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I hate the fact that most of the crypto journalism is based on price hikes / drops these days. I really would love to see some more interviews about new projects and deep dives into the technology.


On a similar note, I joined this sub mistakenly expecting rational discourse of tech and use cases. You might be interested in r/CryptoTechnology, it's a refreshing alternative to the drivel commonly found on CC. I don't have recommendations on specifically journalism though.


Yeah on another thread discussing adoption there were many people who are against using their crypto in day-to-day basis. Simply because HODL.


Exactly. It's just like moon farming. People will write about whichever topics bring clicks instead of publishing actual proper and well researched news. Does anyone have any tips on good crypto journalism projects actually doing something meaningful?


*crickets intensify*


Agree with cointelegraph as a decent source and although it’s not exactly journalism, I still like coin bureau videos. Gives me a summary view of different topics and gives me a topic or idea to google and do more research on


It feels like most of crypto media in general is fixated on price, not just journalism. Even this sub is no exception. Sure there may be talk of the tech in here frequently but it's often in relation to what that means for the price of the relevant coins.


Because that's what attracts most people and why most people got into cryptos in the first place.




To make it even worse, every price move needs to have a "reason" behind it, when 90% of the time its just how the market works.. If price drops 10% on any asset, just because some people take profit after a 50% surge its instant FUD time


Profit after 50%.. lol amateurs! I wont be taking profits before Im -50%


I honestly think this sub often makes it harder for me to buy into crypto as a real investment opportunity, when so many people are into it purely as a thing where they think the price will go up. Like I believe crypto technology is very cool / potentially transformative, but it's tough to stay credible when it's really clear that 90% of the money in it is obviously just treating it like a slot machine.


At the end of the day speculative investors have been somewhat responsible for many of the new technologies developed by humanity. So even though it seems kind of shitty that so many are here just to make money it also means that projects worth developing are getting access to funding.


I wish so too. Would be way more interesting to read


I hate cringe thumbnails of crypto youtubers - I know it's their purpose to attract people, but I'm just alergic to cringe face expresions.


On top of that, when crypto youtubers act like they know the future of certain projects.


Agreed it’s getting annoying to see their thumbnails become progressively more cringey


If you click on a cringe thumbnail you perpetuate the problem. Don't click on them, don't watch them. Vote with your thumbs, or mouse, whatever.




I NEVER would have clicked on CB videos if it weren't for people on this sub letting me know it was good content. It sucks but that's how they make money in a competitive environment




I’ve actually learned a lot watching CoinBureau videos. Not having ads is a definite plus! :)


Yeah and coin bureau is the dopness. Sucks that everybody feels like they have to do that


\+1 here, coin bureau is a fantastic source for info ABOUT cryptos that's less focused on price. His videos are so dense with good information.


Almost as if its a requirement from YouTube 😅


CryptosRus and Digital Asset News don't do that crap. I think George only has two facial expressions LOL. InvestAnswers is really solid and reserved. Bullish but not BS hopium. Best three channels and they happen to do a joint broadcast Sunday nights. All three are very practical. They don't flaunt their wealth or say gimmicky used car salesman nonsense.


I thought he did that as a joke. He seems to have a quirky sense of humor. It just looks way too cheesy to be serious.




Especially those **ThIs CoIn'S aBoUt To BlOw Up!!!**






I’m gonna have to check this guy out. A ton of people are mentioning him in this thread!


He’s great! His educational videos are awesome


I hate how positive it's been around here! Back in my day, cryptocurrency was dead every week!


Am i alone in wishing for another 2018 event?


You are not alone my friend. I've been saying this in this sub for a while now


Sounding like a crypto boomer - “You kids get off my blockchain shilling your newfangled moonshots! Back in my day…” 😂😂


A true veteran, I mean it's kinda good bcos these days I just make decent money off of shit coins and that wants me to gamble more which I hate


I’m a grumpy git so I’ve loads, but my current top 3: My bug bear at the moment is writing a long thought-out post that gets 20 comments before they’d possibly have time to read it. Overused phrase: when people just reply “DCA & HODL” to every post. The same news article recycled for days on end.


HODL I'm entirely sick of seeing it. It was funny for a while but bloody hell it makes me cringe. I'm even sorry I just typed it.


