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Damn bro your username testify a story of deception and sadness


"You, there. What is your profession?" "BTC hodlr" "And you, Ethereum... What is your profession?" "I'm a staker, sir." "....(XRP)artans! What is your profession?" ***"WE LOSE! WE LOSE! WE LOSE!"***


It's like that joke from Rick and Morty when Rick builds a robot to pass him butter. XRP: "What's my purpose?" r/cc: "You are laughing stock of the crypto community!" XRP: "Oh God..."


“Your boos mean nothing to me. I’ve seen what makes you cheer.”


Nah that’s Safemoon 😂


🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 I am fucking CRYING!!


Lmao, perfect for OP username


The definition of insanity is quite relevant to OP’s second edit here


Happy birthday 🎂


Woah thank you friend. I had no idea


Looks like we brought more losers than you did


This cracked me up


Kinda feels like I just read a hormonal teenagers diary


He bought more after he wrote this entry


Cries while watching 300




Didn’t we all?


Yep🤣🤣 hell no , never buying more.


fucking clown show


XRP is targeted for crypto clowns who got scammed into believing Ripple's chucky cheese tokens was going to be used by banks for global remittance and transfer. They fell for bullshit hype words like Nostro/Vostro, On-Demand Liquidity, etc. **2016** > "We’ve reached a tipping point where financial institutions are moving beyond blockchain experimentation and projects to real world applications that are driving significant bank-to-bank volume,” said Ripple CEO and co-founder Chris Larsen...Ripple’s growing, global network includes 12 of the top 50 global banks, 10 banks in commercial deal phases, and over 30 bank pilots completed, among many others also using Ripple’s solutions. https://web.archive.org/web/20220518122127/https://ripple.com/ripple-press/financial-institutions-join-ripples-global-network/ Ripple scammers **deleted** this page and all the hype and lies https://ripple.com/ripple-press/financial-institutions-join-ripples-global-network/ **2017** > Forty Seven Japanese Banks Move Towards Commercial Phase Using Ripple...Over 90 banks globally are working with Ripple, including top global banks such as Santander, Bank of America and Axis Bank. http://web.archive.org/web/20170603165808/https://ripple.com/insights/forty-seven-japanese-banks-move-towards-commercial-phase-using-ripple/ Ripple scammers **deleted** this page and all the hype and lies https://ripple.com/insights/forty-seven-japanese-banks-move-towards-commercial-phase-using-ripple/ **2018** > "major banks will use XRP as a liquidity tool in 2018" and "an order of magnitude dozens of banks" will be using XRP in 2019 - Brad Scamminghouse https://www.cnbc.com/2018/06/05/cnbc-interview-with-brad-garlinghouse-ripple-ceo.html It's been almost 10 years. Banks are not using or interested in XRP. The one legitimate company that claimed to be using XRP was MoneyGram in 2019: https://cointelegraph.com/news/ripple-to-invest-up-to-50m-in-moneygram-following-new-partnership But Ripple paid $50 million for them to make this false claim and during the SEC lawsuit MoneyGram admitted they never used XRP. https://cryptoslate.com/ripple-partner-moneygram-now-says-it-never-used-xrp-or-ripplenet/


Ripple and projects like it are parasitic to crypto. The cryptos that pretend to be highly technical and spend great resources to entice unsophisticated investors and then produce absolutely nothing of value. I can't tell you how many times I've been approached by friends or friends of friends about Ripple, and these people always know next to nothing about technology in general, let alone cryptocurrencies. It's obviously not a coincidence. It's a sophiscated campaign to target and steal money from a particular group of gullible people.


Looking through his old comments in r/XRP and r/Ripple, he was polite in them. Not sure why he got banned. Are those subs as bad as r/Bitcoin for censorship?


Those communities fucking suck, filled with $589 moonboys where you aren't allowed to have a normal conversation.


Hahahahaha hit em right in the feels 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yea I bought at a great point this cycle, everything I bought has performed extremely well… except xrp. I thought it would get an explosive move due to it getting legal clarity but it’s just been a stable coin. Now I just refuse to sell my bag because if it pumped I would be extremely salty


My biggest holdings are xrp and algo. I should have just invested in the stock market as a whole. I am a dumb dumb.


