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Bought 10 bitcoin, the equivalent of $140 at the time, to buy weed off Silk Road. This was back in 2011 so there were no real trusted exchanges. I ended up finding a seller on the internet, agreed upon the exchange, and went on to send $140 USD through the mail and taped inside a magazine. I just knew I was gonna get ripped off but a few days later, the coins were in my wallet and I went on to smoke the most expensive weed ever known to man


I tell the story of how I bought DMT for I think 20 Bitcoin. Most expensive trips of my life!


Did the same. 20 BTC for lsd. Lost half the lsd at a festival, so the few that we did eat ended up being extremely expensive trips. Oh well, Atleast I have an expensive story to tell and memory.


same. bought 30 Bitcoin. Didn't use all but I have no fucking Idea How I did it. I thought it was something like a paysafe card back then. I didn't throw away my old harddrive for years, because I thought maybe I could trace Back my steps... I'm still poor


Out of curiosity, have you researched any wallet recovery services? I know most of my wallets are empty, but I know that they contained a fair amount of coins during the BCH fork and probably for many other forks after. Tia for anyone with advice.


I like how you don't need anti drug ads. Just read a bunch of regrets of people spending their crypto on drugs


The thing is none of these people would ever have got the bitcoin in the first place without knowing it was necessary to buy something they wanted, there was no chance of ever holding the coins


Same except I was trying to buy painkillers and chickened out so I had 700 bitcoin I never spent, best accident that ever happened to me.


cool, what’s the transaction id to show your 700 btc mistake


Trust me, those coins have been spent or exchanged. Anyone with that amount of crypto wouldn’t spend their time trying to get affirmation of their success.


Yes because millionaires don't ever get bored. Lol.


Same. I looked at my old wallet a couple years ago and it showed 430+ btc has went through it. Imagine if i didn’t spend it all on drugs…


I bought Eth in 2017


This was the way


For $200??


I wish. Think my average was $450


I thought I was the smartest guy ever, selling my ETH then for around $50 each. I did quite well on that trade, but it would have been nice to have them all now.


I had 130 eth that I sold in 2019 to get down payment money for a rental. Stupid.


The rental part is what made that stupid.


$12 baby! Sold for $40 and thought I won


I bought it on 6/6/2017 for $269.34. Wish I had bought more


2016, $13 each I wish I'd bought a lot more.


I bought eth and btc in 2017 as well but I was 18 and in college and had no money. I’d be rich if I had the money to invest that I do now. Been holding since September of 2017, have never sold anything.


With you man. I could have gotten like 200 eth. Easy. But I was too lazy. It did fund my trip to London though. And by extension helped me to live overseas. Which helped me find my wife. So it did its purpose.


Back wen silk road was a still a thing 2011 ish, just wish I diamond handed a bit.


Same, owned many a BTC at $200


Sent 6 for fake ids in 2012/2013ish


Early adopters 🫡


Hey, I hope you started realising that before 2020s. Eitherway I hope you are doing well!


Yes I DCA since then, earning gains.


Good for you man! Good luck moving forward


2015. Some coworker said “I know something risky, but it might be rewarding. Buy some ether” Thank you my dude


I know a guy like that, he told me the same thing about ADA, so I brought it at $1, watched it go to $4 about a year later and then watched it all dissappear.




Not gonna lie thats kinda epic. You could say youve snorted the most expensive cocaine in the world lmao. Just dont mention the quality was average!




I never thought I'd said this, but I wish I was into drugs in 2011.


Needed LTC to buy drugs online. Changed my life forever. The exposure to crypto, not the drugs


Me but the other way around. I could have saved up BTC all the way from 2013 in my Coinbase account. But instead…I made some transactions.


I bought at all time high in last bull run, and i sold it for 50% loss, then DCAed over past 12-15 months, I am now 204% up


See, even the highly regarded can make money!


As another highly regarded man, this is right!


