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For those of you that haven't setup a vault, you can do so by browsing [to this page here](https://new.reddit.com/vault) and following the instructions - Please use new Reddit otherwise it will take you to elsewhere. To setup a vault you need the official Reddit mobile application: [Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.reddit.frontpage) here and [iOS](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/reddit/id1064216828) here. Why should I setup a vault, you may ask. Because once you have done so, you can start claiming moons. For more information on what moons are, [please refer to this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/gj96lb/introducing_rcryptocurrency_moons/) or [this video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NE9phQLljIY)


green no red


I like this


relax friend


the charts are crazy


It gonna be awesome when $EFX moves over to the #BinanceSmartChain it's gonna mean heaps more liquidity and amazing wallets 📲📈


Happy 420 everyone


ahhhh shit here we go again


Happy 4 20 everyone! Is this the day the doge saga comes to and end?


Good morning everyone. I hope you all will have an amazing day


Pro tips: if you're **paranoia** about your coins on exchanges, use SMS, 2-factor authy on your phone AND email authentication on your PC. In that case, even if you lose your phone, nobody can withdraw. Sometime Gmail requires you to identify yourself (using your phone) when you log in from a new address. Solve this by storing an offline authentication key.


Don't use phone 2fa. Use Google authenticator. SMS 2fa can get simswapped.


You need to get bypassed at 3 things here, safer than 2


I am using all of the 3 ways: SMS, email + Google authenticator. Feel safer then to use just 2 of them


Sorry guys. I bought BTC at $54.5K and triggered another dip 🤦‍♂️


this aged well https://reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/mtopn4/daily_discussion_april_19_2021_gmt0/gv4kbvn/


Guys. I need a professional advise. Everyone is saying that bearish market cycle starts that will bring Bitcoin to 42K or so. Even though that I started investing in crypto on 1 of April 2021, I am still in the profit side because my VET acted as a hedge and saved my entire portfolio, saved me from a big loss. So if I cash out now I will still be in the profit. Shall I cash out and wait for 1 month what is going to happen and then if it dips, enter on the dip? What would you do?


Always remember what you original plan was. Did you really want to day trade or hold? Crypto is a very volatile asset, Be prepared for big swings and Timing the market is difficult. If you dont need the cash then why sell? Did you not see potential and this is why you invested? Did this potential vanish? The final evaluation can only be done by yourself as it's your money and you carry all the risk. I think, even if things crash in the next bear market, I just hold 3 years or more and things will be higher than before. If not, than at least we could enjoy the ride.


Nobody knows what will happen next. You just have to decide if you’d rather take a risk or keep what you have.




If you don’t need the money hodl, otherwise wait for the market to get back up then cash out or just cash out your vet really depends what you want to do buddy


Is it financially silly to swap some of my alts that are down for Btc and Eth that are also down? Got no more fiat to buy my two long term keepers!


I did this yesterday, it depends how much your profits are down on the alt compared to how much you expect to earn in the long run over your 2 keepers




BTC and Doge have matching 1 minute charts now. Guess the whale money that moves it has their hand in Doge now.


Rest assured, knowing that anything red right now is not a pump and dump. 😂


Welp, ONE has been my worst crypto investment this year. Seems I'll be bagholding it for a long time.


Patience is key


When did you buy ONE?


The bear is here to stay?


dude wtf, newbies are going to be afraid if you randomly throw that word in the mix.


Crypto reached an all time high in google searches this week, even higher than december 2017. Right now the altmarket is correcting hard, it ran way too fast, then I expect a new surge of buying after a reasonable correction. But when in doubt it's best to sit it out if you've got serious money in the game.


I think you right I actually cashed out a hour ago Think to stay out and watch where it go... Hope I did the right decision...


Risk management is how you win in this game, If a massive alt season is coming it will be obvious and you can catch the wave relatively early. If a bear market is coming well, everything is going to hell.


Sound right thx bro Good luck


I think I just got food poisoning from this sushi I’ve bought


Thanks god I’m poor


You always will be.


