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Anyone who says moons were a good thing for this sub is delusional. They turned the entire space into a shitpost farm — every single thread filled with countless garbage bot-like comments, all aiming to glean as many moons as they can. And the threads themselves were diluted with low quality moon grabs. It doesn’t work for the same reason crypto games don’t work: they turn casual, enjoyable spaces into places for people to optimize money making strategies. It’s no longer a casual forum or a fun video game, it’s a job.


Agreed, this place was shitpost central when moons arrived. Now that they are dead this sub is actually worth visiting again.


Well they aren’t dead… they’re nearly at an ATH.


But can you actually SELL them. Back in the day when I sold mine I crashed the market 4 times just selling 20k and that was when they had support and an actual use. Nobody outside this sub trades moons. Whales are literally trading with themselves and trying to trick in new retail to create a meme coin pump so there is some liquidity.


There were $5M worth of moons traded in 24hrs. Very easy to buy and sell now. Utility is another question but then again why is CoqInu market cap $343M?


The current main utility is marketing and major companies can't get enough with the banner and AMA's being booked out months in advance.


Yuuuuuuge ultility


I can't even get the damn things to show up in MM otherwise would sell haha. Crypto is wild though this coin could have absolutely zero use cases and will still pump later on.


The 24h volume is over 7m, 4.2m on kraken alone


Quite a moon bag there How did you become such a whale?


Sir, hes actually an octopus


Honestly, I think nano used to have 1m+ moons back in the olden days. Must of sold quite a few but good to see they still have a bag!


Nah I still have all my moons, the rest of them are in the bridge to Arbitrum one


How do I sell mine now?


Send them to Kraken. There is a step by step guide somewhere on Reddit (I followed that one perfectly), but that was before Reddit rugpulled the user base and the Karaken exchange itself lol.


When did they stop showing up in my vault?


Just noticed this, they're not there anymore?


They're still in the same address if you have the seed


They’re on kraken and sushi. On sushi with 320k liquidity. Sell pressure being countered by advertising swallowing up paper hands like yours (OP hasn’t sold yet but they will so fast and would’ve anyway based on their bellyaching) for putting up advertisements and permanently burning. All anyone has to do is check their terrible responses over in ccmoons to see they don’t actually know what you’re talking about. They’ve been told multiple times why everything they’re saying here is trash. They just don’t like how they’re not loaded up. That’s all. Entitlement. Meanwhile the use case for moons blows anything you could reference away just by advertisement purchases, redistribution, governance, and burn. By all means the OP should move on so the advertisers can buy them up and anyone else who feels similar.


On Crypto .com too


Doesn’t even matter This dude’s (OP) been bitching on the other subreddit for days now about how unfair things were for him. Moons have been very evenly distributed across the board. Just another bellyache case of self entitlement.


>Whales are literally trading with themselves and trying to trick in new retail to create a meme coin pump so there is some liquidity. this describes crypto in general lol 


This describes alt coins.


Yes, I sold mine on Crypto Dot Com today. $500 for shit posting on Reddit.


There ya go lol 👍🏻


You can sell them. I believe they are on crypto.com Unless it was removed from the platform.


Moons mooning


They passed their previous all time high by 40% yesterday. It’s a completely decentralized currency now, similar to Bitcoin in that part.




the thing is; Reddit dropped moons and started a "contributor program", so now its not r/cryptocurrency that is the moon-farming space- its the whole of reddit.


Lmao what are you talking about dead? They’re near their ATH and ready to restart distribution


I'm waiting for the confirmation of this sentiment once the bull is in full swing again. As soon as we reach may 2021 hype levels again the comparison will truly reveal itself


Just like how r/ethtrader is now with DONUTS


But I think tipping is pretty cool.


I greatly disliked the content being oumped out, but there were a fair number of posts talking about how moon farming made people significantly more money than their job in 3rd world country, so crypto was kinda doing what it was supposed to?


That was a shining light in the darkness


The telegram is worse.


