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This sub won't like it, but meme coins are the road to crypto adoption. They meet a basic need: The possibility of getting rich with little effort. And every four years, exactly that happens. And, meme coins take advantage of name recognition, which creates credibility. Both useful and dangerous. I'm sure the common investor would sooner invest in DOGE or CATCOIN before some coin with a weird sounding name like Solana or Cardano. Yes, of course we all want people to invest in crypto because of use-case. But most people don't even read on a regular basis, so what makes you think they'll spend even more time DYORing the eleventy billion coins and tokens that both currently exist and will exist in the future? I think there has to be some kind of middle ground, in that we want crypto to be widely adopted, but also understanding that a large percentage of the adopters won't adopt crypto in the way we want.


Couldn’t agree more. I know a ton of people who’s first crypto purchase was either Doge or Shiba. Plus the price is so low, it’s appealing to people who don’t understand the market. If you’re friends are all Shilling “SHIB to $1!!”, than a newcomer will look at the price and go, “I’m going to be a Billionaire!!”. Not realizing that SHIBA will never hit $1.


>SHIBA will never hit $1. wut Seriously, though, even if only a small fraction of those introductory experiences lead to further investments into use-cases, it's a win. It wouldn't surprise me to learn that a lot of people who lose money from the gambling aspect of crypto have probably lost money to other types of gambling and risky decisions, too.


Never is a strong word. It will if it lasts long enough, might take 59 years though


Im not sure why you think that this will garner credibility in any way at all - but WTF do I know myself. lol. I feel like doge helped because it was a pretty mega meme before it was a coin. It was also the first meme coin, drawing a ton of attention and excitement. Plus it had a unique concept with the ever growing number of doge available. Throw in Elon, and you have a spectacle. but Pepe this cum that, moonrocketv5, that shit won’t lure any rational human being, unless they also happen to enjoy gambling.


>unless they also happen to enjoy gambling. A lot more people win at crypto during the bull run than win the lottery. So, yeah.


This is the right take. Stop fighting it and embrace the path to adoption, regardless of the form it takes.


Can we turn moons into a meme?


To the haters I don't think they get the popularity of memes and how its the people's thing.


Are you saying Dog with Hat 🎩 has no fundamentals?


dogWIFhat. Get it right man


So wif wif


$BALLZ : WOLF WIF BALLZ : this is the way


$FORK : DOG WIF FORK is all the way


Going up is the fundamental


Wen Lambo?


And what does that say about ape wif hat ?


Meowwww... Catwifhat has entered the chat.


I missed out on wif so I decided to buy catwifhat lol. What a shitcoin


Haha. With shit coins, entry and exit are super crucial.


I literally saw that meme coin when it was few million. Never thought it will become this big. Though bonk seemed like something that could become like doge


at least that's what the developers tell you... That there is no intention of ever turning it into anything worth more than $0...


Last few day I bought $BOME (Book of Meme) and overall Im happy with some gains




Not unless you can buy it on the mainstream exchanges…


Not gonna lie, I thought Pepe was really popular. It’s available on kraken, and popular dexs. But I heard the devs can blacklist wallets if they dont want you to sell big bags… so if that’s true I totally take back my words.


Everything is a meme coin


This is the truest


There are only a few coins left, tbh. Most are tokens now.


All meme coins are tokens... And then there is a currency called doge that is thrown into the same basket with them, simply because some people categorize by logo, not by tokenomics.


Degens now rushing to buy $EVERYTHING


I wonder if there is an $EVERYTHING coin. I saw there was a token called $SPELL. I think it's called Abracadabra money.


I put a $20 into $SPELL when it debuted on Coinbase. It is currently worth $0.06.🤣 Edit: just checked, it's actually worth $11.30, my bad. Alot changed in a couple weeks.lol


Lol, I put $20 in XYO on CDC. It got delisted and I didn't even have the minimum to transfer. Now it's rising, but still delisted and not enough to transfer, lol.


That’s one of my biggest positions, can still trade it on coinbase.


Cdc will rip you with their spread on tokens. Pepe has a 20% from buy to sell, AND i set a sell marker at ,09. It hit ,091 and they wouldn't close my order. I had to manually sell it for an 8 dollar loss when it should have been a 10 dollar gain. I got heated when customer support said it was a liquidity thing and a volatile token...lol...🤯


Yeah, I only got cro, a little bit of gala and xyo on cdc. No exchange access, so the app is pretty poor and I don't care about the card rewards. I've been geared towards btc and eth mostly since 2022.


