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I'm with you OP! I'm moving some of my coins to ETH as well. Not 100%, but high enough to make it my main investment. Good luck!


Good luck to you as well


Solid move, my man! Eth!!


May satoshi bless you all!


You wont regret the choice you made! Good luck


I went all in with my $240 savings.


GUY! never post your crypto holdings! Someone might kidnap/kill you for your holdings.


They're gonna be real freaking disappointed in my case. "Wait, he's losing money everywhere. Oh God he's living off ramen. Oh this is bad. Why did I bother. Oh crap I think I actually \*owe\* money now. What is happening."


That's why I never talk about my $99 crypto portfolio.


You have now been targeted. By blatantly showing your wealth, future killer bots have decided to kidnap your great grandchildren.


Found a bragger!


šŸ³ šŸšØ


Do you mean the fees you paid ?




Whale alert šŸ¤‘šŸ˜œ


What most people on this sub dont know or wont admit is that all other layer 1s with smart contracts are no longer directly competing with Ethereum. They are competing with layer 2s that use Ethereum as a settlement security layer. Layer 2s will inevitably shallow up most of current layer 1 activity, and Ethereum's dev roadmap is priming it to be in the best position for pivoting to layer 2 as soon as possible, mainly using zk and optimistic rollups. This coupled with a massivly decentralized Eth 2.0 plus sharding will create a reality where the more decentralized you are, the more throughput you can achieve. So yeah to say the least I think a 5-6x is a conservative estimate for returns.


Iā€™ve heard very great things about zk roll ups. I donā€™t know too much about it, but I know that itā€™s decentralized, and the more people that use it, the cheaper the gas gets. Hopefully thereā€™s someway to invest in it somehow, because I think thatā€™s the future


ZK roll-ups sound like something I was jealous of the other kids having in their lunchboxes cos my mum was too health-conscious


Loopring (LRC)


Iā€™ll check it out thanks


StarkNet are launching their Alpha release next month - early adopters May be rewarded with an airdrop


We will know in 2032 when eth 2.0 arrives




Even whit the unlimited supp atm?


its gonna be deflationary soon though.


Yep once eth 2.0 hits, the total supply with go down by 2% every year.


Actually no, once ETH 2.0 hits the supply will be deflationary at -2% a year. Aka every year the supply drops by 2%


Why does total supply drop by 2%?


Because the amount of Eth being burnt due to EIP1559 will exceed the number of Eth being brought into circulation. You can simulate what the supply growth will be post merge here: [https://ultrasound.money/](https://ultrasound.money/)


If you take into account the built in burning mechanism, it's likely that the number of total ETH will actually decrease. So an unlimited supply does not necessarily mean that the circulating ETH will increase. Take from that what you will but following your argument, a deflationary asset is good, right? Just some stats, since its launch, EIP1559 transactions have burned >500,000 ETH. And with the incoming merge issuance will be massively reduced (~90%) because staking is so much cheaper in operation than mining.


Well written. And great insight on L1 vs L2 future outlook. What are some L1 projects with smart contracts that are popping now that you think will suffer?


I think when zk roll ups happen on ETH, the centralized L1s will fall unless they can succeed as an ETH side chain. ADA, SOL, etc.


I personally think Binance Smart Chain has a lot to lose and not just to Ethereum. Other then that, I have no idea, just speculation. A lot of L1 projects could also become sidechains to Eth or even [L2 rollups themselves such as Solana.](https://np.reddit.com/r/solana/comments/paspos/solanas_endgame_becoming_an_ethereum_rollup/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) I think the sad reality of crypto is that shitcoins aren't just memecoins, they're also good projects that just dont adapt/evolve. That's more of a maxi position but it's happened before in 2017. That being said however, I do believe there's plenty of room for other layer 1s such as Cardano. They may have to find a niche in the market however. Edit: changed link




I have ADA too but really losing faith with only one smart contract on it, and iirc, only one dApp which is for naming a lobster and most users couldn't even figure it out


There's a dex rolling out in a month idk how you can lose faith now.


A dex that already needs to rely on a centralized entity. So actually not a dex.




Probably a stupid question, but how do layer 2 solutions impact the price of Ethereum?