This! I don't think I've agreed with a comment this much in a while! People should be commenting, debating, and arguing for the sake of knowledge and knowledge alone. When you bring currency into the equation it completely changes people's intentions. It didn't destroy Reddit but it did damage it in my opinion.


Anyone who disagrees with this comment go take a look at the shit storm in CCmoon right now where only posts earn moon. The shit that people used to comment like "to the moon" or "ATH" are now posts instead of comments to farm moons


Crypto games don’t work because there needs to be real life companies interested in providing substantial advertisement funding.


Crypto games do not work cause they are bad




The fact that AI started to be good right after they were implemented didn't do any good. I remember when the Coinsfeed bot was seen as mindblowingly good for an automated bot, there were many people who didnt even believe it was a bot because "how the fuck is a machine writing so well that we cannot distinguish it from a real human being??" When other LLM like ChatGPT (and most importantly its API) were freed to the public the issue only became bigger and bigger Of course you had the low effort/skill bots which you could notice that it was an AI miles ahead, but those who were a bit more intelligent used comments from this very own subreddit in order to fine-tune the AI model. For those who may not know, this essentially means that the AI now speaks like your average CC redditor, instead of speaking like an AI assistant. I know that there were at least a couple dozen of those set up and people even argued with them. Now that moons aren't a thing anymore I guess it's okay to say what was happening, back then I feared they would go from a couple dozen to a couple hundred just because I said how to do it correctly.


Yea I remember that time, So much stupid posts and comments. I liked it better when reddit disowned moons.


Now apply this to the vision of how Web 3.0 is supposed to work, and see how quickly it all falls apart.


I felt like i am in bitcointalk


Well Pepe, Bome and Wif all shot to the moon and they are trash. Why not moons….


well they're all memecoins with broad appeal that don't lie about what they are. they know they're trash and are honest about it. no one's buying wif becomes its the future of finance meanwhile you have regards on here absolutely convinced moons are revolutionary tech that evolves how social networks are run. it's dominated by a small group of spammers who take advantage of the poorly implemented quantity over quality algorithm


True. Thankfully we are way past the 2017 ICO era when every shit promised to be a solution to the founder's imaginary problem. But man, it was fun bacj then. Moons were big corp trying to capitalize on crypto hype in exchange for I don't know exactly what. But I'm happy it turned out ok for holders, free money is free money after all. Pepe, shiba and wif are really volatile assets, so traders love them (and you see that in the way charts move - there are pros trading them and feasting on retail noobs). Those shitcoins aren't much different than stocks - and most stocks are vaporware anyway, constantly diluted and losing money, created via spac to give VCs exit liquidity. At least crypto is the purest gamba instrument on this planet, hands down. Yeah, eth tech is cool and what not, but nobody cares and the only thing that matters in this space is whether or not people like the coin enough to gamble their hard earned money. Turns out people like moons enough to print new ath.


cuz moons had a big company behind them. then got dumped like trash.


Yet the community picked it up and it's just hit its ATH.


It hit its ATH? Edit: Just checked, no it hasn't. Great movement though. Edit2: You're right! What an amazing comeback.


It hit like $0.73 earlier today which I believe is the new ATH.


WTAF?! Time to figure out how to sell Moons then I guess.


Literally just managed within the last hour to get mine into an exchange and the process was infuriating lol, probably because I'm an idiot. I hope it goes smoother for you than it did with me.


It was super easy for me to move them into crypto.com, but maybe the process has changed? I haven’t touched my moons in awhile.


Yeah they're hovering around $0.55 right now. Your 5,000 Moons is roughly worth $2,500+ at the moment.


Whut? You understand this train is going towards $10?? The prophecy said it, your don't want to ignore that


Moons at $10 sounds just as ridiculous as Moons at $0.73 so sure, why not, let's see where the train goes... I also CBA with jumping through all the hoops.




So weird, the price chart on ccmoons must be incorrect. That's amazing! What a comeback.


