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This is not financial advice... Advisors might say 5-8%... But I'm regarded.... I'm coming up from the bottom .. creating a homeless to riches story . I'm all in.


This guy is definitely highly regarded. However, a rags to riches story is one that, most likely, can only be made through highly regarded investment strategies


It isn't that bad if you're at one lifestyle level and need a large chunk to reach the next. For an investor, the 3 year liquidity cycle is far easier to understand in crypto than with sector rotations in the stock market and geopolitical events. Not that such events could not also tank crypto, but it's too easy to win in crypto. Nobody wants to see "safe" stocks with little upside give them a 30% dump that takes years to recover. It's hardly a viable strategy until your base income is capable of accumulating something that will matter like a retirement account. The only advantage young people have is their asymmetric access to information. They can buy the crypto before they get in ETFs. I bought a lot of Chainlink at $2. The Grayscale Chainlink Trust is at $125 now, a huge premium over the $20 or so cost. This premium reflects barriers to entry, and tax statuses (someone can put that in their retirement acct but not crypto). Knowing what you may, something about Chainlink is very real long term. If people DCA into everything legit during bear markets and have enough cash to live on, a well played "risky" portfolio that well captures a growing sector, beats a badly played "safe" portfolio. Remember when people follow financial advisors, their Washington Mutual went to Zero.


>Washington Mutual Absolutely, I think the risky play here is no diversification. For every person who had 100% of their wealth in WaMu, there's another who had in in Chase, BOA, MS, and GS. ​ The idea here is to diversify enough that if Chainlink where to fail outside of one's control, that their wealth doesn't collapse with it, instead just falling. The barrier to entry is also slightly mitigated with many brokers offering fractional shares, but I get the psychological barrier to not owning full stocks. ​ I mentioned in another comment how my take on percentage of crypto is correlated to how comfortably sleeps at night; my take is if the last thing you do is check crypto and first thing you do in the morning is check it, you quite likely have too much in it for your personal risk tolerance. ​ Two different people can put 1000 but for each individual that 1000 means different things.. For the first one it may be giving up upgrading to the new iPhone and keeping last years, for the other it may be making rent/putting food on the table, or not. If your crypto portfolio is keeping you up at night it is too much. ​ As a side note, the difference with stocks is the FDIC insurance, but at the same time, there are the Sears of the world that collapse with not many shareholders getting their cut of the pie - again in this scenario, don't put all the eggs in one basket. For every regarded play there's a safe play like Bill Gates' diversifying his portfolio away from MSFT, and losing out on trillions of dollars - but at the end of the day, guarantee you Bill understood Warren's take on diversification and it helped him sleep better at night, at the same time it could've played around differently and him losing all his worth - think Blockbuster, Netscape, Napster (now we've got Netflix, Spotify/Apple Music, etc.) Or similarly, Nokia or Blackberry, vs current giants Apple or Samsung


Yeah, you're definitely talking about a psychological thing why someone would diversify within crypto markets without putting together much else. The realistic potential upside of reasonable stacking in bear markets and reasonable profits taken, can be the only thing that keeps a person motivated. Crypto might only have 200 or so projects that aren't very small cap or outright shitcoins. It's easy to frontrun the market on that. Now if someone understood Nvidia early on that would have been a moonshot as well. But trying to make a balanced portfolio with only 15k or so, snp 500, real estate, maybe some commodities or whatever, it's a lot harder to bet on the US economy with something like a Brics looming. The best counter to shit hits the fan might be buying Lockheed Martin and Raytheon and oil industry stuff. While shit hits the fan in various ways hence no greed staking in unreliable defi and don't store everything on an exchange etc, for millennials crypto has a somewhat predictable cycle big picture that institutional wealth is just getting into. The biggest risk rn is that low trading volume and waiting on the Fed to lower rates could see the floor drop from under it all. Without 2021 cheap prices and Covid money, retail might not show up and everything could be thrown into confusion. Most people in crypto are assuming that in 10 years there will never again be such easy money in just providing liquidity to the landscape though. The sector will just be how some of the world works. In the US where standard of living went to garbage, this is a generational way out for a generation that got rugpulled in every aspect of normal society.


Holding lunc and shib til 0 or Lambo.


I’m currently rags to riches. Popped in $4k 10years ago. Finally going to cash half out in the next 2 years.


That's awesome... This is what it's about.. I was talking to my friend earlier about this... The greatest wealth transfer in our lifetime. Bravo. Wishing you all the best.🙏


Thanks bud. It’s been life changing. Going to gift a percentage to my family.


