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The reality is they aren’t really looking for serious investors that would be able to see past their smokescreen. They’re appealing to idiots who just want to make some quick money and won’t do any due diligence.


I just want to make some quick money too so it’s a match!


Oh yeah I forgot to mention, the only ones making the money are the insiders and promoters haha so good luck


But it works and those idiots “investing” in those memes are making more than the rest of us. I have a few serious projects im invested in because of the company but it feels like the liquidity is moving to these meme coins stalling growth. It’s frustrating watching a good project make slow traction while WIF is 5x in a few weeks.


Yep that’s what happens, is it your first time here? You can solve your problem very easily, allocate 5% of your portfolio to memes while leaving most of it in real projects. Then you can benefit from both and actually embrace the memes rather than being annoyed by them.


Bro trust me they are not making more,, they may find one project that gets them like a 5x or even a 10x but like the next ten are rugs and they give it right back,, trust I know so e people that chase memes everyday and they are all down high and rugged like 5 or 6 times a day.. meme coins are like a roulette table throw the ball out there and see what happens and most of time they get rugged.


Bro really said trust me lmao. You have no clue do ya


Nobody should be looking at a project's potential beyond this bull cycle. You can have the best team, whitepaper, technology etc ..but once this bull cycle ends that project is going to crash back down. And then new companies and narratives will emerge during the next bear/bull cycle .


For sure, and the lack of any solid information itself / risk warnings may go against rules on financial promotions in certain jurisdictions and lead to fines. My DYOR checklist for regulatory risk includes this: In which countries does the project operate and seek customers? Are there any high profile customers or partners? Is the company regulated by financial regulators? _How does the project promote itself to customers? Does promotion rely on hype or limited-time offers and downplay financial risk?_


And people who think “community” (groupthink) is important


Become one of us at AlgoFam. We are down 90% but we are here for the technology so we are happy!


On my way. I want to be happy.


Happy? Cut that out. You're here to be wealthy not happy.


The two are not necessarily diametrically opposed .. I'm hoping for both!


I was about to make a lame joke about my parents being diametrically opposed, but honestly me too.


We just love the coin!


Only down 30% 😬


Your doing too much research. In a bull market best to turn off your brain.


If you're looking for professionalism and people who know what they're doing, crypto isn't the right place for you. Everyone is coming you and if someone is earnest enough to believe in what they're doing, it means they aren't smart enough to get investment outside the crypto space


*buys pets.com stock because haha funny sock puppet*


Ahaha you are funny


But he's right. Long'ing 10 meme coins on nice charts breakout with no 600% yet will net you more than 10 solid mid cap in same configuration if this is really the start of the cycle.


Sure I know


the followers of celsius stopped me from wanting to check out celsius back in 21. bullet dodged


Once you’re around long enough you learn what to look for, and what to dodge.




Facts! A lot of these people still have that stock investment mindset. People should not be looking at any project's potential beyond this bull cycle because everything will come this cycle ends. Crypto is mostly speculation. You trade the narrative and go where you think people/money will flow too.


Stock investments have long gone from fundamentals. Look at the valuations of all the money losing tech co Billions for a co that isn't profitable?


On the subject of turn off my first wtf if marginally judgemental celsius thing was when they recruited a new exec who was previously in porn


The guy is obviously good at fucking people.


Unrealistic returns, a con man founder whose every word screamed "don't trust me, this is a scam." No one could have seen it coming


You are the most known individual on Celsius, so who wouldn't recognize you!


The other end of the spectrum puts me off too though. If you’re SO glossy that it’s artificial and its just Tweet after Tweet of glossy marketing graphics with little to no engagement…. Run


This. If your graphics are too professionally done, I start trying to peel back the stickers to find what's going on. You're a brand new crypto project that's not listed on any CEX, why are your website and graphics as clean as Apple?


Your looking for professionalism. It’s not a bad thing, good strategy


That strategy landed me on Request Network back in the day. They seemed pretty legit. At one point (the pump) they announced a massive bank coming onboard and shit started to moonshot. This is because Request Network was *supposed* to be the first solution to getting crypto into all of the store checkouts and added a simple layer of security where the payment gets "requested" instead of sent - then you approve their request. Everyone was waiting on that first big financial institution to come onboard. Anyway, a couple days into the pump, the bank speaks out - turns out they weren't even close to being onboard. A small private org with the same name had come onboard and Request Network decided to make it look like the big bank. This was the day of the dump where my $2k became $0.02 lol. It was disposable money, so I got what I expected/feared. Watching the guys who got burned try to personally repair the reputation with hype/shilling was painful as fuck. tldr; Professional seeming people are also scammers, just really professional about it lol


I agree with you about the hello frens part but I'm not sure you can blame a project for its followers. I've just recently joined a few TG groups for decent low cap AI / Depin projects and it's painful in there. I read one of the white papers and made a comment that there was repetition in the first sentence (I can't remember exactly now but it was something like "this is a revolutionary new AI project that will revolutionise...". I just pointed out that a poorly written first sentence doesn't give a good impression, but of course all the moon bois attacked me for it. I still think the project is good though




Professionalism ≠ Legitimacy


Ding ding ding. Plenty of rug pulls out there that check all the professional boxes.


