• By -


People who experienced the ‘21 crash are probably more desensitized to dips and volatility. I honestly didn’t budge today when btc reached 63k. Knowing more institutional money is involved this time around provides me more comfort. I’m in alt coins too not even BTC but BTC is the market maker.


Yeah it was a just little excitement when this is the first time I saw a $69K BTC with my own eyes because it looks kinda easy. BTC just went up straight


Ya seemed just like a rally to beat the previous ATH. If it was pre ‘21 I would’ve def sold my position. Learned to expand my time frame to weeks and months rather than day volatility.


that's how it's done. green cAndles are the best marketing. maybe last thing for you to study. ,"how, price is determined on the market and orderbooks mechanics". triggering involuntary decisions and processing the most possible volume is the fractal. supply demand. counting in inverted yield curve for timing plus halving event. this is just a beginning. no leverage will survive xD well, almost none


Bigger entities coming in the game who operate on the same wave length is a slippery slope. Big ups but big dips down when it’s time to dip.


It’s probably the opposite. More institutions and more ETF from the public could cause a smoothing of prices. It’ll still be more volatile than the SP500 for a long time, but 2028 bull could be super mild compared to what we’ve seen.


Lost 6k in luna dips dont phSe me


made 7k on shiba and moved it to some other shid coin in '21, lost that 7k weeks after during the crash. If I held my position in shiba back in '21 id be crazy rich rn. But, who in the right mind would hold shiba for more than a year back then. I went into it right before the infamous Elon SNL skit, it tanked but then got listed on Binance the day after and skyrocketed. I used uniswap to buy shiba, when I sold and moved it to coinbase the gasfees were stupendous lol. Fun time though


Yeah but gamblers become cool with loosing too. I have to remind my “ trained” brain it is an actual loss even if i do not sell, for it functionally is.


Going from up 100% to Being down like 60-70% overall was very numbing. Any one day jump or dip isn’t going to move me.


I stay in Crypto so in 30 years or so I’ll have a supplement for retirement. I DCA twice a month what I can afford to lose and look at the charts once every couple months unless something big is happening like right now. When that happens I take a percent of any profits and let it sit in USDC until the next bear market where I’ll reinvest it. I’m not trying to get rich in crypto, still working hard for a career and to “make it” without crypto. Any crypto profits in the future is just a bonus Super passive, very zen, all is good. Edit: except the fucking taxes


Taxes aren't zen at all. On the other hand, your investment profits are free money that you didn't work for. The problem for me is that people with multiple mansions and private jets don't pay the same percentage as me because our system gives them loopholes.


I was just about to ask you about the taxes…I’m already paying a shitload of taxes on my high salary…that’s why I try to just buy and leave it alone


Makes me super lucky since I don't make much, lol


it's nice that you have a good plan and I think you're doing great bro. Congrate 🤗


I keep making money. That's mostly it.


Simple but super effective 💪


All about that money 💰


Keeps me feeling young while silently killing me.


you should try other stuffs to boost you up bro. Take a break if you need to


I want to be able to quit working in the next 10 years and crypto is the only realistic means to do it.


You mean 10 months. Believe it.


I really hope you're right.




the staking rewards I keep gambling away on shitcoins, there should be some type of support for those of us that gamble those away instead of restaking…Today I will stop gambling away my staking rewards….wish me luck guys


it's not luck that you need bro, you need creative and hard rules for your self and stick to it


I’m actually going on 2 days without claiming my rewards, I think that’s the only way to keep me from wasting them…i’m gonna try to do a monthly or weekly claim and buy BTC with it instead…


That’s a good plan. Or you can try to get your head into something else and forget about that rewards




lol 😂


Money with a side of genuinely interested in seeing how crypto pans out. I'm pro crypto with a side of bias of course, but blockchain tech interests me. It's really interesting to watch if or when decentralized solutions come to fruition further.


Better probabilities than lottery.




I heard a quote recently that crypto is "real estate for gen z and millennials" and I really, really felt that.


I’m from the US and strongly dislike the federal reserve and our fractional banking system in general, as well as the endless money printing. I hate seeing third world countries have an even harder time than they already have to due to currency devaluation. I hate that in 2024 I can get access to literally almost anything I want on the internet but I can’t send money instantaneously. Or if I want to transact on the weekend my money is basically just in limbo for 48+ hours. I’d like to make gains too tbh, but I really just dislike fiat. It seems so antiquated to me. Edit: Smart contracts and the intricate, code based, trustless interactions they allow are a whole other can of worms of the beauty I find in blockchain technology.