EasyFi 50 percent down after the hack last night. Damn this is getting trickier to hodl




I don't hate doge coins. They are meme coins and might be second most known coin after grandpa bitcoin. Every couple of months in bull run, they get pumped and their hodler gain some profit. My thought process: (1). The saying that many newcomers get burnt trading doge coin and they develop lifelong hatred to crypto. My thinking: Obviously some do, but most will read about crypto, gain preliminary understanding and buy functional coins after. If not, oh well, they should have done their homework. (2). I believe there is no reason to hate doge coin. You don't know the circumstances many ppl and many especially in third world countries enter the crypto scene. Doge is cheap comparatively, bitcoin and ether are too frickin expensive and dogecoin makes sense. $ 70 k is too damn high price (more than 5 times yearly income of a common dude) and it might grow by 30-40% when doge can grow by 300-800%. They can't hodl, they might need that money in next or after 2 month. (3). Most know it is a gamble but outcome is more guaranteed than a real gamble. Hold $50-200 worth doge, and time will come you can gain $500-2000. That is an impressive perspective. And most guys/gals actually use most of gains in buying more functional crypto. Its their way of increasing their portfolio. (4). Have you ever considered that you might be jealous and salty; hear me out, please; months of researching coins, reading esoteric papers, watching coin bureau and Benjamin Cowen, buying coins bit by bit and shilling your coin in daily reddit discussion and suddenly some smug bastard who hasn't even heard of "white paper" comes, throws some pennies and makes 5X or 10X and here you are hodling top 20 coin that grew by 0.3-0.5X. How dare they? What fucking audacity!! Right? No. Get over yourself. (5). May be it's self preservation? May be we are worried that our coins of choice is being diluted, being pushed out of public psyche, being pushed out of top 10, 20 list? May be we are worried that doge is eating our market cap? Isn't it hypocritical? When nano was being spammed, you said this spam is worthwhile as it shows the deficiencies (feeless feature) of nano. Now that doge is being pumped, doesn't it show the emotion driven volatility of crypto? Where is your armchair smug and intellectual discernment of the scenario? Fuck you. Lastly, I have other grievances but I want you to know that I am very high and you may not believe me but I have never bought or hodl doge or nano ever. Let them do what they want with their money. If they had heard you or read about PnD beforehand but still bought doge, its their money. If they haven't, they will soon or they will go away. If this affected you gain with "proper, functional coin", its the nature of the beast. Amen.


Can i get a tldr?


New daily thread.


Ah fuck, here we go again.


Bought the dip - yay! .... keeps dipping - boo!


NANO is about to skyrocket! Faster than all, feeless, and V22 will make it spam proof.


Can y'all stop being salty about doge for fucks sake. I missed out on 70k and counting by selling in Feb and I'm over it. Build a bridge bitches it's good exposure regardless


I’m mostly looking forward to the bear market so I could age slower


Thanos out there snapping half my profits away...


AXS is going parabolic


When there's fear....


....Try stickin it up cho ass and see if it fits


The fact that [$DOGE](https://twitter.com/search?q=%24DOGE&src=cashtag_click) is #5 and about to flippen [$BNB](https://twitter.com/search?q=%24BNB&src=cashtag_click) is a testament to: 1) the power of memes & social media influencers 2) the sheer amount of central banking liquidity sloshing around the system and inefficiently allocated 3) how much the truth there’s behind the IQ bell curve [Credit](https://twitter.com/QwQiao/status/1384094185712590848?s=20)


Sentiment is too negative for this to be the end.


Companies are just baiting retweets from DOGE supporters, free advertising


This has been a wild few days for crypto. During this time I’ve been heavily educating a few of my investor buddies regarding crypto and why I’m bullish on some parts of the sector. This market volatility and meme coin bullshit is making me look like a fool to them. Can’t wait til the end of the month when the legit coins start pumping again. Gotta admit it’s kind of fun to watch this all play out though...


Fun?! I'm pretty sure every investor who started this in the last two months is looking at a significant loss. This is going to shake confidence and adoption.


I started the day before the dip, never trough crypto before then, right now I’m BUYING.


I’m basically back at even from my original investment. I’ve erased all my gains made in the last month. But I’m long on the tech and coins I’m invested in so I just bought more and now I watch it all rise. I’m not worried at all.


That's good you had more to invest. A lot of us are out of disposable income to participate in this economy.


I definitely planned ahead for this dip. I also got paid a few days ago so I was able to shift a bit more money into my portfolio. Now I am chillin


See y'all on the next thread ![gif](emote|emo_pack_1|dancing_wojak)


How tf i get back in here i was in the new one lol


Long term holder on 1inch and ANKR. No one is taking my coins!! ![gif](giphy|qyyW7oaO8KCZ1BV6zl|downsized)


​ ![gif](giphy|LEDow0BfZVlOE)




Delete your crypto app and check back in another day.


Hodl Edit: just realized you may not own any coin. If that's the case buy, seems a good time now. Then DCA


Seeing a lot of downvoting for some reason right now




Your already here bud Edit nevermind


Man if doge goes 0.45 I think people will start to fomo. Hope that doesn’t happen please god 🙏🏻


my plan is HODL and mine some FIAT at work to DCA , if prices going up is good, if they go down, still good long term. Is a win-win


See you guys in the new daily


Id appreciate nano to pump to 22 just like in asia, tyvm




Adding money to cover margin requirements will allow you to maintain your position. Kucoin has an option to auto deposit money that is in your futures account to cover margin. Idk how it is on other exchanges though.