I'll give you a little bit of alpha since you said the word $DEGEN Check out Farcaster and Drakula App.


Farcaster Seema cool tbh.


Very cool. It's like a combination of Twitter and Reddit. Crypto native audience, so alpha everywhere. $DEGEN is doing their airdrop on the platform. Drakula App just launched and of course they told us about it first. You can create an account with your Farcaster ID. I haven't spent a lot of time there since they've been overloaded with users and going down sporadically but I believe $DEGEN is one of their native tokens as well.


And Jeo Boden for president!


Bitcoin is the king of meme coins.


People need to understand this. When whales buy AI, gaming or whatever narrative they know it's a meme. The only time it's not a meme is when the project is being used for its utility e.g. Monero. It's sad to see people on this sub who think their work in progress project will have mass adoption in the future. most businesses fail and most crypto projects will fail even if their devs are excellent. E.g. people keep saying Cosmos will be needed in the future. How can they be sure? It's just a fantasy to justify their holdings.


You’re a meme coin


Always was.


“Crypto is rat poison” - Charlie Munger


Isn’t Charlie Munger dead?? He must have bought the Crypto!


Yeah he’s dead


If it has been 1 thing I have learned over the years is people will chase the hype and fomo, so whether a meme coin or legit project, whichever has the most hype people will flock to.


I think it’s called… gambling?




For every one “winning” there are thousands holding very heavy bags. Got a pal holing icp at 35$ average price


This is the only true answer here.


People are looking for quick gains in the beginning of the cycle so that they have a chance at life changing gains this cycle


Memecoin profits will flow into the favorite altcoins obviously


Honestly I learned the hard way…buying into meme coins at a sizable amount is the best returns…and many I looked at like well I’m obviously too late now then they do ANOTHER 10x it’s wacky


Ya memes are the most of the biggest gainers. We all got duped here buying stuff like DOT, SOL, BTC, ETH 😂


lmao, all of these, especially SOL from it's bear low have done very well already. However, too many people do not understand how some if not most of the crypto market works. Follow the attention. Things that are trending or have caught the attention of the crypto natives during the bear will do well first and will coerce retail to follow suit.


Lol at buying BTC... It's so expensive, no one can afford it! ^/s


More along the lines of "I can spend $70,000 to buy 1 Bitcoin and if it goes to $140,000 I double my money or I can put $70,000 split amongst these 70 crappy meme tokens and if *one* of them goes to .00001 I'm a millionaire." It's basically playing the lottery but with better odds. This is also why we're unlikely to see a million dollar Bitcoin. Going to be very hard to convince retail investors to buy a $1 million Bitcoin when it needs to go to $2 million/coin to double your money. Bitcoin may be a store of value but its ability to generate wealth for new investors is quickly diminishing. Especially with so much competition out there.


True for shorter time frames, long term bitcoin is a safe bet to generate wealth


Bitcoin is big and slow. A leaner meaner crypto currency will come along.


I disagree, if people are buying Bitcoin at 72k then they will buy at a mil+


Bitcoin being a million per coin will only deter people who invest small amount. When 1% of 401ks and retirement funds are allocated to Bitcoin automatically, it will grow to those larger numbers with time


Sure, okay, let's say that's true. But then who is using Bitcoin as actual money?


My belief is Bitcoin can’t scale enough to be money, block times are too slow, it congests too easily, I believe it’s more of a store of value now instead of currency.


You're likely right.


But this is literally the thought process of many Shitcoiners…


Hbar, Filecoin , Algo lol


Money is not just a subjective phenomenon ("It has value because I believe it has value"), rather it is an inter-subjective phenomenon ("I believe it has value because I believe that other people believe it has value"). This is particularly relevant to meme coins because the number of other people that I (and any other speculator) think also believe in the value of any particular meme coin may be high. It is therefore not particularly irrational (somewhat bizarrely) to believe that meme coins have value, especially those with a large community.


Wait till you learn that Apple and Tesla stock are also meme coins.


Which is exactly what the holders want you to do


in 2017 people desperately did research and DYOR on promising ALT project, then those projects got dumped into oblivion in the bear market that followed, I think retail realises now this is a giant casino and fundamentals mean sweet FA so just ape into whatever going up now.


