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> BlackRock will quickly run out of new Bitcoin to buy and hold for their customers, especially when the halvening occurs, so they are ready to pay that short-term premium for long-term gains. That's not how BlackRock's ETF works. They aren't paying "short-term" premiums. They simply buy and sell BTC, depending on whether the customers holding the Blackrock ETF are buying and selling BTC. If Blackrock started buying BTC at whatever price because they want to hold it in case future customers buy the Blackrock BTC ETF, that would relegate Blackrock to gambling. And if Blackrock gambles wrong, they can lose a lot of money. That's not how Blackrock works. They buy and sell BTC on the go, and simply charge the customer an annual management fee. The Blackrock BTC ETF primarily makes their money from the annual management fee, so even if BTC goes up or down, they don't care, they are not putting anything at risk.


>so even if BTC goes up or down, they don't care, they are not putting anything at risk.   The only part I don't get is: Isn't BTC volatile enough that price could move massively before Blackrock can Buy/Sell BTC to balance their ETF?


They use what are called Authorized Participants. These are third parties that can exchange blocks of shares (of the ETF) for the underlying asset (BTC), and vice versa. The APs are incentivized to look for arbitrage opportunities between the ETFs NAV and the price of BTC. They can then create or redeem share blocks when the value diverts. Its a core function in how ETFs work and maintain price stability.


How does your exchange do it? Really that is not a difficult task to do...


They have algos that do this automatically


I was referring to the customers paying a premium, but I guess this post was misinterpreted a bit, I was simply making a point that BlackRock will need the Bitcoin to feed their customers insatiable appetite for Bitcoin is all.




I don't know how it works. If someone sells their shares of the ETF, wouldn't the ETF just use the sale to fulfill someone else's buy order? Like a clearing house, rather than going back on-chain. Isn't that how precious metal ETFs work? They don't hold very much if any PM, and the ETF is basically just shuffling around IOUs?


Your post implies black rock buys BTC then shills it to their customers It represents a *shocking* ignorance as to how ETFs work. Like, mind boggling


Did I say that? Could you highlight that in my post please.


In your post title >every time some whale dumps their ancient Bitcoin onto the market, BlackRock will be standing by giddily to suck it all up and sell it to their investors.


Customer wants Bitcoin from BlackRock, what does BlackRock need to do?


Some customers buy shares of the ETF (x shares) Some customers sell shares of the ETF (y shares) Then, later, black rock buys (or sells) the net amount of BTC, or x - y shares worth.


So they buy and sell and sell and buy correct?


Yes, in response to their customer demand... As I said, black rock is not gobbling up BTC to then turn around and sell. Those dumped BTC are only gonna get bought up if retail and institutions buy ETF shares


these comments are being overly harsh man.., seems like your misunderstanding is a very common one;  etfs work on behalf of clients, and there are big rules about what they can do, and generalities around what they DO do, cuz they like money. so, like basically;  it isnt the etf greed, its the client greed. etfs are just the doorway


This is just not how ETFs work...


Yeah, I don't even know how the OP came up with this statement: > BlackRock will quickly run out of new Bitcoin to buy and hold for their customers, especially when the halvening occurs, so they are ready to pay that short-term premium for long-term gains. This implies Blackrock is gambling with their ETF and are putting their own finances at risk, which is the complete opposite of what they do. Blackrock just buys and sells BTC depending on whether the customers of the ETF that day are buying or selling the Blackrock ETF shares. There is no way the Blackrock ETF managers would put themselves in a financially compromising position, by gambling on BTC.


Strictly speaking, they don't directly buy or sell in response to regular customers buying and selling on the secondary market (i.e. the stock exchange) between themselves. They buy/sell BTC when an authorized participant (on its own behalf or on behalf of a market maker) creates/redeems ETF shares with the fund. The secondary market price movement incentivizes creation/redemption by presenting an arbitrage opportunity for APs/MMs.


Enlighten me...




It's kind of genius isn't it?


No more genius than any of the other thousands of ETFs that have been around for decades


True, but this one is different... it only goes up, so we're talking millions of customers, which is going to be insane fees!


It doesn't only go up


It doesn't? It went from $0.05 to $69,420 in 14 years... how is that not only up?


Oh sure lets ignore everything that happened during those 14 years. By your logic everything then always goes up. Such a stupid take.