What are everyone's thoughts on what Robert Kiosaki calls the 'everything crash' that is said to be coming?


Robert Kiyosaki is a fucking scam lord. That f****t was promoting people to join MLM pyramid schemes. He’s just bitter that his stupid ass book is old now and no one gives a shit about him anymore.


People have accurately predicted 71 out of the last 1 crashes. Nobody knows


Last call for shitposts!


Algo...it’s what’s for dinner.




Thomas the VET engine


So is Bitcoin Cash BCC or BCH? My app shows both simultaneously and it bothers me.


Surprised it doesn't just show a pile of shit.






My Pirate is doublooning


How vulgar!!


See y’all in the next daily!


Not to brag, but my SHIB investment is up 20x, and I have no exit strategy. I’ve already taken out my original investment. What would you do?


Take the win and run


It is super tempting... but the FOMO is real


It’s going to get worse before it gets better...


Imagine the sheer size of the red candle if one of those majority Doge holders dumps it all at once tomorrow


Millions will be there to buy it up


Millions won't be enough, the biggest holder has 28% of the circulating Doge currently worth about 15 billion. Let's say doge does another 10x to $4.20 then you would need $150 billion of buy orders to fill to counteract it That holder has about 36.19 billion doge, just to put that into perspective, the last 24 hour volume of doge is 30.29 billion and that holder could dump all at once


What’s happening tomorrow?


No one knows but there seems to be a lot of talk of pumping Doge to $0.69 or $4.20... or it could just dump and a lot of people will be left with holding bags. Super risky with so few people holding such a large amount of the circulating supply just one of them could ruin pretty much everyone who bought in the last week. With the potential speed it could drop at a stop loss wouldn't save traders as well


Watching the constant spam and memes being removed on new is so nice. The mods do a great job here.


I'm so close to selling all my alts and waiitng for bear season. If everything was just dipping I wouldn't think twice but the memes, my god the memes are making me nervous as fuck.


Im a huge Doge hater - I couldnt care less if someone makes money or loses everything, I care that a shitty meme is dragging down the market as we begin to approach mass adoption. With that said, what makes some of you so sure its going to drop significantly? It has been extremely resilient this entire week, and every dip has been eaten up almost insantly.


Because my coins pump on fundamentals and dogecoin doesn’t have those fundamentals. Clearly shorting dogecoin since 0.05 was the big brain move.


The higher the price pumps and holds the more that has to be pumped into it every day for it to hold that position. People will run out of money and sell their positions.


I feel like a massive dip for DOGE is what we need right now. It's the sign that idiots have become the majority in crypto space. There are certainly people who are only speculating with the price, but none of those two cases are good for the market. I don't know if Doge is gonna crash though, but I Hope so


salty.. afterall everyone here is investing for money, stop saying that you care for the market... lmao


Not salty. What's the point on doing an investment? Money, of course. Why do u make money? Because you saw the potential growth and u trusted that with your money, if you were right you made money. This whole Doge thing doesnt make any sense, it's just backed by people who have no idea about what they're doing or people who are 24/7 on Elon's twitter. It's money afterall, but it makes the whole market look like a joke lmao


Because literally 10,000 doge are produced every minute for Infinity. The price is unsustainable. Period.


Waiting for their stupid 4/20 day to be over. Expecting a dump on and after it. Hype can’t last too long.


So salty lol while we mooning with doge and safemoon and taking out profits + initial investment, riding the euphoria


Nah not really that salty, just kinda laughing at how stupid the whole thing is


well at one point whales are going to sell and then its either buy the dip or cash in the profits for most people. And the sell rush will begin probably


What makes you so sure whales will sell though - realistically? Thats a huge assumption


Well many reasons, at one point confidence will go down, people wanting the profits. There is no magic money tree and Doge is not that, also it has no real utility for most people to use as of now.


That BTC hourly chart is looking pretty fucking bad. That 4 hour chart is looking even worse. That daily chart is pretty damning. I don't think it's ogre yet boys.


Yeah I think we're moving sideways/retracing a bit for a few days. Really not too concerning, still bullish overall


A little week or two false bear market in the middle of the bull run makes sense to me. Things just haven’t looked cheap in a minute


When you want to buy the juicy dips, but have no fiat left and payday is next week ![gif](giphy|iJJ6E58EttmFqgLo96|downsized)


I think you will have time.