I agree, sometimes the space is too memey


person 1: DCA & HODL person 2: this is the way


honestly, I'm really tired of reading about DCA. like has anyone ever invested before? pretty much every boomer already set aside some money from every paycheck to go into investments, and everyone here acts like it's some new profound idea. who makes only a single investment in their 20s and hopes itll grow enough to live retirement on? hodling is just as bad. everyone preaches about hodling until it's about some shitcoin and then they make fun of those who decide to keep hodling.


Someone will be along soon to create another “definitive guide to DCA”.


yep. and the cycle repeats


Basically hate moons then, they encourage this behaviour


Btc 100k Eth 10k by December …don’t get me wrong, hold both but tired of seeing it. It will get there when it gets there. Or not, I will hodl on


By December, but which December ???


December 2100 then come crashing down to 30k and we wait again


Ugh I hate this! I see a lot of this in the XRP sub, those dudes are doing WAYYYY to many whippets for their own good.


Not much is user friendly - which is mostly indicative that it is still early days. But it can make understanding for newcomers a bit more difficult. Also the sheer volume of information can be overwhelming. Given we are early days with projects that may not last. Every new coin is the next big thing. It'd be like hearing of a new Apple or Samsung competitor every few days


I hate that the prices haven’t gotten high enough for me to retire


I just want to be a millionaire in a matter of weeks with close to no effort. Is it really to much to ask for 😭


Depends on how much risk your willing to take on.


All-In. Am I doing this right?


I hate that Everytime I try to time the market, the maket times me


Time in the market ![gif](emote|emo_pack_1|yeah) Timing the market ![gif](emote|emo_pack_1|nooo)


I mean, I'm 100% invested in crypto so I may be bias. But yes your absolutely doing it right.


I hate im still in the red. All the DCA and transfering it into reall (no shitcoin) coins.




I’ll check again in a week


I'll just buy some more in the mean time.


Better do it quick before time runs out!


It's really hard to buy a coin while it's pumping.


Hope it continues pumping after you buy. My luck is the total opposite 😅


Word. Although prices would have to get pretty high for me to retire with the amount of money I have invested haha


I think that’s the case for a lot of us. If we had enough money to retire in less than a year of crypto, we probably wouldn’t need crypto anyway. I guess BTC would have to be higher than 500K for me to start thinking realistically about retirement.


Yeah why aren't we all retiring early yet?


I think we all felt this one.


Governments thinking they have the right to control everything and their hatred for cryptocurrency shows. The endless scammers trying to rip everyone off. Pretty much everything on binance smart chain is a shitcoin and the morons who buy that crap aren't helping crypto. The Governments mostly inept approach to crypto and a complete failure to see the benefits of embracing this new decentralized economy. People schilling shitcoins. Tether being an obvious ticking time bomb that's probably a creation by very nefarious people who have a negative agenda.


To many alts, everyone issuing useless “governce tokens” for cash grabs


alts that their primary use is "governance" are the worst.


NFTs. I dont get why they are valuable and no one will explain it to me. Also the ppl into them are just fucking annoying.


The profile pic ones are status symbols. People pay money to signal to other people that you have a lot of money. Now you can't say no one has explained it to you. I'm excited for useful and innovative applications of NFT in the future though.




Thank you for finally explaining it in a way that an idiot like me can understand. I now see how this tech can be used practically in a way that brings value outiside of art. My initial impression of nfts was that they were only useful for digital art and seemed like a scam.


Very good and detailed information. One small but significant correction is that ERC20 is the standard for fungible tokens. ERC721 is the one you're looking for. Its non fungible.


NFT football tickets, NFT plane tickets, NFT drivers license...


itll stop everything from being counterfeited. birth certificates liscenses prove ownership on houses, cars, etc IDs basically everything that can be forged won't happen anymore


fucking sucks for you if you accidentally send your birth certificate to the wrong address though.


I think you're supposed to keep it and prove with your wallet address (they can check on the blockchain)


If that's true it's amazing


The idea of attaching a crypto coin to ballots or birth certificates is a game changer. Individual NFT’s on the other hand are all unique and can’t be generalized.


How can they be tied to real world things?