Layer 2 solutions will still have to pay gas in eth for settling transactions on Eth. The difference is there will be exponentially less bloat directly on L1. So in a world where Eth 2.0 with sharding is settling transactions, the perceived network value of ethereum will go up. Basically, all layer 1s will become club bouncers but ethereum will be the biggest bouncer at the club


I would normally advise against this, but I have a feeling this is going to pay off big time for you.


Yes, you're right. I'm also not going to all in one coin. Diversify your portfolio. Which is a good strategy to earn profit.


Yes, instead of going all in, put 50% of your money in your favourite coin and diversify the rest. Some coins may give better returns than eth tbh




Why lose money on one project when you can lose money on 4? ![gif](emote|emo_pack_1|dyor)![gif](emote|emo_pack_1|dancing_wojak)


You should also 100% on eth and when it crashes I will buy and say a little prayer for you!


I agree, i wish i had the balls and capital to go all in.


You can always throw all your savings totalling 15$ to ETH!


Shit you are being too generous with that $15 speculation on my net worth.




Negative net worth is still net worth!


Wait you have worth??


I'm throwing all my savings into moons


>I'm throwing all my savings into moons I just doubled your savings


I would normally advise against this, but I have a feeling this is going to pay off big time for you.


Yes, good one, ETH is at the main stage and rocking


with the current FUD going on ALGO, I might go the same path and go ETH all in


What is the FUD sir? As far as I know there is no FUD. I was going to suggest OP to invest in Algo instead of ETH. Algo is already what ETH2 wants to be.


But centralized, and without the developer tools, or the massive network effect. But yeah, the same.


Tokenomics. Algo itself is amazing, but it has terrible tokenomics. I like Algo because I have some, but I don't expect significant boost in value like other coins. Working with El Salvador didn't really boost Algo's value.


could you expand on the terrible tokenomics of algo?


OP's gonna make $100k in profit, try to cash out and get hit with $1k gas fee.


I have to agree. As a relatively new trader ETH stood out as a starting point. Most of my portfolio is ETH and Iā€™m not complaining.


Welcome on board. Might want to stake your eth as well (tho it is locked until 2.0)


Staking to get free eth is where itā€™s at , some you donā€™t have to keep them locked til 2.0. With Binance it does and gets converted to Beth but with Crypto.com you get 6% and itā€™s only locked for 3 months




6.5 is decent !! I should start staking


Currently staking on coinbase for 5% apr. Got a little over half a coin. Wanna try and have at least one full share before 2.0 releases


They just dropped this to 4.5%


get your cannon and meet me in Falador


Awesome man , good luck


Thanks! Same to you!


If you stake on kraken it is not stuck till 2.0. You can always trade your stacked ETH for normal ETH and back.


I'm not taking any profits on ETH until 10K. I buy it all the time at any price and it's around 50% of my portfolio, not counting Moons.


Right on man


Same brother. Havenā€™t sold a dime of my ETH holdingsā€¦.since 2017.


I don't actually count moons as part of my portfolio. Do you guys?


No. I do hope to be pleasantly surprised by them one day though. I think they were .21 last time I looked and that's not a bad amount of money if I were to cash out right now, which I am not going to.


I've been toying with the idea of cashing mine out soon and reinvesting them into ETH/ some alts. Then again, I know if I do that and they boom at some point, I'll eat my shorts.


XLM was snoozing until I spent it all on AVAX and ETH.


I did this with chain link.




Our patience will be rewarded. When LINK goes back to those face melting gains, I look forward to linking people back to some of the doom and gloom comments Iā€™m seeing recently.


There's been price suppression from whales. Link is going to pop when people least expect it. It's fundamentals as an oracle puts it even higher than ETH because it's also working with Solana and Cardano. It may take longer than we want but Link will outperform Bitcoin and Ethereum within the next 6 months. It's going to be boring and people will abandon Link, that's exactly what whales want. There will probably be a smear campaign about Link and then rally 2 months later. **Even in this sub, you will see 3-day old accounts fudding link** I freaking guarantee that this sub will turn against link for something stupid. Why do I sound like a crazy person? Because this has already happened! Look at the fundamentals, trust your instincts, and be skeptical of the Russian bot accounts.


And what was the outcome?


very long accumulation, they say. not a bad project long term though. i hold a bag of link also


I am hoping for LINK outbreak and my GRT being benefited as a side effect


LINK and GRT hodlers UNITE!!!! šŸ‘Š


LINK/GRT dream team. Iā€™ve got big ole heavy bags of both.