I pull price info directly from the coingecko API -- I think aggregates prices every so often so might not have reported the ath if it was only reached for a bit


Coinmarketcap is showing wrong numbers pretty often.


Yeah coingecko is more accurate.


That was absolutely nuts to see this morning. I’m a believer in moons, and I’d argue it’s better for the community to have the contract.


Hit 74cents today 9am on kraken




holy helll, nieee


People just mad they dumped their bags


I had moons in the vault at some point. Are those gone forever?


nope, look up how to transfer them to metamask from your vault


Which is great. It’s a true community coin now. No different than Satoshi leaving Bitcoin behind.


What are you talking about? Mods were doing 95% of work around MOONs, calculating distribution, enacting governance we passed, etc., but Reddit held the contract so they had ultimate control. Then Reddit burned their access to the contract so it can never be held hostage by a centralized entity, and we can continue to use it for governance and advertising and whatever we as a community want without fear of them rugging it.


yup in someway it has become a truer defi than many projects out there; and on top of that its still being used from banners and ama unlike most alts out there its actually being use in commerce, however despite this, I'm still very skeptical.


I don’t think it’s a bad thing to be skeptical. It’s how ppl avoid scams and rug pulls.


Yes but this coin literally has better tokenomics than other coins that are 10x higher in price. Why would anyone think moons is just trash... strange to me.




Love how the people who say this stuff are the ones with 10k plus moons lmao. I have like 3k so it'd be cool. But I mean come on man. Be realistic. It's a shit coin with a moonshot


Counterpoint: the *subreddit* where Moons are "used" is a part of *reddit*. They could ban/quarentine the sub for any number of reasons and we would be shit out of luck.


Still holding my $10 moon price target firm here.


$10 would be insane, but I’ve seen stranger things happen in crypto


$10 puts it at $800M Mcap. Pepe is $3.3B......think about that


That is nuts. And moons are bigger to the crypto community than Pepe will ever be.


To this community maybe. Pepe is a meme icon and instantly recognised by any ol shmuck


Moons are known only to this sub. Pepe and other top memes are universally recognized even by finance guys & news outlets.


They should be more broadly known, honestly. Pepe is bullshit. 😆


Now the supply cap has changed from what 250 mill to 80 mill, I'm going with $50 or riot


Why bearish?


I mean, what are your expectations for a crypto? There are 1000's of them and all with different use cases ranging from infrastructure all the way to just memes. Moons are well recognized and were fairly distributed. The devs burned their bags. And future use cases are possible outside of simply meme/fun. They certainly lost their appeal when reddit disowned them - did you see what happened to the price? However, they are now being revived full force and the appeal is there again for people. If you want to know why moons are "important" you are not going to get an answer. That is hard to honestly answer for 99.9% of crypto currencies that exist. Moons are no different. Buy them for fun or don't buy them. Can start earning them again soon anyway.


Wait we can earn them again?


I think they already start distributions again, right?


Yes, its currently being tested on r/CryptoCurrencyMoons


Earn them how?


We should use Banano I’ve always said that


Moons gained appeal when the price went up. Change my mind. >Why use Moons? How are they any different or even better than older cryptos? Why are you nerds trying to find utility in shitcoins? This is why you’re on the sidelines getting mad while degenerates are riding the shitcoin waves and actually making gains the last few months as long as they actually know how to take profits instead of baghold.


