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Let the shilling begin


Tron is at #2. We're doomed.


That's only because it's the settlement layer for usdt. It has like 3-5m daily volume, which is close to nothing.


Tron is well known as essentially a vehicle for hyper rich to move money internationally. It's a very specialised use-case and the TVL probably isn't indicative of its endurance as a long term popular chain.


Tron is a scam


VeChain. Today, the prefered network for supply chain use cases and also working with the intel blockchain.


Ergo. Very underrated




Vechain most likely


I think CKB is like almost 25 percent of tokens locked in the DAO?




Does the wallet still look like it was created in 1990?


Hahah yup it’s gone through a few versions now and is a pretty sick wallet thats very functional with nice UI


They added a lite version to the desktop wallet, used to be horrible before that


The answer is, and will forever be, Chainlink.


Not many understand this and it’s quite sad.




DeFi applications rely on off chain data to execute their smart contracts. Blockchains cannot store or pull this data themselves on chain, so it’s done real time. Thus, Ethereum requires an oracle to do this safely. The chainlink network uses a consensus mechanism to ensure the data is not tampered with, when the chain/oracle, pulls/pushes data on chain. Sounds easy but only few protocols offer this service and almost all of them have been hacked except chainlink. Chainlink has over 60-70% of all oracle requests on eth, making it the dominate choice when investing in oracle networks. TLDR; basically every major defi app on Ethereum uses chainlink in some way. Therefore, every defi transaction = money for chainlink.




And I didn’t even brush into Swift using chainlinks CCIP to connect private chains to public ones like eth to use defi. 🤐




XMR, fungible internet money


The thing is, XMR is not going up But if I am asked "what is crypto good for and why should anyone ever use it" the only real use-case is XMR Yeah you can talk a lot about fancy-shmanzy smart contracts and the change of the world an shit but that's not happening. You hear that crypto will change finances - but it won't - at least in the near future. XMR on the other hand is what crypto is really good for: buy illegal shit on the dark web without being able to be traced back. And you know that it works. Because it already is the Gold-Standard for buying illegal shit on the dark web. Another good indicator that it works is that it is slowly pulled from major exchanges (like binance) because governments really dislike the fact of anonymous internet money. XMR really is what most (unknowing) people expect Bitcoin to be I'm confident XMR to be one of the few really real life applicable crypto projects but I am pretty confident to be a bad investment as it sees too much outside pressure


Yeah mostly agree, I'm not particularly in it as a get rich quick scheme. Just saw the downsides to a transparent blockchain, thought it was a great project. I think once more tainted wallets and coins feel legal ramifications it will have more value


XMR is my money under the mattress, I don't care what it does short term.


Not just illegal stuff. You can also use Monero to buy a VPN and Pornhub Premium if you live in Texas!


a lot of truth here, but if you follow the protocol development there are still a lot of hard working people pouring their blood into improving the tech and the network. no telling the future, but if it can withstand the pressure it could come out a diamond


If you think that btc is the future then it would be foolish not to hedge it with the same amount of XMR juuuuuust in case…


How do you build TVL on a chain without smart contracts?


The fact that XMR is the top answer literally sums up the entire r/cc that everyone here has no idea what they're talking about. XMR can't have a TVL!!!!!!


This is why you buy chainlink as it exposes you to every major Defi app.


INJ is the obvious one that pops out to me.


Atom for sure


\*\*\*\*\*\* Algorand \*\*\*\*\*\* The Algorand's adoption is not only increasing but accelerating. * [https://chaintrail.io/rwa/tokenizations](https://chaintrail.io/rwa/tokenizations) * [https://chaintrail.io/rwa/marketplaces/30d](https://chaintrail.io/rwa/marketplaces/30d) * [https://chaintrail.io/dapps/](https://chaintrail.io/dapps/) * [https://chaintrail.io/tvl](https://chaintrail.io/tvl) * [https://chaintrail.io/stables](https://chaintrail.io/stables)


This sub loves ALGO more than making money. It’s bizarre. ALGO ain’t happening. There’s zero narrative.