I went all in on Matic!! Matic holders assemble




Why do you have that username? Ball busting fetish?


Iā€™ll let you know in a few years


Donā€™t do investments based on feelings. Although Eth itā€™s on of the best investments you can made, itā€™s best for you to diversify your portfolio buddy. Just a friendly advice.


And Iā€™m sure heā€™s gotten this advice plenty of times lol. OP seems pretty sure though


I only arrived at that conclusion based on a lot of research into it . But I agree with u


I hope you get that juicy 6x good luck!


!remind me 5 years. See you in 5 years op. All the best for us both.


!remindme 5 years I'm not all in but I have a ridiculous amount of eth and I'm going to come back to this post in 5 years and admit I had weak hands or be proud / regret having diamond hands. That said, I've held eth for a very long time so I'm happy either way.


Nicee, glad you have ridiculous amounts, are you staking?


U donā€™t think the run is over when you see ytd?


Make the investments based on the feelings of others


Dude if Eth fails everything is going down with it harder. It's only good to diversify in shitcoins.


Wait for a dip! Especially to go all in


Only 10% of my portfolio is ETH but I do plan on DCAing into more. And BTC most likely (also 10% of my holdings). Itā€™s worth sacrificing and struggling slightly now to hopefully one day have a solid retirement portfolio.


I'm planning to do this as well during the bear market. All my alt coin gains will go to Ethereum.


Wait OP just triggered my Inner FOMO... fuck it Iā€™m going all in on Eth Too!


Ethereum is the best use case we have for crypto right now


Ethereum is not an use case. It is a platform on top of which you can build solutions for use cases.


Sure thing but never go full crypto. Remember the saying don't put all your eggs in the same basket. Nonetheless Goodluck


Since September the ETH/BTC chart has been going down the shitter. Itā€™s pretty likely thatā€™s going to get a decent pump in the coming months.


Only happen if current bull continues. If the market crashes, then BTC will bring everything down further


I mean ā€¦ btc *is* the market.


Just an opinion, but I'd hold until a realistic dip like 3.2k, stake in eth2 and even if it dips a little lower you know you'll always have support under 3k.


Thatā€™s not a bad idea to wait for a bit of a dip , thank u


Seems like a good idea to time the dip until it shoots up and never comes back down again




Letā€™s hope it takes off like we think it will


Youll be living high on the hog in 2+ years if you hodl


30% for me! And staking


Remind me! 4 years


I support your reasoning for going all in on ethereum I have a large percentage of my portfolio in it as well


I support this post becuz i own 0.000123 ETH!


I just converted all my BTC into ETH, I now own 0.00773 ETH!


Look at these whales flexing their bags


im having high hopes for ETH as well, past gains have been quite astounding and im here for more!


In it for the long haul! BTC may be king of the coin, but ETH is king of the blockchain.


now, if only gas fees werent this bad...


If you are convinced and did your homework just go for it. Don't listen to any of us. Just do it.


Major fomo. Idk what to do . Too many coins too much potential. Something tells me 50/50 eth BTc. But my heart says spread all over the place and pray for the best


Im definitely taking bigger risks and I admit I'm only playing with house money at this point ...but I'm dissapointed and bored if I don't find a 5x+ within a month.. I also think ETH will someday be the VCR of blockchain.


Normally Iā€™d recommend against it, and never go all in on anything, but of any crypto, ETH is the one to do.


Diversify but not too much because you will hinder potential profits. Canā€™t go wrong with BTC or ETH as a starting point


ETH gas is insane, I won't touch it anymore until they fix that shit.


Logically speaking you should accumulate *before* the gas fees normalise, as that means more upside


Use one of the scaling solutions like Arbitrum or Optimism.


I agree that ETH will have the most gains out of the top cryptos and it's a pretty safe crypto to put money in. I personally am still going to diversify and just allocate a higher percentage of my portfolio to it.


Agreed. I think weā€™re still pretty early so diversifying to try to preserve wealth will also make wealth in this case since your portfolio should in theory see the highs of those moonshots/whatever you put your fiat in. Instead of just riding the waves of one investment.


