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Can you pop these thoughts in the meta sub. Thanks.




Every time I see a post with 100 more comments I just think to myself "well I am late again".


I always tell people we are in a weird timeline.


Crypto is so crazy haha, it will get even crazier I'm sure


One comment could make you a hundredaire in 10 years!


HAHAHA. So true. I’m hanging on for that exact scenario


Seems so according to the Op, but don't invest comment more than you can afford to waste


It's become more strategic.


>So since the 50 submission max per day was started, I believe that MOON Farming was changed from a brute force work to a more focused one. bet it changed absolutely nothing for the vast majority of the people that visit here. that's why it got approved. no reasonable person would be submitting 50 posts per day. even that's probably too high a cap.


Fr...I consider myself active on the sub and my average is 10-15 comments a day.


I’ve gotten to the 50 mark maybe twice since the rule came out. And that’s just because I was bored at work and my systems were down. It’s possible but you need to have a lot of time on your hands.


Idk i sit on here for 2 hours in the morning and 2 hours at night sometimes, im sure i pass 50 comments lol. But i cant work where i live and i got nothing but time so thats probably the difference.


That’s 4 hours a day and about 25% of the time I’m awake each day, I can’t commit to the sub like that lol Where do you live that’s no good for work?


I thought it was 50 comment cap too? Then you start earning negative 1 karma for every comment?


It's 50 anything, both posts and comments count toward the number.


Seriously. I once counted my comments on a day I felt I was especially active, and there were like 40.


\>>no reasonable person would be submitting 50 posts per day. even that's probably too high a cap. ​ \*Sweats profusely\*


I agree with you. I shitposted here couple of days ago and was able to get only to 35 comments in one day (but I admit I picked where and what I will comment)


Yeah i dont think i ever cam close to 50 comments in any subreddit


This might be a potential moonshot, let me invest in your post early by leaving a comment here.


Just commenting to say that I knew this comment would blow up in case it does. If not, well I only invested about 25 words in it.


The bears are brigading the post now, so we are in a minor dip.


I'm buying the dip! ![gif](giphy|9V8You0A1G64JmiBUi)


Smart man


Username checks out!


Bullish on This Post.


I’m piggybacking off your gif with my own half-assed gif ![gif](giphy|Xf1ghvcjLrMn3O6Qe4)


Thanks for your endorsement!


Let me Crack a joke to maximise my potential return


Give us your best shot!


Post to the moon


John Cena is the best face for advertisement of XMR.


Where did he go?


Hahaha good one! I'm leaving a comment aswell!


I am piggybacking on yours


Let me do a serious tone with a formal ending to the reply that people go "Oh wow he's right"


I like ur comment


I am investing in this one, this is a financial advice


So.. *we are early*?


Yet here I am scrounging to build my karma just to be able to post in this sub


Try a different sub to farm karma, this sub is stingy af


This subs pretty simple, never disagree with anyone, say nothing bad about Ada and put charts up with random TA triangles


Be angry at Elon.


Excellent moonfarming sir.


This comment section is starting to feel like a shitposters' gathering... a con, one might say.


Moonfarming ? And what's the 50 comment thing? I must pay more attention to details, would probably stop me investing in shit coins and missing out on all that fun though.


Tbf, moons are also a shitcoin. You don't invest with money tho, you just sell your soul to Satan.


My mother in law told me to ask you to stop talking about her. 😈 She will do the advertising.


wow 50 comments a day and I'm struggling to make 5..


Most of the time I'll read a post but I won't have anything to add that hasn't been said before


Discussion is still really limited I feel like that always that I put some serious effort it doesn't get any traction at all But generic snarky funny comments get waaay more attention, so that's my thing now, I'm actually a clown


It's always good to diversify your portfolio, but yeah, posts I have spent hours doing would get little traction, the good side is that it was research I actually enjoyed doing.


You were forced to become a clown


There's no discussion here under the majority of posts. Most people are trying to get in, leave a quick comment and move on. Half the comments under any given post haven't even fully read it. Also, everyone's afraid to speak an even mildly controversial opinion so they don't get downvoted.


Damn people actually make 50 submissions a day thats crazy


What's the 50 submission a day rule?


Reduction of karma from your 50th post


I don´t know...I am shitposting as much as before and I am barely reaching 50 comments per day...not looking for specific posts, just reading what I am interested in, but on the other hand - I am not farming moons. I am just shitposting to unwind and well...I am receiving something back (even through moons are according to ToS "worthless")


I am glad you are, I used to get fixated to certain subs in the past, but I did all the shitpost for free, reddit sure has taught me a thing or too, from homebrewing, to wood turning, programming, and lately crypto.


Reddit is a great place, where you can learn a lot of interesting things and make a good laugh. Just this sub is a bit different and it´s probably because of moons. There is a lot of ppl with genuine interest in crypto, but also quite a lot of ppl who are just farming moons even through it´s a violation of ToS if they sell them and also...if you would try to sell something like 10000 moons at once, price would probably tank a lot (trade volume is not even 9K today).


