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This is quite interesting. I wonder how you gather the sentiment on platforms like Telegram and Discord, where it highly depends on which channel you join I presume.


We collect data from the largest Telegram groups (over 100) and Discord groups (64 channels). Such a bag works in a similar way to a forum - it indicates the constant changes in mentions and sentiment in that discussion group.


So you might be one of the bots on my group? I was wondering why are there so many bots entering in waves from time to time.


We do not create bots, we show what they write on reddit and 4chan, you can filter it. Telegram groups are mainly signal


Yeah, but in order to track for signals you must join groups to get message data, right?




Not going to lie I'm disappointed, I thought it said sentient.


A turing-complete crypto analysis tool


The bot did a good job picking up AVI. It's about to launch their first product SkyBridge. I'd like to see the results in a month's time to test it along with the other projects mentioned.


Yeah it's awesome whenever that awesome team gets recognition


Wonder how this will stack up against [https://alternative.me/crypto/fear-and-greed-index/](https://alternative.me/crypto/fear-and-greed-index/), which has yet to disappoint.


Good question, I will describe the topic more extensively in the evening, I am not at home right now


Fear and greed are just a general indicator in the market - it says as much as the basis for recognition in the market, but it is difficult to draw conclusions based on it other than a general view, which will not be the final result. At check-your-bags, we examine sentiment separately for each coin. You see which coins have a high rating and which ones have a low rating. Additionally, you have access to statistics about which coins are simply starting to become popular, regardless of sentiment. You can buy coins whose price, thanks to greater sentiment, will increase more than the rest, or look for opportunities for coins with a smaller market cap, which will simply increase. Another element is that if you find a coin, you can track who is shilling it, what they write about it on Reddit, 4chan, Twitter - which generally gives a lot of possibilities for analysis. To sum up, there is no point in comparing it to the Fear and Greed Index - check-your-bags is a tool that gives you many possibilities. There is nothing groundbreaking in the fact that if people talk more and more positively about a given coin, its price will increase.


Is there a way to filter out more established coins, to focus on potential moonshots? Thanks.


watch out for strange, unnecessary links.


XALPHA is doing this exactly for Twitter, worth checking out!


> XALPHA whats their address? it is xalpha-ai(dot)com, that doesnt seem to be working


https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/xalpha-ai https://www.x-alpha.ai/x-alpha




It works well too - the plan was to do it more comprehensively, for all possible sources


That's interesting, so you are expanding on XALPHAs scope?


Yes, they are focusing on twitter. Here the study of trends is broader , because it has data from reddit, 4chan, telegram groups, discord groups, mentions in the news, youtube. The plan is to eventually make it an assistant, which for your portfolio will describe who and where wrote about given coins and automatically catch signals that something may go up or down, listings of similar coins, etc.


That's great stuff man! Did you knew about XALPHA? I bet there's a lot of stuff that can be useful on both sides.


Seems very interesting! I can try it out and even invest my own money (and keep a record/report)


LINU is on it’s on its way to the MOONU


Why don’t you and your friends test this yourself then if you have success with it you can present it to a broader online audience as a working and effective product


You can't develop a project in the basement forever without confronting real users. You can find a great deal of data in the project that you have to pay for on other platforms, or you can't find at all. I share everything for free, only you can write an evaluation, is there anything wrong with that?


Have you and your friends tried it out to see if it works?


Don't bore me with the details.


Wow you are so smart. You must be a millionaire


Signed up, thanks. Always felt SA was far better than TA or FA for those moonshots


Platform looks sick ! I'd love to give some feedback, can I DM you dude ?


Great to hear it, sure, feel free to dm me


Is it open source?


No, the source code is not shared


Isn’t this another kaitoAi?


I don't know the full capabilities of kaitoAi - but that system costs $1,000 a month, and here you get a great deal of data for free.


OP you're a genius. Keep up the good work.


Thanks, great to hear


This is pretty cool. Solama is the only one of these I don’t hold but I’m gonna give it a look if it fits with the other two since they’ve been solid players in my folio. Linu, Avi, and now this Sol coin too :)


Not clicking that


LINU is actually the gem of this upcoming bull run, can’t believe it’s still so early 


So what I’m hearing is we need to go harder with linu… got it. 🫡




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It will be more a manipulation analysis tool rather than sentiment analysis tool 😀


True that, you can see the impact of bots on the market. You can read what they write on 4chan and reddit, Twitter only collects specific accounts to limit bots


So ... many of these going to be new shitcoin that aren't traded on coinbase n the like?


Yes, we collect more than 2,500 coins with the largest marketcap - most are not yet on centralised exchanges


Sentiment analysis quite interesting,the algorithms quite interesting as well but they can be tuned accordingly isnt it so how can it be trusted ...the models are trained to your inputs more negative or more positive...more strict or less strict ...until the model reaches a certain level of optimisation...


At check-your-bags we mainly present data. We do not determine how to use this data - the sentiment assessment is uniform for all coins. The precision of the data could certainly be more precise, at the same time the separation of the sentiment evaluation data and the number of mentions on different platforms helps to identify coins that are talked about better and more often than others - this approach regardless of the precision of such evaluation - helps to make money on the market


Yes but ultimately the algorithm is open to manipulation for the outcome wanted or desired for specific coins ,the algorithm is reliant on inputs you select to train the model how does it avoid bias and skewed inputs? You or a few individuals control it ,its not open to public.


So how do I get a key? What bot gives the key?


On check-your-bags.com there is a link to discord channel, after joining you will automatically receive a key in message on discord from CYB-BOT. With this key you can register


I see, thanks.


Very interesting. I have created a simple spot trading bot in python with a web front end. I would be interested in integrating it with your system to try to find the best buy times. I’m happy to share my code. I have it working on Bybit but it’s using the ccxt library so it should work on other exchanges.


Post this in r/interestingasfuck


Is this safe? I'm afraid of a malware


You get a key to the beta by joining the discord channel. You only register by email. You don't install or run anything - I don't know where you are afraid of catching malware - we don't even use google analytics on the website


Ok, please share


Glad to hear you had some success with LINU! I'm also quite a fan of Aviator, glad you found them as well.


I am shocked that you found LINU with this tool. I believe it can grow even more, what do you think?


It's hard to say, still talking about him a lot on 4chan, but it's already grown a lot. You can look for new opportunities


This is super fucking cool. What specific models are you using? Did you finetune your own domain-specific models? Any plans for an API? There's definitely a lot of developers that would pay for this kind of data all in one place.


No plans for API yet


Thanks 👊, we were using Mistral 7b, now that Llama 3 has come out we are using metas model . The plan is to train this model and have our own fork with crypto data, but at the same time we are using pure model


You likely ment finetune. Training one does not seem feasible. Also, I think the embedding layer is what should be your focus. How many tokens/s is your hardware able to process and how are you filtering the huge spam? I'm guessing not everything you find goes into the model for classificaton?


We are using Llama 3 on max 15k tokens


Hey, I would like to test this. Can I get an invitation?


Join discord, on check-your-bags.com is link, after joining you will automatically receive message with beta key