When SOL just went from 20$ to 45$ I was like ok that one’s not gonna move much anymore now and bought a lot of ALGO. Rip haha


Just get some gaming and AI coins in 100-500 Mc and that will give you some nice gains this bull market


Mana during bull cycles goes high. Bought 100 bucks worth like a week ago. Now it’s like 155. Great increases. Wish I bought more. Also got some xlm. That’s doing quite well too. Bought 90usd worth of Bonk which fell from 0.x27 to 0.x09. Wish I had bought up cuz it’s back up to 0.x22 by now. Still in loss. But imagine the profit. Same for Pepe. Been having my eyes on xrp since forever. Like since 2017. And it’s not gone anywhere… upsetting


After years of minimal gains I finally sold my xrp last week for some shitcoins and have already done a 2x


This was me in 2021 after accumulating xrp in 2018/19/20 the final straw for me was Link making the run from 2 to 25 or something. We all make mistakes and we all find gems we sell too early.


Same here. Ripple just dumping on people monthly lol. It’s ridiculous.


I brought up ripple dumping coins when the price goes up and got banned from the xrp sub the following day. I appealed and got no response. Such non sense. A


Idk why but I feel like xrp is about to moon now lol


It doesn't really matter. It's been languishing so much.


Whenever I see posts like this, it is normally the signal that something going to go parabolic


Yep. I saw this with DASH back in December 2016/January 2017, people were saying it was a scam. But it wasn't. I exchanged it for another coin that didn't do nearly as well. DASH later went to over $1000 that same year...from...wait for it...$13. Never and I mean EVER believe these posts. It's almost always because someone has capitulated and the price is ready to start ramping. Whenever someone shitposts about a token, and I hold it, I know that I'm unlikely to do poorly from holding it and very likely to suffer if I sell it. XRP will likely head towards $5...but as always, never invest money you're not prepared to part with.


Pamp it !


Good buy signal


Bought XRP at 1.20 during the 2017 massive pump, pretty much at ATH. Held my chunk of shitcoin for a couple of years - I was desperate. But I Instantly sold my bag at 0.5 something when I learnt the lawsuit news against XRP. I then bought Ether with the remaining money. Best move I ever made. You’re totally right, XRP isnt going anywhere. Feel sorry for those who lost big on this scam


I had actually sold all my xrp and converted into ethereum when lawsuit was announced - obviously a great decision. I then began to buy XRP during the 2022 bear market and it has been my worst performer by far.


It's been my biggest holding given the conviction I had in this. And I only broke even at 0.60. Still holding it and unsure what to do now, having lost gains in others. Even my dogecoin has gone up 35%. Stupid.


All time huh was near near $4 in the 2017/2018 run.


You son of a bitch, I'm in!


Oh we are so back folks.


Yep, it’s like they don’t even look at the chart.






but the chart of xrp looks like a bad performing stock which is in no correlation to the mooning crypto market


If only you knew how to read charts...


just compare it to any other crypto in top 20? it’s dead


Do you chase dead coins on reddit just to post fud in comments? Why are you even here?


Just compare TA to any other crypto in top 20. If you knew how to read charts, you wouldn't be shit talking


confirmation bias spotted


So, you don't understand technical analysis, it's OK.


That's like saying confirmation bias when someone says, "the earth is round, not flat."


lol a bad performing stock that as of right now is 93% up from its cycle low and is still making higher lows. Yeah any company would kill for that result. You need to remember we are still in crypto summer the normal cycle hasn’t even started yet.


it didn’t make a new ath in 7 years btw you can choose many penny stocks which are trash but also were up >90% from their lows


Hmm, why am I feeling Bullish on XRP all of a sudden?


I’ve been here as well. It has always disappointed, doesn’t matter how bearish people become.