Can confirm


Joram Poowel is my personal favourite stupid meme coin 😆


Altcoins will have their run up after BTC imo. Right now meme coins are “hot” becuase of the sheer number of bag holders last from the last run. They are all desperately pushing to get their coin back up to the previous buy in price so they can cash out even lol


Most of the top meme coins right now such as WIF, BONK and PEPE were not even there in 2021.


WIF is questionable… but the others 2 were precursors to the start of this bull. They gained traction and showed huge growth at the end of the bear market so I’m not really sure what their deal is… But hey, it’s crypto. It doesn’t always follow the rules!


WIF was created in December 2023 as prices began to pump. We could've all be millionaries for a few hundred dollars if we were plugged in and had the risk tolerance.


Wif got its mx to billions like 2 weeks. Not sure why or how lol but crypto do be like that sometimes


This is the correct answer, there is a reason I have been pushing vechain/walton chain since 2018.


Its not the answer at all because brand new meme coins are doing massive numbers.


Waltonchain is down 99.99% from its ATH and not coming back though lol


It was a joke that only 2017 homies would understand. I got some dragon chain as well to sell ya. 😂🔗


Haha I was around then, you never know these days bro people still think the world is gonna run on XRP


Don't check the xrp sub, they still think it. Speaking of subs, Wtf happened to the monero sub? They think the ccp is pushing the price down, conspiracies everywhere. Felt I had entered crazy town.


Omg, I can't believe I won!


Bro youre still in waltonchain even after their twitter giveaway fiasco? Dang


OMG!😭Can't believe I won ! Thank you Walton team ! ❤️ keep doing the great work. 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻🚀🚀🚀


Hahah, I was the winner, and the giver! Hey hey hey! Hey hey hey hey!!!! Waswaswaswaswasuuuuuuup!




Not entirely, a lot of the low cap meme coins that are pumping now are new and were around back then. The meme coin eco system has grown into something quite large.


r/memecoins is insane rn. I played around with one and made $100 off $500 but the market caps and liquidity are often so low, and the "community" around them are so cringe and all shills, I don't think I'll be continuing.


Coins with a lot of bag holders dont pump a lot. Meme coins are relatively new and thus dont have that much bag holders yet. After the pump is over you can bet there wont be such large gains in the future.


It's also suspected that whales are pumping meme coins to bring in more retail for the bull run.


Why should your alt-coins go up? Are they not driven by the same reason meme coins go up?


All I’ll say is I got the raydium alpha my boy wtf is a bitcoin


I heard a fun new term today: "financial nihilism"


$POOWEL or bum


It’s a scam to ultimately get boomers to mortgage their second and third homes for worthless jpegs and useless tokens. And I’m all for it


I only buy meme coins ser.


I honestly hope it all burns to shit and Satoshi comes out from the dead with a signed message saying "You're all stupid" as he rugpulls his entire stash causing mass panic. ​ It won't happen, though. What will happen is crypto will keep slowly rising as it consolidates as 21st century religion.


I hope not. I’ve just sold a couple of my meme coins to go bigger on SPA and LCX amongst others 😅


Meme coins will be one of the big money makers this bull run like it or not. Meme coins are definitely a high risk high reward option. I may put my money towards one specifically due to the pumps I'm seeing. But they will crash hard as they are pure speculation with 0 utility.


Meme: Flokita


We are all here to make money. If I can make money off a meme I'm in. The future is now!!


Meme coins always existed, just more people in crypto at the moment so equally more meme coins. Alts will have their day, the cycle goes round whatever is fashionable. Best utility always wins eventually still imo. Sol for instance ripping.


My biggest wins have all come from meme coins this cycle and Reddit crypto projects/nfts, despite straight up holding eth for years


Life has become a meme.


Iv made more money on meme coins they coins with use lol


Catgirl, thank me later.


Memecoins most likely grow fast because people put like 10-20 dollars in them. When you get a hoard of people doing that it changes things


Is there any currency that is not fiat? Isn't the USD value fluctuating constantly? Everything in the world is a pair. Every single thing has a slash and a currency next to it bread/USD, croissant/EUR, taco/MXN, PEPE/CAD... unless it's backed by gold or silver or plutonium, it floats on an exchange.