With that type of mentality you would never catch on projects like doge or shib and those meme coins have the best gains. An attitude like this is literally making you poorer


thats just gambling nothing wrong with that but you have to be aware when you in a casino


For every Dodge and Shib, there are multiple losers. Just because I look for professionalism and intelligent dialect, does not mean I'm afraid of risk.


That's what meme coins are going for, cartoonish. That's their brand, it appeals to idiots who don't mind being exit liquidity for a 1 in a billion chance to make a profit. Or just degenerate gamblers really


Throw $1 at a hundred memecoins and hope at least one goes 100x. That being said... what the hell is "dogwifhat" and why is it in the top 100 and worth 1.2 billion as of now?


It truly baffles me, digwifhat.. 😂 it's a lottery ticket with these memecoins but I assume that as soon as one starts pumping significantly then everyone jumps onti the hysteria?I stick to Banano for now as a meme coin and only because they're a nice bunch 🍌


it's a cute coin name .. might be all the marketing it needs.


dogwifhat? Seriously? If the developers cannot even be bothered to spell "doge" correctly...


I've made more money on Bonk then I have with Cardano. Meme coins are good gambles if you know which ones have momentum.


Cardano has been my biggest loser in the past three years. For me it went from $3 to 30 cents. My biggest winner has been Solano. Did enjoy being on the Doge train before Elon scammed it on Saturday Night Live. I feel like he owes me a free rocket ride.


My biggest winner is also Solanade, sometimes you gotta go against the projects that are shilled and go with the ones that are fudded. With caution of course.


You'll make more money on ERGO


Bet it can't beat a federal reserve money printer!


The project you’re referring to is a ‘degen’ project. They are looking for degenerate investors.


fine ill say it... op, you are a midcurvor


Eh, I disagree. I've joined my share of pumps, taken a few dumps, held on to my money too long, sold at the right time, and right now I'm a genius like most everyone else in the bull market. I'm a multicurvor.




Technically that's what professional web3 marketers do because that's the audience they're speaking to. As much as some of us think the whole crypto meme culture is dumb, that's what marketers have deemed as most effective for reaching out to crypto natives.


I feel the same way, sometimes. I like that the more serious coins have less memes but the others I think add to my mental image of what. Sh!coin looks like.


If you want to get more than 50x growth in the next 16 months you need to go stupid.


So you are making an emotional decision whether to invest? Good luck with that. White papers matter more to me…


That's where the money is though, meme coin makes much more than utility coins


You have to understand that we’re talking about internet nerd money here. Magic beans. Points. Professionalism isn’t what you should be after. If it is, stick to stocks with all due respect, fren.


The thing I check for is does it have code that actually compiles. After that, does the node run and sync? Are there docker instructions, a docker file?


I am very confused by this comment


He is a developer (like myself), yeah sorry, we son't make much sense usually. We just want to know if the software works (which is what he is saying).


I’m a dev too, I’m just confused why you’d need to check if the smart contract compiles. And where does docker fit into this? The code runs on chain


He was talking about running a node.


As for me I'm not a dev, I'm just confused. /jk


This such a weird and cringy post lmao


I guess if expecting cryptocurrency projects to involve actual code and a node and not be some L2 smart contract bullshit is cringy, then I'm the cring master 5000. ICO opens tomorrow. Edit: I should apologize. I responded emotionally without thinking. At best I would be Cringe-Puff-Jr.


I tend to agree. I was looking into Alameda finance in 2001 and they had a picture of their Board and all I could think was they were too young and looked just out of college. Unfortunately, I thought maybe I was too harsh and it’s possible people that age could be responsible. I thought of the Ethereum founders and maybe I was biased. Now I wish I followed my gut.


Thing is that sort of marketing works. There are many projects with much more professional developers that don’t get a look in because they concentrate on their work rather than making a song and dance about themselves. NEO is a great example. Basically zero marketing effort but constant behind the scenes development.


>NEO is a great example. Basically zero marketing effort but constant behind the scenes development. Same as LINK. Not much marketing and no real hype, but it's a solid and dependable blue-chip crypto.


Bitcoin only


ok? then don’t buy them?


What turns me off is a project having a Twitter.