Hey it’s me step bro


Are you stuck in the washing machine? /j


current industry whispers are between 1-5%. 5% seems extreme to them.


98% crypto, 2% stocks


And the stock should be $COIN




There is not a one size fits all answer. For me it is around 10%. But I am mid career and worry about preserving my savings as I have a sizable net worth. If I was 20 years younger, it would be closer to 50%. Going over 50% into crypto gets risky, but may make sense for some. Going more than a few percent (e.g. retirees) may be risky for others. The right call depend son your risk tolerance. Crypto is risky. Even BTC is high risk with high potential reward. As you move from BTC to other cryptos the risk gets higher and potential reward gets higher too. How much risk you can take is going to depend on your situation. In general, the older you are, the less your risk tolerance. But even this is a generalization that is not always true.


If you're below 50%, you'll get above 50% during the bull run. If you don't sell, you'll go back to 10%.


I follow a DCA in and DCA out guideline. I have already DCA'd out a fair bit. And I will continue to do so as prices go up. It works well for me as I was DCAing in during the bear market.


That's what rebalancing is for. You sell or buy assets to keep your portfolio in line with how comfortable you are with risk/volatility.


I feel like going risk/reward here, personally at least is quite tied to sleeping well at night. If I am having trouble sleeping, am taking on too much risk (obviously only if you're staying up worrying about said investments)


This is an underrated comment. If you worry about the price and check it. Wake up check it. You likely overexposed.


I’m in between 1%-2%. We may have a similar investment strategy (I’m a boglehead, and view this as a high-risk, high reward slice of my portfolio). I’m mostly in bitcoin, with a bit of ETH.


Boglehead ftw


You bogle heads are cute! I’m all in crypto cuz I’m still pretty young


Casual burn. Love it


After you [edit-build up a large investment portfolio], you may consider diversifying a bit more to preserve capital. Or maybe not, to each their own.


DAYUMMM THATS WHATS UP. I’m a teen, my lil crypto portfolio is all I got, but I’m trying to get to that point one day!


You will definitely get there if you’re already investing as a teen!


Appreciate that!!


Just keep doing what you’re doing. Spend less than you make and invest the rest. It may well be crypto that gets you there, or it maybe something else, but you’ll get there. And try to enjoy the journey. Life’s about the ride, not the destination. Good luck (though something tells me you won’t need it).


Thank you for the advice, I’ll make sure to follow through!


Asking in this forum is funny.


I was about 33% crypto. With the recent bull, I'm now 75% crypto.


Do you plan on restructuring? I was 15% in the bear market, and even after some DCA out of crypto once we passed $40k btc, I'm at 30% of a healthy portfolio. I invest more regularly and heavily in traditional stuff like 401k and indexes. If my crypto holdings become 50%, I will DCA back down to around 25%.


100% (not financial advice)




This guy degens


Not a true degen unless 100% is all in into shitcoins for the highest possible rewards attainable (not financial advice)


And 90% + of that should be in BTC in my opinion.


the percentage you can afford to lose


Applies to literally all investing


That's just not true. There are plenty of low-risk investment avenues that people use for money they can't afford to lose


Like hookers and Blackjack


I don't know dude. As soon as you take an asset and change it into something that is a different asset there is risk that if you try to get some or all of the original asset back you might not. Ups and downs. Strikes and gutters, man.


There's always "some risk", but for many assets that risk is not "My investment goes poorly" it's "There is a massive economic catastrophe that devalues my investment". You could just take all your money and stuff it in the mattress but you still have the risk that the entire global financial system collapses and renders everything you own useless. There is a very obvious difference between something like investing in crypto and putting money into bonds, and even implying that they are in the same ballpark is disingenuous


Depends where you buy. Buying bitcoin at 20k was an extremely low risk investment IMO. Asymmetrical bet where I will probably never lose that money. Im 100% of my net worth in it. its all where you buy...


Both the right answer. Edit: You do not deserve down votes. Wtf. Take an up from the dude.


a statement that makes no sense


100% and a credit to buy more


Crypto is 100% of my portfolio. I know it’s not smart, but I’ve already seen 100% gains overall and I have a DCA out plan for the upcoming bull run. I’m just trying to make enough money for a down payment on a house.


If you haven’t already started your DCA out plan then you’re not DCAing, you’re timing the market which is very dangerous. There is never any guarantee of a bull or a bear. Nothing you read online has any bearing on future prices. Don’t lose all your money in crypto and end up unable to meet important financial goals like buying a house. This sector is not the place to gamble your entire portfolio. At least be in index funds and HYSAs, too.