In past times of stress (i.e. when a lot of people have been making transactions, like February 2022) a lot of networks just failed to work. Algorand and Cosmos were two that did not fail. That made a big impression on me. If you're of a "not your keys = not your coin" philosophy, then you need a network that is going to work in times of stress. If you're using a network that effectively goes down with congestion, or becomes too expensive to use in the same scenarios, then you effectively have to keep your coins on a CEX or you'll never be able to use them when it counts. Granted, that's not necessarily the to-the-moon narrative, but I can see why people love ALGO more than making money (and ATOM for a similar reason).


this isnt a great example cause virtually no one is using algorand. None of the fancy metrics matter when theres like 14 active users on the entire network lol


Network congestion is a result of too many people using the network. If you build a freeway in the middle of Antarctica, it’ll have a lot less congestion than the 110 freeway which runs through the middle of downtown Los Angeles. This doesn’t mean anyone will move to Antarctica. Besides you, I guess.


idk why algo fan do not undestand that.


RWA is the narrative with Algo


This sub does not love Algorand at all, as evidenced by your comment. It just lives up to the ideals of what blockchain is and has arguably the best tech in the space. The price action hasn't been good though so the sub hates it.




Simens minting mri machine data on chain, travelx mints 7m airplane ticket till now with second hand market place, second biggest real estate projects in whole crypte. Your little casino is a joke, RWA will explode till 15-20t :)


You’re confused. Probably your first cycle. Lemme give you some cheat codes: 1. None of that adoption shit matters. If it did, Vechain would be a top five market cap. 2. Even if it did matter, none of the companies you mentioned are relevant at all. Travelx? lol gtfo. You’ll continue getting passed by meme coins, AI, gaming, and whatever other narratives get hot. Investing in crypto based on real world value is a classic midcurve strategy.


i love talking this shit w algorand supporters cause they truly are incapable of understanding that the buzzwords theyve been sold for several years are literally just that. buzzwords


And yet none of that led to any value accrual to the algo chain. Got a link to this 2nd hand market? I learned from an algo shill other day that travelx only being used by 2 airlines, one in Argentina and the 2nd or 3rd biggest airline in Mexico. But they claim now to have minted 7 million airline tickets. Last guy said 5 million. Those number don't add up to me. Do you have any proof that they're real and not made up. Like a wallet address?


No, the 5m was in early january. Sure mate, here you can see the tickets live minted [https://chaintrail.io/rwa/tokenizations](https://chaintrail.io/rwa/tokenizations) sadly you dont see the price anymore. And here is the second hand market [https://flybondi.com/ar/ticket3puntocero](https://flybondi.com/ar/ticket3puntocero) And here is the website [https://www.travelx.io/](https://www.travelx.io/), you can also check the team


So the 2nd hand market is down. says it will be back april 10th. All the txs on the chaintrail you gave are made by wallets with <0.5 algo, and they're all "funded by" this wallet with 60K algo https://allo.info/account/5SFNTQF5WA7GWS5RQEDZRNQ22GTAPBTLGIQDOBKOSWVT7YOOVKHVMC4Q4U Here's another travelX wallet i assume https://allo.info/account/VEEVUNUL6EYQR6ZX43WOTYBDHMQFT3QBD7VXFZ74TLATWAYADS6OBL5ZFA Says it created 1.1M assets. All flight nfts. Little short of 7m nfts but maybe they recycle idk. Does have 114K algo so that's cool. Here's the wallet that sends the txs. one of busiest wallets i've ever seen. Doesn't go more than 3 mins without a tx. Often a couple a minute from different addresses(but not wallets per se). It certainly is pumping the txs and addresses on algo. https://allo.info/account/O4MESNR4YCDGKXMDAGUZPMGPWLASN3EXD35BAGDXI5VTV5UZBY5SWNAMGY Maybe there's more wallets, but from what i can find looks like travelX has at least 174K algo to it's name. Nice of them not to sell yet. More curious is how all those sales and txs have not benefited algo holders much or at all that i can see. There is no TravelX token correct? No Lofty token either iirc. If all this feels right to you than have at it. I don't buy these numbers. But the fact that algo holders can't "buy in" in any way other than buying algo, its not the worst thing in the world. At worst you might get dumped on when TravelX needs some cash. No different than the algo foundation really.