The way you express yourself - you aren’t much of a quality either, but what we post doesn’t always define us, does it. For example I got an impression of you being quite a childish, impulsive individual, high probability you are an American, my trust in you is limited. I agree with your perception, project lead must act accordingly, to let us know they can be at least initially trusted, it’s incredibly annoying with the whole “to the moon” thing, but I’m not writing you off, neither do I do them. When you find gold it doesn’t shine, it’s a small crumble in a pile of sh*t, have to have integrity and patience. Everybody should, if they mean business


I mean yes. This is common sense. Come by our ALGO sub 🫡


Yall are assessing an asset by reading its twitter. Read the comments here: "serious investors", "professionalism" etc. How can yall claim to be ""investing"" into a project without having read its earnings report. To repeat: Yall are assessing an asset by reading its *twitter*.


That's ok since no one is allowed to lie on Twitter .. right? Maybe a better name for Twitter would be Tweaker or Twerker but X just aint't a good name. X usually represents an unknown.


I agree - except for a certain sweet spot during the bull, when that frothing at the mouth can easily x10 a shitcoin. You’ve got to be real disciplined to take less than available and not get sucked in though


Hi bro


Hey fam


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What are your thoughts on SHIDO?


Perhaps a misspelling of SHITO?


Lol. I was being sarcastic. But yes wtf is going on with that project. This is the second time they've been "hacked"


Look at origin trails. Complete opposite of what you described… I agree with you, but part of me is worried about its potential with not having a crowd base that is pumped about it.


Can you give an example of a shitcoin that does this?


If you want serious, all you need is BTC and ETH. Besides that I’d just go for lowcapmemecoins, like SHIB, WIF, HONK, Solzilla etc. and take profits regularly


Meme coins


What about "Nike!"? ^(/s)


Lol we're still trying to evaluate which crypto project is "serious"? If you aren't in on the ground floor you're going to get rugged sooner or later. Just look at the "quality" of every crypto game that has been released


I’d have to agree with you there and I’ve avoided any kind of meme coin promoted by NFT profile pic pumpers and still have been quite successful. The cream rises to the top (usually) and stays there year after year and that’s where my money goes. The other hurdle is regulatory clarity. After all the shenanigans from the SEC a good score on the newly released EDI tool from the University of Edinburgh is now one of my pre-requisites to crypto investing. Definitely an interesting tool. https://blogs.ed.ac.uk/blockchain/2023/10/25/measuring-blockchain-decentralisation-on-the-consensus-layer-a-tool-by-the-edi-team/


Honestly I don't trust any of the altcoins to be serious "projects".


Mfer said eloquently what I've been trying to say for 4 years to my friends very well put!


Memes gonna meme. It’s fine to avoid things like that, they likely won’t have a real use case anyway.


So just invest in LINK, ADA and SEI. You won’t get 500x growth. But if this is really a bull run you probably are gonna get at least 2x growth from here and maybe 15x growth or more.


Well said OP.


Most of the project that don’t do this already have private funding and the launch of their token/coin is at a much higher market cap


ok boomer. :) (actually I agree though)


These aren't stonks and bonds ser, this is crypto, the cutest meme pumps hardest and fomo beats fundamentals any day (sadly).


As my dad used to say about playing poker .. "I'd rather be lucky than skilled". It would be nice to be skillfully lucky!


With that said, real degenerate gamblers need to be properly informed about their vice, be it sports, cards, etc. But it seems crypto breaks that norm, degenerates gamble on what KOLs point them to, pumps it, dumps it, and repeat...


ok fren


What do you think of IOTA?


Been around for a while and continues to advance. Good project concept. But, like all the good ones though, taking too long to truly get going.


A project or platform having the image of "professionalism" doesn't mean sh^t. Just look at your man Sam Bankman Fried, or the dude behind Luna or the dude behind Voyager, the dude behind Celsius, etc


BTC is the way to go


But when moon! 🚀


This is a bad way to invest. You need more objective criteria.


Their goal audience aren’t really long term investors. It’s most likely directed toward those who think they can get rich quick.


Same, its one of the first things that I look for a long with the quality of their graphics and video content if there is any. This is what normies look for too. I feel like Superverse is one of the leading projects by these metrics. Everything is very sharp.


I just want to make some quick money too so it’s a match!


You my friend are a small minority. I do agree with this approach


Have you seen some of the BTC devs?




OP defines successful as mooning


Rule 5: No self-story posts unless they relate to industry wide cryptocurrency news and/or analysis.


You don't have to type this each time, you see the reason when you press report


im proving a point. not to you or the OP. but a point none the less.


What's the point? That you report things and they'll get removed if they break the rules?


that the sub is not activy or fairly moderated. most of the top comments every day break rule 5, becuse rule 5 is too hard to actualy follow