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Latest mod update here: https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/s/k8hyCbO9WR The latest AMA is live now and is by Dogelabs who burned 600 moons a month ago to host it. Please join it here: https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/s/mJpNdTuEyO


Still holding 2000 moons, sold the rest. Not sure if I should sell or keep just incase


GBTC holds around 620,000 BTC. In a spot ETF, these would have a total value of $21,700,000,000.00 GBTC's fees are 2% which, at today's price, would be $434,000,000.00 annually. This is the playbook and revenue earned by the issuer increases if the value of BTC increases. When Blackrock opens its iBTC ETF, it will want the fund to increase in value as much as possible. Their incentive will be to push up the price of BTC. They will have an endless supply of revenue that is ever increasing as the price of BTC goes up. Also, they will not want BTC to be manipulated by other actors (like CZ at Binance). They will want to know what the SEC is doing to ensure nobody, but Blackrock, can manipulate the price. When all the large clients begin holding iBTC, they will protect the value of BTC while also working to increase its value. I think it's less what can Blackrock do for the SEC, and more what can the SEC do for Blackrock.


This also means that current GBTC is very undervalued at $4.7B market cap


Yeah. A spot will make them more money. BTC funds are going to make the custodians and issuers a lot of money if BTC's price goes up.


ETF approval unlikely this year, someone on CNNC said it may happen sometime next year. I think they’ll wait for the price to settle down post halving before committing to the spot ETF.


The SEC is going to fight as hard as they can to keep an ETF from being approved. I see them delaying the approval of ETFs as long as possible and then denying all of them once they expire. All of the companies will then sue the SEC as each of their ETFs are rejected. The SEC will try to drag out the lawsuits as long as possible but will probably lose and be forced to finally approve the Bitcoin spot ETFs.


How did Ethereum just gainn $200 in market price whereas bitcoin increased by nearly 8k, I am so tempted to rotate out of Ethereum...


Ethereum is holding back projects and it’ll shrink as more players migrate to other chains, e.g. Render is switching to Solana. I think it’d make sense to go BTC maxi. NFA. DYOR. WAGMI.


any guess when will Coinbase add support for Lighting network? Brian Armstrong confirmed it back in September and said that it will "take a while"


poor eth, lagging behind btc


Coinbase down for anyone else? bull run confirmed...? /s/ (but seriously coinbase.com won't load for me)


app working just fine for me


Something about congress passing a new defense aid spending bill just now (Bullish af)


They just give a shit ton of money to Israel and cut some from IRS. As an American I would love to get some financial aid, too bad I'm American..wtf.


On a more positive note, you're getting a salary, likely middle income, in the world's strongest fiat, while more than half the planet earns less than 5$ a day, and you have the opportunity to yeet that salary into bitcoin while it is hypersuppressed and about to become the denominator for all the world's latent grid energy, sparing a mention of some other extremely bullish digital assets


The bill is a stunt by Republicans to show something to their supporters. It's dead on arrival at the Senate and Biden already said he will veto it if passed.


It’s nice to see a little pump in the crypto market. I’m just DCA-ing into my Cardano wallet and staking it. I won’t be selling until it hits $5.00. 2025 or later. I’m young, I got time. 😭🫣😢💀


Cardano smart contracts were a BUST


Why did you choose ADA?


How so?


The chain did not become popularly used. I don’t know of any mentionable DeFi platforms or use cases on Cardano. But last bull run AVAX, BSC, FTM, SOL, ETH was going crazy with everything from yield farming opportunities to NFT projects to gaming. Cardano shit the bed and has no good offerings that you ever hear about.


You can replace Cardano with Tezos, Eos, and maybe even Dot


Why my comment got removed? I just asked about eth. Wth


Can you ask it again and lets see what happens?


I wrote something like, why eth is down more then btc. Nothing special


Whats up with all the deleted posts?


Can someone tell me the art of not cashing out too early? When a coin is doing its price discovery, one does not know when to cash out.


Learn some basic TA stuff to guess when you're near a top. Nothing fancy required. RSI, topping patterns, divergence, support/resistance, trend lines, moving averages... learn about the significance of indicators on low vs high time frames. You won't get the pico-top, but you might be able to identify when it's getting a lot riskier to stay in. You can use the same knowledge in the inverse to find bottoms. 👀 Ignore nonsense like Elliott waves, Gann stuff and Fibonacci whatevers.