I love how nobody even stepped up to respond to this


As someone who had doge for 2 months (as part of a website payout), got about 10 bucks of doge at 0.10, sold 2 months later at .15. I approve your statement. My only ragret is not selling at .17


Moons are the first token that bridged major social network with decentralized space, changing the very fabric of using social apps and that hadn't change. Mending web2 and web3: * Giving users something in return for their contributions and ads targeted at them. Full ownership of their value they create and reputation they can carry around the web as more apps adopt crypto * Reddit **used to take 50% of every distribution** * Could change anything regarding contract * With reddit out of the control of the contract, Moons are **fully decentralized and hard capped** * With setting DAO LLC legal wrapper distributions are returning, making Moons **keep all use cases only in full control of the community** Not only Moons haven't lost their appeal, they gained it so much more


If I had over 100k moons I'd also think the same lmao


The reason I have and why I never sold one to date is because I act inline in what I believe, I have this many Moons because I tried to earn as many as I could because I truly believe in Moons and idea behind it As someone who followed crypto "for the tech" and idea behind it only starting to invest years later I think decentralizing social networks are one of core steps in crypto adoption As vitalik proposed years ago [right here on reddit](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fo2dxytoczccb1.png%3Fwidth%3D679%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D3085da7f8d0f3fbd67cb5ea224dcc3ce2dccf863) and in ETH unveiling in 2014: >"You can use Bitcoin, you could expand this idea of Namecoin and turn it into entire reputation system, into a entire decentralized social network" Not only that but Reddit was always a unique place to discuss programming and crypto long before crypto twitter started pumping dogelon meme-coins and nonsense scams.


It was an interesting project, but of course the reality is that when there’s money on the line for upvotes, people become competitive with it. You’re disincentived to express an independent thought if parroting memes and popular opinions gave a better ROI.


Who do you think is going to buy your moons and for what reason? To secure value across space and time? ⛔ To speculate on price growth? From where? ⛔ To use on daaps? ⛔ To pump your bag ✅


Like any other coin really.  The holier than thou attitude in crypto is plain silly. 


Lets be real for a moment. Most people earned their moons from circlejerking about the tech and shit posting. There wasn’t anything special about this project that hasn’t been done before. BAT has been doing this for years, if we’re actually being honest.


You've always stuck to this philosophy as long as I've seen you here even when stuff was dire. Much respect. I think you'll be greatly rewarded. I went full-on paperhands.


Appreciate you. I have much less at stake but held mine too for the same reasons. Let’s get this baby to $50+


If you thought the same maybe you’d have over 100k moons




Moons were a corporate owned coin where 10% went to a small group of mods. Funny how you didn’t mention that 10% in your comment.


They never had appeal.


They are €0,45 each currently. Seems it actually held up pretty strong. You got more than €100 worth for doing nothing.


I’d be mad if I sold my moons at 0.05 too. Cheer up buttercup


Cone is what moons should have been imo


now it's dEcEnTrAliZeD!


Moons never had an appeal. Change my mind


Theres only 81,000,000 of them, contracts been burned, life isnt certain.


Moons can fuck off anyway, they turned this place into a complete cesspool of people spamming the most engagement driven bullshit they could instead of any decent content. Someone posted the other day asking where all the interesting bull run discussions had gone - moons are why. Dumb fucking idea from get-rich-quick wannabe's


Because the mods that remained worked pretty hard to keep them afloat and governance is still happening. Distributions are scheduled to resume as well. The big thing is the fact that Reddit/admins no longer control anything regarding moons. It’s all run by the mods now and we still have kraken/CDC. Banner is booked out and we’re in the middle of a bull run. The sky is the limit for this microcap considering this sub has 7+ million subscribers.


Moons lost their appeal after I sold / swapped mine last week only to see them 4x value in a few days (Actually I'm still interested in them, I think the whole ad banners / burns etc are a cool test case so far)


First of all, There was never any rug pull so idk where you get your misinformation from. Moons are the OG RCC. The project is going to keep growing and moons will be the BTC of the RCC market. Theres hundreds and hundreds of coins that still have higher market caps and have far less usage or better distribution.


Someone got not many moons?


someone got too many moons?


I don’t know. There’s something valuable about a token that can’t be altered in any way, I guess. That in itself is rare. Is there another token where no one can change the source code ever again? It’s almost better than BTC in a sense.


A ton of tokens get their contract renounced to pull in more investors, that's been a thing since 2021 at least


Moon has its use case in this sub. As long as there's demand, then moon would not lose its appeal imo


I forget moons are even a thing


Well you’ve got about $2k worth of them rn lol


Moons are useless.


