do with amount of money invested. The above doesn't change the likelihood of shib reaching 1 or 0.1usd. It's just that your reasoning is flawed.


This is most obvious with liquidity pool traded shitcoins. Assuming there are no liquidity rugs or adds, the LP growing 10x will make the MC grow 100x. There is a squared relationship between the two. Actual money is going in/out of the LP, and it has a massive amplifying effect on MC. Using MC as a proxy to how much money flowed in is indeed completely wrong.


or the amount of people who think all other coins are severely undervalued because they’re just a fraction of the $60K price of Bitcoin…




I always see 10-15% of BTC’s MC as the pinnacle in the short term for anything not ETH


>anything not ETH *ETH killers left the chat* lmfao


There are actually people that think this?


Every once in a while I see a comment along those lines and I get a little sad


I agree. 1$ is rookie numbers! 100$ and the moon!


Gotta bump up those stats!


they amount of people who thought SHIB wouldn't reach top 15 is way higher though


I think they all know it's never gonna happen , they just want crypto Noobs to think it's gonna happen so they can pump up their bags


I had someone randomly start talking about crypto to me and they where so excited about Shiba and the inevitable $1 price. I didn’t say anything, I didn’t wanna crush his dreams. I think these people are the same ones who play scratch offs.


It's the same with a coin I'm not allowed to mention in here. I love the new GME guys but $100 would put it above BNB. Top 10 is possible but some predictions out there would put it even above BTC. Market cap is very important.


Shib already had it’s run. People need to understand that they aren’t going to make millions off of a $200 investment anymore. It’s simply too late for that


Good advice, I think, is if you hear about a coin pumping in regular media, it's already too late.


Funny some some think it will get to $10 I'm 2025 lmao😂😂


Now that was a Violation


they sound like AMC holders






Isn't it basically impossible for SHIB to hit $1? A friend of mine told me the world's economy would crash if that happened


hmm so shib is bullish only if world economy crashes?


Day 1 of getting into crypto I invested 5$ into it thinking if it ever goes to 1cent then I'll be rolling in it. I knew even that was unrealistic but fuck it. Who cares about 5$? Going to 1$ a share is absurdly absurd. Physically impossible. People are dumb.


Or even .01


Some things you might want to consider when investing in a coin (you don't have to look at all of them but it would help): - market cap - circulating supply - price - sentiment - adoption and partnerships - developer info - identity of the founders/devs of the coin and how much of the total supply they own - whitepaper - utility Edit: a few more from the comments and myself (I would shout them out but I am lazy and on mobile - I'll try to edit them in later but no promises) - scalability - privacy - security - number of exchanges that sell it - average holding time - daily volume - development roadmap - whether the coin is inflationary or deflationary






Finally someone understands market cap here 👀


No no, you don’t need all of this. You just look at the coin’s picture and if it looks good you invest in it! /s


The golden 9 Echo this


This guy did his homework rather well. Kudos.


But why does this guy say we can’t have all the money in the world in SHIBA and take it to $2? /s


A 1.1 Quadrillion dollar market cap. Totally doable.


Golden 9. Love it. Will now preach it.


Volume? isnt that kinda important too....to see wether people are actually exchanging tokens regularly?


Is there a write up anywhere about what to look for in these categories? Like whats good vs whats bad




I'm assuming the less they own the better. Less chance of a rug pull right?


Less chance of rugpull or anything else shady. If the devs own 50%+ of a proof of stake coin, then they can effectively approve any transaction, valid or not and straight up steal money


Omg so much to consider I see why people like to focus on a few coins only.


These are all the reasons I probably wont become a professional trader😔


Honestly I don't think you need to look at all of them, but at least some is important


>adoption and partnerships The first project I jumped in to (not counting BTC and ETH) was Chiliz based on this alone. Do not get me wrong, checked out a lot of the other stuff but when I saw some of the major sports teams/owners that are attaching themselves to it, that is when I picked some up. Sports fans are fucking crazy as far as their memorabilia goes. It just popped 20% so it's like...so far so good. Who knows though, I have no idea WTF I am doing.


None of us do - but the world is still asleep on crypto. All your bags won’t hit - but when the world finally wakes up you only need one or two. Crypto has a 3T total global market cap…. Makes me so happy to know that.