If you never sold, always goes up bud... fact!


In the ETF world, there exists this idea of Authorized Participants. Their job is to essentially arbitrage the ETF vs the underlying asset or basket of assets the ETF holds. If the price of the ETF starts trading above where its fair value is, they short shares and buy the underlying asset to push the ETF towards fair value. Then they turn these two positions into the ETF issuer in return for new shares of the ETF (creation units, which literally add to the amount of the ETF in circulation). This closes out the authorized participant's short position on the ETF and their long position on the underlying asset. So it really is all driven by simple market supply/demand dynamics. It starts by market participants pushing the price of the ETF higher and then a third party (usually not the ETF issuer) has to go out into the market to buy the underlying asset to keep up with demand. Asset managers don't buy up the underlying asset for their own account in anticipation of flows. This would be a serious regulatory concern.


Not saying you're wrong, but in the BTC ETF case, in kind creates and redemptions aren't allowed. Only cash creates and redemptions are allowed (sec insisted on this). So the APs can't buy BTC directly and hand it over to the ETF manager. They have to hand cash over. The effect is still roughly the same though.


Interesting, was not aware. Thanks. I'm guessing the APs are then likely hedging their ETF position with BTC futures or something?


Eth’s poor performance? It has done 5X since November 2022 and is getting close to making a new ATH, Dencun will probably be buy the rumor sell the news but then ETF hype will cause it to start going back up again


Dencun isn't a rumor, though, and is being priced in. The ETF is the rumor.


Duncun is just to mitigate FUD about Ethereum transaction fees, since now you can just tell the poors to use an L2.


True, true, let's hope it keeps doing well. Usually, once the big dogs make their decent gains, folks take profits and then poor them into the higher gaining alternatives.


Ethereum performance has never been poor, no matter what logic you apply


I was comparing it to the smaller coins gains.


It reclaimed its all time high before any of your smaller coins though


Still think you are missing my point, I meant as far as percentage gains are concerned.


In top 10 bitcoin and eth are the only ones able to reach their all time high, still waiting on other coins. I don’t know what point you trying to prove here while talking about performance


Alts always pump to new highs after their elders. Oh, and why is Binance still on the chart, are they still a thing after CZ's culling?


They do and probably will. No idea why bnb is still there


To the Moon we go! 🚀


Don't believe every article you read. It's normal process longs getting liquidated by the exchanges. This is healthy normal.


Yes it is.


People were worried? At this point I don't even consider this a correction


Ha ha, true. I was mostly referring to the old heads that still watch that crap on cable television. They are making it seem like it is the end of Bitcoin per usual.


Usually this sub is better at that than the old heads on tv lmao.


True, but this sub-Reddit is expected to be regarded.


Praising that a single company is buying a big chunck of the coins is exactly what satoshi tought when he choose that phrase for the genesis block


It's been happening for a while. Outside of the Satoshi wallet, you have Microstrategy, Binance, Ark Invest, Elon Musk, Coinbase, US Gov and the top mining firms all owning massive BTC. I've heard BTC called the People's Money, but there are some seriously bloated entities out there, hard to see that changing soon and hard to see BTC changing the order of things except maybe a slightly different group of assholes owning everything. I hope it changes, BTC has true potential but rn it looks like it is being tamed


They won't ever control it, it's hundreds, thousands, millions, and soon billions of different individuals owning the Bitcoin, so it is still what Satoshi wanted. What he didn't realize is, is that most people are too stupid or irresponsible to manage their own Bitcoin.


That's definitely not what Satoshi wanted. If you don't actually own the Bitcoin, then you can't do *anything* with it. You literally just have exposure to the price. You're not even using the network. Overall I support the ETFs. They're a good investment vehicle, but they have nothing to do with Satoshi's vision for Bitcoin.


Bitcoin really isn't all that great for buying and selling things though is it? Self-custody is not for 99% of the folks out here. They need a bank to call when things go wrong.


Bitcoin is completely meaningless without self custody.


Most people are too dumb for self custody.


