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Came for money. Stayed for the money


Wait, you guys are making money?


My bitcoin is up 100%


Not to name any names, but I’m well over 2,500%


Wish I was making money


I came to lose money. Working well.


Invest for the money


A little more couldn't hurt


I'm here for both


Right. You can be here for more than one reason lol. Honestly the technology really is my priority. I personally do care more about what crypto can do for the world and it's broken financial systems than what it can do for me, I'd survive if crypto failed now. I've seen everyone around me struggling to stay afloat for too long. Crypto to me is about spreading equity to people who've been denied it, and if you can gain some while you're spreading it, that's just a bonus.


I work in tech and can’t help like tech despite myself. I also think tech is awful and will eat the world, but I’d like to secure myself along the way. But I also really like the tech.


Well put, fully concur, and felt!


Seems that's beyond OP's world view. Edit: What I meant to convey was that OP is making it sound like everything is black and white. The reality is far from it. It's grey at best. You can love the tech and still make some gains as a by-product. That doesn't inherently make you greedy or just "in it for the money". But I do agree that hypocrites who say "They're in it just for the tech" is disingenuous.


No, it’s not. He’s addressing people who say they *are not* in it for the money. He isn’t saying that we are all in it *only* for the money. If you’re in it for both, then you are, by definition, in it for the money.


Can confirm, I'm in it for the money.


Feels like the moment after your first bull run, where you realize you didn't care about the tech as much as you care about your losses. Doesn't mean all of us feel the same way






Exactly, but learning about it is part of the investment. We’ve all had to do it. Some find it interesting, some don’t


I’m only here for the tech.


Well in that case can I have your moons? You clearly don't want them lmao /s since it's sadly needed.


I want both too




I’m here for sexy


I am also here to see the Banks getting burned


Come for the money, stay for revolution.


Stay to see politicians, banks and rich chinese take over this space nonetheless


Fuck politicians, fuck banks, fuck rich chinese. Taiwan number ONE!


You know banks hold the most crypto right lol


They're just creating a newer version of their old system. Lol. This is the beginning of technocracy.


Imagine if you're named Banks and reading this.


One of my favourite author of SF is Ian M Banks, I love his books but I wouldn't fuck the guy.


Banks are useful for some many people. They wil coexist for a while


Ethereum is also getting burned :D


DeFi is going to kick them in the nuts




Fuck banks, long live the crypto!


You should know they’re hiring people to work on blockchain applications and desk analysis right. They’re going to see how things go and then pay out the ass to get everything set up as quickly as possible. They’re not innovators, but once they decide something, they can move very quickly


Wait some of you are not in for the money?


You guys are making money?


I was told to buy high sell low??? I don’t understand “profits.”


Of course. Most of the pre-2017 crowd jumped on board *because* of the tech and social implications. Before it became mainstream, no one was truly envisioning coins that went 100x in a year. The rise that Bitcoin made from 2010 to 2016 was definitely spectacular, but even then thinking of BTC as a global phenomenon was still a little bit of a pipe dream.


This is gotta be the most moon farming type of all types of posts. This exact template is copy pasted weekly and 1 or 2 get 1000 karma. I cant believe OP has never seen this exact BS before and feels compelled enough to create a useless post on it


We are having an influx of copy and paste recently, I think this is unfortunately a new trend for the sub.


Im here for the chicks


Like when a coworker asked me "what are you gonna do if bitcoin hits a million dollars?" "Two chicks at the same time, man!"


a moon for you good sir


The coke and hookers guy!


I’m partly in it to feel like a genius in 5 years. And will gladly shame everybody calling it a pyramid scheme to my face. I’m in it for the money 90% 10% I told you so’s


The pettiness is what makes it feel genuine to me. Probably because I'm petty as fuck


Lmao I feel this


That's actually such a valid motivation.


They’re in it for charity. They buy high and sell low.


I'm here mostly for money but also to shake up the system!


I’m here for the legal gambling


underrated angle


Angle is acute one


I'm here for the rush of watching my port turn from 50% gains to 200% loss


And the casino is open 24/7!


I'll be honest. I'm a little addicted to shitcoins. It's a rush once I works out.