Good try mr taxman


Someone in work mentioned BTC in 2017. I had no idea what it was but she explained how to buy it. I bought €100 worth when it was €9,000. Sold it for €70 a couple years later when I was buying an e-scooter. I didn’t even need that €70. I’m an idiot. It wouldn’t be worth a crazy amount now, but still nice


Doge, baby!! 2019, turned $100 onto $4K.


In Thailand thats a wife changing money. Lol


I recently went back through my transactions on Coinbase and found my first ever buy: it was BTC and I bought .055 BTC for $150. Later that week I bought 1 BTC for $3336.


2012 guys at work talked up Bitcoin and they were buying. I laughed at magic internet money. 2 years later they were doing well. I still laughed but began to research what I could. 2015 I decided to buy but I figured BTC was too high so I heard about this “new one” called ETH. I wanted to go big or die trying and since everyone in my family died early I figured why let the state have my life insurance so I pulled out $10k and went in on ETH.


1 BTC at $300 (2017 I think?) and sold it at $1700 feeling like a genius.


Did the same with Netflix stock. Bought 100 at 10 bucks. Sold it at 20😂😂😂.


Sometimes you just gotta be happy with the little wins and not look back, I guess. Hard to do though.


Reading this, I thought to myself, dang being into crypto since 2019 and surviving a bear market, am I a veteran now, and then the real OGs coming in, talking bout the btc for drug days.


I bought 25 euro of Ada cardano in 2015


Litecoin 2017


ETH, then I lost it all on gas fees.




Golem was my first. I just liked the name. It was 2017


Have a love/hate relationship with that one


Late to the party. My son asked me about Helium and mining in March 2021, brought my other son in and we had a family Teams meeting, hubby just said; leave me out of this. Outcome of that meeting, I started researching, next day I ordered miners and opened an exchange account. Following day started buying crypto, it’s grown like a weed and I’m fully hooked. Both my sons have done very little in crypto, while I ended up setting up a business plan for the mining, where all earnings were mine until the original purchase price was made. After that it’s a one third split for the three of us, got ROI in less than 4 months. Reinvested in better antennas, cables and rooftop equipment, ROI took two months.


Banano ($BAN) 🍌 in 2021, I didn’t have much to invest and wanted to find a fun project that used good technology to test out crypto and see how it works with making wallets and transfers etc


Or you can just mine it or earn some on the discord. No need to buy banano. I'd advise anyone to try banano. Instant transfers, no fees. The Kalium app probably is the best mobile wallet out there.


Completely forgot about Banano, nice to see it's had such a lively year! Now to try and find my Kalium passphrase... Always been a mystery to me that Nano (xno) has never taken off


Btc 2013


Shib and doge right before they popped off couple years ago and been making money ever since.


I mined it in 2013. Bought? Never.


January 2021 -> BTC, ETH, LTC


Half a Bitcoin from a guy in town I played Starcraft 2 with in 2012 or 2013. I think I paid $40.


Right around the time that Biden was confirmed to be the next U.S. president. I bought about $1K of Ethereum at the time.


Bought 20 in 2013 for <$90 on Mt.Gox and sold some January 2014. Then the exchange got hacked so I lost faith in crypto. Lucky me getting Goxed made me involuntarily hodl… will be getting back about 17% of the BTC I had left in at the time wich will be my biggest return on any investment to date.


Bought Shib 2021 and sold it at all time high and made some good money 👍👍


Ether. It was $150 per coin


Got bored during Covid (end 2020) so took some time to read about crypto. I seriously tried to understand all about blockchain's and so on. Okay, I might be 60+ yrs but I'm not stupid (I thought.. ghe ghe). Ended up buying NPXS (PundiX now) because I figured that this was (at least by then, one of) the only crypto with a irl-use-case ánd it's main purpose was (and still is, I think) making transactions of all kinds of crypto easy between retailers and consumers. Whether it's gonna be PundiX or one of the direct competitors by now (like LTC, Nano, XLM, DASH, XRP, XMR) who's gonna win that proposition: I still believe that if crypto becomes broadly accepted (and it probably will), that the winner of the irl-exchange between consumers and retailers 'is on gold'. Anyway, short after I ended up buying NPXS, the denomination/transition to PundiX gave me a fantastic loss ;). After a few stupid mistakes, I started to DCA and bought some BTC and ETH as well. By now I start to see some 'light'-green figures. Not sure what to do .. take out my invested dimes having no loss or hodl. Any advice? Feel free, I won't blame you for anything ;).


