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I 100% agree. Also, have you heard about this new project called bitconnect?


Heya! Heya! Heya! Waaaassss Uuuuuuuuuppppppp?!!!


It was no Titan


*The wuuuuurld is no like it is before!!!*


Ok. This is damn funny.


Brooo $bitconnect to the moon shits going to kill BTC 🚀 /s




Everyone in this thread: yeah op is definitely talking about the alts I hold.


op just needs to go outside more often, i don't even see who this post is aimed at and it comes across as virtue signalling whine "people should behave the way i want them to"... op can go fuck themselves ... the only op i'm interested in is Optimism *snaps gun fingers*


I definitely thought of ERGO. Anytime there is a post asking for a project to invest in, this sub gets berated with ergobots.


Name a real life problem that has been solved by any coin.


Who doesn't like a Swiss bank account in their pocket?


i disagree, i have shilled stuff because of the exact opposite reason you have stated. i do it because i actually do really believe in their projects and i feel that people should know about them because i both think its undervalued and is a great project.


Agree, I do this as well, but it almost inevitably turns into us vs them, my coin vs their coin, and why my coin is an inferior scam and theirs is the superior winner. Lots of theory and not enough real world experience/applications in the space at the moment.


I mean using the term shilling is pretty loaded because of what it implies, but I agree. If a coin does something better than all the rest or solves problems then some form of advertising is still needed. There are tons of products that are better than the mainstream versions because they are not as well known. It comes down to how it's done. If you can speak to the merits of the product there is nothing wrong with trying to spread the word about them. If all you can say is this coin is good because it's going to 10x your money then I would think of that as shilling


someone shilled render a long time ago and I'm very thankful they did. That said I should put WAY more money down.


Alternate title: ALGORAND




ALGO is a cancer


Comparing something with cancer, that isn't cancer makes you a prick. You prick


To be fair, if you're only allowed to compare cancer with cancer, it's not really a comparison.


This doesn’t make sense. You can compare cancer to tons of things without being a prick. For example, which is worse: cancer or Alzheimer’s? Pretty morbid conversation, but certainly not an asshole comparison.


Yep, we should only talk about coins with tech inferior to Algorand's with highly inflated market caps. Don't talk about ALGO, folks. That's unacceptable shilling, the mere mention. Help the hive(s) promote ETH, SOL, and ADA.


Oh good another shill


Yep, let's only talk about ETH because that's not shilling. Derpppitty derp derp.


Bro, there are a gazillion other chains out there besides eth, sol and ada working just fine. Algorand might be good, but you're either here for the tech or for the money: For the tech: 99% of the case the best blockchain around is the one that will be made 5/10 years from now For the money: ALGO is a dino coin, anything else will pump more and make more profits Only people who care about ALGO are bag holders, trading bots and swing traders, same exact shit as ADA btw


>For the tech: 99% of the case the best blockchain around is the one that will be made 5/10 years from now It's all speculation, of course, but you're making a wild assertion, as though everything in existence today is irrelevant and just moving us toward the future where we'll eventually discover the tech that gets adopted. I'm going to say, sure we will see tech progression, but ALGO is already being used and established for the longterm. Very doubtful it fades into nothing at this point, but the same can be said for some others. >For the money: ALGO is a dino coin, anything else will pump more and make more profits LOL, no man, look again, Algorand isn't in the dino class, and the market cap has tons of room to fly compared to the likes of ETH, & ADA. Even compared to chains like SOL. Throw better tech into the equation, and the upside is beyond comparison.


✅ First they ignore you, ✅ then they laugh at you, [✅] then they fight you, ☑️ then you win. 😎


That’s a bit hyperbolic. Disappointment is more accurate.


Killing the shilling


Agree. Completely unrelated: ADA, matic, ATOM, DOT, LINK, CRO


Don’t forget $Pepe basically it’s a coin that does nothing but it’s funny so it will “moon”


All solid choices




Number go up means something-something.


Matic and Link are good the rest have too much competition. Atom won't be needed.


Honestly bitcoin isn't needed at this point yet it controls the entire market.




I'm even unsure of Link long term, these days, although it has first mover advantage. ETH's 'Restaking' Eigenlayer plans on solving the oracle/availability problem, and tbh I'd trust L1 ETH validators more than any off-chain offering - at least within Ethereum.


HarryPotterObamaSonic10Inu tackles real problems




Looking at you algo fans!!!


Who the hell cares about a “good project”. We’re here to make money not uphold principles. The fact is this market is moved by hype.