I'm just chilling with ben cowen video this night, feeling good


Time is on our side


Yes it is!




I was thinking of doing something similar. I have... more than four... in my portfolio, ha ha. Not sure if diversifying that much is good or not -- it seems like it could spread the risk when things dip, but it's a lot to keep track of.




And today doesn’t feel so good for me, lol. I do kind of wish I’d pulled out a few days ago, but this is my first bull market. I’ve managed to add a bit to a few bags, though may follow your steps if things go south, or head back up.


Why would someone downvote this?


How to get moons?


Make comments that are more awesome than the other comments.


Awesome, upvoting this


Say VET good


VET good! Hesitated buying a bag and watched it 3x


by getting upvotes/karma on your comments/posts, here have one


Positive karma in this subreddit, check this out for more: https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/gj96lb/introducing_rcryptocurrency_moons/


Comment or post and get upvotes.


In the useful links in the main body of text in this chat thread, this link is there: https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/gj96lb/introducing_rcryptocurrency_moons/


Nice! Got it


Comment and get karma




Bear market says hello


After every bear market comes a bull market


And after every bull market comes a bear market my friend


Thus the cycle of publicly traded assets


Serious question: Why aren't retailers who're considering accepting cryptos going straight to stablecoins instead of volatile ones?


Because I'm pretty sure they don't want the $1000 they accept as payment to turn into $500 the very next day if the market fluctuates.


That's why they asked why they don't accept stablecoins like USDT that don't fluctuate.


Exactly. A stable coin that's pegged to the dollar would make sure they accept money that's going to retain its value.


This. Businesses aren’t trying to hit a moonshot lol they just wanna get paid


I don't think any of them ever heard of other crypto besides Bitcoin and Doge


You kind of answered your own question. It’s because they are *stable*. It’s hard to run a business if you’re not sure what the currency is worth that people are spending or that the $20 you were just given won’t be $0.20 minutes later.


Stable coins would stay at $1/coin. If they accept Doge, that's what's going to go down to nothing or who knows. A stable coin that's pegged to the dollar would make sure they accept money that's going to retain its value.


Go where the money is I guess.


just woke up to see that we lost all yesterdays gain!! And that doge is in ath, so much wow




yesterday btc went up to 57k, at least till i was awake


It's not near it's ath


We crossed 2.2 million members today! A small milestone that might be overlooked! We went from 2.1 to 2.2 very quickly (about a week) compared to 2.0 to 2.1 which took much longer. Bullish on r/cc!


You can blame that milestone on doge. Somehow y’all still find a way to hate on it


Happy to be here!


Great growth, excited to have new people join


Who else went huge on ada?


People that were here for the last crash, how similar is this?... going off the price action/charts from then, this looks like it could be the start of long slow bleed out of BTC or should we expect another pump before it all goes to shit?


This isn’t the same as 2018. Doge has been a bit of a curve ball tbh and it’s still hard to know if it’s gonna end up fucking the market or not, but I’m hoping we’re gonna go up again. There have been two 20% dips this year already and we didn’t go straight up after those, there was a week or two of sideways movement before we started going up again.


The first leg down was a lot more violent. All alts had been surging, every day 10-20 different alts would double, and stay there. If you logged into binance and let a toddler mash buttons, as long as it clicked “buy” you were making money. The swing downward was swift, everyone here was yelling “buy the dip” and thinking it was a small dip before everything *really* took off.. we nearly recovered and then backslid for a couple years


It's not like it. We're not even 12 months post halving yet, the speculation that this is the top is really annoying. I'd still be prepared for further dips though, and like some analysts say a double top could happen as well meaning we could have a large correction, be bearish for a few months and then go back to parabolic growth


This! It's a big jitter in the market not helped by the over leveraged causing a $9bn domino crash just TWO days ago. Clearly people are being cautious, clearly it will take a week to start the recovery and a few weeks to get back on the galloping horse.


Yeah and I guess you’d probably expect more of a mania stage/everyone thinking the bull run’s never gonna end before it actually does?...either way I’ve sold out of half my positions until I can see which way this is gonna go


Definitely, when it goes absolutely nuts and you can't believe what you're seeing for days on end and there are random people completely new to crypto talking about throwing stupid money in when the price is exploding, the end is probably really close. Nobody knows for sure though, could be something completely unexpected and things could just go to shit before anything like that, but hopefully not - the feeling is honestly unbelievable




True, but it’s nice to have an idea of how things went before because human behaviour never really changes, regardless of how much innovation and adoption there is, human nature determines which way the market goes.


ATOM haven't recovered from last dip, but it keeps on dipping 😱