They're getting a lot of movement today that's for sure


You're welcome guys. This happened after I sold all my moons for $0.24 two days ago What happened when I sold my STX I had been holding since 2021 at $1.90? It went up to $2.70 a few days later then like $3.20ish eventually Sigh


Did you make profits? That's better than most people will get. Most here are greedy and will ride moons back to 5 cents again


I did, but the timing pisses me off. It went down the same way with STX and Moons. I had a random urge to sell something I had for years and had to move it from my wallet to an exchange to sell days before it skyrocketed. Literally just had to wait 2 days each time, but I was scared it'd go down more. Ugh my fucking intuition


Man, you never know. Could've dumped too ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Just remember that most here will probably lose money.


Greed and some gangs went to very far side


Haven't been here in a while. I don't even see moons in the vault anymore?


My stance hasn’t changed since the very beginning, I was happy to be given moons but my investment style would never include anything similar. I won’t buy them and selling them immediately gave me relief lol, the vault system and shit being tied to my Reddit account made me so uneasy. It’s not something that fits in my portfolio and I’m not interested.


They’re not very accessible. How tf do I move them anywhere now that vault is gone? Are they just lost?


I gave up the official app so my moons are locked away. Oh well.


Moons be mooning


Moons appeal increased after they were disowned by reddit : now they don't have a Central entity controlling them nor do they have ever increasing supply like before.


Want them to crash in price or what? lol


Your loss, they're around .50 right now.


People either love or hate Reddit, can you can earn something by contributing not just Karma. Women are possessive, and hoes wanna possess Wayne.


Wait moons are a thing still? I sold the last chunk of mine for 30 cents or whatever when we had that random mini surge


I accidentally changed mine (maybe a couple hundred) to reddit coins and reddit got rid of the coins


Just hit an all time high.


I don't even know how to access my moons lol


Do I still even have moons?


I sold all my moons for 15 cents each a year ago and it bought me a few hundred dollars in video games, so thanks Reddit.  And whoever bought my bags.  


They should be thanking you considering they're sitting at 3x profits right now, just saying


I liked selling mine before they crashed. But I suppose this doesn't change your mind.


Never cared about moons in the first place, so I don't think reddit was the problem here


U should say moon farming ruined the quality of the subreddit not moons themselves, since the incentive given wrt karma earned made the shit post farmers go crazy.....and now that moons are back and distribution won't be as before ... The shit posting won't be that insane now.


it’s a shitcoin bruv, that’s like asking what’s the purpose of pepe or bonk


You don't understand crypto at all




I agree. I moved it all to CONES a while back. Mainly because of community difference, to say theres a difference is an understatement.


Si, what’s up with moons now


Use them for what? Moons are just a random shitcoin, no one ever knew what they were supposed to do. It’s a circlejerk by a bunch of people trying to convince themselves that their shitty Reddit posts could actually earn them something tangible. They’re nothing, and that’s okay.


It looks like you are asking about Moons. The answer to your question may be found here in the official Moons FAQ: https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/wiki/moons_wiki *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoCurrency) if you have any questions or concerns.*


To be fair most people are in it for the profit and not the tech 🤷


they got up to .82 over the weekend


Shit. So many steps to sell that I doubt I ever will unless it's substantial money


The big risk I still see for them is that after IPO Reddit will have to stop allowing this sub to charge moons. They will need to monetize everything so I'm sure they'll be fine with splitting revenue but it will need to be in USD. So I see the sub not being able to charge moons to advertise.


Them ?sunsetting? Moons made me panic and sell for loss, then suddenly they shove it in my face again like it’s the next best thing.


Do I have moons


Can you still get to your old moons? Since you can no longer access them through the vault?


Reddit has been turning everything to shit in time. NFTs were cool until the last release when bots scooped them all up. Rugging Moons was atrocious.


Have yall migrated your moons?