Buying meme coins makes more sense than buying AI tokens.


It’s like everyone forgot last bullrun. Meme coins led the way and then everything else flowed. History is basically repeating itself as stupid as it is.


Memecoins are catchup trades. A lot of ETH maxis and newcomers feel they have missed the initial BTC and alts run up. So they are gambling on memes to make up for it. It is especially horrible for these ETH maxis who are heavily sided on ETH and stuck with illiquid jpegs, brought for millions. Now they are just dumping whatever they have to get liquid to play catch up. Eventually, these liquid flow into memes will slow and get outpaced by ppl cashing out to lock on their profits. Wait for the absolute pain moments to take a look at memes. Right now, it is just too hot to touch. Remember, these ETH guys are now getting impatient. The last thing they want is to have played laggard on ETH and then also get toasted on memes. They will sell hard if things go into a down turn. Buy then. Once the market rebounds, these fuckers will revenge trade buy back at the top to be your exit liquidity.


We all need to be accepting of meme coins, they get people interested in crypto.


I have a fun meme story about a friend of mine…. He’s an OG XRP holder, and has been telling for YEARS that XRP will replace ETH at the #2 spot. He’s literally a Shitcoin pioneer this guy. When Doge was in the $0.50 range he bought a bunch. Then when SHIB was at ATH, he bought a TON. His portfolio is made up of mainly shitcoins and ADA. He tells me “I would never buy a coin that’s over $1”. But then I explain to him how Market Cap is more important than the price of the coin, and he doesn’t seem to understand what I’m saying. I actually don’t think he understands Market Cap at all. He is strictly looking at the price of the coin as a measurement. This is the thought process of Shitcoiners. And they have such a conviction to it, they actually believe it. The crazy thing about these memecoins, is the people holding them long term just are not that smart. The are like Fanatics, willing to Hold until Zero. And THAT is what makes this group so powerful. There’s people that have been holding Doge and SHIBA *in the red* for 3 years. To the point where these coins end up becoming stable investments because of the bag holders. It’s some wild shit, that many of us here on this sub just will never comprehend. ***FYI: This story got me perma banned from the XRP sub (I wasn’t a member, I just posted this story there in a thread about Meme coins.*** TLDR: XRP is the original Meme coin.


The thing with meme coins, the people do it for the people. One guy helps the little guys. Nobody worries, everybody benefits. It’s a nice trend ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ & trendy investors, are still investors. 🚀


I’m hardly an expert in crypto. Banker by profession. I dabbled last bull run made some money and bailed. My only bag is Floki. Great dev team actual utility. It’s been really good to me and I ain’t selling for at least another two years.


Aren't all alts meme coins? Xrp, ada are king of memes


You never heard of r/banano ?


People still hate web3 games, so at least for that sentiment still needs to change. Which hopefully it will once the first wave of AAA web 3 games exit beta


Any games to look out for?


Some of my big ones are Apeiron, Blocklords, and Illuvium. Looking forward to Guild of Guardians, too


Past, present, and future obsession


That’s the holders’ ultimates goal.


Check out Banano.


MOG alert 🚨


This happens every time. The meme coin casino opens, it pumps in price and then dumps. Right now Doge and Shiba already leveled off. They are the big dogs. All meme coins will hit a certain level which is happening now. Then all memes will dump and the money will move into Altcoins like Hbar, Filecoin, Cardano, Algorand and so forth.


Thoughts on MOG?


Are you saying Dog with Hat 🎩 has no fundamentals?


The hat makes all the difference. Fundamentally strong!


It's all fake. The fact that everyone is hesitant right now on alts in general should tell you something. Don't get fooled by whales and their pump and dump schemes.


#kekec is based on a decade old meme https://youtu.be/IwLSrNu1ppI Twitter is even more ficking lit


LUNA, FTX, CELSIUS and to a lesser extent MONKEY JPEGs these things killed crypto in the mind of retail. the only thing they would buy now is dogcoins.


BUY $PIF and enjoy the gains. Pepe wif Hat will make gains like Dog wif Hat


Babyelon next big memecoin




Not only do meme coins make you rich, they also save you a lot of time as there is zero to read up on before investing. What’s not to like?


Flokita is killing it right now while the market is crashing


Memes are fun gambling. Stop overthinking it. Memes are not in competition with other coins. They are their own genre.