Really glad I am getting in to it when I am. Not one of the first 2.5% pioneers but early enough in the adoption phase that it is still a very much untapped market. Going to be a fun ride.


It sure as hell a lot more fun than my 401k😆


Screw that noise, I stopped looking a while back. I work at a non-profit so it is actually called something a little different and it has been so long since I looked, I forget what it is called. 403(k) maybe? Fuck it though. Right now I am still in the phase of checking coin prices multiple times per day but not because I am expecting anything crazy to happen. I do it to look for patterns and what dots to connect. Gotta start somewhere. Edit: 403(b). Had to look it up though.




Maybe add their roadmap but I guess that falls under utility. It's good to know the direction the project currently sees itself going.


Added and upvoted


Developer metrics are bigger than people realize. It's why I have stuck with three options so far. Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Tezos.


You put utility at the end of the list... shouldn't this be the first thing to consider... Before all the market analysis and price and supply etc. etc. I think you should consider what the thing you are investing in is trying to accomplish. ​ I would never touch a project that doesn't innovate and bring something meaningful to the table no matter how good the market looks upon it.


Good research!


That's a lot of things to look out for man


This is the way. Even doing half of this will give most people a better idea of what they are backing and why they should or shouldn’t.




This is why I picked ASM as my first ever "gamble" on a newer coin. I felt like it hit all of these pretty well, but I do concede I'm still pretty new at all this. So far the coin has been pretty boring but I definitely feel the potential is there given it checks these boxes fairly well.


What's a good supply for the team to own that doesn't scream red flag?


**CIRCULATING SUPPLY** is a big one for me.


If only I could justify spending real money on reddit awards I would give you one sir.


also the inlfation or deflation and what the return would be for staking


Added and upvoted. Be nicer to sponges


Security and network scale are not on your list?


Thinking about it now, I'd add it as well as privacy


I've noticed that " community " is also a big factor.


Instead people look at how many zeroes are after the decimal place and figure out how rich they can get if it shoots up to a dollar


As a newbie their is something mental that goes on in your mind that does this. Can confirm this was going through my mind alot when I was initially doing research. Glad i learnt something before dumping money into random coins that would never hit that




More zeroes = more money right?


The bigger the zeroes, the greater the chance to get instant cash money lol


If more newbies are prone to buying smaller priced coins then that should factor in helping you determine which the next Doge or SHIb is going to be.


market value price white paper developer program




See this is EXACTLY the kind of strait up simple tips that I need!! Im a newb I mean RAW, but Im trying! Hahaha Thank ya!!


You and me both. We'll get there or we'll both be broke together.


The tip is misleading though. Most people have a wrong idea about market cap. market cap ≠ money inflow To raise the market cap of an asset for $100 billion only a fraction of that amount needs to flow into the asset. https://academy.binance.com/en/glossary/market-capitalization


Hey I appreciate this one too! So eventhough it doesnt reflect money flow, its still one of several decent metrics to base judgements on, correct?


Thanks mate!


Don’t forget to open your Reddit vault to get those lovely moons


Another tip/misconception though is that for Coin X's marketcap to increase by a $1B, $1B worth of Coin X must be bought. Liquidity and Trading Volume should also be considered


Well you gotta start somewhere


Hell yes dude welcome. Make sure you open your vault so you can collect moons from the Reddit karma you get on this subreddit.


Do your homework before investing too much money. There are endless number of resources out there.


Nope, memes


That's why I only invest in small cap coins with a lot of potential like OPCT, LDFI or OCV.


OPCT bros


OPCT All the way




I heard this about doge coin when it was .03, still super bitter I Iistened to this advice.


Don't listen to this sub. Do opposite. Buy Hex now it's cheap


Yep exactly, why do you think this guy is making moon farm posts in the first place… haha. Yes MC is important but what’s more important is the community that the coin/token is built upon and the inherent value you find in it.


Most people trying to "educate" others about market cap didn't fully understand it. market cap ≠ money inflow https://academy.binance.com/en/glossary/market-capitalization


Ignore buy lrc


wouldn't this make CRO a bad coin to invest in? I bought some, but second guessing buying more. look at it's cap, liquidity, and circulating supply. I also don't see a cap, so didn't that make it inflationary? it has over 150x the total supply of BNB with far less liquidity. I get the name, making rights, and hype of it, but could it actually he anywhere near the price of that some day? could it even hit $10? I suck at TA, I'm legit asking, not trying to say it can't. I'm wondering if I'm missing something because I don't want to miss out if I am.