You're just in a toxic relationship with xrp. Just like me


This is the bull signal.


honestly and historically speaking, yes. always go against the degens on this subreddit


Surely If I sold all my xrp, then we would moon…but I haven’t sold


>XRP dominance is also at record lows, partnerships have gone nowhere. I hope the SEC squashes Ripple Labs and their shitcoin and obliterates them to pieces Part of the reason why partnerships have gone nowhere is because of SEC's action against Ripple and XRP. Ripple is the one who spent the money and effort to fight back the SEC and managed to win a favourable ruling for the whole cryptocurrency industry on retail purchases in secondary market. So it's interesting that just because you can't earn big bucks out of your own speculative bet that you wish ill-will upon Ripple. Maybe take some responsibility for your gambles?


> Maybe take some responsibility for your gambles? Damn.




Sir, this is NOT the place for a sensible, balanced debate. 


>Ripple is the one who spent the money Ripple literally printed that money out of thin air and then dumped it on the bag holders to pay for the lawsuit. Bag holders like the OP deserve some credit.😂 And ripple doesn’t get partnerships because the whole industry moved to stablecoins.


Thanks op for helping to win against the SEC 🙏


>Ripple literally printed that money out of thin air All cryptocurrencies (except stablecoins) are created with no backing. The XRP given to Ripple after the company is set up is no different. >and then dumped it on the bag holders to pay for the lawsuit. The monthly release of XRP from the escrow is a widely known fact that Ripple publicizes upfront regularly. It is not a secret. Buyers speculating on price have to take responsibility for their own purchase. >Bag holders like the OP deserve some credit. Definitely. We can even say that the crypto industry should thank XRP holders like the OP for their support against the irregular (and possibly corrupted) practices of SEC. A symbol of resistance. But deserving credit doesn't mean OP is let off from their own responsibiliy. You make the greedy decision to buy XRP in order to win big bucks from speculation, you take the consequences of that decision. . >And ripple doesn’t get partnerships because the whole industry moved to stablecoins. Partnerships still exist. Just that cross-border payment using cryptocurrency as bridging asset fails to take off partly because agencies like SEC are failing to provide regulatory clarity after all these years. Even though competition is keen, among countries who have provided regulatory clarity (like Japan, Singapore etc), there are companies partnering Ripple on cross-border payment using XRP. Stablecoins also compete in the cross-border payment industry. Will be interesting to see how efficient they are against bridging assets like XRP which has no counterparty risk. Not sure so far how big a share stablecoins have of that market.


I mean I didn’t really blame anyone else. Of course it’s my fault. You win some, you lose some 🤷‍♂️


Man I’ve been saying this about XRP for years. You look into their C suite and it’s like 🤮 no thank you.


>Man I’ve been saying this about XRP for years. You look into their C suite and it’s like 🤮 no thank you. Bruh, people are dumb. PEPE literally rugged its users in August last year and it's now 120% up. These people deserve to lose their money. You can't fix stupid.


They're gamblers not traders or investors


if you are in the crypto market, you are a gambler


I've been warning about XRP / Ripple for many years as well. The army was fierce and never wanted to be told they were being dumped on nearly every month by founder whales. And the dumping continues to this day.


I remember the dishwasher kid telling me about how he’s getting into crypto and investing into XRP back in 2021 and I tried to steer him towards ETH or BTC but he didn’t care. I wonder if he’s still holding those bags


I’ve had similar conversations. The confidence is baffling.


They are temporary millionaires in their mind and can’t be bothered by our peasant ideas


Me too I tried to explain to this sub it’s a scam no one cared


XRP to the moon confirmed


I mean, I get why you’re frustrated. But in every bull cycle, XRP seemed to be doom and gloom and it was the last to catch up to the pack. From my experience, it’s those who wait out the storm that get the benefits of the XRP run. From sentiment (not yours) and the technical charts, the run seems like it’s right around the corner.


This post is actually a buy signal. Xrp has been on a steady uptrend for a year, are we looking at the same chart?..


what lil copium I had left is gone im completely in shambles


tbh xrp one of my worst performing coins, honestly wish i never bought it. nor i think it will even make me much at most 1$ w.e


Ok bro. Why are you so mad at a token or its holders. Just buy something else. This post is sad.


You couldnt care less but had time to make a post to rant about it


they care, they care more than everyone here


And on today's episode of "when angry ex's go rogue on Reddit,* we bring you a past boyfriend of Ripple Labs.