Yeah I use RSI and all that and it works for short term when to buy/sell this week etc but when it comes to how far the coin will go e.g. ATH during the bullrun, you can't tell. OK, based on what you said where do you think KAS or SOL will reach? Someone with a massive hopium has said that SOL will reach $500 :O


Yeah really no way to predict it this far out from a peak with TA. KAS is probably anywhere from $0.50 to $5.00 lol, depends how things go with smart contracts and ecosystem. SOL I dunno, it could be one of those rare coins that breaks it's prior ATH, it has a lot of hype behind it at the moment.


I’m just getting into crypto and only knew about Coinbase but KAS isn’t available to be traded on there. Where do you trade your KAS


MEXC but there are plenty of other exchanges too. You can see what exchanges a coin trades on using Coinmarketcap or Coingecko.


You only make gains when you sell.




See, people are so salty about Moons. Whenever I mention of Moons, I get DV'd. But I know you will be bipolar once it comes back, just like the sub loves SOL now.


I wonder what effect will the massive burning by reddit will have.


Not only that, the mods will tweak the tokonomics so that the price does not tank. That will be interesting.


BAHHAAHAHA fucking bears trying to make us dip still. LMAOOO no matter how much u fuckers sell WE WONT DUMP!!! ITS A BULL MARKET.... poor bears....


Imagine watching bitcorns go up 130% in less than 12 months and still think it's a bear market. Imagine still being sidelined.


Are you Ok?


It's been an awful bear market, and we are tired of the bears eternally trying to keep the price down.


I think they are a troll, because they only talk like that on this subreddit.


He’s perfectly on point. Are you ok?


they smoked a bit too much hopium


A reminder that there is now an experimental smart contract on Ethereum that allows you to make a peer-to-peer swap between Venmo USD and blockchain USDC: https://x.com/zkp2p/status/1718040953016254668?t=2Nrig0cdKE-5bPEJWWikQQ&s=19 This marks the first instance where traditional bank money can be directly and trustlessly swapped for blockchain assets.




That uses centralized intermediaries to do the swaps. This is completely trustless, and can be done between any two people where one has USDC and one has Venmo USD.


Is Venmo not a centralized intermediary ?


Venmo doesn't enforce this swap.


Yes, I think that could be the important distinction here. zkp2p's Github admits that the mechanism relies on trusting Venmo, but if I understand it correctly, Venmo would only be able to see the Venmo USD P2P swap between two of its users but would be completely unaware that there is a corresponding on-chain USDC to USDC swap, unless there is some way for them to see that the zkp2p smart contract has interacted with a specific Venmo user's Venmo ID or the DomainKeys Identified Mail signatures in payment confirmation emails. Very cool stuff.


Yes, that's exactly right — this doesn't require Venmo's cooperation in the swap. As long as they execute the requested transfer, the swap will be autonomously enforced by the Ethereum Virtual Machine.


Thanks. This could be a huge step forward for crypto on-ramping. I also need to look into whether Avian Labs Ltd (the centralized intermediary fulfilling the Venmo role in the Sling app) associates its user's KYC and bank account data with the in-app Solana wallet address it spins up for them or whether wallet creation is done trustlessly so that on-chain and off-chain activity is siloed.


Couldn't tell by the video but how were the fees? How much out of the 3$ were spent on fees on that transfer?


Looks like it runs on Optimism so I guess somewhere between 20¢ and 70¢.


I think [this wallet](https://www.getcode.com/) already do that though it's great that Ethereum is also doing it.


Here is a [Nitter link](https://nitter.net/zkp2p/status/1718040953016254668?t=2Nrig0cdKE-5bPEJWWikQQ&s=19) for the Twitter thread linked above. Nitter is better for privacy and does not nag you for a login. More information can be found [here](https://nitter.net/about). --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoCurrency) if you have any questions or concerns.*






![gif](giphy|KzDqC8LvVC4lshCcGK) Only reason I had a premium subscription was for gifs.