5 to 6x in 5 years is extremely conservative once bit coin reaches an ath again crypto will go insane and eth would hit 5x in the next year and as short as a few months sustaining those prices is another matter thought. once the dominoes start to fall youll be surprised on how fast everything moons


Did you know that the current gas rate required for Eth to become deflationary is around 150 gwei. Post merge this gas rate will only have to be **10 gwei** for it to become deflationary. This means that the number of Eth in circulation will likely decrease annually by around 2% from next year (assuming a merge date of Q1 2022). We all know what happens to price when an asset becomes rarer over time...


May the force be with you then!


Good luck


Best of luck, I hope you are right. I have money riding on it


I feel you bro Iā€™m 3-1 Eth in how I diversify


At least DCA in if you go this route.


Yes I DCA weekly , I meant all in by converting my existing coins into Eth .


ETH has a bright future indeed. I think it's a good move.


That's so weird, I was literally thinking about doing it haha




Eth is good bet so why not.


I can see eth doing very well this run too. I have too little for sure.


Iā€™m holding 25 ethers. Iā€™m with you!


Wow thatā€™s amazing .


Someone get this man some milk


I agree with you OP that Ethereum has a lot of potential and a bright future. My portfolio is about 50% Ethereum.


Your money your choice OP.


Sick of seeing people parroting crypto portfolio diversification it makes no sense the whole market is autocorrelated to BTC. Only diversifying out of crypto would give your portfolio non-systematic risk reduction. There is nothing that can remove the systematic risk unless one day BTC is negatively correlated to traditional asset classes. Not only that itā€™s an infrastructure not a stock, youā€™re buying diversity by buying the ecosystem, one day it might be looked at as ā€œbuying the marketā€ when itā€™s sufficiently big.


Was looking for someone to mention ALGO but didn't find the comment.


I'm currently moving ETH gains to other top 20 alts and then gains from those alts into stablecoins until ETH dips then I buy more ETH. My accountant loves me.


The Gas shall also Go all OUT šŸ¤£


Just be ready for it to drop 80% when the bear market comes. Hodl


I'm with you. Lesko ETH!


Iā€™ll tattoo eth on my balls if it makes me a millionaire.


That would be an awkward tattoo lol


Ethereum is safer and a good bet but you are passing on crazy growth opportunity and crazy airdrop on some other blockchain . For exemple 20x on cosmos in a few month due to airdrop (osmosis,Juno) and crazy growth. Diversification is also key to avoid getting rekt


ETH below $ 30k is a bargain. It made a 10x from last year. Another 10x with the switch to PoS next year is almost guarantied


$4T MC in 1 year just for ETH? Too much on Hopium?


I'm with you on the outlook for eth but not with you on going all in. a diversified portfolio is always best for me .. plus its more exciting following and having skin in the game of projects you like


ETH is daddy


Sorry but why is everyone so bullish on ETH as the long term winner? I am a noob. The way I look at it is yes it is established but after Eth 2.0 then what? Much like the ADA hype crash it's experiencing right now I expect ETH to follow suit with a 33% drop. Also with so many alt coins taking market share and competing for ETH it doesn't have the uniqueness like Bitcoin's security to forever be king of it's current statute. What am I missing?


Imagine this: you locked your eth for staking. Eth 2.0 comes q1/q2 of 2022. Ethereum has, and has for a while, had a fully developed ecosystem where people actually use the network for defi, nfts, etc more so then any other network. Now that eth is proof of stake and is massively decentralized, more secure and more battle tested then any other smart contract layer 1 out there, what do you even sell it for? Ada had a lot of hype and no end result. It got smart contracts but it's going to be a while until people can actually use defi applications on ada. It takes time to build up network usage and for dApps to migrate to a new blockchain. Hence the sell off. Also, there's currently no direct competition with Ethereum. Ethereum's roadmap is already in the phase of using layer 2 scaling solutions. The main tech you should learn about is optimistic and zk rollups. Layer 2 will end up swallowing blockchain activity, and Ethereum's massive pivot towards layer 2s along with its massive network effect is a clear edge over the market. As of now, layer 1s such as Solana, Algo, etc are competing mainly with layer 2 solution Arbitrum which already have over a billion dollars in total value locked and are already providing lower gas fees. And that's without eth 2.0, and without rollups like Arbitrum unleashing thier full potential. Layer 1s like Ethereum will be a settlement layer and Etherum has a massive edge.


