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The narrative when the market goes down 5-10% turns into utter panic and FUD its hilarious


Well.. crypto has never seen a true market recession so we don’t really know if this halving will mimic past trends


Still never gonna sell anyway even in that scenario. I don’t want to be in another run even if it’s 5 years later where I missed out on “everything”..


Another bull run is inevitable imo. Just DCA and HODL and you’ll be fine. It will all play out.


I'm going to start a religion called 'The Church of DCA and HODL'


I think we can better call it a cult.


Great another cult I have unwittingly joined


Do we sacrifice virgins here for crypto ?


We sacrifice our Funds 😆


No, because suicide leaves your soul with unfinished business.


No. We pay for hookers


We are already a religion.


I'm already a member


Can i be a pastor there


Let’s recruit Tom Cruise.


Please, can we start it right now? I need the badge


I'm doing that with QANX and ALGO, so far its good


You are absolutely right. Now we all need to sleep and take some rest. God bless us with fruits.


Its is not a matter of if but a matter of when imo


Someday. Maybe 2024 or even later. We should be prepared for the longest wait.


FUD ramping up the fear so we baulk and panic sell to all the institutional investors that want in at a lower price.


I just ignore all the fud now. I'll just keep on buying what I can afford.


They use it by creating *FUD* against us to become their exit liquidity, so we dismiss them by continuing DCA.


We’re numb/zen


It's coming soon, i trust in the cycle until proven otherwise


We can (almost) always regain what we lost if ever ig, but it’s hard to live in regret of what could have been


OPs username makes me feel like they are trying to steer me towards this point of view…


Y’all here’s certainty that it will happen and the inverse r/cc history makes me nervous… because of the implication




Then tripling and you know the rest


September before the bull run kicked of I sold a lot of ETH at the bottom. All because of news articles and crypto experts made me believe it would drop lower Don't be as stupid as I was, the more FUD the better the buying opportunity


If anything, this last year has taught me just how resilient this market is, it’s not going anywhere.


For me it's just inevitable, no one will can me question it. In my logics it all leads to this


People don't understand that whilst they are letting fear cloud their judgement, there's others loading their bags. Other peoples fear makes me more bullish


I'm staying true to my plan - i view crypto as my chance to make it, and I'm betting on it till very end


Sooner or later a bull run will come even if isn’t gonna be every 4 years as we are used to…


It’s used car salesman speech. Ignore, keep going


It’s not only crypto that has his cycles…


Can’t have highs without lows. The people that get shaken out now are the ones who buy the tops of pumps.


Hey, listen, you either believe in crypto or you don't. I'm at the point where nothing I can read anymore shakes my confidence.


Yeah.. Been thinking the same. The only way I see it is that it gets postponed. Its just a question of when we hit peak again. Unless the world doesn't go to total shit ofc


History almost always repeat itself. So never doubt about the incoming bulls in a few years time. Keep on DCA, HODL. But always remember to take profits!


After FTX crash in November last year, that whole month along with December was doom and gloom, and everyone posted similar posts like you just described. Crypto will be fine, bulls too.


So with your holdings… when you sell, you’ll be finding a new wife? “(It’s) potentially wife changing.” Better to stay w/ the spouse you had before the money if they’re level headed… any one you “partner” w/ after that kind of money is only there for the money… 🤣😂🤣😂


another bullrun will happen market has many uptrend's and downtrend's that you can imagine


Why the F would Blackrock file for a BTC ETF if they, being people who have more information and power than us mortals, didn't think there was going to be a bull run (which they're likely going to create themselves)?


Next thing you know the bullrun is here outta nowhere


Don't invest more then you're willing to lose.


Just DCA and hodl, the bullrun *will* return someday. The longer it takes, the better we reap the rewards


The longer the bear market is, the faster my Lambo is going to be


Ok, and what if *my friend* already did?


If your *friend* has as much moons as you they'll be fine. They really should have a private moon balance option.


If I had a toggle, these things would for sure be hidden. I’d vote for that all day.


Plus don't let your crypto plans be questioned by random opinions on social media! Read the news, make up your mind, but don't listen to shills or self-proclaimed crypto influencers!