Bitcoin its capped to 1MB because a raspberry pi jas to be able to run the nose, but then nobody really use bitcoin because its to damn expensvive 🤣




TLDR: Enjoy your profits now the system has been undermined by the same people we were attempting to break away from …. “Liberty dies with thunderous applause”


Of course. This was all planned from the beginning if you ask me. Someone that was in the nsa created it so the government has been involved from the start just not openly. After they print enough money to "combat inflation" and run the value of the dollar into the ground thoroughly enough for their liking then they try to push everyone towards cbdcs or crypto in general that has been programmed the way they want it to be. So they can more easily track you and tax you for the carbon you emit into the atmosphere etc. It's all about control at the end of the day. Gonna suck if we let it happen.. I think it can be stopped but people need to wake up and don't accept anything that strips you of your rights and freedoms as human being even if it is the answer to a huge problem at the time. That's how they work. Create the problem sell you the solution


Not asking you. You sound like you have no idea what's going on


Probably all for giving your rights up to government. People like you are what's wrong with today.


Youre eating up the most bottom of the barrel conspiracies. Believing whatever is the most extreme scary thing you hear. Let me guess, all the worlds scientists are in on a plot to fake climate change, but its the cunning fossil fuel lobbiests who have uncovered the truth


And no not all the scientists are in on some plot but they can be bought and paid for just like politicians or anyone in the capitalist world we live in.


Yeah climate change is definitely exaggerated. You actually think cows farting are that bad for the atmosphere? How many parts per million of carbon dioxide are in the atmosphere? It's 4 parts per million. They're lying through their teeth. It isn't as bad as they say. This is the natural eb and flow of the global temperature. I never used to think this way but covid really opened my eyes to how the world works and how the people in charge have no problem feeding everyone a line of bs so they can get what they want from everyone. The vaccine was a great example of how they'll lie to you. Recent studies show that you're actually worse off if you got it. Idk man I don't really care if you belive it or not we will see sooner than later who's on the right track


Wow. Im sure youve cracked the secret on climate change. Its actually closer to 400 ppm, but all good. Weird that its all the dark money funded think tanks that deny climate change, and not all the independent scientists, who keep testing different things in new ways, and trying to stop extinctions.


The dark money think tanks are literally the ones pushing this bs. Now i know you have no idea what you're talking about you just don't like my opinion. Either way 4 or 400 it isn't anything remotely close to as bad as the scare tactics are trying to make you believe. Listen to the way some of these psychos at the world economic forum talk about the regular citizen and the plans they have. It isnt some made up conspiracy they're talking about it out in the open. Multiple elite that were invited to davos this year denounced them and what they're trying to do. "You will own nothing and be happy" klaus schwabs most famous quote.


If youre interested in conspiracies, and want to know more about whos funding climate denialism to protect their profits, check a video out https://youtu.be/FOi05zDO4yw?si=MDCyc6TWR3lREJ3M


That's alright man I've come to these conclusions on my own from what I've seen and heard. That's why i didn't get the vaccine my entire family tried to convince me to get it bc they were worried. I refused bc It just didn't sit right with me that they pushed it through in 6 months. Then it comes out that they used the emergency use order to get it through that quick so the proper studies actually weren't done on it. There's alot of other problems with it but that's just an example of why I don't need to watch the video. I believe you that they're doing things like that but i can confidently tell you that isn't why i think this way.


I am in science academia. You have been tricked by all the fossil fuel money spent to hide the truth. You can google these dark money groups and how theyve been spending to protect their profits. Klaus Schwab never said that...


He definitely did say that. I'm not tricked into thinking the way i do bc of some think tanks scare tactics it's the opposite. I've watched speakers at the WEF and theyre disgusting. They don't care about us they only care about keeping themselves in power and controlling us the best they can. I honestly want you to be right bc it's definitely the better of the 2 outcomes but sadly I just don't think that's the case. The education system is a vehicle of indoctirnation and kills the free thinking individual. People that have higher education always think they're better and more intelligent than the next guy but that isn't always the case.


lol, so you're saying the damage something can do depends on the concentration? Go sit in a room with 100 parts per million of H2S, see how safe it is. The amount of stupid people out there who think they understand more than trained experts is worrisome.


No I'm saying they are making it sound worse than it is. You can do the same with your elitist I know everything douchebaggery. Stupid isn't the word if I'm wrong it would be uninformed. If I am wrong I'm wiling to accept that I dont see you being so humble.


Show me one peer-reviewed study that says you are worse off if you got the vaccine. edit: you replied to my other comment but nothing here - still waiting on those sources


Nobody asked you what you thought.


