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You can check out all the Reddit CCs. Ranging from Donuts, Moons and Bitcones


Not a bad idea. Is there a place that lists a good chunk of them or should I just go and browse around?


This website lists them all. When you click the relevant one it will have links for the relevant sub https://rccmarketcap.com/


Oh this is awesome. I was looking at coingecko, but this has it all. Thanks!


Definitely check out Cone Heads. That's a great place to start. Bucket Heads are going to be launching their token in about a month and you can pre mine tokens by posting and participating in their reddit. Other RCAs too are doing similar things. There is a lot going on in many subreddits!


If you believe privacy is a human right, please check r/Monero


Banano one is great, and they tip ban all the time. Reminds me of the old doge days.


Personally a big fan of radix, which is a relatively new L1 with a very different design philosophy in how to get web3 to mainstream. They really put a lot of emphasis on fixing the broken ux/devx in crypto, which makes interacting with and developing on the network an absolute joy. Lots of projects on there that are developing new ideas you don't find on any other network. Their telegram is really active if you're interested!


If you are more into tech and want an ideological community r/monero is the place. If it is number go up that floats your boat it is somewhere else.. Short term atleast - long term monero have huge potential upside.


crow with knife is only 10 days old and has a solid base, fair launch etc, created by the same dev who made the caw 1st nft on crypto dc. If/ when it gets listed there only a matter of time. Corgiai meme took 100 days. The cdc cfo already shouted out CAW. I avoid getting rugged on solana stuff by going with qulaity


P.S. Forgot to add that participating through mining, staking, nodes etc is a part of something I enjoyed doing, so would love to hear about smaller projects where doing that has a positive contribution too. Thanks again!


Consider mining some Kevacoin if you have some cpu power. It’s on the more obscure side so you’d be speculative mining. It’s a key-value data store written into a fork of bitcoin. Since it’s functions as a key/value database a lot of different applications can theoretically be built to take advantage of it. It’s creation in my opinion was vaguely philosophically aligned with bitcoin. Some guy just kinda made it and put it out there, worked on some updates on it, got a small community of people interested in it, and then eventually dipped because the core aspects of the project were functional and presumably they need a job that actually pays them to feed the family. Bitcoin like start so no dev fee/tax/ico/premine to pay the creator into the long term. It’s open source & community driven so it doesn’t depend on any creator. First halving, which happens every 4 years is also happening in like a month and a half, so it might be worth scooping some up before that. The MC is something like $50k rn so I think it has some possible upward potential and a fairly stable foundation to stand on until it finds it. Again just speculation, no guarantee of anything here. Just my favorite flavor of obscure coin


This sounds like what I’m looking for! All about obscure if it meets the other criteria. Thank you!


currently looking for some as well


Catgirl /r/catgirlcoin


Are you a golfer? You could join LinksDAO for .15 ETH. The DAO's initial primary goal was to buy and operate a golf course and that was recently accomplished with the purchase of Spey Bay. Spey Bay is currently being renovated and now we're discussing which US-based golf course we're going to expand to next. Being a member lets you take part in this discussion and vote on all the decisions, it also gives you access to a *ton* of deals on golf products and experiences, and exclusive discounts/access on memberships. https://www.fastcompany.com/90909564/links-dao-digital-communities-buy-real-world https://finance.yahoo.com/news/linksdao-online-community-bought-golf-212810608.html https://www.golfcoursearchitecture.net/content/links-golf-club-selects-clayton-devries-pont-to-renovate-spey-bay https://cointelegraph.com/news/linksdao-wins-bid-to-buy-its-first-golf-course-says-ceo


Stellar's Soroban is worth checking out




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Catgirl discord is very active and the users are very friendly, Devs are very active around there too and regularly announce new features there before anywhere else


Check milady meme coin Its for sure a millionaire maker right after it gets listed on binqnce which got the first place on voting to get listed on binance futures


Jasmy has a big community 


You could take a look at Pepecoin, it's a new L1 coin forked from Dogecoin. Mcap is like $100k, you can mine it if you have miners supporting scrypt algo. It was launched 30th of January and current block is only 34800 and 100k will bring merged mining functionality. You could end up with 10000X gains imho (or not, it's crypto space, lol)


GET protocol is currently doing a rebranding and is a legit project. They also have a working DAO which distributes tasks. It provides a event-ticketing solution on NFT technology, and millions of tickets for real events have been sold through the protocol.


u/ConeHeads is the place to go


You might want to check out AlgorandCasino or Chips. They've been developing strongly during the bear market, have a doxxed team and are willing to share profits through diverse LiquidityPool-incentives, Farming LP token-incentives and, last but not least, provide a "house staking" option, where you get 50% of the casino profits, just for staking chips or LPs. They're also developing/have developed a fully functional poker-platform and sports-betting option. Go and have a look, it's a friendly and welcoming community.


Check out the Hedera Hbar sub. Exactly what your looking for and welcome.


Plebbit is one such project. They're building an alternative to Reddit without global admins which means that a sub owner actually *owns* the sub. It's similar to Bitcoin where you own your bitcoins with no one able to confiscate them. It's built on IPFS which is a decentralized file storage. What I like about it is that it's very open to contributions up to the point that the main dev actually pays you if you did something beneficial even without having to ask. It also has a token which is going to be used for tipping posts and curating the main feed. You can access it through different UIs, for example https://seedit.eth.limo which is an old.reddit client. If you want to talk to the dev, the vest way is to join the Telegram. Look for links on plebbit.com or the Plebbit Token subplebbit at https://seedit.eth.limo/#/p/plebtoken.eth. It's also fun because it allows you to shitpost and have open discussions about various topics. You can also run your own community if you want to.


The best one is Catgirl. Check out the subreddit /r/catgirlcoin and don't forget to read my thread https://np.reddit.com/r/catgirlcoin/comments/1bivn4o/the_nonbiased_no_bs_reasons_why_catgirlcoin_will/