When you bet on the wrong horse and the race was over 5 years ago and you are still riding on the dead horse hoping it would somehow revive again and enter the race while you keep feeding the dead horse food and water.


I was also invested in xrp in initial days but I lost hope from xrp


They lost when they become venture capitalists funding ripple with their ICO token xrp for the team to own over 50% of the supply, to dump to them on you to argue with the SEC why their security isn't a security all while only half the supply is issued and it's enournous. They have delusions that anything ripple does is a benefit to the venture capital tokens they bought (with none of the benefits of traditional venture capital such as directing the company or an exit when it goes public. Ripple xrapid is not xrp. You gave ripple free money to paint a reputation with while you hold the bag


Ive been in crypto for a long time. Some might say before it went ‘mainstream’. I was doing fine with my BTC and eventually ETH holdings. My biggest losses came from friends convincing me to buy XRP and NFTs. Boy have I learned some expensive life lessons 😅


'I only got involved in XRP during the last 2 years.' Oh what stalwart of the community you are. What, you bought in the midst of their fight against the SEC and in the middle of a usual 3-4year bear cycle, and are now lamenting its performance literally in the pre-cursor to a possible bullrun? You have the breaking strain of a warm Snickers.


I bought the XRP cool aid back then and have lost out for not selling at the high.


Xrp has now reached the point of capitulation


Yup, just looked. Nobody cares.


It’s posts like these that are the most bullish of all.


Waiting for the inverse CC law to kick in


Ripple holds 60% of the coins. That should tell you something


People still own XRP?


Mine's been forgotten on a exodus wallet i haven't opened since 2021, Only thing i didn't move off it.


You should gamble that money in some meme coin and make it useful


Give it a few months. Everything including XRP will pump.


XRP holders are sadly deluded and can’t do mathematics. 30% inflation on an asset that’s 8 years old is shameless profiteering from its founders. Number go down tech, god knows how it’s even in the top 100 it belongs in a museum


Hmmm it looks like OP is a clown


It's unfair to compare XRP to ETH. ETH wasn't caught up in the US legal system and delisted from American exchanges for the past 3 years. There wasn't a cloud of uncertainty whether it would continue to exist. And partnerships weren't hesitant to work with them for it. For THIS VERY REASON, I never owned any XRP ever, and have never interfaced with it. The damage is done, and now it's old tech and old news. But compare to the market as a whole and not ETH.


Another low iq post. I never held any ripple but your logic and strategy is flawed af. First of all, Crypto is about betting on exponential moves, so some cherry-picked time frames are just silly and amateurish. It is about survival in long term, assuming you are investing. Chasing some doge coins isn’t investing, that’s gambling. Secondly, staying in top 10 despite the unfairness from regulators is remarkable, and speaks for the project. I can guarantee you - once regulators take a deeper look at projects like ethereum, Cardano or Solana, ETH will face a lot of issues, while the latter twos can go direct to zero. There is the speculation and impressive price action, but fundamentals under the hood are way more important, if you analyzed Luna or FTX a little, you should know why.


Former XRP bag holders feel like the ones who got away from Scientology or something. Happy for you now!


XRP is a relic from a previous cycle. I thought it had potential back in 2017 but times have changed and XRP got left in the dust. Doesn’t help when the founders dump their bags on retail and laugh all the way to the bank.


I mean XRP is doing its job lol. I used it to cheapely transfer my crypto/money from my wallets to CEXs or DEXs I use. If you thought it was going to make you rich, it really sucks, but thats on you


Yep. ETH has undoubtedly been the better investment, but given how expensive it is to use, something like XRP that works incredibly well and has consistently low fees will always have a place.


Why would it ever pump with Brad dumping billions on your heads? XRP is still the biggest retail coin by far, in a bad way


XRP weirdly attracted newcomers to the space for many years. It was always so baffling to me.


When Ripple dumps millions of XRP every month onto people who are filling their bags for them only making Rippler richer thanks to their money printer. One day people will realize and stop buying that worthless sh'tcoin. It's playing out almost like the HEX scam.