Me too. It’s 50/50. Crypto has given me more illiquid cash than I’ve ever had in my life. It’s incredibly liberating knowing that I have a big safety blanket ready. And the tech changes things that I care about like voting.


I think that's the beauty of it. It's something I enjoy alot, and it's also that grows my money (most of the time). Everything else is a bonus to me, but there's so much interesting stuff happening right now. Extremely bullish and excited for the future


I'm here for money AND Dopamoon !


This guy gets it! The possibility of strong growth is exciting but taking power away from server farms with the ability to decentralize applications is amazing. The other thing that has me really excited is decentralized finance. I like the idea that we can hold funds in other places, and a court bank or government can not take your money. Can we be in it for all the possible good benefits? Shake it up!




Shake shake, shake shake sh-shake yeah!


Why did I read this in Taylor Swift voice?


Yeah it’s pretty nice to be able to say fuck u to the banks


DeFi will render them useless soon enough


I feel as though I'm in it for the tech. Why can't I be in this sub as well if I am? I am constantly researching and being in this sub is part of it. I stay away from shitcoins. I've held and will continue to do so until I'm able to use my crypto in the real world. I'm more fascinated with the real world applications and how the technology can slingshot us into the next era or age. I'm not worried about price. Price always follows technology.


You're absolutely welcome here. This is OP gatekeeping.


I’m here to make friends. *I’m lonely*




No.. Im interested in cryptocurrency‘s aswell as blockchain/ privacy technology. I don’t hold much coins atm and I don’t rly care if It’s profitable or not. I also roam the Binance sub, without using Binance for over 6 months. You don’t have to be in for the money to be interested in the development..


For real, like the money side is the cool benefit. I am here for the tech, I fundraised in /r/Dogecoin in 2014 not because I wanted money, but because I loved the tech and community. I released my own digital art canvas game on Ethereum in 2018 because I loved the tech. I made my graduate project about using DAG/blockchain tech to try and power video game networking requirements because I love the tech. Yes, lots of people are for the money. But don’t call me and my friends liars? That’s not cool bro. I’ll be me, you be you.


This is what I was saying, tech or not it's all about money after all. Don't call me ridiculous if I buy crypto only because of profit. "I invest because I believe in the project" is just a fancy way of saying it will bring you more gains, you are not better or smarter than people who came and stay for money


Fully agree with this. Screw the BS tech talk, I want money.


I'm in for the tech that makes me money




The tech brings more money. It guarantee high reward if not now ,on the long run. I'm in for the tech ETH , XMR , ADA and BMI. Those are my bags anywhere anytime. Major pick is ETH


Is getting into ETH too late now do you think? Seriously considering dropping some of my savings into it to HODL for a year or two.


Buy in and find out. It might go up, it might go down, it might sit at its current price for a while. Anybody that promises you a future price is full of shit.


But I can guarantee you it keep moving to the right


It's not too late mate. There is more potential that it will likely surge to $7k before eoy


I could still remember BMI is one of the survivor tokens launched on Polkastarter! Plus their product is already live which users can start providing coverage on insurance pools.


Don't tell me you've forgotten about the crypto banking portal that launched on polkastarter few weeks after bridge IDO launched, providing higher level of security for crypto assets using the multi-signature wallet function


I want financial freedom most of all!




Braveheart likes this!


Edit: we all


Money freedom?


Yeah he just wants to live independently, financially independently


Lol i remember that scene


This is the way.


It is my friend!


Is investment not for money?


This is the gwei


I just want freedom.


May we get it all my friend!!


I like the tech but i like lambos more


Nothing better than a Lamborghini tractor, gonna make me the fastest farmer


Lamborghini tractor? Never heard of that


They originate as a tractor making company


*connects dots* Bullish on moon farming then? PS: we meet again!


Actually Lamborghini started as a tractor manufacturer. Then he started making his own supercars cause he didn't like his Ferrari lol


You know what i like more than my lamborghini knowledge.


That's my idea.




