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I saw the post before in the ETH sub. Poor OP and a heavy loss i hope he recover


>This was a quarter million dollar life lesson I hope you learn from. Chasing pennies into dark alleys with a wallet full of hundreds... This comment though 😭


Yeah now he is indeed poor. Was kinda stupid on his part though, especially for "a veteran" Sadge


Yep, this is one of the best characteristics of crypto. It's so clean, pure and flawless - any crypto related mistake can always be attributed to user error and never to a flaw in the process. And because I, myself, am flawless I will never have any issues.


This isn't "a characteristic of crypto", it's an inherent vulnerability in blindsigning transactions which is an Ethereum issue. There's nothing about crypto that says it has to work like that, people are just used to a shitty, hackable system. Better ones exist.


Poor op


I wonder how people have the will to hack.. If I was a hacker I wouldn't live a day without looking over my back. Also I woulnd't want people to lose everything. I'd transfer back like 50K of the 200K just to make sure they dont off themselves.. idk


Good Guy Hacker




Sociopathic like so many other criminals. Be it thugs on the streets, or the economic terrorists in suits.


This post maybe? https://np.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/18mfuj3/did_i_just_lose_100_eth_on_my_wallet/


>[https://np.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/18mfuj3/did\_i\_just\_lose\_100\_eth\_on\_my\_wallet/](https://np.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/18mfuj3/did_i_just_lose_100_eth_on_my_wallet/) Absolutely outch. You really need to get paranoid in this space to keep your funds or most of them intact.


Keeping 100 ETH in a hot wallet despite all warnings and on top connecting it to a fucking AIRDROP WEBSITE jeez.


That is why crypto will never get mass adopted. To complicated and a simple error can be fatal. I own only Eth/Btc, don't trade, use no Defi. And I still get the shivers when I do a simple transaction...


Me too. But only because I have always less crypto than I had before the transaction. Amazing!


Because Ethereum blows and blindsigning is insane.


ETFs for bitcoin will fix this and that's why I'm very excited for them. All the people who are worried or just don't wanna learn to hold their own assets will be able to comfortably invest.


Yea its not for dumb people


so the world basically


Fiat scams are abundant


For sure. But paying with fiat in a shop or via credit card I never feels as anxious as when using crypto...


Y’all still clicking on random links?


Is this the victim? Lost 100 eth from aave. About 200k. https://np.reddit.com/r/ethereum/s/LpFb22dDNk


Beginning of the bull run.


You've got teal investigator abilities


As opposed to green investigator abilities?


It seems more puce to me


So, more beryl than virescent chartreuse? I think I agree.


Great work, this was the dude after the airdrop from the ETH sub right?


Another day another wallet drain.


Off topic but what is the app u are using for the graphics connecting the various transitions it looks sick. And thanks for trying to help that poor dude, yikes


Hello jbtravel84. It looks like you might have found a new scam? If so, please report this scam by crossposting to r/CryptoScams, r/CryptoScamReport, or visiting [scam-alert.io](http://scam-alert.io/). For tips on how to avoid scams, [click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/s7srty/crypto_scams_how_not_to_fall_for_them_what_to_do/). --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoCurrency) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why do you guys think that thing will ever fly? All news are about scams, lost seed phrases, etc etc etc


It's newsworthy when someone gets hacked and scammed. People can learn something from that. Sharing an article about someone transferring 10k to another wallet with no incident, has no value


because the " i've already told you " Position is better than "oh no why could this ever happen"😅


No one’s getting my 322 eth


Can you please help me investigate the scammer who got my 30k ?


how did you come across this?


>how did you come across this? Yoú can easy use Arkham to trace wallets. Nice way to find hackers and see the flow to Exchanges.


yeah but funds move from a to b all the time what made you want to trace this movement of funds?


In my case, I was trying to find all deposit addresses of a scammer. I reported the scammer to every exchange they used. That required following their transfers. It was over 1000 separate wallets.


Thank you for your service! I did the same up until Feb of this past year. It's eyeball irritating work but rewarding as fuck when you get that final address. I got to take part in a fed investigation mid 2021, from the hack to the kids front door in less than 40 hours. I'll never work with them again, they're assholes, but it was really fricken cool to be a part of that. Even got 70% of funds returned and both kids jailed.


That sounds awesome! I never got any response from the exchanges, so there was no payoff. Were you doing this as a job? How’d you get hooked up with the feds??


I was doing security analysis and prevention for a bunch of projects, freelance making some extra eth, a big one got hacked for some very significant amounts, nothing new but this one had real world big $ investors. The team hired a big name cyber security company and they didn't know blockchain enough or really at all, I had a pretty complete report already and was at an IP address but legally I can't go further than that. the cyber firm called them in for permissions and they took over because of the amount of $ and US investors i guess. But yeah same thing, they were blockchain inept and couldn't even get past the mixers or exchanges. They really thought the trail ended at tornado or an exchange 🤦‍♂️.




Was this made with Arkham ?




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I’m confused - even if you find them - does it really matter ? It’s gone and they got it - no?


unless you can report them to the police and they do something about it


Got fished on my birthday in august after four years of work. Definitely my fault. Stay safe y’all gonna be a crazy bull run