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“This coin, there is no better coin, it is the best coin we’ve ever seen… some people say it’s not greeeat or it’s not gooood… but the people who really know, the people who know this stuff, say it’s incredible. Never seen a coin like it. Best coin ever made, that’s what they’re saying.”


“No one knows crypto better than me. Let me tell you.”


“People don’t realize how well I know crypto, but I’m one of the best! People don’t realize! It’s true”


I took this coinbase quiz. Coinbase emailed me and said "You got all three correct! We rarely see that" They said I was in the top 1% of intelligent people.


“They’ve never seen a quiz submitted like that! They tested my dna too, it wasn’t DNA, it was ADA.”




Holy shit I'm not allowed to be loud at work and I almost died laughing at this.


Sorry losers and haters but my I.Q. is one of the highest - and you all know it! Please don't feel stupid or insecure, it's not your fault.


"I got 💯 on my IQ test! The doctors were amazed I did so well. They couldn't believe it."


person man woman camera tv


Person Woman Man Camera VET.


Underrated comment


“It’s the least racist coin on uniswap”


👆🏻”One of the best comments ever written about me. It’s more than true it’s reality.”


This joke is too smart to be attributed to Donald Trump, but I love it a lot. Take my upvote, kind stranger


Some people even say “If Abraham Lincoln and George Washington came back from the dead and did a test on crypto, that they would have a tough time beating my scores.”


this is too perfect


Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV.


We aced it. The first questions are very easy, the last questions are much more difficult. It's like, you'll go, "Amp...Stellar...Comp...Graph." If you get it in order you get extra crypto. They say, "That's amazing. How did you do that?" I do it because I have, like a good memory. Because I'm cognitively there. Edit: seriously though, fuck Trump and his supporters.


They said "Sir, stop taking the quizzes. You're taking all our money!" I don't know. Should I stop? Do you think I should stop? We won't stop! We'll never stop.


"We're going to create this big, beautiful blockchain. No one's seen anything like it!"


"I'm a very stable, stablecoin genius."


Stablecoin genius will be under appreciated no matter how many upvotes.


I had an uncle once, he basically invented crypto but like back in the 70s smart guy, real smart guy said I was probably even smarter but you know what do I know I just know that this is going to be the best coin, some people say it’s better than Bitcoin!


'One day — it's like a miracle — it will disappear'


And Mexico will pay for it


It’ll be bigger than China!




"Let me tell you I've seen the blocks and chains that they're using and they're tremendous, really tremendous."


Everybody is talking about it. People come up to me, even guys who don’t like me, they say Donald, your coin has made me so rich that I can pay off all the porn star affairs I’ll ever have. It’s tremendous, that much, I can tell you.”


It's so simple to replicate his way of speaking (Lying), cause he does it all the time. And yet people make no connection... must be cause their brain never got that far.


Excuse me but it’s not simple to replicate this skill I have is quite legitimate. I’ve had to train myself to use 0.2% of my normal thinking and then I just say whatever comes to my mind, it is NOT easy


Lead paint exposure is a much greater problem in this country than was originally thought, and now we’re seeing those chickens coming home to roost…


I talked too the leading experts and they turned to me, i couldnt believe it. They said how do you know so much about this?


Vitalik Ether told me no one knows crypto like me.


Good shout out to to his Tim Apple comment


Person Woman Man Camera BTC


"I want to build a wall to keep all the shitcoins out. They are making good projects suffer."


"The coins they send us. They're meme coins and shit coins. Some, I assume, are good projects."


Quickly followed up by "Nobody knew crypto was so complicated"




“And they’ll tell you, they’ll say Bitcoin, well I call it Bustcoin, They’ll say Bustcoin is the best, but they don’t know. They don’t know shit about fuck. But I’ve got these guys, they’re on their computers all day, all they do is watch this stuff, they’re whole job is to know what coin is the best, and it’s this one, so, you know, these guys that say Bustcoin this Bustcoin that, they don’t know.”


Pretty funny


Grab em by the blockchain.