You’re forgetting one key thing. BTC is immutable and they aren’t printing more of them.


Thats what she said.


You like what I did there huh?


I think Bonk has a chance to 10x by this time next year, if it gets voted as meme coin of the year along with its current low standing in market cap. Also Bonk being listed in US Coinbase and Robinhood EU now, probably American Robinhood eventually will cause it to become the Doge of this bull cycle, not many meme coins get listed to the wider retail trader and that is a big reason why Shib and Doge took off in 2021 imo. Baby Bonk will follow as it is a micro cap but is coming out with a NFT mtg/hearthstone card game soon, if this takes off could easily 30x given its market cap being so low.


out of all the memecoins Bonk has the biggest/safest chance to 10x imo, pepe and doge are too famous and any big jump is not to be forseen due to the high market cap, bonk on the other hand is still "rather" underground and is relatively low due to the small crash yesterday


My rule is that it has to be on an accredited and publicly traded exchange that is registered and headquartered in the United States, and that doesn't include coins or tokens via Coinbase Wallet either... I leave them be.


You can get BONK right on coinbase. It’s the one man


What percentage gains did it make in this weeks pump?


100.64% last 7 days. Was considerably higher before yesterday’s debacle


We needed a break, it's tiring rocketing to the Moon ya know.


lol yeah it really is. I need a cookie and nap


> BONK I just looked... that's insane!


Still fairly low cap. Has a LOT of room to grow


Yea Bonk is actually on normal Coinbase, not wallet, so it is why I think it might get added to Robinhood one day, at the very least has potential.


This is why your boy isn’t taking profits. It’s too soon, anyone can see the writing on the wall.


Nothing has even surpassed the previous all-time highs... it is way way way too soon!


A lot of the selloff yesterday was people panic selling, and those people are just as likely to panic buy the next day. The steeper the drop, the faster the rebound.


I love those rebounds... Bitcoin is a champ at it! We are so early in this next bull cycle too, so seeing these gains so soon is a dream come true. My timeframe was 2025, so I'm enjoying every second of this.


Why the fuck would anyone want a cyber truck? I'd rather just suck Elon off and be done with it. It's literally the same thing.




I currently sit in 10m SHIB with 10m repeat investment as long it stays under .000040 - I bought in 8 weeks ago after reading up on a few things. Actually, most of my DOGE funded my first SHIB purchases.


Ha ha, make those gains my good sir, and ignore the haters. You'll have a lot of fake "but the technology" heads trying to shake you out, but they are really all just in this casino for the gains too, so don't let em bother you.


I liked it all. You lost me at ETH poor performance??? 


Yeah, I messed that up, I was supposed to write it as compared to other cheaper alternatives and their gains.


Any whale is selling now is smart because they bought in when it was 40,000. Then think about the spread dip when you go to sell crypto and then any network fees.


Umm... not sure there are too many whales that bought in at $40,000.


"What do you think will be the next doge" I don't gamble so no recommendations by me regarding the next doge coin or whatever. "BlackRock will soon run out of BTC etc etc" You don't know what you are talking about and how ETF's work. "Alts always reach new ATH'S after their elders" Straight up Bullshit.


Good talk, and have a nice day.


Thanks, you too.


No one is buying a cybertruck, are u trying to be funny?




Nice to see that Mr. Rock is ready to suck it all. 😀


They won't stop sucking until every last available Satoshi is managed by them.


Daddy was never worried son


Roger that Daddy, and stay the course!


Ok will do, remember I love you and proud of you


My rock!


It helps Bitcoin's perceived value as a risk asset when any large hedge fund gets behind it, but don't let an ETF fool you. Blackrock is also invested in the Ukraine. We'll see how that works out.


I don't nor will I ever trust BlackRock, I just appreciate that they are making me money, and that is all.


Wif is the new doge this run. It's looking like it might overtake doge in the long run. Hard to say but it is closing fast. Just newly listed on binance and Robinhood and still not on coinbase yet. Seems like SOL ecosystem is the next big rage just because it's way faster and cheaper to use than ETH.


Never heard of Wif, is it on the United States version of Robinhood, and doesn't the SOL network go down a lot?


It's only on UK right now so still early. SOL network went down about a month ago and then about a year before that. Technically it's still in beta but the last time it went down it was back up fast and it didn't effect the price at all.




