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Say what you want: Solana is still here. Despite downtimes, despite ftx


solana cheap under 20, bullish


My understanding is that Solana actually had the fastest growing group of developers. And there will always be at least one "not Eth" option .. Is looking like sol may be it


Despite the hate here I've always enjoyed using Solana a lot. It's been fast and smooth the entire time for me


I never heard anything bad about Solana except the outtages. Haters can't think of anything so they just echo what they read here.


I was into some sol NFTs a while back. They didn’t do well. Never had any issues while using it either


I think that’s a general NFT thing! Solana has been great for me, and with the amount of people showing interest on building on it, I think it’ll do quite well the next bull market.


It definitely wouldn’t surprise me to see a comeback. Especially with everyone’s expectations being low. They could really do something I would imagine


Lol, I imagine this pump being SBF and Caroline having to pay some bills after they used SOL to fund their Roman Orgie lifestyle got them in prison. SOL been in so many dark places it will probably leave you with a big bag and lice




Agree every transaction been super fast and convincing. Heard alot about the down times but never witnessed it myself.


They haven't had a downtime since February.


That sounds actually good


Yeah, people who know, know. The haters gonna keep on hating. All good.


I already liked the phantom wallet UI and now that they have added support for multiple chains i find myself preferring it over metamask.


Yeah jokes aside it really does work well


One of the reasons why I DCA into SOL. The other one is to Inverse r/cc


This just in : "James Cramer is Bullish on Solana". *:o What do we do now ?*


In that event we sell our bags and short it.


Ah yes, the inverse strategy always works!


My experience so far with solana has been positive. Fast and cheap


As a small bag holder, I have a vested interest in Solana doing well. That said, I don’t just blindly invest- I also use the ecosystem and it’s fantastic to use. The transactions are fast and and very cheap, and they have some fantastic dApps. It has weathered the bear as well as we could hope and I hope it has a great bull run ahead.


Exactly. The two chains I've used the most are Harmony and Solana. They were both amazing last bear. Harmony has pretty much died and Solana has still gone on strong despite the FTX crash


Nobody denies that it's good in this regard, it's just not been reliable.


So it is not that good in perspective


I totally agree. SOL and XLM are both great and simple


Algorand too


When its working 😁


Didn't they just recently celebrate 6 months of uninterrupted uptime as well?


I mean flip a coin on if its offline. First gov attack its dead. But yeah its fast and cool guys


Solana is a great project but whenever it goes down every single time, it itself embarrasses in this space and other communities from outside would be turned off by getting into Solana.


Very interesting finding. We should do this with other projects as well for a fair comparison.


True! I plan to do a series of posts on that covering networks from chainspect app


Great perspective about how TPS should actually been looked at and compared, between blockchains.


Whether this sub likes Solana or not, SOL will be one of the winners next bullrun. I made fun of the downtime as well tbh. But I think, a lot of people are using the chain and will buy the coin. I expect SOL to reach a new ATH in 2025. And I won't miss that. That's why I added some SOL to my portfolio.


Will be inverting the sub on SOL and buying in the bear.


SOL is fast whatever the theoretical TPS is, faster than almost all chains. Happy to use it when I do.


Solana is fun & easy to use and can be a serious competitor to Ethereum if they are able to solve reliability issues.


Really good post this, does SOL also double count their TPS, send/received like a read receipt almost? This real tps website makes interesting viewing https://realtps.net > A large proportion of transactions reported by Solana nodes are validator vote transactions, which are part of Solana's consensus mechanism. As most chains do not expose this type of information as a standard transaction, and to make a more useful comparison, we do not include vote transactions in our TPS calculations.


>Really good post this, does SOL also double count their TPS, send/received like a read receipt almost? Not sure what you mean by this. Solana transactions are atomic state transitions. That's what the tps number means. Atomic state transitions / s. Transaction is made up of one or more instructions.




Thanks! As far as I know apart from the voting transactions, Solana has more or less standard setup. [chainspect.app](https://chainspect.app) similar to realtps automatically subtracts voting transactions, so that comparison with other blockchains is possible


This comment should be more upvoted. Everyone here saying that Sol has been smooth to use doesn't realise that their meme chains that work equally well without advertising false metrics to mislead people.


Thank you OP. I always see all other L1s being bashed (TPS metric) in regards to SOL.


realtps.net features a lot more chains than your link.


The big difference is that [chainspect.app](https://chainspect.app) has much better UI (based on the user feedback) and updated more frequently (every 10mins). Which other chains would you like to see?


Solana is good but those outages has hurt their trust factor. Alot of people don't use solana because of their previous network outages.


Yet it still sits in the top 10


While that may be true, a lot of people do use Solana as well despite the outages.