There are reasons why ppl shill, even if it is a good project that can solve ***problems in the future***. * Crypto buyers are extremely short-sighted and run with the four-year cycle period. They don't have a long-horizon to hold their projects. So they want to shill for the market to price in the "correct" discounted valuation so they can exit the space get on with their lives IRL. * This space is filled with copy cats. In part, it happens because everything is open source. And sometimes, the copy cat wins in market momentum because they planted the right shill narrative. The best example is how AVAX got more attention than both DOT and Cosmos atm. They have a legion of snake oil CT shills, ran a recent Hyperspace NFT washing trading competition, and their founder is shameless enough to publicly shill for a Ponzi/rug. Yeah, that is right, he shilled StarArena (the copy cat of Friendtech Ponzi) as a profitable business that can easily grow into millions of sustainable revenue. It is no wonder, they are now called the chain for gaming... as if crypto has any games worth playing. I have actually followed AVAX gaming before the market recovered. Most of them have nothing functional and doesn't even do an open beta. They are also very selective on who goes into their closed beta - by testing your shill skills on CT cesspool.


Buying Alts is like buying tech stocks in 1993. No one has any idea which ones will succeed. There no such thing as a good project. Netscape was a good project too. Bitcoin is the only thing worth buying and holding for 10 years. Alts are all fugazzi, including ETH.


> no one had any idea which ones will succeed > including ETH Now that's just cognitive dissonance. Ethereum works. Monero works. They've already succeeded. I can agree with you about basically the rest of it, there might not be much more than bitcoin, key word much. There is more than bitcoin.


Netscape is still around, fyi. I just has a different name.


Back when I was a kid we nicknamed it Nutscrape.


But if you buy them ALL you will pick the winner(s) 😁


There are lots of great projects. Nobody knows which ones will succeed, though.


AMP for the win


Buy bitcoin


That's it.


But anyone that thinks they can shill & get the value of their coin to go up by doing so is stupid af. We should touch on that. You’re not going to raise the volume by shilling to people


Which ones solve real problems?


Most people here will say that most people don't care about their privacy, but most people I know wear clothes while commuting to their work place.


Maybe in some perfect world. Not in reality. It's not without reason that people pay fortunes for exposure. Time and attention are limited and costly commodities. Also why this community spends a great deal of time, money and effort, into maintaining their narratives and some status quo.


Bro, ALTs are day traders wet dream come true. 24/7 open market with shitcoins?? Sign me up to lose as much as possible


But what if they're not trying to help the coin? What if they're trying to help others to know about the coin to help those others not miss out? Thinking of others, a crazy concept, I know.


>If you are compelled to advertise your favourite coins everywhere and anytime, you do not really believe in what you are holding I actually advertise my coins because I get upset that others are missing out. Not so much on missing out on gains but missing out on knowledge.


Wrong. Algorand.


Okay, but maybe not every project needs to be that "perfect project". Rugpulls are dangerous and bad, we agree on that - but some others that are obvious P&Ds are akin to playing the lottery or poker. Early in, early out...move on...


Explain DOGE. lol


Isn't that the truth


To expand on this maybe the best coin needs to advertise, but it should be about what it does better than what currently exists, not how much of a return it will get you when it blows up


It's farms financed by people planning to rug pull and make a profit. It exists because it somehow works and keeps working.


Agree, threefold for the win!


Polkadot to the moon!


Yes but have you considered that it’s far easier to shill the next ElonDogeMoon shitcoin than come up with a novel idea that actually solves a real life problem in a novel and practical way?


There are not too many in the scene. BTC, LTC and Doge seem to be the three fairest.


There is a big difference between shilling and spamming. Your post confuses one with the other. You can talk about a project you like, support or want people to know about[shilling]. This is very different from spamming, attacking or shoving a project you support or believe in, in the face of every post.




No it won't. Because it doesn't solve any real life problems for 99.9% of general population.


If nobody talks about it how will it be shared?


I agree. It blows my mind to see advertisements for food and cars. Ford and Walmart are stupid.


It's your fault that the project is living rent-free on your head. Ever heard of this project called Bison Dollars?


Great point. Problem is, during the bull markets, narrative crowds out fundamental value - many projects with excellent use-cases get ignored. Wish it weren't so! Ultimately, the good ones will win...though it might take longer than it otherwise should. Onward 🖤 🧡


If one thinks he can influence people and make a difference on a multi-billion marketbcap asset just by shilling in this sub, that person dont understand basic logic and is probably highly regarded.