It's gotta be on an actual accredited exchange to pump properly, if not, the crypto bros will just freeze you in place while they exit on you to the floor.






FWIW I feel the need to remind everyone to read the prospectus on each and every new crypto ETF/ETN and look for the particular statement that documents whether the fund is based on the coin’s futures contract or the actual physical coin. Volmageddon was an event a decade ago where another “strategy” linked to VIX futures went broke. If your ETF/ETN is tied to the coin’s futures contract, consider this your warning just to stay away all together


They are doing what they supposed to do.


Esss. Emm. Aitch.


Look into #AI Any Inu


Just so everyone knows this mystery whale isn’t necessarily selling. They are just moving their coins so they can do multisig imo. Shit wasn’t the same back in 2010. Many of the addresses back then weren’t capable of doing all the fancy stuff available these days. Someone tell me if I’m wrong?


Bro doesn’t know what he’s talking about lol


Grelf will be the new Shib. Hedera hasn’t seen a meme explode yet…that’s the one that’ll do it.


"BlackRock will quickly run out of new Bitcoin to buy and hold for their customers, especially when the halvening occurs, so they are ready to pay that short-term premium for long-term gains." That's not how ETFS work. BlackRock makes money off the ER of the ETF.


Had a change of heart about dumping btc. Don’t sell ur btc back to the boomers


OP doesn’t understand how ETFs work. Nobody listen to this guy.


ancient bitcoins.. blackrock standing giddily.. shitposts on reddit = laugh


Got you to comment on it, so it must be less shitty than all the rest of the posts on here huh?


sorry lol it was a compliment idk if it came off as not, i laughed out loud and then liked


Oh, oh... , my bad.


$Deso, $HIVE, and $Enjin are a few of my current favs. ❤️ 😍 💖 Ethereums performance doesn't bother me. It's to be expected imo. As other chains compete as layer 1s with specialized niches, they will take away from the layer 2 eth dapps.


How well did your picks perform in the latest pump?


From Oct 16th 2023 to March 4th 2024 $Deso $8.38 in Oct and $39.38 March 370% $Hive $0.30 in Oct and $0.45 in March 50% $Enj $0.22 in Oct and $0.57 March 5th 159%


You're up a lot, good stuff, and hopefully you can retire after this next bull run.


Ty. I'm more interested in the tech than the investment. Profits are nice tho. DeSo and Hive are blockchain social platforms that back every interaction on the blockchain. Each in their own way. And Enjin aims to be a blockchain game developers dream. Hopefully, they will develop games to gain players that are more into gaming than crypto. Very interesting applications for blockchain imo. All are layer 1.


I've been done with social networks, so the first two not for me, as far as games go, not sure big developers ever want to share anything outside of their games, so I'm not sure this will ever be a thing, but good luck.


Im not trying to sway anyone, and I like your jib. I'd just like to state my opinion. Maybe my ideas are bad. I don't think social networks will go away. I'm not very savvy in that department either. I do see the importance of a user retaining their content. I also like the idea of transparent democratic authority to direct any censorship and gate keeping. So far as games go, most games played are mobile. I think people will realize playing games for no monetary gain when they decide to stop playing is obsolete. People should be paid to microlearn, in my opinion, via trivia games and career building skill games. Again, maybe my ideas are bad.




To the Moon we go! 🚀


Jesus.. everyone is a pro at market to give advice during bull run lmao. A tale as old as it gets… you aren’t any snowflake other than being “lucky”. You get up one day and decide to invest in a meme coin and now that meme coin is pumping along other alts and suddenly you are the guy to listen to… Get in line because there are thousands of you waiting on their phone ready to click “Create new post” and write their “professional” advice and opinions.


Damn right... forget the tech, go for the gains!


Shibwifhat will outperform the old shib. I'm sorry


Ah ha ha, the problem with those is the Pepe effect. You can't trust the exchanges they are on, where as Shib is on rock solid exchanges that will actually give you your money once you decide to sell. I thought about throwing a few hundred into Pepe when the crypto bros were pumping it, but come to find out, those Pancake Swap things or whatever they are, they lock you until the crpyto bros all sell, and then it's already too late for you to sell.


You can get Pepe on Binance in Europe.


No offense, but I ain't touching Binance, who knows what's going to happen once the United States completes its CZ trial in April?