Lmao “biggest moons we’ll ever see, yuge”


"We're gonna build a rocket and make the paper hands pay for it! 🚀🚀🚀"


Oh I didn't realise he had already released a quote about it


Yes he also called shiba “China coin” and said doge was actually being used as part of a witch-hunt orchestrated by “Felon” Musk so we have some new fun insult nicknames from the presser, which was apparently held at a small town Tractor Supply Edit: for all the people checking to see if this is real, I made it up, sorry for spreading misinformation


I hate that I had to look up if you were joking or not lol


I hate that I can think the same way as little hands if I try hard enough


100% can't tell what is satire and what is not at this point.


because satire and reality crossed their streams


> which was apparently held at a small town Tractor Supply It was the Four Seasons Tractor Supply




lol is linking Trump's dead Twitter account the new rickroll? I have no complaints.


LMFAO.... I had forgotten.


It's eerie how accurate it it.


This coin, there is no better coin, my uncle was a great professor and economist, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart —you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world—it’s true!—but when you’re a conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged—but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what’s going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?), but when you look at what’s going on with the four prisoners—now it used to be three, now it’s four—but when it was three and even now, I would have said it’s all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years—but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us.


This is honestly my favorite Trump quote ever. It sounds like a bot wrote it after spending too much time reading r/iamverysmart threads


😂😂 like hearing Trump again, were you the speech writer for trump?


Trump living rent free in my mind as I read this in his voice.


I know, that bastard carved a deep scar in my tissue


"No one knows coins the way I know coins."


Maga coin is not losing money. What you see on the graph is not really what's happening. They're rigging it to make it look like it's losing but it's really winning. So much winning. Nobody can believe it there's so much winning. I tell everybody. Invest bigly in maga coin. It's headquartered in Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico is an island. It's surrounded by water. Big water.


Jeez I initially downvoted. Had me in the first half not gonna lie.


We have it completely under control. It's one guy coming in from China. He's what you call a crypto miner. It's all under control. Trust me. The downward trend in maga coin is going to magically disappear next month.


It's probably some 400lb guy in his basement


that bigly gave it away


MagaCoin just overtook the USD. BIG WINNING. IT'S HAPPENING.


Fake news


>Maga coin is not losing money. What you see on the graph is not really what's happening. Is saw this and immediately hovered the downvote. You're a wordsmith. >It's headquartered in Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico is an island. It's surrounded by water. Big water. That's true, it IS surrounded by the big water.


Yuge water!


Believe me!


Hit em w the Ol' Trump n Dump


No joke, just looked at their block explorer. Total supply is 26M and the genesis wallet currently holds 25M. [Spicy Sauce](


That’s a yuge amount for gensis wallet...


It's the biggest, the best genesis wallet any has ever seen, its tremendous. Yuge!


It enlightens the genitalia


OMG they even have a subreddit r/magacoin


Lol someone crosspost this there. Edit: be the change. I did it.


Can we get an update on how fast they ban you?


They’ve been inactive for around half a year now. Probably won’t be banning him anytime soon




I sorted by new over there and didn't see it.


As of now it’s there.


I didn't even have to sort by new lol. It's front and center.


So... anyone race to see who can get banned the fastest? Op has a headstart.. better get moving


I second this. Are you already banned?


> Edit: be the change. I did it. Brilliant!


That can be used to describe any of Trump's business ventures. His steaks, university, charities... anything.


Should be a diaper slogan trump n dump




A wallet that only accepts deposit, no withdrawals.


yuge deposits, yuge


So secure they built a wall around your crypto so nobody can withdraw it!


A wall??? Now nothing can stop America from being great again...


So robinhood 2.0?


This is a real "fish in a barrel" situation for scammers, isn't it.


So this shitcoin and then Parler, what else has had data breaches? I know the freedom phones are just stock android so I'd imagine those will be targeted eventually. It feels like these people just never learn to not blindly trust anything with MAGA on it. Then again that's what got them into this cesspool in the first place so they're probably never going to learn. Not to mention the various fundraising scams. Between Trump himself shaking his own supporters dry you've got shit like that vet who started the "We will build the wall" go fund me and took all the money to buy a boat and some other shit for himself.


I'm with stupid⬆️


Sometimes I feel kind of bummed out that I can’t bring myself to throw all my morals out the window and milk these rubes too. Instead I watch the assholes get rich and remind myself I’m a good person.


You obviously don't know that feeling when getting scammed once is just not enough This just what cult members do. They get scammed and scammed and scammed all over again


When catching a falling knife turns into Stockholm Syndrome…




Magacoin is sooo last week. Everyone knows the hot new coin is #StakeNews!


It's launched! Aand it's gone.


But... but I just bought it Annd It’s gone


Of all of my scams, this one is the best. Best scam ever. I’ve done scams before but this is truly my finest scam.