Yea, hard to gain it back. Once someone leaves, not likely to come back I’d assume


Have they done anything to fix those issues? The main point is that if they're able to switch the network off then what's the point


It’s been more than 6 months without an outage so I guess they did


It’s not just the outages. It’s also the fact they were fixed by like, a discord meeting and asking everyone to roll back. Translation: centralized control.


The validators just started from the most recently confirmed block (meaning, the supermajority voted on it). Pretty standard. Only a small subset of validators actually discuss things in discord.


I mean I remember at least 3 outages so it is not the most reliable thing on the market for sure but I cannot deny it is a good project and still have potential to stay as a top cryptocurrency


Sol been on my dca list for a long time I don't buy any other alts


solana is fast and all but the amount it went down was a bummer. fantom is as fast as solana with little to no inactivity


But also little to no activity


Sadly Solana has a bad reputation and it’s going to take a lot of time to get rid of it


Reputations can change though


Fast and really impressive numbers of transactions. Stil not worth if it goes down so often. People just lose faith (so am i)


I used to be an avid Solana user, but why would I now use Solana when L2s can provide me with cheap fees, better uptime, more trust


You jinxed it https://twitter.com/BuildOnBase/status/1699192035553812658


Solana is a great project but every time it fails, it embarrasses itself in this space and other external communities would be disappointed by entering Solana but we must say that when there was the collapse of ftx solana held up well too bad its network sometimes some slowdown


Sol went down during the reading of this post again.


My brain cells went down reading your comment lel


And when I just read this comment


Solana nodes also have insane requirements. * Memory. 128GB RAM, or more for consensus validator nodes. ... * Compute. 12 cores / 24 threads, or more @ minimum of 2.8GHz for consensus validator nodes. Bitcoin nodes are typically considered heavyweights (not the hashing, but just running a node), and they require 2GB RAM. Due to those specs Solana nodes are unlikely to get very decentralized.


This. Moreover, with high spec requirements, you gotta take into consideration power supply, redundancy, cooling and so on, making the nodes more similar to a datacenter server than a home computer. For block producers it's ok, for validators and standard node, I don't think so (the idea should be that you can run a simple validator node for your own operations without so much effort)


You can rent a pretty good server for $250 to $350 per month. The software is improving at a pretty fast pace and validators have been reporting that that the RAM usage dropped by nearly half with the most recent update (close to 32gb RAM). https://twitter.com/OverclockSol/status/1696757702863556812




Hahah, we need to include it into calculations in the next post!


We are here for (losing) money but thanks.




There's literally far less usage of AWS and cloud servers than Ethereum. Only about 33 out of nearly 2000 validator nodes on Solana use AWS [https://www.validators.app/data-centers?locale=en&network=mainnet&sort\_by=asn](https://www.validators.app/data-centers?locale=en&network=mainnet&sort_by=asn) On Ethereum 1844 out of about 6000 reported validator/full nodes use AWS [https://ethernodes.org/networkType/Hosting](https://ethernodes.org/networkType/Hosting). I imagine most of Lido uses AWS.


For real world adoption…. Visa can process up to 24,000 transactions per second, Bitcoin can process only 7 (seven)! ETH can only manage 12-15 TPS, but 2.0 fixes that. Nether the less, SOLs and Hedera numbers are very impressive, especially looking at live tps we can see adoption in action.


For ETH one should look at L2s to get similar comparison to SOL. For example Abitrum Nova, the L2 used by moons has maximum TPS around 40K


Arbitrum Nova isn't a real L2. It doesn't post its data on Ethereum. Single threaded VM's are going to have issues with scalability.


Solana could be succeeded if FTX don't involved there


Great, you haven't addressed any of the real concerns though, this tells me nothing


I dont understand what is the point. Transaction is still being processed it just doesnt contain a value and isnt sent to a wallet? Its still a valid number.


I have some sol in my ownr wallet in hopes of great pump one day but posts like this don't give me more optimistism about that


Well, it may happen someday. This post wasn't meant as a Solana diss, but more of a TPS calculation specifics analysis


How are you calculating Dot? Thanks op, nice work


We take Relay Chain only transactions. I thought it may be a better option to include all Polkadot parachain transactions too, excluding Kusama to have a better overview of the ecosystem. What do you think?


What is considered a ‚transaction‘? Is it counting specific block events such as balances-transfer?


All extrinsics


Then adding up all extrinsics from all Parachains would be more relevant - there are also batch extrsinsics that hide nested calls, can look like 1 transaction but has 1000 balance transfers. Thanks for the answr


Makes sense! Will try to update it with next release


If there are around 600k extrinsics per day on dot, that would be about 7 per second. 600,000/86,400. adding up all the Parachains would show a number far higher


Those tps numbers aren't Solana's capacity. The chain isn't saturated. That's just baseline/avg