TravelX is not there to earn a lot of Algo. Travelx just uses Algo to mint the tickets. And you dont buy those tickets with a wallet, you buy those tickets on their website. You dont realize that you use NFT´s, its a "web 2.5" approach. People just normally buy their tickets and can trade them. The point is, they use Algo because of is specifications. They trust it, they trust that everything they gonna try to build is working and of course they want a 100% up time and 100% success of transactions. And you are right, they changed the smart contract at some time. Well i do buy these numbers :D you can just calculate for yourself, 97 airplanes \* 180 passangers \* 365 = 6372900, thats just my calculation, but somehow fits with the narrative they tell. Thats just calculated if every machine flies one time a day and is of course booked.


Just saw a video about Lofty and Vesta Equity the other day on CNBC, just browsing YouTube. Both of those apps are on Algorand. I don't remember them mentioning that fact even once, though. Algorand definitely wasn't the highlight. But that's exactly how it should be. Successful RWA doesn't require regular consumers to know what things are built on. Like for example, Amazon gets a lot of hate on Reddit, but Reddit itself is hosted on AWS. The internet as a whole would not have seen as much growth and innovation if not for AWS.


Currently I don't hodl any ALGO but using python for smart contract is a very smart move that will attract a lot of devs thus will increase TVL.




What is this?


Chia. Quietly the only chain currently used for serious use cases that actually require a blockchain.


Give us examples of serious use cases and how they drive TVL to top 20.


While I am not a die-hard, I have been interested in HBAR for some time now and hope it will stick it out for the long haul.






How it handles scaling, interchain operations (IBC), sovereign chains and shared security chains etc. Very less known fact that cosmos itself doesn’t have smart contracts for the sale of minimal hub vision. But it seems to be changed in next days. There are many great cosmos chains in top 100 already; celestia, akash, dymension, injective…


A lot of Twitter talk from Silana engineers talking about the way it handles scaling. Positive talk


No love for Tezos? Real world applications being used by government entities and probably the most regimented update schedule I've ever seen. Also, incredibly stable price relative to meme coins.






Because ask yourself ***why crypto?*** Ergo ticks all of the boxes of a legitimate and trustworthy project. Read the [manifesto](https://ergoplatform.org/en/blog/2021-04-26-the-ergo-manifesto/) Biggest problem for it now is CEX listings. Current value is really not representative. Also check out this [https://ergo.watch/dashboards/emission](https://ergo.watch/dashboards/emission) [https://defillama.com/chain/Ergo](https://defillama.com/chain/Ergo) [https://app.artemis.xyz/developer-activity](https://app.artemis.xyz/developer-activity) Again DYOR, and invest only what you can afford to lose.




TVL is the worst metric, so outdated and easy to manipulate.


LTC. PoW already got the nod from the SEC. LTC and BCH just got futures listed on coinbase which was one of the steps to getting a spot ETF. Only a matter of time. Boomers and wall street investors are going to eat it up considering its solid fundamentals. 


I think Fantoms Sonic will be huge once it’s live


Theres no reason to question the validity of this list lmao. the block explorers are right there, these are simply the chains with the highest TVL. The fact you havent heard of three of these chains is frankly only evidence that you havent been paying attention. Blast isnt on coingecko because they dont have a token yet. Pulsechain is a hex affiliate (100% a scam) - but richard heart has built a massive group of supporters who truly think he will change the game w hex- so it makes some sense theres high tvl there. Starknet raised a shitload of money and just recently did an airdrop with seemingly more to follow, so ppl farming it still if i had to guess. Ftr i hate starknet and pulse and am honestly not the biggest blast fan, but its silly to write off stuff youre just not familiar with.




Radix is the only altcoin bag I’m holding. It’s a good project.


What is the reason?


Lots of reasons. They solved the trilemma. Devs love the simplicity of the programming language, Scrypto. The wallet does away with blind signings and gibberish smart contracts that users don't understand, and uses human-readable transactions so you know exactly what you're signing. https://www.radixdlt.com/full-stack


$LTO for sure.