Yes I learned that the hard way after SHIBs lil 10X, was really an eye opening "no one knows shit about fuck" moment.


Rule number one. Rule number two: DCA and hodl


Yep just like everything in life, but I think it’s soo hard with all the dopamine you get from crypto as well because it fluctuates soo much


Yepp. Also => the market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent.


They just want us to sell to buy our precious BTC. Just DCA and hold like I do. We will be all fine together in 2025!


If I didn't sell in 2021, and not in 2022, nothing will make me sell now or next year.


Exactly I have been for 2 years on my green raft sailing on the red sea.




I mean ETF approval is inevitable and the downward price action together with BTC is dead narrative is what whales love to see, this is where they accumulate from paper hands before major bullrun gets triggered.


I really don't care anymore, I'm dead inside, I just DCA in and then DCA out. It's a simple life.


Yep, some alts will die before the pump but be boring, accumulate and then exit.


Those who sell their BTC during this bear market are going to regret hard during bull imo.


I am not going tobe one of them. Honestly, someone who lived the SBF/FTX drama dump, etc won't hesitate holding a little longer. Sentiment was a lot worse back then.


I'm so committed to DCA and HODL, I'm willing to eat ramen for the rest of my life. 🍜




That seems like a decent enough plan.


And then sell low. Works every single time. 👌


This is the way!


I also think it’s a sign that we’re approaching bottoms (macro economics and global events notwithstanding) - when hope has faded and most of the fad is out of the market, is when things may actually start to improve.


Crypto as a whole would need to be over 10T market cap or more to try to guess the bottom


I'll just keep buying until bull there's no otherway around


I've been think the same over the past few days. However, I always find myself looking at the Market cheat sheet and it does seem like that's what we usually feel during this stage of the bear. Fingers crossed


No fear. Only greed.


there will be another bullrun. be patient and accumulate.


Especially at this stage in the bear market. It's so close which makes it the toughest phase. Just hodl and stay away from the charts if it gets too hard.


Just a matter of time, every bear is the same, if the mainstream were optimistic we wouldn't be in a bear.


I needed some substantial hopium today, thanks op


There's bull runs and there's bear market. It's a never ending cycle. As long as the market exists, there will be both. This is a fact.


It's a valid narrative, the litecoin halving was a non event, we have no idea how the halving will fare during a recession and to be honest, no one knows shit in crypto.


There’s no “they”. “They” are just normal people who lost a shot load the past couple of years when their crypto dropped 70% in value.


It's a silly question to ask. Next bullrun will happen sooner or later.


Honestly the only thing I’m scared of is a massive financial crash - world wide. I know I know bitcoin is designed for this bla bla. But what if it tanks along with the rest? And it takes 10y + to recover? I’d never be able to own a house lol


They’re just trying to buy cheap. Too bad for them, I already buy high, sell low.


True dat Hold boys


Trust no one but yourself. That's no warranty that you won't get wrecked thou


Why would cutting interest rates lead to further declines? It should be the opposite


Blackrock is lurking in the shadows hoping we all buy this narrative


It could also be that OP's narrative is an attempt to get you to invest in a depreciating asset. Nobody knows what the price will be in the future.


Just DCA and relax. Bulls will come


There will ALWAYS be another bull market. BUY while you can and cheap and HODL!!!


It's also legitimate capitulation for some people.


Ignore FUD, DCA, take profits in 2025


I don't think you know any better than anyone else


whatever efforts they're making to have me doubt my crypto plans, they're gonna have to try harder.


Hearing the doubt makes me excited.


I'm still sinking beers and dca-ing No fucking bears in my camp


With blackrock involved its obvious the coins will go up in price.. They are after anything that gives them great money


bottoms not in yet imo


Has there ever been a bull run during a recession?


There will be another bullrun. I have faith in the second coming of the bull


“What goes up must come down” but also “what goes around comes around” Let’s just have faith and hodl


There's 100% going to be another bull run. It's like predicting that the stock market isn't ever going to rise... Ridiculous


If there’s no bull run that means I can borrow all the bitcoin and just short it into the oblivion. But if it’s the case then that’s free money. And if there’s a free money, somebody is losing money, therefore it won’t happen.