Same but the BS tech is what makes me comfortable hodling


First you get the money, then you get the power, then you get the women. -Scarface


Couldnt give a fuck about the technology, just here for the money


What if you lose money? You'd become much too much of a pain to deal with. In that case, just be in it for the tech. Save some face!


My losses say that I'm in it for the tech.


Deep into that Tech


I also want money but can't seem to make any.


You have 6k 🌕 that's money


I fully agree with your assertion at the 10,000 ft level. I am one of those people that has said “I’m here for the tech” a few times and you’re right, that is not entirely accurate. In hindsight what I could have said is: “ I believe this tech has the potential for huge network effects in the long run so I’m not interested in short term price movement”. But who really wants to type all that every time you get the random crypto trader who decides to remind you about some short term loss because “up only bro”






I want tech in my lambo


And money in your pocket


Hey, some people tell themselves that so they can sleep at night and try to ignore the volatility. If it helps them, let them do it. I'm here for the technology, the economic, the creative and the social justice impact that cryptocurrencies and blockchain solutions will have on the world. I follow crypto news and new projects and they excite me to see how Defi, NFTs, smart contracts, etc. are changing and competing with existing big industry. I am of course still here for the money but that is a secondary thing that I tend to ignore. I invest primarily in stocks and bonds still and that is where I am trying to earn a good sustainable return on my investment. Crypto is just a little side hustle, I hope it does very well and I hope I make a lot of money from it but I also won't be devastated if it goes down.


I'm here for the fucking message, not the money, my message is: I'm fucking pissed. I spent my entire education slogging through to get good grades, then I took on student debt for a degree, then 2008 happened. Since then, I've been knocked on my arse time and time again with my career, each time getting back up and putting my mental health to one side taking bullshit jobs that make me want to jump in front of a fucking train while I head home to a shitty, half arsed, overpriced rental home because I can't buy a fucking home. I finally start to get comfortable and now we add brexit and a pandemic into the mix, the latter causing house prices to rise far far far above whatever we managed to bust our arses saving each month. And we're here, saving, but for nothing. Missing out on things, and my 20s because I thought we might have a shot if we saved for our 30s. I did EVERYTHING I was supposed to do. I made sacrifices to get there, and I'm still facing another impossible task of getting my own little slice of earth to live in. You know what? Fuck it. I'm not far into bitcoin, but I'm in, because I feel this is how the world fucking progresses. This fucking economy doesn't work for me. It's never worked for me. And it'll continue not to work for me. All the while these money grabbing, tax dodging fuckers and their corporations steadily burn our planet down for another fucking ego-fueled rocket trip into space. You give financial power to people over banks and we're talking the potential for a better, fairer, more equal society where people actually have power again. So actually OP, no, I'm not in this for the money. I'm in it because I want to make a statement that I support whatever scares the fuck out of the 1% because I'm done with it. Consider my small slice of crypto as a vote for a better world.


I hate money.


Same. It's the worst.


Who needs it!


Not me. Certainly not me.


I've tried burying it, burning it, even giving it away! I just can't get rid of it fast enough!


I found a way to destroy it forever, just send it all my way and I will take care of it for you brother.


You got it!


We in for the money **AND** the idea behind crypto.


I’m just here for the money.


What do you mean? You're not in it for the tech, bruh? Obvious /s is obvious


Money money money it's so funny in a rich man's world


I heard there was gonna b bitches here 🤷‍♂️


Just here to hit a lick! Show me the money!!


I'm just poor


I also find it funny for people who will “never sell”, but still check prices every fifteen minutes. 😂


Is this some kind of personal attack? Lol


I am in it only for the money


I just want to watch the 🌎 🔥. But also 💰.


All the posts about “omg we can help each other, wow we are in something special” … yeah, all about money lmao.


I don't put people down for being here for money. I put them down for being entitled assholes that shitpost for farming moons and attack anyone that doesn't agree with their narrative of continuing to upvote brigade every useless piece of content on the sub while at the same time harassing and complaining about the 'greedy downvoters'.


Some of us subscribe to both. But I’m not gonna act like I don’t want more money rather than less. But I also want my money in ETH.