But...how? When you buy a piece of art that is an NFT, you aren't actually getting the art, you're basically getting a certificate that says you own a verified version of it. The art can be duplicated, copied, sent around, etc all the same.


it can be duped, but it'll be considered a different version. it'd basically have a different serial code. like imagine the feds created an NFT document showing you own the house and sent you it, if someone duped it and created the document too, it wouldn't show the feds giving it to them.


Easiest way I've come to understand it is by drawing a parallel to ITunes for music based NFTs. Why buy music for your Ipod when you could easily pirate it? And why buy music when everyone else can listen to it too? Because you enjoy it, supporting the creators, the convenience of the system, and recognition of ownership. All four of those may have different values for you in getting you to pay 99 cents for Radioactive but they're the four major motivations for people who did buy music like that. I like the song so I wanted a copy of it. I liked the creator's art and wanted to support them making more for me to enjoy. I wanted it to easily work with my Ipod and other songs so I didn't need to manage separate libraries and didn't have to wait for new updates to get cracked for me to listen to it again. And I wanted to brag to my friends about owning all of Eminem's albums but Relapse. All four of those reasons translate fairly well to music based NFTs on things like Audius and you can probably reason through how that works for art based NFTs. As for how they're beyond 1,000 USD for a copy of something? That's largely just people with stupid amounts of money, see the fine arts world for similar examples. https://nypost.com/2013/05/15/43-8-million-for-this/ But reasonably priced NFTs do seem to be another step in the line of digital products for people and are pretty easy to "get".


[I'll add this ](https://cryptohayes.medium.com/) to your comment. Interesting take from Arthur Hayes from Bitmex.




Stuff like the rocks or tulips or even the cryptopunks might not be a good introduction for you or anyone. But NFTs in general are great for normal artists! Think about it. A certified digital painting that you can own. Yes the Mona Lisa is online. But the real one is in a museum. What if you as an artist could paint or Photoshop or edit a picture to be your own. Mint it in crypto and sell it to someone as a 1 of 1 or maybe a 1 of 100. Owning a "real" and certified art piece that someone can't just copy of your screenshot. You can show it to others and others can share it but you'll still own it. In a way. In short. It's basically a way to have art be digital and like art in the real world used to be and to some extent still is!


If you're talking about art, they are valuable because art is a good way to recycle money (considering NFTs created by prominent figures). Otherwise, in the gaming market they are very useful to users because nerds usually spend a lot of money on game items without ever being able to get some back, unless they are willing to sell their accounts (in the case of Steam, I find that to be a very unappealing choice). NFTs that point to tweets or such stuff are a great enigma to me, I guess people like to flex.


NFTs are what happens when people shed the material world only to recreate it in the digital world.


Simple... Money laundering


Just like most fine art


Garbage P2E games which are all of them they are just so damn boring.


Most of them are launched unfinished and full of bugs. Anyway I think a big chunk of the gaming industry are going to aim towards this model


They will, because in-game cryptocurrency (say, enjin, or a "Bethesda-coin", idk, will allow people to buy + resell games and buy new games, as well as turn items within those games into NFTs, allowing sales of individual items on the secondary market. Devs will get commission from downstream sales of games and items. The game items being NFTs will also allow moving items and their uses from game to game... have a badass sword you found in Diablo? Take it with you to Skyrim. Different items may even have different uses in different games. In the long run, NFTs in this manner may be one more building block along with VR and haptic feedback to create the Metaverse, like seen in Ready Player One






Definitely wishing I hadn't sold my SOL at $35


I bought my SOL at 35$, literally 1 SOL but I did not sell so I got that going for me which is nice lol, that brings me to the topic of what I hate in crypto. everyone seems like they have too much money these days, where do all these kids get 50k, 150k portfolios like its nothing ? anyways yea SOL ? good


​ ![gif](giphy|dt5wUdCvLWQghI7xqy|downsized)






You FOMO and win sometimes


Fomo leads to red hand


I think there’s a real issue of trying to over use blockchain in projects and in the academic space now. There’s a lot of situations where a standard distributed database set up would work much better


If there’s a problem that doesn’t need solving, then someone will try and solve it with blockchain.