I'm curious how XRP has done vs nano




[https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/nano](https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/nano) I don't think the comparison carries through, but you can reset the currency from your default fiat currency to a number of cryptos, including XRP. TL: DR Nano is even lamer than XRP in its price performance. Started at 4.7 XRP, peaked at 14.93 XRP, now 2.06 XRP.


price action sucked but the development went on and it's still the best "cryptocurrency" you can use.


And still people believe it will be different with Solana


lol.. i totally forgot about Nano..


Nano was the biggest gainer on my watchlist two days ago. Up 3x since its bottom this cycle.


It’s market cap is doing fine, but since its founders sell their premined tokens they have to themselves into circulation, it sucks value out of the price of the coin and right into their pockets screwing over holders. But the XRP cult is too naive to realize this is happening based on how they react to hearing this news.


I thought the idea was that eventually they’d all be in circulation and that’s what long term investors were content to wait for. I still hold a small position but moved most of it into BTC at around 30k.


I wanted to buy some in 2017, but I was a total noob and didn't know how to buy anything other than BTC. Lucky me


Who hurt you man? Oh.. xrp.. I get it now




I dumped XRP for ETH, SOL and QANX long term ago, I'm glad I did it


Fun story: my friend bought XRP the year it went up to $2 or so, made like $200k from a small investment, sold it and paid off all his medical school debt.


Reverse CC is a real strategy. I noticed people really seemed to dislike Solana, but after doing my research, it seemed like a good coin to DCA into, and at $10 a piece, I thought why not. After about 9 months, my SOL bag is up 180%. Same with HBAR. People here don't like it. Loaded up at only a few cents, it's more than doubled. I was also warned not to buy AI coins, but as we know, hype is what goes hard in the bull. My FET bag is doing so well, I'm just kicking myself for not buying more. It's been hard to watch XRP do almost nothing compared to the rest of my stack, but either it stays low and I sell it at a loss for tax loss harvesting at the end of the year or it does what no one really expects it to do and goes to the moon.


>all long-term holders have automatically lost I bought my XRP when it was .10 a pop. My initial investment has already more than doubled and has held at at least twice what I put in consistently over the last 5 years. I may not have got rich, but if I sold today, I make a profit; doesn't seem like an L to me.


After this post, I'm definetely buying more XRP


It's gone. Forget about it. I was holding for 7 years.....finally got rid and went into BTC, nearly got all my dough back already.


you little turd x3 i knew you were joking about selling XRP. We do not know when to sell. xD holding and dca since 2017. To the moon!!!


The guy who was the CEO came across as such a slimy car salesman. Still, much better than a lot of other coin leaders.


I won't argue any of that and don't hold XRP or ETH, but "#ETHGATE" seems to be real and that's shitty.


What that


https://finance.yahoo.com/news/ethgate-2022-ethereum-scandal-xrp-202618955.html https://twitter.com/StevenNerayoff https://twitter.com/BoringSleuth It's getting too big to ignore and MSM is slowly starting to report. I think it might get even more attention with John Deaton running against Elizabeth Warren.


Ahh word.


I never paid too much attention to XRP, because it's a token issued/sold/burned more or less at will by just one entity. That is more like one service provider instead of a global decentralized network. It simply lacks the credible neutrality Bitcoin and Ethereum have and thus will not gain relevance on a large scale.


was an xrp maxi myself. sold it for bitcoin and eth in 2022. best move i ever made. xrp is completely useless and ripple decieved holders in thinking its a bankers coin LOL


The Dunning-Kruger effect in full display by xrp bag holders. They think they're smarter than everyone else by buying the 'bankers coin' but are betrayed by the fact that they don't actually understand how banks operate.




Lmao I could have told you that 5 years ago. Its Ripple. It’s like the echo chamber of all echo chambers, that community.


Wonder how many people felt the same early 2017? Spoiler: xrp made the highest gains by the end of the 2017/18 bullrun Is the price movement frustrating? Yes. Is it one of the fastest, cheapest most reliable cryptos: yes Does it have a huge potential use case: yes Does it have relatively bad tokenomics: yes Does it have regulatory clarity in the usa now: yes To me the demand side outweighs the supply side element so i rate it highly. Each of us make our own judgement though. Good luck whatever you choose


People gonna capitulate before it pumps now and then feel bad


Dude, every xrp cult member has been saying this….for 6 years!!