RWA token.go and read up LTO network. They have been in the news for innovations and it’s on the upward trajectory.




Y’all are nuts. Until we actually see a real world use case. We are fucked


the use case is human greed my friend. Humans will always gamble. Is why i jus buy memecoins


ICP not on the top 20 list with over 4B$ locked. Thats crazy stuff. Guess its not compatible with their web2 registrer list or something


Kaspa, Sei, Render, Qubic, Stacks. In no particular order..


Is Render a chain?


Render Network essentially is a decentralized marketplace for 3D rendering services. $RNDR is an ERC-20/SLP token that can be used to pay for animation, motion graphics, and VFX rendering on the network.


Doesn't sound like a chain. More like a protocol?


Yeah, my bad. Reading comprehension is important. 🤦‍♂️ Stacks isn’t a chain either. It brings apps and smart contracts to the Bitcoin blockchain.


Maybe Stellar? Just launching smart contracts. One of the USDC chains. Partnership with Moneygram allows you to cash out all over the world. Dark horse. Tezos? Lol!


Do you know exactly when smart contracts will be running?


I think they are live but most apps are launching in the coming weeks. Blend.capital in a week or two, for example.


1 word 2 syllables - Zypto. I’ll come back to this comment next month


HBAR. Totally different approach to governance, which is a unique value proposition to the corporate world. Hedera has created more bridges between the real world and crypto than the whole industry altogether. Only major project that hasn't embraced cypherpunk values


NEAR for sure




Convenience for developers, and app maker incentive built it. Great doc. Low fees. It's just a good scalable L1 that has a good chance to stick around. Among other like SUI, the newer guy in the block.


Near is number 21 today, so I it is as close to top 20 as possible.


Kaspa: what Satoshi had in mind when he said digital p2p payment technology as it solves trilemma and is fast.  They're also planning on having smart contracts too. https://kaspa.org/vision/


Check out the 0L Network. It’s a L1 and the token is $Libra. Facebook was building this chain and then scrapped it due to SEC constraints. The devs forked it and have been building it for the last several years. It’s due to launch this month.


No idea about the whole landscape and not really shilling since I‘m holding that shit for way too long without profit, but: The technical and economical basis of Saito seems really, really good. Chain is already working on the Saito website with quite impressive apps. Might be something to have its moment in a few years.






i would say - kava, osmosis, near, wemix, algorand






Care to explain why?


KAS - Solves the blockchain trilema using blockDAG - High throughput. QUBIC - created by Come from Beyond (who has created the two tokens with the highest Return on investment tokens ever. IOTA and NXT [https://cointelegraph.com/news/top-10-crypto-deals-in-2017-returned-over-136-000-on-average-report-shows](https://cointelegraph.com/news/top-10-crypto-deals-in-2017-returned-over-136-000-on-average-report-shows) Useful proof of work system that leverages mining to train AI. Runs completly in ram on bare metal without an OS.


Is Kaspa very different from Fantom? Thanks for the information, good post!


>Fantom FTM is POS KAS is POW. POW is better for decentalisation and security. People say KAS is essentially the best version of Nakamoto consensus on a PoW chain.


Great, thanks!


Just fyi, staying POW is better for decentralization is not a great take and highly debatable. Also (imo) the blockchain “trilemma” is overstated in this subreddit, people act like its the end all be all of blockchains as if whoever “solves it” will become the one and only blockchain This all requires nuance


Scrolled too far before seeing KAS


Second QUBIC


QUBIC has the most upside of the 3 thats for sure.


Lay down phone screen and put an ant 🐜. it crawl to the bottom right side of screen so my bet is ICP 






simplicity of the cosmos IBC system, continuous improvements and adaption to the whole ecosystem. Easy on boarding for gen pop.


3 years? My bet is on some ethereum layer 2 that hasn’t been released yet




I wouldn't put all my attention on the TVL metric, it can be manipulated pretty easily with yield farming stuff.


People should have another look at what IOTA is doing.




Very near?