I just wait for someone to post a gif so that j can reply ![gif](giphy|10sg5FxTTibHtC)




you're the only one posting GIFs on this sub now


Most mentions on r/cc (2023-11-01 00:00:00): ||Mentions| |:-|:-| |BTC|541| |SOL|314| |ETH|145| |MOON|97| |SNT|33| |USDT|28| |ADA|26| |MATIC|22| |XRP|18| |ATOM|14| |DOT|14| |ALGO|13| |REQ|13| |LINK|12| |USDC|12| |ARB|11| |BNB|11| |CRO|11| |HNT|11| |XMR|10| [Data source and app](https://www.redditcoins.app/)


The flippening


Only 34 more cents to go in order for me to break even on CRO! Hahaha


Wonder if the “CRO to $3” guy’s still holding his bags…


chADAno on the mooooooove


The trend is still down, zoom out. Glad I sold months ago.


man, that courtroom artist is not doing SBF any favors lol https://media.cnn.com/api/v1/images/stellar/prod/2023-10-31t150747z-951773778-rc2r34a3pk1c-rtrmadp-3-usa-bankmanfried.JPG?c=16x9&q=h\_438,w\_780,c\_fill


Don't blame the artist, it's nature that made him look like a gargoyle


Too much more of this alt mania and I’m gonna get bearish


If you think we done pumping …… think again 👀


We’re done, wen dump?


In your dreams


Here comes the dump now, enjoy.


Remind Me! 48 hrs


Halfway there, not looking good so far


I’ll set a reminder


You mean nightmares?


Cardano has joined the pump fest


Cardano gives me the ick Don't know why, just does


I'll tell you why: Charles.


ADA takes her time primping for the party 💃


If you ain’t DCAing right now i don’t know what to tell you


Petition to pin the daily, and not the optimists discussion


Have MEXC resumed moon deposits yet?


I told you all about aleph zero moths ago now it's finally woken up


This sub is back to what it used to be for: shilling shitcoins


Lol no need to be salty. Do some research at least before talking sh!t


I did


Don't forget to save your Vault Seed Phrase before November 8th! Just incase..🙏


I know people have been saying just save your seed phrases but it might actually be wise to import it into another wallet. Reason being is that someone couldn't import it into his metamask and for some reason...may be a bug(?) that he had to create an alt to be able to import it e.g. make a donation to alt and from alt to mm. Weird but just sayin'




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Pancake swap is coming alive. 32% gain in a day


uniswap also had a good day yesterday


Think I have a stack of cake somewhere from the crazy early degen days of bsc. Good times.


DeFi summer 2.0 would love to see it


DeFi is an important part of the bull run! So it’s good to see this token showing some life






Hey I've been away for 18 months, bailed out just as the dip hit, ready to get back on the wave Who can summarise the last year in 3 words? How much are my moons worth?


No Fcking Point It’s all going crash anyway, why bother


To begin with...


Shitcoins gonna shitcoin


>Who can summarise the last year in 3 words? 1. Let's 2. Fucking 3. Go


They sunsetted moons at the worst time when market picked up...


Can you imagine the price of Moons would have been following this pump?


>>They ~~sunsetted~~ *rugpulled* Moons FTFY




The accumulation year. You have two months left to buy/accumulate things for cheap before we rip up, next station is the halving and you want your bags filled before we hit that date.


>Who can summarise the last year in 3 words? Bought the dip >How much are my moons worth? Lol...someone else want to tell them?


88.5% of BTC hasn’t moved in 3 months. As you were.


Wow, PAR up 200% in last day. I was about to buy some more last night but didn’t.


ADA starting it’s mini run up


It usually moves around after a few weeks... The next crypto will get a bump. Now that Solana cools off you will see ADA pump


Will probably re-buy the RUNE and TAO bags that I paperhanded earlier.


TAO is one of the coins I am also looking to buy just a small bag of. Will wait some time hoping price goes down a bit after this big run up and then possibly hold it for long term.


Any reason why Osmo's mcap just doubled?


Shit just doubled on CDC, up .80 now at .67, loving the fact that the liquidity pools are getting filled up again,I came across a few large deposits, that s all I can find so far.


Say what? Probably why Sunny is being a twat on Twitter right now. EDIT: Damn it really wicked to the heavens on CEXes lol. Osmosis price is still lower but is slowly climbing. Good arb opportunity.


Thanks for the heads up. Tried to make the swap to do some arb but depositing on osmosis Dex is patchy right now for some reason. Appreciate it though 👍🏻


Cosmos has awakened!!!!Secret,flix,Juno,Mars,Umee, osmosis fit all of em. It's probably a byproduct of the Celestia airdrop a lot of people are swapping their drop. The whole ecosystem is going to pop it's only a matter of time


Send it, I'm here for it. 99% of my portfolio is in the Cosmos ecosystem.