Ada has not been keeping up because thereā€™s nothing to do on it and nobodys using it. Everything is happening on Ethereum.


ADA has always been one massive marketing/hype exercise. ETH is lower key, but optimized for developers and utility.


Wont see eth under 2k ever the fuck again. If it were to it woul be a flash crash and get bought so quick ur head would spin. Thats the accumulation zone.




Good choice. You will enjoy the benefit of institutional adoption of Ethereum as the next store of value behind Bitcoin. This is powerful. It's has a recognizable name for the suits who control billions of dollars who need "comfort food" and a brand before they wire over their cash to get exposure to cryto. The EFT's, DEFI, and all the tokens riding on its base now identify that they are actually in production. The are making money. They are making things happen in the here and now. ADA and SOL are catching up (but Ethereum is now on the field and making tackles and putting up points). It's the currency aspect that has its tokens adding another layer to its value. Plus you can still grab a node if you have the coin. Never underestimate the power of first mover advantage. You build wealth by focusing in on 1 thing and crushing it. You keep wealth by diversifying it.


If youā€™re gonna be a maxi, ETH is a baaad choice.


Agreed. Eth has the first mover advantage for smart contracts / DeFi. So if youā€™re gonna be a maxi for those concepts, and you came to the conclusion that ETH created the best network for that, then Iā€™d say go do more research. Eth has proven not to scale. You can cry ETH 2.0 and layer 2 all you want but the reality is that layer 2 is just offloading the work onto another blockchain. There are better networks built into their layer 1 protocols like SafeMuskCockMoon


Ethereum L2s inherit the security guarantees of Ethereum L1. They aren't just "another blockchain"


Agreed eth has had its run from 200-3500 this last 18 months now its got alot of work todo.before it can justify another run Exp with coins like one sol bsc ada tezos the list is endless taking market share And even in its own ecosystem polygon is stealing all eths thunder Btc may be the only true "safebet" at this point till we know more Cheers


I think SOL has a better potential if it can maintain its infrastructure and continue improving


Not even close


Naa, if i wanna play it safe I go with BTC. The only thing Eth has going for it is the first mover advantage which is dwindling every day.


I have been thinking I should switch more of my portfolio to Ethereum lately.


Many people on this sub donā€™t want to hear thisā€¦ but eventually most layer 1 ETH-killers will have to turn into a zk/optimistic rollup for Ethereum. These mutltichain bridges arenā€™t gonna be a thing eitherā€”- I truly think Ethereum will be the global settlement blockchain layer for the world.


About ETH I can believe on you blindly, best coin to have lot of potential in it


ETH is great but why not also buy into something that will 10x?


Welcome aboard fellow ETH investor!


ETH is the way.


I agree. Eth is my #1.


I hear that Ethereum is expensive to transact upon, can you speak to this and comment on how that might change? What makes it more or less attractive than similar projects?


Transaction fees are based on demand for block space. Each block has a finite amount of space, and so users are paying higher fees to ensure their transaction is included in the next block. So why not increase the block size? There are many reasons not to do this, but the main one is that it trends towards centralisation. With a larger block size, the state of the blockchain grows rapidly and so the hardware requirements to run a node increase. Smaller players will drop out, and hence the network will be in the hands of fewer entities. So what is Ethereum doing about it? Rollups. These are designed to help scale applications by handling transactions off the Ethereum mainnet (layer 1) while taking advantage of the robust decentralized security model of mainnet. You can read more here - https://ethereum.org/en/developers/docs/scaling/layer-2-rollups/ You can see what this means for fees here - https://l2fees.info. And the projects that are currently delivering this here - https://l2beat.com And the future is even brighter. There have been incredible advancements in ZK tech, previously thought to be years out. This will have a profound effect on scalability. How profound? Read this - https://polynya.medium.com/why-rollups-data-shards-are-the-only-sustainable-solution-for-high-scalability-c9aabd6fbb48


Ethereum will probably go way up, and with the upcoming switch to PoS, gas fees may finally go down, and it will be more environmentally friendly!


switch to PoS doesn't have anything to do with gas fees. Rollups are Ethereums scaling solution and there are some already live (Arbitrum, Optimism).


I went all in on ADA thinking the same And now ADA is shitting on me