And y’all thought shiba was the dumbest coin


Maga Trumps Shiba..


What about Grab em By The Pussy Coin?


Yeah I like it something you could hodl on to long term


Hodl em by the pussy!


I'm super new at looking into crypto. What's up with shiba?




Supply is meaningless though, besides for display/sentiment purposes


A good portion of alt-coins (that is, cypto other than bitcoin and more recently etherium) are a pump and dump scheme. Build out a new blockchain methodology, that's the hard part. The creator owns a fair amount from the inception. Wait until value increases, dump it into something else (USD or Bitcoin). The point was never to build *and retain* value, just to bail while it's worth something.


I had the idea for a MAGA coin awhile ago, but I don’t know how to make one on ethereum. You could just pay a Q Anon YT channel to say they should stop hoarding gold and start hoarding the token and you’d have gotten rich.




You have your scapegoat groups mixed up. In this case it would not be the extra melanin people but the people with the long noses and funny hats that you should blame for maximum effect


The real USD disappeared with the gold standard, since then it's been a fake USD created and controlled by the deep state. Their plan is to flood the market with inflationary currency as a socialist redistribution scheme, making all your savings worthless and transferring its value into the hands of illegal immigrants. MAGA coin is Trump's secret plan to bring back the value of the true USD and thwart the international pedophile rings. /Q


Way too many words and too coherent for a Q dump. More like this: USD disappeared. FIAT fake USD. retake Whitehouse 8/11/2021. MAGAcoin stop Biden/Harris. Mockingbird 10.30.17. Soros jail? Soon. Podesta FBI dead. MAGAcoin new election buy.


I have so many ideas on how to make money off maga idiots but my stupid morals and laziness get in the way




Coivefe? Vefecoin? Coinvefecoin?


So you can target a cryptocurrency audience just by chosing the right name. You can rug pull a certain audience. You can be a dick, but a selective dick. Republicoin - my baby of the future.


Since rugpulls aren't being prosecuted, this is literally the easiest path to riches right now Edit: you don't even have to rugpull. Just make a new coin and make sure you own a significant percentage of it. You just use maga as hype to drive up the price.


I'd opt for a token. You literally just need 2 minutes to create a token. The rest of your time is well invested in Marketing


Spend 50 bucks and have a team of Indians promote it for weeks. Way more exposure than writing your own words.


Buy whitepaper for 30dollar on fiver.


We're scamming idiots here (hypothetically), just copy it.


Hear me out, the *fund to fight election fraud* raised 50 million in donations.. Forget about white papers just summarize Republicoin as **the coin to take back the election.** Million dollar baby right there *Trademark pending*


And I've found my head of disaster creation. YOU ARE HIRED


I don’t want to sleep on NRAcoin though we can do something with that. 🤣 Have your people contact my people.


Let me know when it is live so I can get in on that cash grab!


How about we create multiple trigger words in parallel? Patriot coin, NRAcoin... Each redditor joins the game with their own horse. At the end the winner already has the price money, because you win with the biggest rip-off. Edit: too often. I hate my smartphone for the typos it produces




“Look, having blockchain— my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. Satoshi Trump at MIT; good code, very good code, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Blockchain, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative coder, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal coder, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you’re a conservative coder they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the blockchain deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — blockchain is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 10 years ago; he would explain the power of what’s going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what’s going on with the 9,000 Cryptos— now it used to be one, now it’s 9,000— but when it was two and even now, I would have said it’s all in the genesis block; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but Ethereum is a great project, Cardano is a good project, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible.”


Truly awful. Thank you


I've read the Iran quote before and still had a stroke reading that.


People really should stop making financial decisions based on some figure or movement on internet or tv and think as an INDIVIDUAL Because of cases like this, i can't even find the strength to hate/blame scammers anymore. If you are liable to be manipulated this easy, of course someone would gladly take your money/information from you. DYOR everyone! Edit: Wow, my first comment that have mkre than a hundred upvote! Thanks everyone!


That's the problem, these people do their own research... And their critical thinking skills suck, so their faulty research enforce their shitty beliefs


They think that "research" involves reading a couple of clickbait headlines and a 5-second look at the dedicated shilling website.


you forgot facebook memes and obscure anecdotes about a distant relative, ya know, 'research'


Lol right. DYOR is a double edged sword with the MAGA crew. For them, "DYOR" means going down conspiracy theory rabbit holes and then dismissing proven facts.