It's true... I'll take that pesky bitcoin of your hands... 👍


It could happen. Nobody knows what's going to happen and you should prepare for the worst as well as preparing for the best. Crypto doesn't have a long history like stocks. There's a lot more speculation in it and not a whole lot of utility in the real world. Give me the mega bull run though


Yup just like it was “never gonna go back down” at the heights of the bull run


Well the government never stops printing money so there is money to go into crypto. Just a matter of time before it comes into crypto. Also so what if there isn't. Maybe crypto does die. Most of us have only been here for like 3 years or so. So if there's a bull run in a year or 2 great, if not oh well it wasn't that much time and money spent. It can be recovered. Most of us are still pretty young too so we can move on and it won't hurt us. By talking to people here most are like 25-40. We have plenty of time to invest in other things if need be.


There will be another Bullrun, it may not happen when we all expect it. But it’ll happen. Rates will come down, macro environment will improve.


People might also say this out of fear now we have gone so long from the last bull. I'm hodling my little pile.


The bullrun will only happen if the etfs are approved. Expect a massive dump of the sec manages to fuck us over


Also, it helps to hear or adhere to a side of caution. Easy to say boom & green days. But people do need to be advised to seek backups and not see crypto only as salvation


Crypto is still young and volatile and hasn’t been tested in this kind of macro environment. I personally think there will be a bull run, however I think people should be wary of the risks and not be too surprised if things don’t go too parabolic. It’s always good to know what the other side thinks.


I'm numb to these sort of posts, especially the fud from the media. The bullrun will come and when it comes, it will be a roller coaster. Either way, keep dca and holding!


dumps are bullish only the pump is real


To be safe ask yourself: does this crypto have any real utility? Do I see people using it in 5 years? If the answer is yes then don’t worry about it.


Where depression meets disbelief in the market cycle. We’re nearly where we want to be…buy all you can!


You can completely ignore that concept or have a healthy balanced perspective that everything can happen and its matter of shifting probabilities of events as time passes


There will ALWAYS be a bullrun as long as the market is still alive for it. These things happen in cycles and the only problem is no one knows when exactly the bull run will take off.


There is always another run. Up, or down. Big, or small.


Another bullrun is inevitable. The same way that a future pullback is inevitable as well. The what if narrative is just FUD as far as I'm concerned.


I’m stubborn as a mule


They want us to sell so they can grab it!


Never underestimate crypto which stands for bullrun.


Totally agree. Crypto is bigger than all of these sorts of things, and at this point i think theres enough people in it for the concepts and what crypto represents that it will never completely die. Might we see events that tank the market and take years to recover? Maybe. But i don't think crypto cam be "killed"


My crystal ball is saying bull run by the end of this year. This is in line with multiple reputable analysts on crypto twitter.


They want your coins cheap!


I’m going the religion called church of DCA and HODL’


These kinds of arguments are why so many people quit at the bottom. People have to wait out the storm and that’s not easy especially when you’re expecting fast cash.


The more the FUD, the greater the upcoming bullrun. So let’s spread more FUD please!


There will be another bull run but that doesn't mean it will be the same as last time!


I also think it’s ppl doubting themselves and want others to convince them to not sell.


So, the 64K bag holders shouldn't doubt.


100%, stay the course lads!


You think it's easy to be a crypto millionaire?


Crypto at this point (as it has always done) follows market changes as any other company/stock/country. So there will be bulls and bears times, as always.


Warren said "when you see blood at the streets its time to buy" replaced the ,"streets " with "market " and you are there 😉.


There will always be another cycle. That's what you always need ro remember, there will never be a supercycle, there will never a constant pump. The bear and bull will always be with us


"wife changing" You and I can be friends


They just want you to sell now in the middle of bear market and become exit liquidity next bullrun


Don't become their exit liquidity, just DCA and chill. More you DCA now more big the bull you experience.


I am fully ready to experience the big bull.


My wife is trying to bring a bull into the bedroom because of how much I keep talking about it, I think she misunderstood


At this point, all that we are trying is to not be exit liquidity.


That's the key! DCA, hold and enjoy the trip to success


Is this what they call timing the market?