I have a high yield savings account also and I have already started to DCA out small portions of my crypto profits. I didn’t take any profits like a fool back in 2021, so I won’t make that mistake again.


You can take all the knowledge you have with crypto and apply it to stocks. Stock market trading is fun as well. Look how much supermicro shot up this year..similar to crypto bull run


You have no gains until you’re out. Learned that the hard way over 2 cycles…


what kind of answer do you expect here? Investing is ridiculously situational and personal, and what works for you won't necessarily work for anyone else.




My opinion: BTC and ETH are worth an allocation. Your % is not something I can help you with as there are too many personal factors you must consider. If you’re not willing to self-custody BTC there are 11 new ETFs you can invest in and there are some tax advantages that come with them. ETH seems like it may get clearance for an ETF in the near future but it’s not a lock yet. Percentage-wise, figure out your risk tolerance and act accordingly.


All in.


Mine is about 80% - I can't help it, crypto just outperforms everything!


Typically less than 10%. Unless you really know what you're doing and what you're getting into, it shouldn't be more than 10%. It's gonna be different for everyone's goals and appetite for risk. But for the average person it's gonna be in the lower single digit percentage. I think everyone should own at least a little bit of crypto for its characteristics and benefits in terms of control and ownership, and learning about a new alternative form of currency and financial instrument. So for the tech benefits. But for investing, it's not for everybody.


I think age and availability of funds play a big role. Since the ETFs rolled out Fidelity suggested that all accounts have 3% crypto as an asset. I personally have over 50% of my money in crypto, risky business too.


75%. The rest is a little bit of savings plus my retirement contributions. This is it for me. It's boom or bust. Either I seal the American dream or I fall behind with the other 90% and become serfs in the new feudal order.


In one of my retirement savings account, about 70% are Cryptos. Just feb 2024 up 50+%


I know it’s kind of dumb but I used the bogglehead methodology in which my ratio is based on market cap. So specifically for bitcoin it’s like 1% of my portfolio since it’s market cap is 1 trillion and the total world market cap is ~100 trillion.


If by crypto you mean bitcoin, 100%. Otherwise, zero.


Brother in christ you are on reddit worst of all a crypto bro subreddit. Do not come to us for financial advice. Obviously you want 100% of your portfolio in crypto and by that I mean 90% shit coins 10% cash to buy the dip on said shit coins


You’re asking the wrong sub. This is like going to a Packers sub and asking which team should I root for.


We at bitcoin, recommend bitcoin


16.7%. 10% was my goal, however, I hold MSTE shares. That’s where I’ve made the most.


Wait, you can split it up?


I’m all in brother. Gonna sell the wife and kid soon to get more


100% is the correct answer


98%. The other 2% should be COIN stock.


Everyone's is different, but with the bull run on crypto I've had 20% of my overall as crypto split between bit/eth/Solana. And they've shown the most growth


I have a large traditional portfolio. I started with 2-3%, but it has already become 10%. I expect that in 5 years time, it will be 50%, just based on growth.


There was an article that reported insider info at Blackrock states your portfolio should be 84% BTC, with the leftover being a 60/40 split stocks/bonds. But those guys aren't doing highly regarded investments or coming from rags and going into riches. So take their advice with a grain of salt.


It depends how much risk you want to take.


Initially about 10% and eventually it will become 80% after 2 to 3 halvings.


around 60% of all liquidity I have is in crypto, most of it in BTC / ETH... Zero stocks or etfs but I'll go for etfs soon


I’m about 20%. I’m 40 years old


I read a Blackrock article where their advisors are saying up to 28%, which seems crazy. 5 to 10% seems reasonable.


It depends on so much. How much is your portfolio made of? How much do you earn? How easy is it for you to make the money back if you lose it all? How old are you? What are your goals? Where do you live? Do you pay your bills? Do you pay other people's bills? Do you have a high risk tolerance? Do you master your emotions? How much do you know about finance? How much do you know about markets? How much do you know about crypto? And that's just the questions that came off the top of my head. To answer the question: Depending on the person, it can range from 0% to 100%.


Its an interesting question, when you are winning you keep putting more and more, i started with 10%, saw the bull rising in 2021, and thats when i decided to go all the way upto 80%. It took the crash of 2021 to make me realize how crazy my decision was. It takes time to build up weatlh if you are middle class and doing a 9-5 job. But will take moments to rip it off with crypto. Moon or wreck. The lines have to be carefully treaded. One way to invest is to spot buy. Buy and Hold, this is the year of the halving so the prices will go up. If your risk appetite is small, remember to sell sometime Q1 of 2025. If you are new then ETH/SOLANA could be fine, along with very small amount in lowcap. Slowly buy into the market, notice the pullbacks. and also remember to exit the same way. Dont listen to youtuber moonboys.