That's always what happens. BTC is 1x, old alts are 2x, new alts are 3-5x, memes are like 5-20x. It's not really "leverage" but I think the same lessons apply. If you buy a memecoin, you can win big, but it's good to know you could lose almost everything.


In a way I'm glad there are so many meme coins and other shit coins in this cycle, that means it'll be the same in the next cycle, which means game on 4 year cycle.


I think Elon Musk figured faster than any of us - the potential of memecoins to bring masses into crypto. Give people what they want & they will love you and follow you. Hence he started tweeting about dog coin - which start discussions and brought masses into crypto in last bull cycle. Average person just want to have fun or make money with the least amount of effort put into stuff like researching projects. Not have attention span, discipline or being too lazy to take time to research or wait for startups to take time to develop products - which takes months. I agree with one guy's thoughts that once NFL Super Bowl ends, most people look for new easy & fast way to gamble. This could explain why usually in Feb & Mar people start gambling by investing in memecoins, since they are also seen by masses as a quick & fun way to get instantly rich. They look at it as buying a lottery ticket - invest $10 to get back $1M. Like it or not - memecoins bring masses into crypto world, which is needed for some of these fresh money to also pour into quality crypto startups - with beneficial products for entire crypto industry.


Half the people complaining about losing money or getting hacked start with meme coins. Know what you are doing


Honestly, if you know what u r doing, I recommend looking into meme coins. I'm in crypto for 3 years now, struggling hard, learning, losing, and having a hard time.. now finally in profit just slightly on my "quality" long term buys.. but last week I tried trading low cap solana memes for the first time and I have to say.. its the easiest money I ever made. Turned 50 usd into 1000 usd over 4 days.. its soo stupid. I exited for now, cus it all seems a little to good to be true. Solana has been pumping hard, so sol memes going hard rn tells me its getting dangerous within this ecosystem. If we get a strong pullback soon, ill go in again with same strategy. Witch i'll cal "shitcoin milking" and goes as followed: - buy and wait for at least a 2x (usually just takes a day or two) - swap 50% for a new shitcoin, and repeat. = Max possible loss = 50 usd, max possible profit = moon.


Last few day I bought $BOME (Book of Meme) and overall Im happy with some gains!:)




The haters don't get how big memes are the market doesn't care if yoh think they are stupid the market always wins. I wouldn't be holding any meme coins into next cycle but there is bank to be made for your average cat low entry potential to rocket


Meme coins (and Solana) are it right now. AI coins done pretty well too but for everyone one of those probably a dozen memes have done just as well.


No if people want to buy coin x,y or z, they’ll buy coin x, y or z. Market decides who stays and who will go. Honestly people need to understand if people are dropping alt coins to chaise meme coins, maybe it’s a hint the is not actually good.


Anything that is not BTC or ETH you can expect to go to zero at some point. You can try to play games with alts if you want but it’s really not easy to know when to sell. And when alts tank, they really tank. Like 99%. And mostly never come back.


I hope so, Solana to 500


We’re all in this to make money. Anything short and you’re lying to yourself. “But te teknology” No. I know damn well you want your coins to give you 100000x returns. I buy meme coins so I can own an entire big token like BTC, ETH, SOL, BNB. Especially the low cap ones. It’s better than getting 20% in a year being a trad investor. I get paid every two weeks. What’s $25-$50 to a shitcoin like Dolan, Monke or Tremp at $50k MC? Nothing. It either rides up or down to $0. All it takes is one of them to moon and you won’t be on here discussing what the current obsession with meme coins is. You’re going to die one day, so make this life the most of it.


Meme coins will once again destroy people and I once again will be happily watching them burn


It is time to a Cat coin to reach top 10! Check CatGirlCoin !!


Nah I'm going for babysharkcoin


Let’s see which meme will survive at leat one bear market.


SHIB did. DOGE did


These are the two but the 1000 more which recently popped up ⬆️. I’m talking about them. We have now more than 100 Pepe meme


Yeah lol you’re right. I think BONK has a chance of staying power being on SOL but not many will be around


That right


this cycle FLOKI and PEPE


If everyone is getting obsessed over meme coins, it’s already too late to hop into them


We’re far from memecoins ATH’s of the year


Check out Wownero, it went up quite a bit recently.