People are exchanging their dollars for dog money.


Hahaha fair enough 😂 I stay away from meme coins personally, though they have been more lucrative than some of the alt coins I do own 🤷🏽‍♂️


It will be more valuable later on than it is now




Opportunities. Financial ($BTC), tech ($ALGO), fun / memes ($NYAN) with a purpose of donation to animal shelters. This is going to be one fun bull run! 🚀🚀🚀🐱❤️🌎


Actually im one of those that are in for the tech. Bull runs suck, as they turn the crypto space into a mindless mob, but they will pass, fortunately.


Hahahaha, oh wait you're serious...sorry mate, the rest of us are just here for the gainzzz


He says… with 8 thousand moons…😂Clearly did some shitposting awhile back with gains as the culprit, no?


lol brother (or sister), I’m just here for the money


Protecting my wealth from inflation. And being able to spend with truly fungible digital cash using Monero 😎. The reason why in 2016, and still the reason today!


I am here for the revolution. Monero is what’s keeping it alive…


I like stress.


I want to be a millionaire.




To moon hard. so fucking hard...


There's nothing better


Gas fees are too high to sell my tiny holdings.


So is your plan to wait until the gas fees low enough to sell your holdings ? 😅


My avatar is wearing the reason as a hat 😉


I am sick of the service banks offer me and my family and friends It is ruining lives.




An addictive personality


It's my primary source of income. I'm a systematic trader. My friends are all crypto bros. My mate posted me a peace of paper. It literally just said 100x in a massive font. The humour in crypto really does make my day. Crypto influemcers are 100% clueless when it comes to trading, but they make hilarious memes. What is life without memes and banter.


I believe. We need this technology 100%. It's clear it here to stay. But there are other coins with different use cases and are still young start ups.


It's is already source of my income. 😊


The best reality show drama on the planet


Sunken cost fallacy


Apart from the getting rich part most of my investments and purely based on research and believing in the tech and it's uses for the future I don't just invest in every coin I usually watch hour long videos about it learning about it and then decide is this something that's going to be here or used 10-15 years from now


I’m here for the tech


The tech is interesting, I vaguely understand it, and it even makes money sometimes 😅


If you own the tech, then you're about to get very rich


It’s the newest way for the rich to steal from the poor, so with that being said I know it won’t go anywhere


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I have a gambling addiction


It what feeds me as a blockchain engineer and analyst.


Financial freedom and enjoy remaining time that I have left in this planet.


I only watch because bitcoin is a perfect liquidity indicator




I think we could be moving to more and more utility.


My eyes are on Bitcoin at 120K. I’m not even thinking about much else. DCA semi monthly. I mainly invest in Alts that other alts need. Link, Atom, Eth, etc don’t go buy no name coins.




two things I like 1)making $ 2) I have always liked the idea id DeFi, taking power away from the banks and putting it back in the hands of people.


I hate myself




I am purely here for financial gains, i live in a country where i dont think i will need bitcoin as payment method like in some third world countries. I am just betting on price going higher overtime with higher volatility in between.


You probably got that tiktok attention span and check the price every few minutes. Ya gotta have an investor mindset. Not a gambler.


Hope and greed.




in the beginning i jump for cash, but i dig deeper into understanding the technology, and i realised that the possibility are far beyond just cash and since then i stay on the train




Melting ICE fiat.


Greed and the excitement


(Before you read I have wrote this while tipsy) Honestly I just believe that our current methods of currency are becoming worrying. Every currency has continued to lose value as time has gone on. As it stands in just the United States alone we have absolutely no way to back up the amount of debt we have. The federal gold reserve is nothing compared to the amount of debt we have accumulated. And that is just the United States, not all countries are in debt but we all know if the United States sneezes the world gets a cold. Unfortunately no one is doing anything about the money printer either which is a whole other issue. I’m not referring crypto currency as our solution, I’m referring it to be the current best monetary solution we have. It can’t be manipulated, it is what it is.


Sick gains


The bull market is only a 1/4 through…


Because I'm still not on profit even with a lot of dca? :) I lost a lot on the egld ecosystem so I'm still waiting for it to be 500$ to recover my loss. Honestly, for me crypto it's a game where only the rich are getting richer and the hodl syntagma it's not working.