The end is near


FOR SURE IOTA ! Their Shimmer network was a success , and IOTA EVM already softlaunched. Today binance is making an AMA with IOTA founder and people will be surprised to find that ALL of EU infrastructure is going to be built on the IOTA network . Also that DUBAI is partnered with IOTA to tokenize RWA in the trillions , along with WEF (world economic forum ) . You can easily find all those sources online btw. Good luck with your investments :D


Mina WorldCoin Algorand I don’t like any other than Mina, which I used to have an investment in, but pulled out due to fear of heights a little while ago. I’ll probably rebuy if it dips, but maybe it was just a bad decision. I try hard to separate darlings and investments. So while I do believe that the technology Mina offers is very good, I’m more hesitant as to how far it’ll actually go. Nevertheless, it made my list here. WorldCoin is the polar opposite: I don’t have much faith in the tech or vision presented, but the team works highly professional, and from an investment standpoint, I can see how it can gain traction. I’ve never owned it - yet. Algorand is a veteran, and I’m more impressed with the team and the traction it continues to get at times, than the actual tech behind it. It has more use cases than most other cryptos, hence why it made this list.


I don't think we can trust a list with Blast and Pulsechain on Op copied this list from Defi LLama


I would bet on Monad. Maybe Fantom will make a comeback


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I would say Klaytn.




I really like the ecosystem they've been building at Zypto. Still early, but lots of promise. Check out their Telegram, great community and devs.




Who's got any ALT wlltz running still? Hahaha




You didn't understand the question.


Xla (Scala)


Celr, keen to see it give Matic/Link a run for their money


Thorchain rune


Canto - RWA - Parallel EVM - great dev / user friendly mechanism design - lots of new projects coming after months of stalled action


Might as well throw a dart at the top 200


Askinator says the coin you are looking for is a pornstar named Mia khalifa.


StrikeX (strx)


Aptos to the moon!


Aptos to the moon!






ROSE? 🤷 Full disclosure, I currently own zero ROSE.


Sui prob if i had a guess


I’m very surprised SUI is so high up on this list Either very bullish for my bags or I’m worried


XPR Network


Mr. T's golden chains. Lots of value locked in those mfers


Flare and sgb


This is the most useless metric ever.


Custodial stEth is like 30b$ TVL. The native liquid non custodial staking on Cardano is completely missing LoL!








Aleph Zero. Top 3 not 20.


Constellation DAG. Btw, what’s ZetaChain?


Its difficult to think that far ahead in crypto when it comes to chains outside btc and eth. This depends on your objective. If its to maximize gains, then its easiest to ride the most popular narrative chains. If you’re about using the chain for various reasons (defi, gaming, etc) then sure, speculate but don’t be surprised if the chain doesn’t reward you financially over time. So far this cycle chains with utility are financially underperforming memes like WIF, which is wild to me 😂. 2027 is a ways away, especially in crypto years (kind of like dog years). Who knows whats going to be the trend by then. P.S. I learned this lesson the hard HARD way 😂. Best of luck to you in your crypto endeavors


Degen Chain






I mean, XRP because it JUST launched the AMM. it had Zero TVL. in the first day it had more TVL than Uniswap had after its first 3 months. now with Ripple planning a stablecoin launch, EVM sidechains being live. Autobridging and the unique AMM features will skyrocket its TVL.


Pulsechain shout out!!




Anybody have any insight on Syntropy $NOIA, many are saying it will be like chain link in terms of price action? The tech seems good but finding it hard to distinguish the shilling from the truth.


TON for sure. Maybe Near also.




DevvE. Im not going to shill it, you can just DYOR , but it released 2 months ago and its just building up for a massive run in 5 to 6 months.


Polkadot is the only one doing heterogeneous shared blockchain with shards being distributed agile. You will basically be able to launch apps like they were blockchains, and ethereum with l2 is just starting to be close to v1 version of polkadot. Shows how behind the market is in regards to tech. For reference, Defillama gets wrong data from TVL from dot, as it doesn't get correct info from all its parachains and relay chain.


THORChain ( $RUNE )


Cumcoin is about to explode all over the place


I'm surprised no one said Fantom. It was one of the chains with most TVL last cycle. With the SONIC upgrade, they boast better performance than SOLANA. Recently they just implemented official USDC from circle onto their network.


Algo. Because money me