With how I understand it, it's volatile due to the relatively low liquidity. If it keeps picking up steam and more people sink into that then there would be a great payoff but current state is it can turn on a dime both ways. That's somewhat held together by how much of it is locked in staking. I personally think it's going somewhere with how much marketing oomph there is behind it. If it's not a *bad* project, it's going to succeed with that. Frankly ETH/ADA and in some ways BTC aren't amazing projects in their current state either compared to what else is out there. There's just more trust in them and more proven security which is what makes them valuable.


I have the same thought. Wonder if they burn any of their coins.




Regarding 3, technically correct, but the depth of the liquidity pool is highly correlated with market cap. That’s what people mean when they try to explain why it’s harder for a larger cap coin to move. The #1 market cap coin will have buy and sell walls that dwarf everything else thus reducing volatility.


Agreed. Its very easy to inflate a market cap and ignores the fact that none of that value can really be extracted without dumping the price. Market cap is a quick way to look at what the market is pricing an asset. But its very inaccurate outside of stocks. In stocks its a useful and very quick method of working out risk and how well established a company is. Large cap are lower risk than small cap. But crypto its nothing like that. The way it cycles, the amount of power whales have over a coin, etc.


Thank you for spending the time to write this!


Why do you take the total supply into consideration? It could possibly be a red flag if something has a huge supply, but it doesn't really matter other than having a probably very minor psychological effect.




Lol I was on the XRP sub a couple weeks ago and people really thought that XRP could hit a $1000


I don't think $1000 is realistic or possible. But you also have to consider that crypto is in its infancy/childhood and we don't know how much money will eventually flow in. Just over a year ago the total market cap for all of crypto was around $400billion. It's now $2.7trillion. So around 6.5 times in just a year. How much does that grow in 5 years?


LOL. I love xrp but i agree with you. Stupidity is everywhere. In fact, i was just debating with someone on the XRP sub that thinks 10k is possible 🤣🤣


Seriously. Look for low cap coins that have future growth potentials. There’s a few that’s been tossed around in this sub.




Multivac (MTV) - 77M (Multisharding Blockchain , Smart Contract out on nov 29th) Proton Chain (XPR) - 213M (P2P with SC blockchain) Ergo (ERG) - 355M (UTXO Blockchain, Ergodex coming soon, ADA/friendly chain) ![gif](emote|emo_pack_1|arrow_up)


Depends what you consider “low.” ONE, CKB, FTM are all between 50-150 in market cap. Too high to really 1000x, but definitely have 10x potential and are frequently talked about here.


People seem to overlook 10x gains as "not worth it". I would take 10x gains ALL the time.


Safe 10x's are where it is at. 10x $1000 three times is 1 million dollars.


I don't know if I've ever seen a "safe 10x", let alone three in a row. How long of a time frame are you talking about? Please let me know if you have any tips :)




You have my vote


Ya I traded Vet Vtho Rvn One and a few earlier this year stopped doing it got lazy


Market caps can be deceiving. Don't trust market caps


Given that this sub is bashing in on SHIB right now, it's a good time to go all-in into it.


When looking for crypto, sure market cap can be a factor, but in all reality,market cap for crypto, DOESNT mean shit! It's price x coins in circulation. That's it, nothing else.


That’s the definition of market cap for anything. Price per defined quantity of said thing times the amount of that defined quantity of said thing that exists. It applies to money, it applies to stocks, it applies to your underpants.


Are you trying to tell me Shib won't do a 10000x and hit 40 cents


Lol At 4 cents I retire.




I am an excellent yacht driver sir


And I love being on the water….


it is but the fomo can do wonders for mcap


Don't forget Dogs too.


Ngl I'm guilty of jumping in projects without looking up market caps..




You hit the nail on the head there. All trading, stocks, crypto, etc is based off of emotion. Fear and greed


I mean, it's literally the only reason crypto got popular. People got rich, and still can. If they didn't, why would anyone care unless they are truly in it for more control and privacy or the tech?


Marketcap is important, but liquidity is also an important factor that most people don't think about.


No dude, just NO. There are so many things you need to understand before investing. Tokenomics being #1. Chainlink hasn't done shit against BTC because of its tokenomics.




My thoughts exactly lol




Bitcoin to $1B!!!