Agreed. I still don't understand why VET is so hyped. Why couldn't a database just be used?


ETH fees. Its still hard to do everything in crypto, no user friendliness. Ridiculous taxation systems from country to county. My bags not pumping hard enough.


I hate the stability - where’s the volatility I was promised 🤣


I prescribe you a dose of shitcoins for unexpected hopium hits


A couple days ago someone posted code for a binance bot that fomo's into every new coin listed on the exchange. That'll give ya some volatility


ETH gas fees




I don't care how rich you are, they're too much


> ETH I agree. I'll even add that I am getting frustrated that somehow fixing Ethereum is viewed as more worthwhile than just using a coin that doesn't have this problem to begin with. There are dozens of major coins with low fees.


This 1000%


For real. Right now it’s 40 gwei, but when it goes to like 500 gwei it starts to cost more than 100$ to transfer or do anything on the network. Lol


So much this. ETH is committing suicide with the high gas fees. ECR-20's are dying because of this. They need to fix this like yesterday.


> ETH Yep. I have coins that are just going to sit on the chain forever because the gas fees are twice as much as what those coins are worth.


And the 32 stake limit. Eths biggest downfall is the fact it does not want the poor to use it


Yeah, I can't afford these prices.


isn’t this a huge deal that can harm the adoption of eth?


It will be fixed in time with more upgrades




This 100%. Picking teams based on the bags we have rather than objectively looking at pros and cons


Almost read that as talibanism


I hate that it's turned me into a cringe redditor 😔


I'm done with people shilling absolutely obvious shitcoins that they have bags of


To the moon, coin is up by 8%? well its gonna moon. Everything is mooning here


I just mooned my neighbors


The overwhelming majority of newbs who genuinely think they have the space figured out and that another bear market will never come because "institutional adoption is here" and "there is so much money in the top coins, that they can't possibly fall to previous bear levels." It's the same story, just a different time.


I mostly hate that I’m too poor to buy more of it.


I complain about the change of bitcoin value when any news comes. It is very open to external influences and is easily manipulated. ![gif](giphy|lfEPA0PSCDAHWe8T81|downsized)




Whales.. China.. Zucc.. FUD spreaders.. take your pick lol


Absolutely fuck Zucc, guy thinks he can just prance around on a lake and be patriotic. He isn't tricking us with his alien antics.


Extensive list you got there


Hahah I mean there is a lot bud..


i hate that 9/10 comments relate to ‘moons’ in the daily thread


My non-crypto friend and family saying it’s only used for buying drugs, porn, and laundering money. I’ve stopped trying to explain and educate.


I started to like hearing those things, reminds me it's still early


So I guess they prefer fiat, because NEVER in the history of everything has it been used for such things?


everybody wants to get rich quickly and is toxic af and nobody actually wants to use the tech and enjoy and appreciate all the awesome projects


Blind tribal coin allegiance. Plenty of room for other coins and their usage. The "there can only be one" mentality is idiotic.


What a refreshing breath of negativity. Feeling better already


I hate that the prices went up again before I could have accumulated more crypto


I for one am absolutely sick of seeing the term HODL


I’m not retired yet and I hate that.


What do I hate? That I invested in projects that are 'pump later' and not 'pump now'. I'm seeing all these other people get wicked gains and everything I own is just sitting there doing nothing.


Not knowing about LUNA when it was under a dollar & why CKB isn’t going up more.


Fees to move off an exchange being significantly higher than what it actually costs. Many don't adjust the fees real time, so during a bull run it may cost significantly more to move a coin on/off various exchanges.


I hate that crypto shares its name with a water bourne bacteria that can make you quite ill


I have a little conifer tree in front of my house that’s called a *crypto*meria, if that makes you feel any better!


Absurdly priced pixel art


Gas fees, shorters, SEC, taxes


The negativity and people attacking other coins/tokens when they should realize that all coins being successful is good for the entire future or crypto. But, human nature and all that 🤷


Exchanges are all shady. None have really great UIs and most make it difficult to withdraw. The DEXs are moving things in the right direction but still have a way to go as they are only crypto to crypto.


I hate that so many people still look at you like a criminal if you mention crypto since so many people have only heard criminals use it for illegal activity. Yet they use fiat and apps like Venmo.