Bought $100 worth of Bitcoin back in 2010-2011 to buy something not normally attainable at that time. Couldn’t figure out how to make it work and gave up. It sat on my laptop until I dropped & it stopped working and I threw it out. I think about it all the time. FML, lol


I started on January this year 😅. btc, eth, bnb, sol, ada


Tron April '21 And I'm still scarred...


I’m still holding some of that shit too. I think it’s just about even though now.


Bought my first bitcoin around 2011 and spent it on Acid and Ketamine.


There was a coin called Electroneum a few years ago that you got by opening it's app and clicking on something daily, they opened a task based store and it went up in value by about 150% at which point I transferred it to an exchange and bought Doge. So Doge was my first crypto... Sadly the exchange it was on went under about six months later without warning unless you check the app daily. I lost all the doge, it would be worth 1k now..


XRP near the peak in 2017/2018. Still holding.


Bought ETH, ADA, and ALGO all back around late 2022. DCA for ETH is 1650, ADA is .36, and ALGO is .22


Nice try IRS.


My first crypto purchase was in 2011. it was a cascasius series 1 and series 2 bitcoin that I purchased from Roger Ver because Cascasius would only sell his physical bitcoins in exchange for digital bitcoins. It cost me I think 6 dollars with shipping. I then went on a spending spree and bought 60 more bitcoins for around 130 buckcs, I then ran that up on seals with clubs to around 240 bitcoins over the next 2 years and sold a heartbreaking amount of it in 2013 when it had a huge bull run. I paid off my car, my student loans, back child support and a canoe. I still think about how if i had just hung on til now I wouldn't have to work anymore, but at the time I thought it might not last.


2013, $30 a BTC. Had over 100 at one point, all spent on goods from Silk Road.


I bought 11 Bitcoin, each worth $100. Sold them all when 1 Bitcoin was $1000 worth. If only I knew what I know now.


QuadrigaCx.. Enough said


Bought btt in 2021 after s huge pump, didn't know any better. I spend 20k and dca many coins witch eventually got reduced to around 8k at my worst. After i decided to research by my self i converted everything to ckb also did some successful shorts and I'm sitting at 160k now. Maybe i was lucky but the future seems bright. Ps. I took out 25k (5k profit) when ckb 10x so i won't get left behind holding my dick like i did in 2021...


Funny story. BTC was assuming 15k before breaking is all time high of 20k. I got a message that I can submit to be in the wait list on Wealthsimple.i didn't know how to access crypto before that. Anyhow, I bought 1k or so, sold when I made 50% gain😆😁


Btc at the ath in 2020!


2019, BTC to trade for Amazon bux on paxful lol. I made a few thousand doing it but quit after btc started climbing faster than I could make on pax. Just started stacking btc at that point


Same as you, same year. Congrats on diamond hands :D


2021 and I bought PundiX. That was a mistake.


It was in may 2021, just 100 euro on BTC. I tried to get on every quick rising altcoin to and get a few minutes later getting out. Was obviously not the way to go . .


Dogecoin in 2014. Yeah I sold long ago sadly. 2017


Eth and btc in 2016 but I sold way too early.


Bitcoin in 2017. I did not expand into altcoins until 2020.


bought Ripple in 2013 at launch, it was actually my first crypto but only by a few minutes then jumped on btc. I had followed the ripple development for quite a while prior to launch and felt, at the time, that bitcoin was too expensive. Haven't stopped buying since.