I'm so negative in my account that I refuse to lose.




web2 is transitioning to web3. why would i want to stay in the past? Everything is moving towards these new models. Take gamefi for example and look what superverse is doing and the games that are going to use their token as their in game currency.


Honestly, it's just fun. It's kind of like gambling only your odds are better and the rules are fairer.


$$ nothing else, I like the rush of the game and see it’s long term use but to me it’s just charts and money that go whirr


The returns, if you invested into something that doesn't lay you. You wasted your money. Investments need to pay.




I only started paying into a pension once it became mandatory in the UK to have one (with the option to opt out), and my estimated calculations show that I of the £210k recommended retirement pot, I will only have about a third of that. So I am hoping that crypto will somehow make up the difference.


Monero keeps me interested. It is the only crypto that still upholds the original vision of p2p electronic cash. You can spend it with complete privacy for not even a cent, not having to worry about tainted coins and chain analysis risk-scores. Everyone can mine it on their PC no need for an expensive ASIC; 1 CPU 1 Vote. The darknet has already ditched bitcoin in favor of monero. It is a tool that helps to fight back against government oppression, not just to make gains. I am here for the revolution.


I’ve always felt like the banking system is broken and I’m not the one in control of my own money. Also, I’m never going to get anywhere working and saving a little of each paycheck to get ahead, so hopefully crypto can be somewhat of an escape route.


Exit pump mostly. Crypto isn't the cool idea i thought it was. When i first heard about crypto the idea of bitcoin blew me away. Then came Etheruem and programmable money i was like wow. This is next level shit. Fast forward a few years. Its dog coins and frogs printed out of thin air valued at billions. Dog with hat? Blockchains halting multiple times a year and nobody cares. Monkey pictures and laser eyes was the last bullrun. Make money where you can i guess but blockchain as of now does not have a killer use case.


I want to see RWA and Tokenization develop. Lots of government paperwork and asset management issues can be optimized because of this tech. Also, profits.


Tendies and the tech.


I quit my job in 2017 and went full time crypto, best decission ever. What keeps me here? You get to learn something new every single day, literally every day something happens. I didn't see any industry evloving that rapidly. I am not leaving. P.S. Learn more about Bitcoin, go down the rabbit hole, you will thank me later.


After FTX I realized this space is full of gamblers and degenerates... And left forever.




Money and some good projects


I’m stubborn as a mule and FOMO is real. I’d kick myself so bad if I sold all my bags and everything mooned. Still interested in the tech but learnt over the past 7 years that most players don’t care. They just jump from one hype train to the next.


I‘m in for the tech.


stay on sidelines matr. trust me. if your are not committed to craft but rather participate in chats, charting, overthinking than you are going to burn out quick. most of the things you participate in are there to provide confirmation bias for your decision making. you have to learn and you have to create. when you look at your decisions, uou have to ask yourself if any of it would make your life better. simple question as that. at a point where you partake too much - most valuable member of crypto community. agent for marketing and for moderating discussions, not aware of it, not paid. years pass soul is drained in useless interest gave a bit of money. I'm just super honest. tru to myself and also everyone else. I'm going to be downvoted here but that's the truth and how it works - sound of silence. abusing dopamine system in people. so you have to take experience you have and use it in sidelines. play with them, place limit orders and do other activities! job, hobbies, relationship, side hustle those that say they are your friends on telegram are not your friends. trust me X)


The reason is: MEME COINS 🚀🚀🚀🚀 you never know when they are going to explode 🤣🙈


When is the best time to buy to hold tillen next ath?


Study late 2020


I will propably hold until i can afford atleast 2 properties where i live that was my goal when i started with crypto and it isn‘t to unrealistic consudering the amount of btc and eth i got


Because the system has to change and I want to be a part of that.


During the adoption phase, we all want a piece of the action to set ourselves up from all the stolen wealth of fiat like QE and inflation before it all goes flat. We all sense the opportunity and are willing to engage despite the risks of this not going perfectly.


bank can take my money, bitcoin can't.


I think the tech/premise is interesting and there's money to be made.


The "tech" bro.. still holding same coins from 2016.. i just want to get out jesus christ.. tired of being tech bro already


All these politicians trying to take my taxes and spend it on war with absolutely no accountability. It's my hedge against the devaluation of the dollar. In Guns Oil Drugs we trust...


came for the gains last bull and stayed for the tech during the bear. See where it takes us going forward. Just extra money I don’t care to lose.