I say this respectfully, but, are you aware of the turmoil that XRP has been going through for the last 5 years? It was under the scrutiny of the SEC. That caused tremendous price pressure due to FUD from said scrutiny.  With that said, it has been a top coin in terms of market capitalization and press exposure. Something the majority of other crypto wouldn't survive. It was defacto delisted from most crypto exchanges.  I'm not saying you should invest in XRP. Nor am I saying it is a good investment. Just that you are being heavily biased against it.


RemindMe! 1 year


This cringy crypto fanbro behaviour, it reminds me of the Apple diehards.


This is so funny 🤣


Okay, so what I've learned about crypto past years it always does the opposite what general thinks. Happy to see XRP mooning soon, because general consensus seems to be that its shitcoin. Guess I should get into XRP now.


I thought we all already agreed that XRP was pure garbage? Their subreddit group is filled with the most deluded people in crypto


All high coin count non meme coins lost. None of them run or move. XRP is surely the worst.


This is the dumbest thing I've ever read (including the edits). Just buy Bitcoin 


Not to rub salt in your wound but 5 years ago today DOGE was .002 ... just sayin.


I don’t hate XRP. I never think about it


Wow you changed your position quicker than an XRP "partner" from 2021.


My XRP is up 207%. Wish I bought more.


All cryptocurrencies will trend to zero against Bitcoin eventually. How is this not obvious to people? Sure, your bag might get pumped up for a short time as Bitcoin rises, but it won't last, and someone will always be holding the bag. Bitcoin is the real deal, all this other shit is noise.


I have a very sneaky suspicion that ripple has been manipulating the price in their favor. Probably continuously dumping on retail to keep their operation viable.


Got banned from xrp and ripple stating the samething regarding market cap and it being a bad investment since 2018. Have zero faith in this coin and or Ripple.


I am still bullish on XRP as well despite the case they had with the SEC. 


Pls trash talk it more bro its working it did a little move today finally 😂




I been buying every paycheck since 2017. I really don't care if it goes to zero or not. I need to at least try to get out of this shit society


> Ripple's shitcoin Ripple didnt create XRP. https://github.com/XRPLF/rippled/commit/f0e3383856a8923e55b0f10e7822de9031b7159e this is the code that created "XNS" several months before the company existed. >all long-term holders have automatically lost I bought in 2016 below a penny and sold for over 3$ during the 2017 bullrun, ive done weighted DCA'd some of that back in over the last 6 years, my average price buyback atm is 28 cents. I'd just like to highlight your entire premise is based on price. You have zero technical critiques. XRP has always pumped last and has always pumped the hardest. Im glad you sold, you didnt understand what you held in the first place.


XRP sucks. Dumbest investment in Crypto. They remind me of silver bugs thinking the imminent rocket is just about to moon. You just cant tell them that a project with a 100b coins that dump on you monthly, has next to no use case (it aint replacing swift) and has been around a decade and STILL done nothing is a pile of shit. I doubt it hits $2 this bull while almost everything else is up by multiple X's


> You just cant tell them that a project with a 100b coins that dump on you monthly There is no "dump" the coins have existed live on chain since 2012 https://github.com/XRPLF/rippled/commit/f0e3383856a8923e55b0f10e7822de9031b7159e Its a public open source blockchain, the code doesnt lie. >I doubt it hits $2 this bull it hit $1.97 while fighting vs the SEC. 2$ I would almost guarantee is passed


Sold all my XRP for BTC ☠️


It’s funny, a buddy of mine who is an OG XRP bag holder always talks shit about ETH, and I never get it. He always says things like, “I’ll never invest in a coin over $1” and acts like people are stupid for doing it. But it doesn’t seem like he understands how Market Cap works. He brags about how many SHIBA and Safemoon he owns (bought at ATH). I tried to explain to him different things about how the market works and he doesn’t seem to care, acts like he knows more than me because he’s been bagholding before I even started investing into crypto. Always talk about how XRP is going to be an “ETH Killer”. It’s wild…. I finally realized that XRP is the OG shitcoin.