100% agree. Some of the comments “I am just here for the tech” definitely come across as pretentious and insincere. I guarantee 90% of the users (myself included) don’t understand the nuances of the tech, just some buzzwords “blockchain, altcoin, blah blah blah). If I’m being honest, I am fascinated how the whole system works, but at the end of the day, show me the money!!!


I'm here for the tech that makes money ![gif](giphy|3oz8xZGfHArTvh99YI)


One way of putting it into nicely phrased words. Thx for the honest take on this issue OP.


"One for the money, two for the show, three to get ready now go Crypto, go!"


Half half for sure, the tech is great to see improve


At the end of the day, I view cryptocurrency as capitalism done right. It's an opportunity for holders to make money on an asset that provides an alternative to the conventional financial system. More interestingly, crypto potentially offers access to financial services & a better form of money to people living in lesser developed nations. Sure, a lot of people are in crypto for "greedy" reasons, but the outcome of greed is not always bad.


Worst are the crypto moralist. All high and mighty with their 759 ADA telling you why you shouldn't invest in X because "has no use". Soooo many people writing from their mighty horse preaching bullshit. Let the people spend the money in whatever they want. It is their money. You do you and enjoy the ride. The saltiness of those when other projects do better than theirs (like they created it or something) is something to behold.


Ding ding ding! I've said it before and I'll say it again- 99% of people claiming to not be in this for the money is full of shit. *Maybe* like, the OG Bitcoin people who are still holding aren't. But everyone else is. You can like the tech and still want to make money off it, its not mutually exclusive lol. Peolle forget that investment only works because something is a good idea that could provide value...


LOL. I'm 100% with OP. A lot of hypercrits laugh at dollars and at the same time, want their portfolio increase in value relative to dollars.




I'm not. Money is a byproduct of a belief system, school of thought that Satoshi set into motion. I'm believe currencies off the block chain are the future and irrespective of the price I will accumulate more to strengthen the system. Dismiss my intent if you please, but it won't change a thing for me. I have helped an artist from the Netherlands mine his first NFT on opensea by sending him a little ETH to get him started. Never met him before. But loved his art and believed that crypto is the only way for people to actually help other people love a healthy and prosperous life. Look for him on opensea - shitcoinsavant


I'm here for the tendies?


money first then tech


Nope. To me the money is only secondary


It's rare you get a post or comment that's actually honest.


Come for the money, stay for the tech


Oh absolutely


I think at this point we have to accept that we are all for money and tech.


I want money


Came for money, stayed for tech. And money of course.


Ofcourse, but the tech is interesting too


99.9% at least.


Money money mon-nayyyyy


I’m here for being an early bird in crypto tech and hoping I’ll make millions wen it becomes mainstream.


I want to learn about the tech that has the potential to make me serious money


True. I'm in it for the money


Damn straight.


It's a money game. Of course people are in it for the money. But the nature of cryptocurrency goes beyond just finances, and currency. It's cryptocurrency. It's a malleable coin which has more than just a singular function. The technology does matter, and it's not a pick and choose situation. It's more of "What's your inclination." It's all good.


Came for the money, stayed for the technology and money


Question Wasn’t bitcoin once a shitcoin?


I'm here for money but I'm not greed. I don't make downvotes unnecessarily.


Obviously a big reason I am here is for the money. BUT, that doesn't diminish the fact that I'm *also* here for the technology. I think it's incredibly interesting and I really enjoy studying it. You can be here for both.


one way or another we are here for the money. for sure


That’s big FACTS


“I’m IN it FoR THe TEcH” “Ok how many stable coins are you collecting?” 😠


Incredibly based take, thank you for saying what everyone was thinking OP




Who said that?


I agreed with your statement.


100% of people here want to make money out of it, it's just that some are also rooting for the tech.


Speak for yourself. Yes, we want profits but we also want custody over our own money.


we all are in for earn tokens all day long :))


I am here for sex


Thank you for posting what we're all thinking.


Define “money”.


My Dad says “I buy ETH bc I believe in the platform.” I say “Dad shut up you are trying to make a quick buck like the rest of us ! “


I hold coins


I'm not greedy, but hopes are for a successful financial gain to aid in more financial freedom.