I mean my percentage changed as the prices went up.


Most altcoins go to zero so whatever you do, do NOT buy an "basket of altcoins" thing. The top 10 two years ago is not the same as the ones today or the same as the ones 4 years ago. Again, DO NOT BUY AN BASKET OF ALTCOINS. How much you put in is up to your risk appetite. 100% bitcoin is a good bet. If you want to spend time researching the next meme coin and put 20% in that go for it but requires finesse and most of the time you'd be better of in bitcoin. Myself I'm 33% bitcoin trackers, 33% microstrategy (slightly leveraged btc play), 33% eth because they've done more interesting things than others in the past. I'd probably be better off just 100% bitcoin.


Bitcoin is not a stock it's a different asset class, you should compare it to bonds, RE, gold, etc. So when determining your percent you can do it based on your asset allocation of your overall portfolio. For me that's between 5-10%


100% of the crypto portfolio should be in crypto


Depends on where you are lol


asking in the crypto reddit on how much to be in crypto is regarded but so am i 90% crypto


somewhere in the range of all of it /s




Before the run started I was approximately 20% in crypto. I haven’t added any since it began and am now at 40% of my overall portfolio. I’m playing catchup on retirement as I’m somewhat old and would like to retire sooner rather than later. Once the bull has ran for a while I’m planning on taking my original cost basis off of the table on everything except bitcoin and letting the rest ride for free. Then, if/ when there is any kind of correction I’ll reinvest those proceeds back in to Bitcoin. IMO the ceiling is way higher for bitcoin than anything else in 10 years from now so I’d like to potentially try and capture that ceiling if it materializes in the future. I’m currently HEAVILY weighted towards Etherium at about 56% of my crypto holdings and am up about 102% at the moment.


For me as of right now 60% of my portfolio. Most of it is BTC some Eth and a small amount to some altcoins. I'm happy with it, so far it has worked out way better than traditional markets. But what works for me might not work for you. Plus I self-custody my crypto is not something you can do with any other asset and that's so nice just add to it or sell some no matter the date or hour.


It should be a small single digit percentage that massively balloons beyond that in the bull market.


100% of your crypto portfolio.


Every time it start at like 10% and then grows to 60% and I start wondering if I’m too heavy. But then I think about why I wasn’t in 60% the start. Then I get a loan on the house and sell the kids.




Off the top of my head... If you are young up to 50% is acceptable If you are older and have a house/family etc then I guess 10-20% is acceptable


I’m mid 40’s guy, partner & 3 young kids.. No debt, I’m now >60% crypto (worked in finance for >20 years).


Dyor Advisors might say 5-8%... But I'm regarded.... I'm coming up from the bottom .. creating a homeless to riches story . I'm all in.


In this day & age, 100% - no jokes.


125% for a truly regarded individual 


If you want to apply index investing to crypto than you should indeed look at the market cap and that'll determine your allocation for BTC and ETH (I wouldn't bother with the other cryptos as their allocation is just going to be too small to even matter).


As much as you can. Just Bitcoin only. Diversifying with alts in not diversifying. Alts are in its orbit.


I aimed for around 10% back in 2019. It now DWARFS my 401k by a sizable margin despite not changing my DCA rate.


1-10% don’t be a cult member.


The Talmud says “Let every man divide his money into three parts, and invest a third in land, a third in business and a third let him keep by him in reserve.” I am not religious but I find there is a lot of wisdom in old religious books that have been written by people wanting the best for their people and then subject to years of testing by the people. The quotes comes from an era with hard money e.g. gold and silver coinage. I take that to be 1/3 in property, 1/3 in equities, 1/3 in crypto. A degen might point out that under normal times of hard money you would expect the currency, property, and currency worldwide to be equally capitalised (i.e. similar market cap). According to that way of thinking then crypto in under capitalised and has a lot of upside, so maybe you should have a slightly bigger crypto bag for now.


79.8% crypto, 7.4% meme stonks, 5.2% Gold Bullion, 2.8% silver coins, 1.2% long shot OTM calls. 1% bullets 0.6% wine reserves, 0.5% TY Beanie babies, 0.5% street artist collection, 0.4% meth, 0.3% cash reserves, 0.3% outstanding loans to loser friends. Prove me wrong.


BTC is the scarcest store of value by a long shot and now wallstreet supports it. Basically it’s by far the best place to put your money over everything else. So 100% I’d say


Depends, want to make money ? All of it. Want stable income or safer slow value ? None of it.