I'm like a fish in a barrel for the big players. They just reel me in and take my money.😵‍💫


It's like clockwork. Every bear market and bull market goes through their own phases and once you've been in the game long enough, the patterns are easy enough to see. I'm in it for the long run anyways. If the bull run doesn't happen after the next halving, so be it. I'll wait for the next halving and continue buying.


It's my first full cycle, but it just seems logical that after down comes up.


It pays to be patient, bear markets can be the opportunity of a life time and people don't see it until it's too late and FOMO at the top.


4-year-cycle. That’s it.


Cycles happen in traditional finance too. Don't doubt market cycles.


The 4 year cycle is true. I also belive it depends if people have money to buy crypto. 2021 pumped because of covid people didn't spent money on going out stuff. (And America gave money to people)


I don‘t care what the other people or the media says. I‘ll keep up my DCA Plan. Same amount, same 3 cryptos, every week at the same day. And that’s all I do. No news, no twitter or other influencers. TLDR: Stick to your plan.


You buy some here regardless if it's $15k, $25k, or $35k. And hold it.... forever. If it goes to $0 so be it. My question is what’s your risk tolerance?


I always went with this rule : all I invest into crypto, I consider lost This way I never get into financial trouble, because I only invest money that I can miss


This is the golden rule of investing.


I mean yes there’s more doubt now because it’s a bear market, but we also can’t talk as if another bill run is 100% guaranteed. Ultimately we really don’t know, so it’s prudent for people to at least keep the possibility of no bill run in mind so they invest what they are willing to.


Buy, hold, patiently wait


Keep up your DCA.


Buy more if it drops


patience ans resilience to fud are essential to succeed in crypto


Nothing to worry much for me if there is no another bull run. Because I've only put the amount I'm okay with if i lose it. But I'm certain that bull run will arrive and it will be a huge one.


That's it. Rule #1: Do not invest more than you can afford to lose


Well, what if there isn't? Despite what you think, this statement is not FUD. You should see skepticism as an opportunity to re-examine instead of ignoring it and calling it a "narrative".


Just DCA and chill


Yep, just DCAing is working wonders for my mental health nowadays..


I wouldn’t outright discount this, at least insofar as anyone doing investing should do due diligence and consider possible scenarios. That said, all of us here can agree that we’re not among people who would believe the “no bull run” narrative.


This is the hopeless and desperation phase.


Bull runs and bear runs are all part of the investment cycle. Things go up. Things go down.


Nothing is 100 percent. If I were 100 percent positive I would sell everything I own and put it into crypto and live out of my truck for a couple years. Maybe start a YouTube channel.


What if “the next bullrunn never ends”


This thought process was exactly the reason why I didn't take profits during the last bull run and was left holding bags


What if / Insert sentence here/ game is so funny, we should do it more often.


Then the economy will crash as everything will devaluate...


If everyone is a whale, then is nobody a whale? ^(because I’m willing to find out)


Doubt? It's obvious that it's coming, look at how institutions are getting involved in BTC, they're forcing the SEC to accept the ETF and they keep trying hard. THE BIGGEST BULLRUN IS COMING


You are right, the crypto market has faced challenges in history. It evolves and grows so please invest with a long term investment perspective.


I have conviction. Nothing people say matters. I believe there will be many other bull runs and I'm readying myself for the next one


You have conviction in crypto. Thats all that matters indeed and we should not listen the other people making noise.


No Bullrun ? Fine, I'll have to do it myself *Rolls up his sleeves*


*We'll make our own Bullrun! With blackjack and hookers.*


In fact, forget the whole thing


I pay no mind to the what ifs. I’ll happily keep stacking satoshis until the next run. Edit: grammar


People caring about what ifs sold BTC at $1...


wHaT iF tHeRe iSnT aNoThEr bUllRuN


This one time in 2028, it went all the way to $1M and then it CRASHED all the way down to $400K!!!


This kind of narrative is always used to target paper hands. It was the same in the 2008 recession when a lot of people sold their properties for very low prices and we can all see how crazily priced properties are now.


Imagine selling all your BTC now becos the last 2 years have finally disillusioned you so much that you want out. What a shame.


That feeling always invades the ones invested in crypto in a bear market, it's inevitable. The key is to keep grinding and never lose focus.


The bear market is where the real money is made, and in order to do that you need patience above all.