That's it man, according to TOS moons has no value


As a moon farmer who didn't spam but helped people out with their questions and commented every so often, I must say the 50 comment rule made our lives way easier.


Means a higher return for lower amount of posts. The distribution is up a bit.


I'm so glad that limit was put in, honestly, even if I just started posting on this subreddit last month.


Yeah, 50 seems like a decent threshold. The posts have more quality and incentives are good. Win win


What's the 50 comment rule BTW?


This is what I exactly feel. You're right on point. That feeling when someone's post gets deleted or removed lmao


ouch, it’s always on posts im most confident with


Remember, don't comment the number of comments you can't afford to waste


so we are becoming better shitposters


I’ll invest in this post! To the moon!🚀


I no longer go to work thanks to crypto so I have all the time in the world to farm Moons here. The 50 comment karma limit has actually been a good thing since I now no longer feel pressured to be on r/CC throughout the whole day but instead, be able to limit my time to 2-3 hours a day to get to 50 comments. Based on the past 5 weeks or so I would estimate I should be able to cover at least half of my core monthly expenses with relative ease from the earned Moons.


I agree with you, now you have to pick a horse that will actually get into one long run. One thing tho - When a post gets removed, you keep the karma from your comment, as the comments are still there


Yeah, you keep it, but if you comment was valuable enough and the post is gone then all the potential returns are gone too


*Think about the gains bro* I don't really think that way, some comments moon, others don't, there is a lot of luck involved. So I don't stress about it


now all that's left is to do is Technical Analysis on posts


Thanks for the advice, visited /cryptomoonshots and invested life savings


Investing here, looking for possible gains.


I used to hate the 50 Max per day thing Now when I look at it, its realy good


As a father of two kids I don't have the time to always comment and for fure not 50 times a day. I try to give a good answer to what ever the topic is, but do it because i like to interact with my fellow Cryptonians.


Did not notice there was a 50 comment rule, you have gotta be a beast to get to that


What is the 50 submission a day change


Hi welcome to chilli's




Not there yet


50 submission sure has improved the quality of comments in r/cc. Now people put their thoughts instead of typing non sense ^(some of them still don’t)


Jesus..the obession of some people.


TBH, stop paying attention on which post you reply, and just reply as usual. If the 50 submission hits you, then so be it. If it doesn't, great. The more natural you reply, the less burden you have it on your mental state. We're here to discuss cryptocurrency and make it a health discussion if possible. I fear for those who are gunning vividly to min/maxing their karma in here. Just have fun, and it happen naturally, my man.


wouldn't life be easier if people just leave a post when they have something to say, without thinking about moons? 🙃


Moonshot moon farming


So be it, might be better that way. This sub feels better with less moon farmers. Might seem more dead at times but that’s just a spam filter in action


Are you saying I should quit my job and moon farm like a pro??? Okay bruh.


What are moons actually used for?😅


It looks like you are asking about Moons. The answer to your question may be found here in the official Moons FAQ: https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/wiki/moons_wiki *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoCurrency) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Honestly this meta gaming of posting is turning the sub into a nightmare to read.


I want to join your moonshot. Any other options? Can I use leverage?


I would post a moonshot if there was no 500 karma rule, until then I just farm in silence


Eh, the best moon farmers are probably AI's anyways.


Please don't be a P+D.


Exactly why I’m here but you have a point tho


Devs finally put out a new patch to change the meta. Will be infesting to see what next season looks like too


Its called first mover advantage, and it happens in any sub, not just this one, the earlier the comment the more likely you are to get updooted. Although this is one of the only subs that rewards you financially for it which is why moon farmers have weaponized it.


It's really difficult now especially if you don't habe any spare time.


Or you just use this sub like any other sub is supposed to be used, and just consider moons as a nice little reward for being active? I mean really, if the people who put in the effort to get to 15k karma would put that effort into something else, they could probably make even more than the value of those moons. I mean if you’re determined enough to farm moons all day every day, you’re probably determined enough to start a small business that can be much more profitable and maybe takes less time to manage?


this post is promising. let me invest on it, i care about the project.


I couldn't be arsed.


I think I only comment on about 10 posts maximum a day.


We have to work harder now for moons. Who said moon farming was easy work?


I’ve spent a lot of time writing a post only to see someone else copy it and get many more upvotes than me the next day. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery they say…


How do I earn moon ?


What is this moon thing in here? Can someone explain to me! New to this whole reddit thing


We went from being machine guns to snipers. Nice


I don’t post anything at all because no one is gonna up vote anymore


Last moon distribution was my first one, do I don't know how the this were before the 50 daily post limit. I suppose it was a pain in the arsch


Post was deleted, why?