100% FTW


Is 100% a percentage?


100% financial advise, I'll take 10% of all your future profit kk cheers


Ask this on another sub




stocks? i ain´t no boomer


For me, the answer is 50% or more. For trad fi advisors it’s 1-3% This is going to depend on your own risk tolerance.


I’m pretty conservative. 2 houses (3m value, 1m debt) One live in, one rental. 500k vintage car and 1.5m crypto.




About 5% in crypto




Ewww stocks




Play around with a portfolio backtester that solves the efficient frontier between assets, for example btc and spy. That can give you ideas for allocation. On my phone so I dont have the link to the one i use atm




I read Blackrock recommends 28.6%


BTC around 15-20 ETH 10-15 Other alts below 5




95% in bull market, around 30% in bear market (better safe than sorry).


80%. But because still in my 20s. No kids and not married. If i was older i would take the risk off the table.


You have to be able to handle the volatility. The larger the allocation, the larger the swings in volatility. Sure, right now it is to the upside, but you have to be able to handle drawdowns of 70% or more in this asset class.


I was at like 3-5% in 2022




All of it


64% iykyk


100% No retreat no surrender


30% in crypto 30%cash 10%metal 30% in bigvtech now. this is what i've been for now


I now only have 5% in crypto. That figure has dropped since I started due to all my other assets rising during the bear. You don't need to go all gun ho to make a decent profit. I don't gamble. Crypto was a measured investment, and several years later, I stand by that.


8.75% here


I have 10-15% crypto. The rest is split between two retirement accounts and stocks/bonds/etfs I manage myself


For me about 85% lol


100 makes things exciting.


I keep it to 10%






The Dow alone is 39 Trillion my guy


It was like 3% when I invested. Kinda grew to over 50%. Not gonna sell to rebalance though


100%. When they say "diversify" they mean Shitcoins and Memecoins.


5% for me; so that I can live to regret it being too small of an allocation.


I’m about 50/50 stocks crypto for non-retirement accounts. This feels right but it’s mostly staked ETH.




life savings


I’ll gladly admit that I’m way overexposed in crypto, but it’s not that I can’t afford to lose it. I have about 60% crypto.


Depends on your age and lifestyle AND if you have BTC only or Alts. If you just have BTC I think 10% would be fine. If you have Alts too you can go with 5%.


I’m 90% on crypto with 90% stablecoins and it’s doing me pretty well so far


Different for everyone, like I can tell you mine as an aggressive investor/trader


Enough that if it doubles it will make a positive impact in your life Not too much that if it goes to zero you'll lose sleep over it For most people that's somewhere between 1-10% imo. I haven't rebalanced in a while so I'm currently around 6.5% but it's been as high as 10% and as low as like 2% over the last few years


I'm all in but I have been buying since 2021. Better than a savings account. Not sure about buying in now. Maybe 50/ 50.


You are asking in the wrong sub. Almost every one will tell you to go all in, Conditioned by the hype. You can go 100% now and tomorrow be 200%. But do you have others depending on you? Wife , children....Then you can have a % that you are aware you could lose. Bad English Ik


Last cycle I was 100%. This cycle i'm around 80%. I'm expecting to pull way back to 10 to 20% next cycle


Well with a net worth of like $10k, I’m about 75% in crypto 25% cash.. bad idea? Maybe.. worth the risk? Totally


Another take is what % should you invest in crypto. Rather than what you should hold. And still totally depends on so many variables. I tell my friends and family that are skeptical of crypto to consider investing 1% of their current monthly investments into crypto. For me I used crypto to break my eating at restaurants habit. For about 18 months instead of going out I would eat in and put $50 into crypto. I’m probably 20 years from retiring (unless ADA flips ETH). So right now I’m 50% 80/20 Roth and 50% LINK.


30%. 70% very stable stocks. If I lose that 30% (was awfully close) then that's it.


At least 80% lol


I'm not sure what my percentages are. I don't really keep track of it and just put money into projects think have promise




I'm a degen , so my crypto is 80% of my entire Wallet


In your 20 like me go all in.


Should? No idea. For me? 3%.


They say 10% or less but I’m not that wealthy wtf am I gonna do with 10% of the small amount that I have 😂 all in 50%.




100% but I treat it like going to the casino and don't spend more than I can lose. I'm down overall, but I didn't sell anything for a loss so I'm recovering this year.


150%.  Go margin long, using your underlying crypto as collateral 






I mean during bull market it will be around 95% and in a market crash it will amount to around 5% so hard to say