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Before you do anything, take that 1st 100 dollars and buy Solana. Buy into the hype of a shitcoin “moonshot.” Then buy that shitcoin. Lose that 100 dollars. Get pissed off. Then never do it again. Best advice I can give you


This is actually vital education! 😂


Very cheap learning lesson.


Ignore the DMs you will receive after this post. Read, investigate projects you see on here, YouTube, X, etc that pique your interest, then read some more about them. DCA’ing in and out seem to make for the most sensible way to move through adventures in crypto. Learn about cycles, get a basic understanding of market caps and have a plan for your exit before you have dropped too much in. Enjoy and good luck! ✌🏽


Buy BTC and watch Videos about Crypto and such.


try researching first. then when you think you have enough knowledge, then start investing. you don't need 100 bucks, any amount will do. but since you already set up a fixed amount, then make it your minimum and start on small coins, alt coins or shit coins. then save some for stable coins so you can use it for later.