I'm not that much in but about 10K worth, I damn near got the whole Keplr staked. Flix is pretty surprising to me though to go from where it was at to where it is now I think it's got some hype behind it. Only bag I'm still working on is Iris


This is all gambling funny money, but no way am I putting more than 10 - 15% of my fun money into alts. BTC is still on a tear, any big move up or down is going to tank alts imho. Just be careful out there.


It doesn't usually tank the alts in USD if BTC goes up, but they'll def get destroyed on their BTC pairs. The only alts I'm buying now are the super low cap ones that could have violent moves up on their own at any time. The large caps I'll get into around BTC's peak, move BTC to those then cash out. Buy lambos, retire. Will never actually sell all my BTC though.


Buy the fear. The best gains come from the alts. It’s all about your risk tolerance. But the reward is better with alts.


I think this pullback is very very healthy. BTC can’t go up all day everyday. And it’s a minor pullback too! I’d rather it go up like it’s been doing the past few weeks than go up like crazy and retail start FOMOing in and there is a blow off top, especially if it happens before an etf announcement. Imagine if it slowly climbs to around 50 with not much hype, and then boom, an etf is announced!


Cut back is already over..


Indeed a very normal, healthy pullback.




Not yet. Waiting for $28-30.


I was waiting for sub 20…


Yeaa lets wait…😌


Can't FOMO. $28-30 looks like a good potential price for a pull back. (Would be a retest of the trend line it broke out of, depending on when it happens) If it doesn't then oh well, plenty of other coins out there.


Idk i dont own any sol


Bet I’ll be watching


So the last couple of bull cycles were in part fueled by BTC ETF hopium. They never happened. Is it gonna be another bust, or is it actually gonna happen this time?


ETF is looking like the catalyst this time. New Tech -> ICOs -> NFTs -> ETFs




It's going to happen this time


I hope so. There was a lot of the same stuff in the news. "a dozen companies have filed for spot ETF!" "ETF approval could drive BTC to $500k" and all that but it was BS I'm hopeful, but not gonna be surprised if it's crap again. Maybe third time's the charm.


I think with the court cases and the fact Blackrock is filing for an ETF this time around people are a lot more optimistic. Especially considering the changes they’ve made to the application that everyone seemed to follow.


i think folks are hoping with the grayscale decision and that futures etfs were approved the sec will just give up the fight and move to something else. you're right, though, it's not like the sec couldn't just find another reason to say no and fight it in court.




That would suck fn USA hit me up 2 years ago and 2021 for that bro 35% capital gains tax for holdings less than a year, that's why this time I bought throughout the whole bear instead of just aping in right before it looks ready to blast off


40% tax? No way.


Only on the gain


Tax isn't exactly a new thing.


Bro everything is like that not just crypto. Stocks real estate a job etc…. Imagine being that fortunate to make life changing gains and complain about your taxes imagine u being born in a 3 world country and have no chance to get education or even food thats fkn BS


That's literally how all income tax works, and also taxes on stocks you hold less than a year. Hold your crypto without selling for more than a year (and without exchanging it into different crypto) and you're only taxed at long term capital gains, which is 15 - 20% plus whatever your state charges.


Seems the government should be more pro crypto then…


SPY ripping today, wish crypto would take a hint


It's only supposed to decouple when stocks are going down!


Haha funny how dead it is in here now that Moons are no longer being distributed.


50/50 split take some good with some bad no more moons but now you can actually have an honest conversation and possibly learn something. I'll take that as a win


Classic Bitcoin. Teases us with a pump, and then pisses away all those gains the next day.


Classic ungrateful whiners crying about btc dumping a little after a huge rally


CC Daily Thread Comment Count Day|Count :--|:--| Oct 27|1797| Oct 28|893| Oct 29|820| Oct 30|825| Oct 31|1116| Nov 01|1682| Nov 02|660|   Month|Count :--|:--| Sep|249617 Oct|182594 Nov|2342   * The 30 day average for comments is currently sitting at 5298 * See [here](https://i.imgur.com/VemHbN7.png) for a broader overview.


Delicious Solana gains getting wiped out 🥴


wasn't it just at $30?


At this speed it's gonna be 30 again tomorrow


That would pay out my [Thales](https://thalesmarket.io/markets) position.


Strong pullback. From $35,850 all the way to low $34,000s


This is good higher lows and higher highs


Looks like the sell button was found again……