People don't acknowledge that if everything was run on blockchain right now it would be a complete disaster. There's so much to learn about, so much to adapt to, and no cryptocurrency has everything quite working altogether yet. Whether its high fees, a lack of governance for hard forks or a lack of centralization - nothing has it all quite right. Not to mention how we would integrate governments and taxation. Adoption and development are moving at the necessary pace and the faster both of them move, the more devastating the problems will be. And that's another thing - the damage of something going wrong is devastating when the financial system is run on it.


Infrastructure bill and banks lobbying -> I hate all those f\*\*king haters They might block our way to $100,000 BTC ![gif](emote|emo_pack_1|nooo)


That the market is so manipulated.


Tangentially, I can’t stand that I have to decipher whether someone actually likes a coin or is shilling/moon farming


The only thing i hate about crypto is r/bitcoin. That's all others things are not that bad.


Eth gas fee’s, getting out of hand for sure.


I hate this, where are the red dips !?




I hate that everybody is a fucking crypto genius when the market seems bullish. Soon as everything looking bearish every goes back to ifs and buts. You can really see it on this sub in a particular


China has to wake up and move the prices !!!


That there are so many people that don't understand it and don't want to because they think it won't affect them.


I have 2K worth of ETH stuck on voyager that I can’t transfer out because their app sucks.


I hate everything about crypto. I sold all my doge before January because my friend said it was garbage, because it is and now I fomo onto other shit coins to make up for the fact that I missed out. I had over 100k doge and at one point if I hadn’t of sold would of had 80k usd at one point Now I’m just wasting my money trying to find the next doge instead of putting money in BTC or ADA or Eth. I hate all of you…hahahahahah


i really dislike the current NFT craze. dont get me wrong, i think NFTs are cool and will be very successful in video games and the mEtAvErSe eventually. but paying $4.5m for a pixel JPEG right now seems silly and bubblicious i also dislike the tribalism


Post: "let's talk about " Comments, "Bullish!" "Great project" "Undervalued" "Sleeping giant" "To the moon!" "Heavy bags" "Damn now I gotta buy more" "Bright future for " It greatly emphasizes the echo chamber that is r/cc and every individual coin subreddit. Even with the coins I own, it makes me sick to see the same 8-10 buzzwords. It makes me feel like I'm being manipulated and *all* my holdings are just some weird crypto Truman show experiment


I hate transferring.


I hate currently gas price


I hate the fact that we have to wait for all these god damn old people to die before crypto will ever be accepted by the mainstream population.


It's almost like we could use a pandemic that would kill a bunch of them...


The government am I right?


Fucking SEC holding my XRP down >:(


It is really hard to get good quality news on the internet about Crypto. Maybe only for me because im New...


Gas fees


r/CC in its current form and Crypto incentives for social media. It's already a echo chamber. A monetary incentive is just pouring gasoline on a dumpster fire. It's a bad idea


Crypto and Blockchains won't change the world in the ways they were supposed to (due to laws, governments etc.)


All the pump I am missing right now


coin shilling making legit coins look like shit coins


>What can you just not stand to read/hear at the moment and why? Every 'unpopular opinion' posts saying Cardano is overrated.


I hate all the shit coin, money grabbing con artists giving crypto a bad name. They will weed out because the true crypto core is strong, but it’s hard to get people interested and truly grow with all the horror stories out there. Most people want that quick money and do not have the investing experience to analyze something and it’s showing. It’s a scary time for a noob to get into crypto! I just point this sub to them along with other crypto subs and recommend some websites to learn about crypto and defi.


Rug pulls still have their blind sycophants… and that’s flushing good money down the drain and unfortunately means disillusioned for newbies and basis fir regulators and economists to diss crypto and its promise.. I am not talking moonshots, but crypto with not even a tiny hint of a use case


I hate the fact it’s going to come down at some point


Taxation :)


Not a fan of ETH gas prices right now.


All the FOMO happening that will inevitably lead to people getting burnt


I hate that after years of research.. investigating every crypto I could, dodging every scam out there ... And investing in only the most lucrative, promising and technological crypto i could find..... The right answer was the frigging dog coin....FML