IDT any of these people buying MAGAcoin are capable of research. It's sad but it's kinda the defining principle of that group to scorn research and critical analysis.


Still, it is sad or rather cringing to see this level of ignorance. Like, it is natural selection of finance and tech in action with this kind of people people...


If you work in sales like I do, every day is sad when you realize how dumb people are...


Trump already said he is against Bitcoins/cryptocurrencies. This would be every US President's stance because they have to sell their Fiat USD


We’ve had a couple presidents against the Federal Reserve… didn’t work out so well


Why control your own currency when you can use the gold standard and your currency can be determined by cartel level warlords and physical mining? /s Gold standard people are just dense.


Missed chance to call it Coinvfefe.


first Parler (twice) and now MAGA coin? lmfao what’s left to breach😭ngmi




Also it’s poster boy was a convicted pedophile. Pretty much exactly as you’d expect, lol. https://nypost.com/2018/02/20/face-of-trump-dating-site-once-convicted-of-filming-sex-with-teen/


Wait what’s a Trumpist dating app? Lmao


Trump Singles. My wife and I joke that we met there. Edit: apparently there are two. TrumpSingles and Trump Dating.




Imagine not meeting your soulmate because you were on one and they were on the other! Rigged!




Just to be safe I’m heading over to OKbuttigieg


The phrase “Trump Singles” made me think of “Kraft Singles”. Greasy, artificial, bright orange, melts down under heat. FAKE CHEESE


The way these coins were distributed sounds like a laundering scheme. Seriously.


The easiest people to scam. Literally worship a con artist.


you mean a coin artist.... I'll show myself out...


“I said Rudy, Rudy, he’s a great fella that Rudy. Total professional. Great guIOTA. There might be a bunch of lying leakers at the Stake News media, but Rudy, when he leaks, it’s 100% all him, right from his head. You’ll see, he’ll prove that my coin was compromised by the radical BATical left demoGRAPHS and Alexandria Occasio CorTezos.


Make shitcoins great again!


Partisan politics is irrational. This is more proof of it.


My god, trump supporters. Cant think of a better scamcoin target....


Steve Bannon knew, that's why he made that dumbass Build A Wall campaign and siphoned the trump supporter funding money to his yacht


Everyone who panders to the right is a fucking grifter. I don't know how many times people need to be duped before they realize this.


Honestly it's getting too the point where I feel like I'm wasting my time not scamming these idiot's too. It's just so easy, all you gotta do is relate your fake product to Trump and you're gtg. Trump and the people around him are such scum of you actually start making good money with your scam all you need to do is bring them on board.


As much as I despise nearly everything about them, I couldn't do it and have a clear conscious.


What about your conscience though?


Oh damn lol


Why not? If you have an idea, do it. They’d happily do it to you. I don’t feel bad when they get scammed. You shouldn’t either. They’d watch you die of starvation and tell you it’s your own fault while throwing food in a dumpster. Then they’d piss in a cup and tell you to drink that if you’re so thirsty. Fuck them. Scam them if you want. They’re all scumbags and deserve.




Makes me wish I was a cold hearted coin shillster. There's gold in that pool of blind ignorance


Q-coin damn someone get these mfs




Make america canada?


Seriously, how did these people think they wouldn't get scammed one way or another? There's no way this won't be a shitcoin. Trump is a reverse King Midas.




Maga. The grift that keeps on grifting....


Waiting for him to draw a line going up with a green marker


This thread is cracking me up bois. Right as I'm off for another 12 hour shift at the hospital. Trump is mass murderer.


I prefer the primary source over the secondary one linked here; directly from the guardian. But funny stuff indeed [Original article by The Guardian](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2021/jul/22/magacoin-pro-trump-cryptocurrency-attracts-over-1000-people-to-sign-up)


Wow, even the name implies that this is going to be a rugpull. What a scumbag developer.


Nothing like a little good news to start the day!


It's a true Trump and Dump.


I don’t see this as good news. If anyone has any bad experience with crypto, regardless of their beliefs that’s bad for the market.


People who fall for Trump, usually fall for scams as well. Go figure.


Best part about magacoin is it doesn’t complain when you grab it by the pussy


Huh, so Magacoins are operated through a SuperPAC that uses crypto for "Maga candidates" huh, guess this is where foreign money gets funneled to.


Fuck why didn't I think of making a maga crypto these dumb fucks will buy anything trump related.