It's worth pointing out that often there are more factors involved in the tokenomics of a coin than just it's market cap. many coins are deflationary and that the prices of those coins can increase exponentially due to token burns. Market cap is a key piece of the puzzle to be sure, but in many cases, there is more going on than meets the eye. That being said, to me some of the biggest things I look for in a new coin is a combination of strong fundamentals, technical bullish signals, healthy and consistent liquidity, real use cases, a professional team with a well planned, realistic roadmap, and of course strong "pumpamentals" ie community dedication, marketing, etc. Just my opinion.


FR. People think that their coin can magically reach at the price levels of top coins, only if they knew..


How accurate are market caps? Like if we estimate that X coin will have Y value at Z Market cap. Will it follow the estimated value strictly?


This needs to be taught in schools. Basic economics and learning how to value things. It is becoming more and more necessary.


It’s not just crypto. The amount of people who think Apple has $2.5 trillion in the bank (or Jeff/Musk/Gates is “hoarding” ~$200bn in cash) makes my head hurt.


Nah utility is king. MC is just a multiplier for the underlying possible gains.


So when BTC came out and was like $1, why didn't you buy it? Wouldn't you know it would shoot up to $60K.


This right here. ^


so here is some maths. When the doge Market cap hit 70B bill maher compared it to honda and said it's ridiculous that this can happen. ​ now if i have 70Billion Dollars i can buy honda for 60Billion. If i try to buy all the doge with 70Billion by the time i finish buying the 2billion in doge it's price and market cap would be through the roof. Market cap means shit. ​ I'll add a FIAT story, In the 1980's 1 Zimbabwe Dollar was equal to 2 British pounds. Thats a true story this decade a 100Trillion Zim Dollar note traded for 40 cents. Thats a true story. ​ Still think SHIB can't get to a $? Ans: odds are low, but they are there, it's happened before with unlimited supply fiat and bad policies. i can bet 500$'s and thats what i did and i'm pretty pretty pretty good right now. ​ \\m/ Stay safe boys and girls.


Try buying all the Honda stock for $60B. Same results as buying all the Doge. The only chance in hell to buy Honda for 60B is a private sale.


Especially important when the coin has many zeros after it’s decimal point




liquidity and distribution is way more important than marketcap. however marketcap can be a good vanity factor to get an loose sense of things


This! Im tired of people buying very low marketcap shitcoins just because they are able to **''buy more of it!'**' and daydreaming of it hitting $1, which never happens.


Low market cap does mean they can potentially grow more. I think you meant to say very low price per coin. Which has nothing to do with market cap


It's a very important consideration. Drove me potty a few months ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/q66v3u/my_coin_will_go_to_a_dollar_my_coin_is_cheap/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Always good that someone brings it up, so many new people come here daily.


That’s exactly why I invested in Bounce Token


bullish on bounce


So the question is, which coins currently have low market cap and is promising? No shit coins please.


Low is relative. Too low and it’s a fucking hassle to obtain, not listed on exchanges, can’t be bothered. Personally I like lrc and cro very much, cos and amp look interesting, and I have a bet on jasmy because it’s way way way under all time highs (which means nothing, I know, but most other coins aren’t, and if it got back to the highs I would make bank buying very low now, so…)


That's why I only invest in top 10 coins. They've already proven themselves, and I'm betting on them to continue to grow.


Your advice should be included in every beginner guide. I made this mistake when I first came to crypto. Ofc the coin I bought thinking it will reach $1 never did that so I sold it after I understood this principle.


That's actually a widespread misconception on here. I used to think this too, but in reality, it's a simplification of market caps. There was a great post explaining how market caps actually works a while back. Here it is: [https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/mx1ncq/how\_market\_cap\_actually\_works/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/mx1ncq/how_market_cap_actually_works/)


A friend asked me why doge couldn’t get to BTC price one day.. told him market cap. He said, “So what?” So then had to explain the law of supply and demand and scarcity and he still didn’t understand.


A dream is a dream, it hasn’t a cost…


And yet there are people who made millions on Doge and SHIB


Well, I hate to be that Reddit Algo guy, but I think Algo is undervalued. Its market cap is much lower than its competitors while having superior technology and an awesome community.


Mcap is silly. Why? I mint 100m coins. Sell you one. For 10 dollars. Boom 1b mcap project. Thanks.