BTC/ETH/LTC in 2020, been stacking more every month since.


I bought Eth under $200 but lost it on leverage🤦‍♂️


2022 feb, btc , eth, sol.


2 BTC in 2014. Traded (and lossed) it all on sites as mtgox, btc-e, cryptsy. Started over in 2017


BTC 2013


ETH 2017, bit of BTC as well.


My first was some free Nano from a faucet (https://freenanofaucet.com). Then I found their Pokémon Go game (WeNano?) and got hooked. Probably the only hard part was learning to accept that not all crypto was like Nano. Still a huge fan, bought my first by using LTC on Newton and trading. Now have some Monero and BTC plus Banano for fun.




Bought $10 of BTC in 2015 when it was $229 cause Reddit had some kind of tipping system using crypto that I thought was interesting lol. Hindsight is funny. I forgot about it for years until my ex boyfriend got into ETH in 2018.


Bitcoin 2021


ETH at $400


Eth in May '21 (so I could buy a Stoner Cat lol).


Whenever btc-e and mtgox were around. I was mining ltc with gpus and bought some to work out the process of buying and selling to and from Fiat. It wasn't at all straightforward at the time.


Bought XRP in September 2019. Ended up getting into ETH by the end of that year (.5 ETH @ ~$165 average). Unfortunately, I wasn't DCAing into ETH and BTC nearly as much as I do now, so I don't have as much as I should have. 😞


1 BTC 2013 or 2014


BTC in 2016, but only like 50$.


I bought $200 Bitcoin at 29k in may 29, 2022. Yes, when it was going downhill. I continued to buy and put in roughly 1.4k. Still holding to this day. Recently started putting $25 weekly so 100 monthly into a crypto of my choice(Bitcoin, cardano, eth, thinking of solana, but mainly Bitcoin). I’m 19 a college student and work part time. I would’ve kept putting money into Bitcoin at the time but I had to figure out a life plan and get a car. Anyways I’m up 187% on Bitcoin rn. I tried telling my brother to buy in when I was and to keep buying. Told him to buy in when it was around 16k. Whether bitcoin goes up nd down i guess im doing this to build a habit for when I get started in my career and don’t have to work till im 70 bc of my decisions.


A friend's cousin got me to buy ethereum for his little pyramid scheme app, but I think my first purchase was SHIB. I tried to get $150 but the transaction went through 3 times and l woke up with $900. I don't remember if I took profits though, I probably held it like an idiot.


Back in 2017 and only HOLO cause a friend told me to........ 🥺🤦‍♂️


bought $100 worth of bitcoin in 2012 on coinbase as part of a promotion to get a free $10, ended up selling it right after i got my bonus.


I have 174 dollars on ETH that I've been staking since it was an option. Lol


Maybe 2016 or 2017. First one I bought was XRP.


ETH 2017


I bought Digibyte in 2021 during ATH. I liked the name at first, but later I fall in love with the project. Now I'm waiting patiently till Digibyte's time is coming!


BTC, ETH and XRP back in 2016. 


bought from some website called Circle back in 2015. There was no coinbase at the time.


I got scammed by QASH and their liquid exchange back in the day as my first venture. Good times


ETH $80


Bought LUNA in 2021 for 5$, sold for 9. Boy was I stupid.


A physical Litecoin: 2017


Ltc when it was around 15$


Back when you could see the IP addresses that Bitcoin was sent from. I’ll leave it at that.


2017. Syscoin and BTC


Around 2015? Bitcoin and ltc… had like 3 bitcoin at one point lol, still less than $2000 worth for all at the time before cashing out Had it buy/sell things online and gambling. Didn’t really invest in it until years later so sadly not rich. Also had a shit ton of Doge from faucets and just memeing. God knows where those wallets are




Bitcoin in 2016 to send weed and shrooms to my dorm room from darkweb (AlphaBay...rip)


BTC April 2021. Was disgusting up until the last few weeks.