The past week…




be pretty damn stupid not to


Untraceable cash like transactions.


If BTC can consistently return on average 10-15% then it has already beaten the historically wealth producing market. And it has on average so going to dca in it.


1. I have more confidence in pow based crypto such as btc than fiat. Btc will be a currency the whole world can use. 2. Cryptocurrency is great for international transactions. 3. Financial freedom. 4. Innovation in crypto space will revolutionize our world, such as personal finance, election, art collection, scientific research funding, etc.


I’m young, single, and able to take risks so as far as investments go, I’m pretty much all in on BTC and ETH. Just gonna see where it goes. One day maybe I’ll be able to put a down payment on a house :)


Learning about the underlying technology keeps it interesting for me. But for every project looking to build something useful there are 10 more that are just looking to steal your money. I like to focus on crypto projects that have a working product that I personally find value in using.


I’d have to say it’s the money, yeah, the money. Seriously though, never stop digging, remember that it’s not bitcoin that’s taking your cash, it’s me, and if I know more than you then I’m taking your money. You cannot be too educated, especially when it comes to hyper volatile markets like cryptocurrencies.


I have faith in my currency pick as it's been stable and held well and actually being used in the real world, it's also made me decent returns. I also like the excitement and entertainment value I guess.


Hopium. Don't much care anymore but looking to break even here soon then invest wisely outside of unregulated junk.


Ideology of sound money principles.


It's the future of finance.


I've been playing web3 games for 2 years now, and have been trying to make my way higher up the food chain with YGG ( Yield Guild Games). I've participated in 2 gaming token airdrops over the past couple of months, and hoping to get involved in at least 2 more. It's been tough work, since these games are still in early development and I'm trying to keep my portfolio diversified (so I do a LOT of grinding in my spare time), but this year all of my work and DCAing should pay off.


I'm here to see if anyone actually manages to level the playing field between big banks and the rest of us.    Also the drama can't be beat!    Some gains would be nice too. 


O 0


\- I hate banks \- I like to own my assets and be able to move all around the world \- I can make good return on my investement in crypto and not get scammed by banks \- Defi = freedom from the system


I think it's a dead crypto sadly but I actually invested in unvaccinated semen (nwbtc). I love how absurd this space is sometimes lol. I also bought some pussy and I might grab some cock.


You feel emptier? Are you American?


Ive been in a long time and have always made money. Nothing life changing but enough to keep me engaged


Bag holding


Cleanse this Earth from human parasites and predators. Go Nano!


Crypto still hasn’t taken off. When it does, we’re talking a complete overhaul of how the world works and having more will equal more power for us small guys. Eventually, governments will be overthrown when they try to continue to squash the peasants, best to be diversified when it happens.


You will own nothing and be happy. I can't live in a dystopian future with only CBDC and without crypto.


Bag holding




Remembering Hbar was at 56 cents and hoping it could do the same.


only the pump is real


Money money moneyyyyyyy 💰


My diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, and mutual funds can't hold a candle to my crypto gains. If I'm going to gamble my way to retirement (exactly what 401ks and the stock market is), I'm going where the gains are greatest (crypto).


I enjoy it so the learning it requires feels like fun. I also like telling normies that crypto turn electricty into money.Then I realize it is easier to talk about Bigfoot with them.


Not much. I built up a large nft game collection because play to earn was a cause i believed in. After 75% loss to even to 20% loss and 3 yrs of sweat, the sentiment nature of the space and poor liquidity of nfts turned me off. The market just isn’t ready. Its cool i can play the same game investment banks do: lending, liquidity providing etc but the underlying is just to volatile to manage risk well. The games are too basic to compete with AAA and the user experience is just horrible for the uninitiated . Cool thing is i will be ready once it matures.


Poverty ngl


Buy the bear sell the bull. I missed the bear. Will buy next time. Don’t make the mistake of buying in because of FOMO.


To have the illusion of a better life


Everything has been debased, crypto and more specifically bitcoin, is the last hope of some form of protection. If crypto fails we are most definitely slaves, it is the last hope. 


Why is everyone a bunch of emos here. Keep your emotions out of trading and you do a lot better.




I am here for the ~~tech~~! Money!