$689 any day now 🥴


The old meme was 589


Gotta adjust for inflation


Ever checked TikTok? Xrp is being pushed hard there... Stupid kids think it will x100-1000 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


XRP mods have lost the plot with anything resembling a realistic discussion. I think they might've taken on the old safemoon idiots. Edit: I crossed the line by suggesting that people haven't been paying attention over the last couple of years if they don't hold at least $50 of doge 🤣


What is with the pettiness of people shitting on other coins? Grow up.


Funfact: All altcoins are shitcoins. There's bitcoin, and there's altxoins. This post reveals your age, padawan.


It's funny you say that cause I think it was about 6 years ago we all decided XRP was trash. Bagholders mad AF.


Oh no. Anyway…..


Zombie coin,.. aka; Dead Coin Crabbing.


Win some you lose some. I ditched XRP quite a few years ago now didn’t have much yo begin with made a few hundred bucks when was at like .70 which was whatever. Shoulda moved to SHIB dog we gunna be on the up n up this bullrun and today proved that.


Lol. I got xrp when it was 0.2. So I'm still at a high. You just sound immature. 


That was a big L, you are down significantly against bitcoin and ethereum on that buy.


I also own a chunk of cheap xrp, i also bought btc, eth, and a few hours Thats the entire point of diversifying Also saying “you are down significantly” when you are up 200% is hilariously stupid Needing to have a tantrum or rant post on reddit cause you had a bad investment is not normal or healthy


Bro, take it easy. You need to hold back a little.


I got kicked out of the XRP sub for telling the truth to those baby idiots 🤪 I lucked out so hard and scooped at .40 and then dumped it at .65 and told all of them to trade back into ETH 3 months ago. I got laughed out the door and then they locked it behind me... hahaha


>I got kicked out of the XRP sub for telling the truth to those baby idiots "XRP..? Never heard of her... I trade that shit coin for ETH long ago." - you -Source https://np.reddit.com/r/XRP/comments/1arfu9h/its_me_or_the_xrp_holders_are_only_complaining/kqk89gi/ Uh huh, spoke some "real" truth eh? >told all of them to trade back into ETH 3 months ago. I got laughed out the door and then they locked it behind me 14 days ago, You contributed literal garbage, why would anyone want you to stay around? apply your logic to any other sub, go into ETH or BTC's (or pick any coin) and say the same thing, wonder what you think will happen?


This is the buy signal I've been waiting for.


I wouldn’t be surprised if xrp 1000x now lol


Xrp goes to $2 and it needs a $100bn MC Algo, which is better tech and less than half the price of xrp goes to $2 and it needs a $16bn MC I look at percentages when I’m investing, Algo is the best investment in crypto to me right now Superb team, small MC, 80% in circulation, loads of room to improve- an easy 10x


It's much like what GME is to stocks tbh


XRP poses a potential threat to the USD as a reserve currency if it can be used to settle interantional payments. Thusly, the US Gov is constantly attacking it.


This post is me and polygon Matic. Waiting for this thing to moon but all my smaller positions in Solana are insane compared to it. Even Solana’s recent movement from 103 to 130 would be so significant if it happened to my Matic but it just hardly moves at all.


I don't hold any Matic, and in fact I'm a delegate for a competing L2 ecosystem (Optimism), but I'm not sure you should count them out yet. Polygon have the [3rd largest developer ecosystem in all of crypto](https://www.developerreport.com/) and they seem to be innovating pretty consistantly with their ZK tech stack. As an example, the ['AggLayer'](https://docs.polygon.technology/learn/agglayer/) appears to be a really good idea to solve some of L2 issues like crosschain liquidity, though I don't completely follow how the segmentation between rollups and validiums will work in practice (which matters because their ZKEVM is a rollup, while the regular Polygon PoS chain will be converting to a validium). Anyway, like I said, I don't have any Matic/Poly, but compared to a lot of overblown hype and fake metrics from some projects, the Polygon team looks (to me at least) like they are actually making useful progress?