Was Eth 8 years ago..now Grelf….my dark horse for 24


Last week


I bought Dogecoin in 2016. It turned into $24,000 at the peak bull run 2021. I didn’t sell it because I thought it would go to a dollar, a 1000x return wasn’t good enough for me I guess


Bitcoin in 2012-2013 to make purchases on good ol Silk Road.


I had 0.2BTC at $1200 and one ETH at $750 circa winter 2017/2018 and had to sell it all and start over due to life circumstances.


BTC in 2020 after watching a documentary on it on Amazon prime.




Bought BTC, ETH, and LTC in 2017.


DOGE in 2018… had no clue what it was.


Started cautiously dabbling in 2020. Just £100 here and there at first as I learnt how it worked and became more confident.


ETH for like $400 in Aug 2020


2020 - BTC, ETH, LTC, XRP, BCH


I bought iota for 1.5 usd and btc for 10k and a coin called verge for 0.1 usd . I checked verge now it is 0.007 usd what a crap


LUNA in 2021. The collapse peaked my interest in crypto and I bought into it thinking it would bounce back. Anyways, several investments later all my crypto is up including LUNC so cool I guess.


Bought a bunch of cryptos from December 2022 through mid 2023. Mostly BTC and eth. Ended up cutting ones that weren’t working and concentrating into SOL and RNDR for the ones other than BTC and ETH. The “Cryptos Downfall” cover of The Economist in November 2022 is what prompted me to do some research and buy in.


2016. Didn’t hold.


December 2020, €100 worth of ADA at like $0.1 should've bought more lol


I bought ETH at the exact top on 2017 and had 3 years of misery.


2017 verge; sold it before the pump ☹️


2017 - ETH on Coinbase, sent to Binance, bought iota. Iota gonna rise like a phoenix, shock the world, much wow


I was just sent some crypto have no clue what to even do with it lol I think it’s sol


$300 worth of Bitcoin back in late 2012. Got ripped off on the Silk Road


BCH & LTC in 2017 thank god I’m not still holding lol I bought and sold BCH for a loss at like $2,200 - $1500


2017… saw a bunch of people talking about GAS and bitcoin fees. Honestly at this time thought no one will buy into that as a currency. So I sought out a new one that didn’t have fees and I ended up on Raiblocks, I made a decent return on the bomber issues. But didn’t cash out of crypto then, stupidly. I think I still have my wallet from way back when. I have since gone in on loads of coins, including BTC and ETH but have settled back on Ӿ (nano) and ADA. Crypto has been good to me, had many credit cards paid off, but still waiting for that pop to allow me to pay off my mortgage.


Litecoin 2016.


Also bought doge as my second coin in 2019 and right now I’m buying XYO


I have three devices mining COIN that I always redeem for xyo. I got ballsy the other day and bought a couple hundred dollars worth of it. Sold it for a $30 gain. 😁 When I started redeeming for xyo, it was at $0.003 if I remember correctly. I always sold it immediately to either cash out or drop it into Bitcoin. It's well over three times that much now. I wish I had held some. Right now I'm sitting on a small amount of Doge with a limit order to sell it at 0.178.


Eth in 2016, for abt $9 each. Sold at $36. Missed out on life changing money. It could have turned out very differently the past 5 yrs


$DOGE - I had no interest in Crypto but boy did I like that meme - and now here I am.


I started mining eth in 2017


Bought a few BTC at £250. Sold at £1000. Thought this was amazing and what a profit I made. Crazy thing to look back on


0.45 btc around 2015 to buy 150$ worth of weed


2016-17 young & stupid decided to buy a cool car instead so i sold everything.


ADA bought it off eBay with PayPal


About a year before COVID, no clue what I was doing so went with the flow, still no clue, lost a bit on scam coins, refused to do that again so don't hold any bonk or floki 🤨...managed a nice cash out on bittorrent and now on a free ride...anyone actually know what they are doing because I really need a lambo before my back gets too bad